The Warlock of Firetop Mountain by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson

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There is no way you are going to charge the door down, as it is twelve centimetres of solid oak!

You bruise your sword arm at the attempt - lose 1 skill point.

You can only get through the door if you have the Boat House key (if you have this key, Click here [80], and more fool you for not using it straightaway).

Otherwise you will have to return to the riverbank and try again [129].
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The case opens easily and inside you find a magnificent bow and one silver arrow.

An inscription on the case says: 'The giver of sleep to those who never can'.

You put the bow, arrow and case in your pack and leave the room, but you may eat Provisions first - and add 1 luck point.

Click here [237].
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Their vocabulary is limited to a series of moans and groans.

They appear not to be intelligent at all.

Furthermore your conversation merely serves to attract their attention to you.

They grip their weapons and it looks as though you will have to fight them.

However, there is a slim chance that you could make it to the door you came in through.

If you want to try for that door [13].

If you have resigned yourself to a battle, Click here [282].
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You enter the cavern and look around to see dozens of beautifully coloured stalactites and stalagmites bordering the perimeter.

Numerous drips can be heard, but the whole place seems like a magic grotto.

Near the back of the cavern, you come across a pair of boots, which seem to have been made quite recently.

Will you:

Continue investigating the cavern?Click here [61]
Try on the boots?Click here [394]
Leave the cavern and return to the junction?Click here [375]
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He calms down, takes the Gold (deduct this from your Gold) and rows you across to the north bank.

After mooring the boat he ambles off down a passageway.

Click here [7].
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A search of the room reveals nothing of any value, although an old box in the corner contains a wooden mallet and five short stumps of wood, sharpened at one end.

You may take these if you wish, and can now leave through the door in the north wall [189].
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You leave the cavern along a long, narrow corridor.

After several hundred metres, it ends at a large wooden door which is slightly ajar.

Carefully you ease it open a little further and poke your head around the side to see what is in the room.

You see a small old man sitting at a table on his own, playing with a pack of cards.

He looks quite a harmless old soul, grey-haired and bearded.

He is seated.

What will you do:

Burst through the door, sword drawn, to surprise the old man?Click here [324]
Knock on the door and enter, greeting the old man courteously?Click here [356]
Get down on all fours and try to creep into the room unnoticed?Click here [98]

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As you move over towards the second body, you accidentally kick the third corpse on the floor.

Its eyes flick open and it quickly sits up and slashes at you with its long, sharp fingernails.

Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, the creature misses.

If you are Unlucky, it has caught you across the leg and you suffer 1 stamina point's worth of damage.

Click here [230].
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The creature you are facing is a VAMPIRE!

You have various lines of attack.

Your sword will do little real damage.

A Crucifix will hold him at bay but will not kill him.

If you have either of these you may use it to get you through the west door (380).

If you are determined to kill the Vampire, you must overpower it and drive a wooden stake through its heart.

If you have a wooden stake and wish to try to kill the Vampire [17].

If you have none of these, draw your sword [333].
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You arrive back at the junction and this time take the passageway to the east.

The passageway runs for several paces eastwards, then turns north.

Click here [311].
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The narrow passageway eventually becomes too small for you to walk along.

You get down on your hands and knees, and crawl.

Eventually, you will get no further and there seems to be no way through, so you decide to return to the main passage.

You head for the junction [10].
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The four creatures shuffling towards you are mindless ZOMBIES.

Their vacant eyes suggest that their actions are controlled by a will which is not their own.

You are still too dizzy to think properly, but you must act quickly.

The first Zombie reaches you and prepares to swing his club.

You must fight him.


If you defeat the first Zombie, add 2 luck points and turn to face the other three (fight each in turn):

ZOMBIE with scythe66
ZOMBIE with pick66
ZOMBIE with axe65


If you defeat all four, Click here [115].
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'You again?' says the Maze-master, obviously annoyed at being disturbed.

'You are disturbing my concentration. Be off with you!'

You begin to explain that you only returned by mistake, but as you open your mouth, an icy glare from the old man silences you.

You decide to leave him to it.

To leave by the west door [46].

To leave by the south door [392].
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You see a well-used door on the right-hand (east) side of the passageway.

With your ear to the keyhole, you listen and hear a man screaming for help from inside.

Will you open the door (213) or walk on (314)?
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The narrow staircase is cut into the rock and there are about twenty steps leading down.

At the bottom of the steps a passageway leads you into a large open chamber.

This chamber stinks of putrefying flesh.

The smell is so bad that you are tempted to turn back.

Three bodies lie in the chamber.

You may either search the bodies, or tiptoe quietly through the room.

What will you do:

Search the first body?Click here [294]
Search the second body?Click here [275]
Search the third body?Click here [148]
Tiptoe through the room?Click here [107]
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The passage continues for quite some time, then you reach the foot of a staircase cut into the rock.

You ascend the stairs and they end at a wooden door with rusty hinges.

Listening at the door, you can hear some scratching sounds.

You try the handle and the door creaks open.

You step into a bare room scattered with bones.

There is a door on the wall opposite.

Gnawing at the bones are three GIANT RATS which stop to look at you as you enter.

Each is at least one metre long and their tatty coats indicate that they are fighters.

You will have to take them on if you are going to get through the room, as they no doubt see you as a tasty meal.

If you have collected any Cheese during your adventure, Click here [32].

Otherwise, Click here [309].
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You look frantically round the room but can see nothing to aid you.

Suddenly your eyes stop on the pack of cards he was fingering as you entered, and you remember the rumours and stories the villagers told you: 'The Warlock's power comes from his cards.'

The sorcerer sees your interest in them and you both rush for the table.

You get there first.

'Leave those alone,' he screams, 'or you risk my fullest wrath!'

But you move backwards and set fire to one with your lantern.

He cries out wildly and then begins to plead with you to leave them alone.

One by one you burn the cards and, as you do so, the Warlock diminishes in stature.

As the last card goes up in flames, he stands facing you, a broken man.

'My book!' he croaks, and he tries to unlock the door on the far side.

You race across to him with your sword drawn and spring at him.

Resolve this battle:



If you win, Click here [396].
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You are standing in the middle of an east-west corridor.

To the east is a dead end, which you can investigate [315].

To the west is a familiar junction.

To go this way Click here [52].

Another passageway - quite a short one - leads off to the north and ends in a large wooden door.

If you wish to try the door [227].
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Northwards the passageway ends at a solid wooden door.

You listen at the door but can hear nothing.

There appears to be no choice but to open the door and enter the room, which you do. It's a large, square room.

You flash your lantern around the room and catch a quick glimpse of its emptiness - although there are murals on the wall - before your lantern suddenly goes out.

You try to re-light it, but it will not catch.

In the blackness you hear a succession of frightful noises.

Howls, screams, cries and wails are getting louder and louder until they reach the pitch where you must cover your ears.

Do you have a Blue Candle?

If so, Click here [239].

If not, Click here [40].
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You find 5 Gold Pieces in the pockets of the corpse.

Enter these on your Adventure Sheet and add 1 luck point for your find.

You may now either:

Search the second bodyClick here [275]
Search the third bodyClick here [148]
Tiptoe through the room northwardsClick here [107]
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You find no secret passages.

However, your explorations attract some sort of creature, and as you listen you can hear something coming down the corridor towards you.

To find out what sort of wandering monster you have come across, Click here [161].

You must fight the creature and, if you defeat it, you may press on down the passageway [48].

However, at section 161 you will not be told where to progress to, so write down '48' now so you will know where to go after 161.
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The box contains a small leather-bound book entitled The Making and Casting of Dragonfire.

You open the pages and begin to read.

Fortunately it is written in your own language and so was probably not understood by the Orcs - otherwise this treasure would certainly not be as loosely guarded as it was.

The book is written in tiny handwriting by Farrigo Di Maggio.

In it he tells the story of his life's work; the creation of the Dragonfire spell with which to fight evil Dragons.

You read how, in his last years, Farrigo finally perfected his spell but by then was too old to make use of it.

So he completed his book, locked it in a chest and hid it in the depths of Firetop Mountain, afraid that it might fall into the wrong hands.

The last page reads:


You say these words slowly and softly.

Suddenly the pages seem to glow and as this glow disappears, so do the words on the pages of the book.

You repeat the spell to yourself to memorize it and leave the room [42].
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To your left, on the west face of the passage, there is a rough-cut wooden door.

You listen at the door and can hear a rasping sound which may be some sort of creature snoring.

Do you want to open the door?

If so, Click here [82].

If you wish to press on northwards [208].
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You arrive at the end of the passage, where it meets another going east-west.

But an iron portcullis blocks your way and no amount of charging is going to budge it.

On the wall to your right are two levers and it seems likely that these levers have something to do with raising the portcullis.

Do you wish to pull the right lever or the left lever?

Right Click here [128] or Left Click here [243]
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