The Warlock of Firetop Mountain by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson

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Marcus Antonius

Per Ardua Ad Astra
TNP Nation
Marcus Antonius #8887
Many years ago,1982! :blink:

I came across a book.

It was called 'The Warlock of Firetop Mountain'.

It is a simple solo fantasy adventure game.

I later had experience of playing D&D and Star Trek Battles, but this came first.

Remember folks this was in the days before PC's.

This book was the first in an extensive series of adventures called Fighting Fantasy books.

I hope you find it entertaining. :D


If you do like the game, then please 'like' the posts in the thread that you like.

This will give me a clear indication of the game's/book's popularity, which would encourage me to publish more of the titles.

Thank you! :D
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Part story, part game, this is a book in which YOU become the hero!

Your quest is to find the Warlock's treasure, hidden deep within a dungeon populated with a multitude of terrifying monsters.

You will need courage, determination and a fair amount of luck if you are to survive all the traps and battles, and reach your goal —

the innermost chambers of the Warlock's domain.

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need to make your journey.

YOU decide which route to follow, which dangers to risk and which monsters to fight.
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Before embarking on your adventure, you must first determine your own strengths and weaknesses. You have in your possession a sword and a shield together with a rucksack containing provisions (food and drink) for the trip. You have been preparing for your quest by training yourself in swordplay and exercising vigorously to build up your stamina.

To see how effective your preparations have been, you must use the dice to determine your initial skill and stamina scores. There is an Adventure Sheet which you may use to record the details of an adventure. On it you will find boxes for recording your skill and stamina scores.

You are advised to either record your scores on the Adventure Sheet in pencil, or make photocopies of the page to use in future adventures.
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Skill, Stamina and Luck​

Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter this total in the skill box on the Adventure Sheet.

Roll both dice. Add 12 to the number rolled and enter this total in the stamina box.

There is also a luck box. Roll one die, add 6 to this number and enter this total in the luck box.

For reasons that will be explained below, skill, stamina and luck scores change constantly during an adventure. You must keep an accurate record of these scores and for this reason you are advised either to write small in the boxes or to keep an eraser handy. But never rub out your Initial scores. Although you may be awarded additional skill, stamina and luck points, these totals may never exceed your Initial scores, except on very rare occasions, when you will be instructed on a particular page.

Your skill score reflects your swordsmanship and general fighting expertise; the higher the better. Your stamina score reflects your general constitution, your will to survive, your determination and overall fitness; the higher your stamina score, the longer you will be able to survive. Your luck score indicates how naturally lucky a person you are. Luck - and magic - are facts of life in the fantasy kingdom you are about to explore.


You will often come across pages in the book which instruct you to fight a creature of some sort. An option to flee may be given, but if not - or if you choose to attack the creature anyway - you must resolve the battle as described below.

First record the creature's skill and stamina scores in the first vacant Monster Encounter Box on your Adventure Sheet. The scores for each creature are given in the book each rime you have an encounter.

The sequence of combat is then:

1. Roll the two dice once for the creature. Add its skill score. This total is the creature's Attack Strength.

2. Roll the two dice once for yourself. Add the number rolled to your current skill score. This total is your Attack Strength.

3. If your Attack Strength is higher than that of the creature, you have wounded it. Proceed to step 4. If the creature's Attack Strength is higher than yours, it has wounded you. Proceed to step 5. If both Attack Strength totals are the same, you have avoided each other's blows - start the next Attack Round from step 1 above.

4. You have wounded the creature, so subtract 2 points from its stamina score. You may use your luck here to do additional damage (see over).

5. The creature has wounded you, so subtract 2 points from your own stamina score. Again you may use luck at this stage (see over).

6. Make the appropriate adjustments to either the creature's or your own stamina scores (and your luck score if you used luck - see over).

7. Begin the next Attack Round (repeat steps 1-6). This sequence continues until the stamina score of either you or the creature you are fighting has been reduced to zero (death).


On some pages you may be given the option of running away from a battle should things be going badly for you. However, if you do run away, the creature automatically gets in one wound on you (subtract 2stamina points) as you flee. Such is the price of cowardice. Note that you may use luck on this wound in the normal way (see below). You may only Escape if that option is specifically given to you on the page.

Fighting More Than One Creature​

If you come across more than one creature in a particular encounter, the instructions on that page will tell you how to handle the battle. Sometimes you will treat them as a single monster; sometimes you will fight each one in turn.


At various times during your adventure, either in battles or when you come across situations in which you could either be lucky or unlucky (details of these are given on the pages themselves), you may call on your luck to make the outcome more favourable. But beware! Using luck is a risky business and if you are unlucky, the results could be disastrous.

The procedure for using your luck is as follows: roll two dice. If the number rolled is equal to or less than your current luck score, you have been lucky and the result will go in your favour. If the number rolled is higher than your current luck score, you have been unlucky and you will be penalized.

This procedure is known as Testing your Luck. Each time you 'Test your Luck', you must subtract one point from your current luck score. Thus you will soon realize that the more you rely on your luck, the more risky this will become.

Using Luck in Battles​

On certain pages of the book you will be told to Test your Luck and will be told the consequences of your being lucky or unlucky. However, in battles, you always have the option of using your luck either to inflict a more serious wound on a creature you have just wounded, or to minimize the effects of a wound the creature has just inflicted on you.

If you have just wounded the creature, you may Test your Luck as described above. If you are lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound and may subtract an extra 2 points from the creature's stamina score. However, if you are unlucky, the wound was a mere graze and you must restore 1 point to the creature's stamina (i.e. instead of scoring the normal 2 points of damage, you have now scored only 1).

If the creature has just wounded you, you may Test your Luck to try to minimize the wound. If you are lucky, you have managed to avoid the full damage of the blow. Restore i point of stamina (i.e. instead of doing 2 points of damage it has done only i). If you are unlucky, you have taken a more serious blow. Subtract i extra stamina point.

Remember that you must subtract 1 point from your own luck score each time you Test your Luck.

Restoring Skill, Stamina and Luck​


Your skill score will not change much during your adventure. Occasionally, a page may give instructions to increase or decrease your skill score. A Magic Weapon may increase your skill, but remember that only one weapon can be used at a time! You cannot claim 2 skill bonuses for carrying two Magic Swords. Your skill score can never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed. Drinking the Potion of Skill (see later) will restore your skill to its Initial level at any time.

Stamina and Provisions​

Your stamina score will change a lot during your adventure as you fight monsters and undertake arduous tasks. As you near your goal, your stamina level may be dangerously low and battles may be particularly risky, so be careful!

Your haversack contains enough Provisions for ten meals. You may rest and eat only when allowed by the instructions on a page, and you may eat only one meal at a time. Eating a meal restores 4 stamina points. When you eat a meal, add 4 points to your stamina score and deduct 1 point from your Provisions. A separate Provisions Remaining box is provided on the Adventure Sheet for recording details of Provisions. Remember that you have a long way to go, so use your Provisions wisely!

Remember also that your stamina score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Strength (see later) will restore your stamina to its Initial level at any time.


Additions to your luck score are awarded through the adventure when you have been particularly lucky. Details are given on the pages of the book. Remember that, as with skill and stamina, your luck score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Fortune (see later) will restore your luck to its Initial level at any time, and increase your Initial luck by 1 point.


You will start your adventure with a bare minimum of equipment, but you may find other items during your travels. You are armed with a sword and are dressed in leather armour. You have a rucksack (haversack, backpack) on your back to hold your Provisions and any treasures you may come across. You also carry a lantern which lights your way.

In addition, you may take one bottle of a magical potion which will aid you on your quest. You may choose to take a bottle of any of the following:

A Potion of Skill - restores skill points

A Potion of Strength - restores stamina points

A Potion of Fortune - restores luck points and adds 1 to Initial luck

These potions may be taken at any time during your adventure. Taking a measure of potion will restore skill, stamina or luck scores to their Initial level (and the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point to your Initial luck score before luck is restored).

Each bottle of potion contains enough for two measures i.e. the characteristic may be restored twice during an adventure. Each time it is used make a note on your Adventure Sheet.

Remember also that you may only choose one of the three potions to take on your trip, so choose wisely!


There is one true way through the Warlock's dungeon and it will take you several attempts to find it. Make notes and draw a map as you explore - this map will be invaluable in future adventures and enable you to progress rapidly through to unexplored sections.

Not all rooms contain treasure; many merely contain traps and creatures which you will no doubt fall foul of. There are many 'wild goose chase' passages and whilst you may indeed progress through the dungeon, you will not take the Warlock's treasure unless you have picked up certain specific items on the way.

Several keys will be found in dungeon rooms. Only by arriving at the Warlock's treasure with the correct keys to open his chest will you get to his treasure. You can expect many frustrations in Firetop Mountain.

The one true way involves a minimum of risk and any player, no matter how weak on initial dice rolls, should be able to get through fairly easily.

May the luck of the gods go with you on the adventure ahead!


Only a foolhardy adventurer would embark upon such a perilous quest without first finding out as much as possible about the mountain and its treasures . Before your arrival at the foot of Firetop Mountain, you spent several days with the townsfolk of a local village some two days' journey from the base. Being a likeable sort of person, you found it easy to get on with the local peasants. Although they told many stories about the mysterious Warlock's sanctuary, you could not feel sure that all-or indeed any - of these were based on fact. The villagers had seen many adventurers pass through on their way to the mountain, but very few ever returned. The journey ahead was extremely dangerous, that you knew for certain. Of those who returned to the village, none contemplated going back to Firetop Mountain.

There seemed to be some truth in the rumour that the Warlock's treasure was stored in a magnificent chest with two locks, and the keys to these locks were guarded by various creatures within the dungeons. The Warlock himself was a sorcerer of great power. Some described him as old, others as young. Some said his power came from an enchanted deck of cards, others from the silky black gloves that he wore.

The entrance to the mountain was guarded by a pack of warty-faced Goblins, stupid creatures, fond of their food and drink. Towards the inner chambers, the creatures became more fearsome. To reach the inner chambers you would have to cross a river. The ferry service was regular, but the ferryman enjoyed a good barter, so you should save a Gold Piece for the trip. The locals also encouraged you to keep a good map of your wanderings, for without a map you would end up hopelessly lost within the mountain.

When it finally came to your day of leaving, the whole village turned out to wish you a safe journey. Tears came to the eyes of many of the women, young and old alike. You couldn't help wondering whether they were tears of sorrow shed by eyes which would never see you alive again...



The steep face in front of you looks to have been savaged by the claws of some gargantuan beast.

At last your two-day hike is over. You unsheathe your sword, lay it on the ground and sigh with relief as you lower yourself down on to the mossy rocks to sit for a moment's rest. You stretch, rub your eyes and finally look up at Firetop Mountain.

The very mountain itself looks menacing. The steep face in front of you looks to have been savaged by the claws of some gargantuan beast. Sharp rocky crags jut out at unnatural angles. At the top of the mountain you can see the eerie red colouring - probably some strange vegetation-which has given the mountain its name. Perhaps no one will ever know exactly what grows up there, as climbing the peak must surely be impossible.

Your quest lies ahead of you. Across the clearing is a dark cave entrance. You pick up your sword, get to your feet and consider what dangers may lie ahead of you. But with determination, you thrust the sword home into its scabbard and approach the cave.

You peer into the gloom to see dark, slimy walls with pools of water on the stone floor in front of you. The air is cold and dank. You light your lantern and step warily into the blackness. Cobwebs brush your face and you hear the scurrying of tiny feet: rats, most likely. You set off into the cave. After a few yards you arrive at a junction. Will you turn west[71] or east[278]?
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Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, you escape without attracting the Ogre's attention.

If you are Unlucky, you curse as you kick a small stone which goes skidding across the cavern floor.

You draw your sword in case the Ogre has heard it - Click here [16].

If you were Lucky, you creep down the corridor back to the crossroads.

Click here [269].
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The bell gives a dull clang and after a few moments you see a withered old man climb into a small rowing boat moored on the north bank.

He rows slowly across to you, moors the boat and limps towards you.

He asks you for 3 Gold Pieces.

When you protest at the price he mumbles some flimsy excuse about 'inflation'.

He begins to get angry at your protestations.

Do you pay him the 3 Gold Pieces [272] or threaten him [127]?
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You find yourself in a north-south corridor.

To the north the passage turns east some metres ahead, Go north [46].

To the south, the passageway also turns east, go south [332].
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The large solid door has no handle. You charge it, but to no avail.

The door is not going to budge.

You decide to give up and go through the opening you passed in the east-west passageway some way back.

Click here[89].
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The passage ahead ends at a sturdy door.

You listen but hear nothing.

You try the handle, it turns, and you enter the room.

As you look around you hear a loud cry from behind you and swing round to see a wild man leaping towards you wielding a large battle axe.

He is a mad BARBARIAN and you must fight him!


There is a door in the north wall opposite, through which you may Escape during the battle. Escape (189). If you defeat the Barbarian, [273].
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Amazed at the success of your bluff, you decide to push your luck a little further.

You can either examine the Skeletons' tools or pretend you're looking for work-sheets and look through the drawers of the various benches.

If you choose the tools [34].

If you search the drawers [322].

You hear a noise from behind the north door and realize you will have to hurry!
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You are now watching various tools digging and hammering as if being handled by invisible workers.
You follow the passage westwards until it turns round a corner to the south.

Just before the bend is a signpost which reads 'Under Construction'.

In front of you is the beginning of a stairway leading downwards.

Only three steps have been built so far.

A number of shovels, picks and other tools were lying on the ground by the steps but, as you turned the corner, they suddenly flurried into action and began working on the steps.

You are now watching various tools digging and hammering as if being handled by invisible workers.

A humming chant becomes louder and you recognize it as: 'Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, It's off to work we go ...'

As you stand watching you start to chuckle - the scene is quite amusing.

You sit and watch and even manage to chat to some of the magical tools.

Gain 2 stamina points and 1 skill point whilst you relax.

Then turn back up the passageway to the crossroads where you may go either northwards (366) or southwards (250).

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As you pull the knob, a deafening clanging noise rings through the passageways.

You frantically push the knob back to stop the alarm, but it has already had its effect.

You can hear footsteps coming closer down the corridor, you realise you have no choice, but to fight!

Note down the number 12 so that you may return to this section after fighting your battle.

Click here [161] to find what you have attracted.

When you have defeated this creature, you may either return to the junction (256) or you may push the knob (364).
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Your head hurts and you feel dizzy as you rise to your feet.

The four men stir into action and move towards you in single file with their weapons ready.

You grope your way down the wall for the south door but it will be touch and go whether you make it.

Your foot slips on a loose pebble and you fall to the ground.

Before you can regain your footing, the creatures are upon you.

Click here [282].

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There are no signs of any secret passages, but you suddenly hear footsteps coming towards you.

You must fight this creature.

If you defeat the monster, turn to 117.

Note this reference so you know where to return to.

To find out what is coming Click here [161].
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As you sit on the bench and eat your food, you begin to feel deeply relaxed and the aches from your body seem to be soothing themselves away.

This resting place is enchanted.

You may restore 2 additional stamina points as well as the normal amount (but only if this does not exceed your Initial stamina score) and restore 1 skill point if any have been lost.

When you are ready to continue, move along the passage Click here [367].

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Using the wooden stake and mallet (or makeshift mallet if you aren't carrying one), you form a cross and move towards the Vampire, backing it into a corner.

It hisses and snatches at you but cannot come near you.

However, it is going to be tricky getting the stake through its heart.

As you advance, you stumble and fall forwards.

As luck would have it, the stake flies forward and plunges into the shrieking creature.

Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, the stake pierces the Vampire's heart.

If you are Unlucky, the Vampire is merely grazed by the wound (deduct 3 points from its stamina) and it flings you backwards across the room towards the west door.

To Escape through the west door [380].

To keep on fighting [144].

If you were Lucky and killed the Vampire, you may look for its treasure - [327].

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You walk westwards along the passageway.

After fifty metres or so, the way turns northwards.

Two or three paces up the passage, you hear a crumbling beneath your feet and you try to leap back as the ground gives way.

Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, you manage to leap quickly backwards before a pit opens.

If you are Unlucky, you are too slow and you fall over two metres down into a pit - lose l stamina point.

If you were Lucky, you had better return to the junction (261).

If you were Unlucky, Click here [348].

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These two evil creatures are GOBLINS.

They attack you one at a time.

First GOBLIN55
Second GOBLIN56

If you kill the Goblins, Click here [317].
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The skirmish commences.

You have your sword, they have their axes.

They come at you one at a time:

First DWARF74
Second DWARF66
Third DWARF75
Fourth DWARF75


If you win [376].

If the battle is going badly, you may Escape [291] through the door.

- but don't forget your Escaping penalty.
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You poke around looking for signs of secret doors but can find none.

You pause to ponder your situation and a small jet of gas hisses from the ceiling.

You cough and choke to clear your lungs, but collapse to your knees.

Your head spins and you flop to the floor in an unconscious heap.

When you come to, you look around in an unfamiliar place.

Click here [4].

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