The Warlock of Firetop Mountain by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson

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The creature catches your eye with its own gaze and you find yourself unable to control your own actions.

It beckons you forward.

You move slowly towards it with your mouth gaping open.

It tells you to throw down the stake.

As you look down at the stake, you suddenly feel a surge of power return to your own will, and you fling the stake at him from close range.

Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky [101].

If you are Unlucky [217].
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The box has fallen to the ground during your fight with the Snake and out of it has fallen a bronze-coloured key with the number 99 carved into it.

You may take this key with you (note it on your Equipment List) and leave the room.

Add 1 luck point and Click here [363].
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You leave the room and open the box in the passage.

Inside you find a single Piece of Gold and a small mouse, which must have been the creature's pet.

You keep the coin and release the mouse, which scurries-off down the passageway.

Gain 2 luck points and Click here [208].
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As you search the body, you try to avoid looking at the terrible face, grey and decomposing.

Maggots crawl from its nose and mouth.

You jump back startled when its eyes suddenly flick open!

Just in time you avoid a vicious slash from its long sharp fingernails.

It quickly springs to its feet and eyes you with a sadistic leer spreading across its mouth.

Click here [230].

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As you watch the living mural, you are unaware of the speed with which your candle is burning.

Suddenly it flickers and goes out!

You again begin to hear the piercing screams and their pitch grows to an unbearable level.

You drop to your knees clutching your ears and crawl towards the wall.

Which wall will you crawl towards:

The east wall?Click here [181]
The north wall?Click here [265]
The west wall?Click here [355]
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You gain ground on the 'turbulence' in the water but a few metres from the north bank you notice two sinister reptilian eyes on the surface of the water watching you.

You are swimming straight for them.

If you decide you'd rather not face the owner of the eyes, you may turn round and head straight back to the south bank at full speed - you arrive exhausted, lose 1 stamina point and turn to 218.

Alternatively you can risk the eyes ahead - Click here [86].

You may try a detour which will send you nearer the 'turbulence' - Click here [158].
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As you put the two swords into your belt, your new one seems to take on a mind of its own.

It cuts your leg (lose 1 stamina point) and, as you draw it out, it turns rubbery in your hand.

It's useless now so you fling it into the river.

It seems that the only way forward is for you to swim eastwards down the river.

You plunge in and start swimming [399]
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As you move, the creature's eyes flash open.

He sees you and slowly gets to his feet.

His breathing becomes heavy and he stalks towards you.

You must stand and fight him [41].
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The door splits along its length and you can wrench the timbers apart to let yourself in.

A torch hangs from one wall lighting up a small armoury room stocked with swords, shields, helmets, daggers, breastplates and the like.

You examine the weaponry and find nothing appearing superior to your own sword.

However, a circular iron shield with a golden crescent at its centre catches your eye.

You pick it up and feel its weight on your arm.

If you wish to take this shield it will aid you in battles by helping to fend off wound damage inflicted by a creature on you.

If, in future during a battle in which you are using this shield, a creature wounds you, you may throw one die.

If you throw a 6, the creature inflicts only 1 point of damage instead of the normal 2.

If, for some reason, the creature would normally only inflict 1 point of damage, then a successful roll of 6 would mean that no damage is done.

However, the shield is heavy and you will have to leave behind one item of equipment (adjust your Equipment List) to be able to carry it.

You now leave the room and continue up the corridor [300].
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You charge the door with your shoulder.

Roll two dice.

If the number rolled is less than or equal to your skill score, you succeed [343].

If the number rolled is greater than your skill, you rub your bruised shoulder and decide against trying again.

You return to the junction [92]
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The door opens into an east-west passage, which turns north after several metres.

To follow this direction, Click here [4].

If you decide against going through the door, Click here [329].
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The water around you bristles with activity, as if an invisible hand is dropping unseen pebbles into the river.

You gulp - PIRANHAS! - and you begin to feel their sharp teeth biting into your flesh.

You kick with your limbs and slash with your weapons to keep them off until you reach the south bank.

Treat the Piranhas as a single creature.


Resolve this battle.

If you win, you manage to scramble out of the water and lie panting on the south bank.

You may eat Provisions here.

Click here [218].
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You open the door into a large room which can only be the dining room of the same warty-faced creatures you now recognize.

Sitting round a large table are five ORCS busily drinking and dribbling their bowls of rat-gizzard soup.

All are involved in a rowdy argument as to who will get to chew the rat bones left in the large soup cauldron, so they do not see you enter.

You may be bold and prepare to attack them (turn to 365) or you may not relish the prospect of taking on five of these creatures and try to escape.

If you wish to leave the room, Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, you get out without them noticing (Click here (237) - there is no penalty for escaping.

If you are Unlucky, they notice you.

Prepare for battle Click here [365].
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You follow a long, narrow passageway which goes south, then east, then south again until you eventually find yourself at a crossroads.

Click here [267].
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Make sure you have noted the reference as instructed on the last page[Post]!

You will return to that reference after dealing with the creature you are about to encounter.

Your tapping and scrapings at the rock face as you search for secret doors and passageways resound through the dungeon corridors.

Various creatures roam freely through the underworld and your noises have just attracted the attentions of one of the following monsters.

Roll one die.

Consult the table below and over to find out what has come to investigate.

Fight the creature as normal.

Wandering monsters never carry any treasure.

If you defeat this monster, return to the reference you have noted.

Die rollCreatureSKILLSTAMINA
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You draw your sword and enter the cavern.

The Giant stops in the middle of a mouthful, raises his head and sniffs the air.

He swings round and catches sight of you approaching.

Roaring loudly, he flings the pig's carcass at you.

Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, it misses.

If you are Unlucky, it hits you with quite some force - lose 1 stamina point.

Then he picks up his hammer and prepares to club you with it.

Resolve this battle.


If you win [28].

You may Escape after three Attack Rounds down the passageway, where he will not be able to follow Click here (351).
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The old man thanks you and rather sheepishly ties up his boots.

You explain that you mean no harm and he calms down, calling off his dog.

He tells you that this area is the only passageway through to the inner chambers.

Some years ago the river swelled after a particularly severe spring thaw and cut off supplies from the outside world.

All the area's inhabitants starved to death but the Master, realizing he needed defences against the outside world, put a curse on the area.

The last remaining creatures became the Undead and now guard the passageways through.

He starts to inquire about you.

Will you:

Be straight with him and tell him of your quest?Click here [141]
Thank him for the chat and leave through the south door?Click here [66]
Try to grab the keys and go for the nearest door?Click here [249]
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You land in the icy water and frantically swim for the south bank.

To your amazement the raft turns round in mid-stream and makes its own way back to the south bank.

You quicken your pace, aware that your splashing's may at any time attract the attentions of any underwater creatures living in the river.

Roll one die.

If you roll a 1,2,3 or 4 you make it safely back to the south bank [218].

If you roll a 5 or 6, Click here [158].
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You find a secret door which opens into the bend where two passageways meet.

To the north a short passage runs into a dead end, and to the east, the passageway reaches a crossroads.

If you will step through this secret door into the passageway [187].

If you decide against going through the secret door, close it and return down the passage to the crossroads [359].
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You open the door to a large room.

A large chair behind a solid-looking table suggests to you that someone, or something, of rank uses this room.

A chest in the centre catches your eye.

In a corner of the room stands a man-sized creature with a warty face, standing over a smaller creature of similar race.

With the whip in his hand, the ORC CHIEFTAIN has been beating his servant, who is whimpering beneath him.

Will you:

Attack them both?Click here [372]
Spring at the Chieftain in the hope that his servant will aid you?Click here [65]
Leave the room and head back for the junction?Click here [293]
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One by one all the keys click and turn in the locks.

You have placed them all correctly!

As the last key turns, the lid of the chest comes free and you open it.

See what lies within [400].
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The old man's eyes flutter open.

He sees you and grabs for a half oar lying by his bench.

You tell him you mean him no harm but he remains on guard and eyes you cautiously.

Although he looks harmless enough, his dog could be dangerous.

The man's boots are undone.

Will you:

Rush the dog with your weapon drawn?Click here [249]
Ask the man questions regarding your quest?Click here [141]
Tell him his boots are undone?Click here [165]
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Silver weapons only will be effective here.

When the creature inflicts its third wound on you, Click here [24].

If you defeat it before this happens, Click here [135], or you may Escape through the north door (360).

If you can use 'The Giver of Sleep', Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, you hit and the creature dies instantly.

If you are Unlucky, you miss.
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As you walk up the passage, it visibly widens and eventually you find yourself standing at the mouth of a rough cavern, a natural cave in the rock.

As you look into the darkness, the cavern appears to be about 30 metres deep, with no visible exit.

Do you want to go into the cavern (270) or go back to the junction (375)?
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You have entered a large square room.

Broken pottery lies scattered all about.

One large clay vase is untouched and is full of clear liquid.

A large bowl is full of gold coins.

As you enter the room the door slams behind you and you swing round to face a strange-looking creature, half man, half bull - who is glaring at you.

He is a MINOTAUR, and he stalks towards you!

He lowers his head, horns pointing at your chest, and charges.

You must fight him:


After three Attack Rounds, you manoeuvre yourself round to be able to run through the door.

If you wish to Escape at this time, Click here [54] and pay the penalty.

If you continue fighting and kill him, Click here [258].

If you have already been in this room on this adventure and killed the Minotaur, you find it empty.

Leave and Click here [54].
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You run along the wall searching for a door but find none.

Your ears are on fire with the agony!

Lose 1 skill point.

You may try either the west wall (355) or the north wall (265), but you must find a way out soon!
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Two of the keys fit the locks perfectly.

The other doesn't.

You leap to one side as a jet of clear liquid spurts from the chest.

It just misses, but you lose 2 stamina points as the liquid emits an acidic vapour which makes you cough and choke.

You return to the chest and try another combination of three keys.

Add the key totals and turn to that section.

If you have no more keys to try, you sit down exhausted and in despair after having got so near to your goal.

Remember to look for keys next time you enter the dungeon!
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You search the bodies of the dead Ores but find only a few teeth, nails, bones and knives in their pockets.

You search the cupboards around the room but find only crude bowls, plates and spoons.

But under the serving hatch you find a thin leather case half a metre long.

You may open the case (266) or you may leave it behind and walk out of the door (237).

You are proud of your victory and may add 1 skill and 5 stamina points.
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