[SC - PASSED] Commend Suvmia

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Suvmia
Category: Commendation | Target: Suvmia
Proposed by: Laudesia | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing that since the start of Suvmia’s international involvement in July 2017 with the founding of The United Nations of CASA, the nation has been focused on the betterment of the international community, even to such an extreme where they ignore their own nation in favor of focusing on others,

Celebrating Suvmia’s founding of The Ascendancy Federation (TAF) in January of 2018, creating the opportunity, one possibly unknown to the smaller communities in the fringes of the world, to garner more influence in international politics by uniting under a single organization, albeit far less renowned; TAF was a precursor to other multi-regional organizations such as The United Region Alliance (URA),

Highlighting Sumvia’s help in the creation of The United Ascendancy (TUA), a region founded by Princepterra a proxy of Laudesia, Suvmia, and Urrangslan, in 2019 the regions in TAF were on the verge of collapse due to an inactivity crisis, a multitude of nations were leaving or ceasing to exist ravishing the regional governments and communities, Suvmia’s assistance was paramount in stopping this by gathering these collapsing communities and giving them a larger, more stable, active, new region,

Further highlighting Suvmia’s roles as the first Minister of Foreign Affairs and second President of The United Ascendancy in 2019-2020, laying the foundation of foreign affairs in the region, by co-authoring the constitution, authoring the Embassy Policy, and spearheading recruitment efforts for the region to grow from only a few nations to just under 100,

Acknowledging Suvmia’s guidance in assisting new nations navigate the international political sphere, most notably World Assembly author and The Democratic Republic Delegate Orca and Narwhal, and other former members of the TUA’s government and URA’s Alliance Cabinet such as Adachi, and Ascanian,

Noting that even though The Ascendancy Federation and The United Ascendancy are now defunct, Suvmia’s actions do not go unnoticed, during these three years Suvmia has greatly impacted the nations that were in these organizations, helping teach and bring new nations together, these nations now continue to benefit other regions and the world as a whole,

Lauding Suvmia’s two terms as President of The United Regions Alliance, where they overhauled the bureaucratic system by organizing URA information through an impressive system of interconnected dispatches, authoring several pieces of foundational legislation, including the first, and current URA constitution, without such structuring URA would not be one of the largest multiregional organizations in the world that it is today, with an impressive total of 27 member regions and 2800+ nations,

Further Lauding Suvmia’s assistance as President of URA in helping URA founder Ellenburg establish relations with The North Pacific (TNP) and The West Pacific, Suvmia took the lead with TNP talks co-authoring the Memorandum of Understanding between TNP and URA and assisting in the creation of the URA Halloween Festival and Anniversary Festival,

Astonished that even though Suvmia’s assistance was considered crucial by URA founder Ellenburg, by establishing international communication, furthering URA’s international presence, and establishing URA’s community as a whole, that Suvmia would later decline any involvement or just praise in an interview, taking themselves out of the limelight and ceding all credit to Ellenburg to ensure the passage of SC #352: Commend Ellenburg,

Confident that Suvmia’s actions in region-building, mentoring fellow nations, and international relations are worthy of praise and commendation by this august council,

Hereby Commends Suvmia.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]11[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

"Commend Suvmia" has passed 10,076 votes (80.2%) to 2,483 (19.8%).
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This resolution seeks to commend Suvmia for the numerous actions taken in their over 4 years of international involvement, primarily when it comes to region-building, mentoring new nations, and forging diplomatic ties between regions and inter-regional organizations. Notable examples from the resolution include Suvmia's mentoring of future World Assembly author and Delegate Orca and Narwhal, their creation of The Ascendancy Federation (TAF)- which would be a precursor to the United Region Alliance (URA), their creation of and high level involvement with The United Ascendancy (TUA), a successor organization to the TUA, and most notably their two terms serving as President of the URA.

Suvmia’s contributions to the international community is impressive. This proposal is well-authored and highlights what important roles Suvmia have had even though they might not be the most well-known nation. Their commitment when it comes to helping other nations and building regions and alliances shines through, such as their work with the United Regions Alliance (URA) in authoring parts of their constitution, serving as President and helping establish relations with prominent regions such as The North Pacific and The West Pacific. Such passion and commitment to help region building and mentor new nations should not be taken for granted and is commendable. The Ministry also finds Suvmia's actions during the lead-up to Ellenburg's commendation to be laudable. Their minimization and denial of their extensive involvement with the URA was certainly a factor in the commendation's passage. We find such an attitude of humility to be admirable, especially given the extent of their involvement across the NS community. For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Suvmia".

Our IFV Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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I have nothing against Suvmia or Laudesia, and this is really quite well written, but until the URA apologizes to Andusre, I will personally oppose any SC resolution wherein they are the main reason for the C/C and any SC resolution wherein the target is a member region. Against [Non-WA].
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I have nothing against Suvmia or Laudesia, and this is really quite well written, but until the URA apologizes to Andusre, I will personally oppose any SC resolution wherein they are the main reason for the C/C and any SC resolution wherein the target is a member region. Against [Non-WA].
Is it the URA that should apologize or August?
Given that @Boston Castle made a post in this thread which they later deleted, I'll respond without being able to quote them lol. To paraphrase, they answered that URA should apologize for "running" it (which was somewhat unclear as to what it means precisely) and that August should apologize for saying it. While I don't disagree that August should apologize (or alternatively provide information which would substantiate his wild claims). I'm not sure that it's fair to demand/request that the URA given that their policy is to post quotes of what their members state (not too dissimilar from TSP's WA dispatches) and they do not mention the character of the author in their rationale as to why they are voting against.

Disappointing to see that the MoWAA is not willing to engage in the WA voting threads.
I have nothing against Suvmia or Laudesia, and this is really quite well written, but until the URA apologizes to Andusre, I will personally oppose any SC resolution wherein they are the main reason for the C/C and any SC resolution wherein the target is a member region. Against [Non-WA].
I was going on "abstain" before I read this comment, but now I'm for (voting out of spite being in fashion and all that). August's comments were really dumb and he deservedly got backlash for it. But the keyword is "August's comments". The URA is only tied to this by the fact that their dispatch quoted, not agreed with, his statement, and that his statement was said in the URA server. August is responsible for his comments and should apologise for them, not the URA. To vote against a proposal for this principle is ridiculous. For [non-WA].
Given that @Boston Castle made a post in this thread which they later deleted, I'll respond without being able to quote them lol. To paraphrase, they answered that URA should apologize for "running" it (which was somewhat unclear as to what it means precisely) and that August should apologize for saying it. While I don't disagree that August should apologize (or alternatively provide information which would substantiate his wild claims). I'm not sure that it's fair to demand/request that the URA given that their policy is to post quotes of what their members state (not too dissimilar from TSP's WA dispatches) and they do not mention the character of the author in their rationale as to why they are voting against.

Disappointing to see that the MoWAA is not willing to engage in the WA voting threads.
Right. This will be a bit of a text wall, so I want to clarify a few things and then explain my reasoning.

1. By “running” I mean publishing. The URA could have chosen not to publish that comment by August. In choosing to, even after they retracted it, they are still complicit in the character assassination August was trying to. As explained by HS in the gameplay thread, this distaste for Andusre is hardly new from August, but it is a step up from the rhetoric he had been using prior.

2. Yes, August did in my personal, non-Ministerial opinion attack Andusre’s behavior. How else can one justify saying being "just as objectionable as his former compatriots from NWA". It’s VERY clear what August intended and what he meant. Further, the only ambiguity is what exactly he’s charging here. As I later challenged in the at-vote thread, if August doesn’t want his comments misconstrued that way, he’d damn well better back up that charge. He has not, so at this point, it would be safe to assume he can’t. (If you want a clean copy, here you go.)

3. So let’s talk about the difference in Boston the Minister and Boston the Player. As a point of clarification, barring a change in policy as agreed upon by the Delegate and other officials, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs WILL NOT in its capacity as the official World Assembly recommendation arm of the North Pacific urge a pile boycott of at-vote proposals by URA members or mentioning the URA. Our WA Voting Policy does not even include a line regarding objectionable individuals and their affiliations, merely stating that 3(1):
“The Delegate possesses full autonomy over their vote on all WA proposals.” and 3(2) “The Delegate should strive to update their vote in accordance with the voting thread tally as often as possible in a manner that does not diminish the influence of the regional vote.”.

Now this may come as a considerable shock to some of you, but I am still an autonomous player of this game. I disagree with the recommendations I put out sometimes, I disagree with the stances we take on certain issues. I wish we would respond faster to some stuff and slower to others. That’s not to say I have some fundamental disagreements on how things are done, but it is to say that I’m an independent person and not some mindless Android running the Ministry. That means that occasionally I may vote one way or favor some action for purely selfish, personal reasons. This is one of those times. For however much I may disagree with how he runs his region and however much I may detest the politics in Thaecia now, I still count Andusre as a close friend on NationStates. I will not hesitate to criticize him when he deserves it, but he does not deserve this and one side is clearly in the wrong and clearly intended to do harm. That deserves a response. As a player of the game, irrespective of my status as a Minister, I am not compelled to vote any singular way. Therefore, that’s why I think that explains why I’m taking this position and won’t be backing down off of it.

Further, I could also comment that I don’t believe the URA and I have ever been on good terms. There’s still some disagreements between myself and notables in that collection of regions on policies they’ve pursued in the WA and that’s fine. I honestly don’t expect them to engage in good faith with me anymore and that’s perfectly fine. I’m free to make my own choices on that, they are too. You can argue this directly antagonizes them, but I’d say “they were going to do whatever they wanted to to my proposals and stuff anyway, so…*shrug*”

4. On a final note, I rarely vote in these threads, that’s for a reason. I keep my metaphorical powder dry for the proposals I feel very, very strongly about. (Not that my rationale would have changed had the proposal August made this comment about voting against Andy on wasn’t one liberating a region I’m a former native of—one I abhor, I should note.) However, when I do post in these threads, it is in my personal capacity as Boston Castle the player. This means that, as stated elsewhere, no one is owed an explanation as to my stances and frankly, the only reason I took the time to write this was the potential fallout should I not. The only official Ministry recommendation that should be inferred from threads I participate in should be the vote count (as it determines how the Delegate votes) and the IFV post (which tells you how we recommended our WA nations vote).
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Right. This will be a bit of a text wall, so I want to clarify a few things and then explain my reasoning.

1. By “running” I mean publishing. The URA could have chosen not to publish that comment by August. In choosing to, even after they retracted it, they are still complicit in the character assassination August was trying to. As explained by HS in the gameplay thread, this distaste for Andusre is hardly new from August, but it is a step up from the rhetoric he had been using prior.
From my understanding, they retracted the comment due to concerns about getting moderation's attention. The URA publishes in their dispatches a summary of what members are saying, I don't believe it's appropriate given their policy to enact a consistent vote against them. Now, if their dispatch was their official government's stance (more similar to TNP's IFV), I would agree with you.

2. Yes, August did in my personal, non-Ministerial opinion attack Andusre’s behavior. How else can one justify saying being "just as objectionable as his former compatriots from NWA". It’s VERY clear what August intended and what he meant. Further, the only ambiguity is what exactly he’s charging here. As I later challenged in the at-vote thread, if August doesn’t want his comments misconstrued that way, he’d damn well better back up that charge. He has not, so at this point, it would be safe to assume he can’t. (If you want a clean copy, here you go.)
I have no issue with holding August's comments against August.

4. On a final note, I rarely vote in these threads, that’s for a reason. I keep my metaphorical powder dry for the proposals I feel very, very strongly about. (Not that my rationale would have changed had the proposal August made this comment about voting against Andy on wasn’t one liberating a region I’m a former native of—one I abhor, I should note.) However, when I do post in these threads, it is in my personal capacity as Boston Castle the player. This means that, as stated elsewhere, no one is owed an explanation as to my stances and frankly, the only reason I took the time to write this was the potential fallout should I not. The only official Ministry recommendation that should be inferred from threads I participate in should be the vote count (as it determines how the Delegate votes) and the IFV post (which tells you how we recommended our WA nations vote).
No one is saying that they're owed an explanation as to your vote. However, as Minister, if you are wanting our threads to be a place of discussion and debate on resolutions, then you should be leading by example. If you are going to state a rationale but avoid any discussion of it, I don't think that's a good example (and I don't think you have to debate people to death, however, some engagement is a good example to set).
This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Monday's Minor Update.
"Commend Suvmia" has passed 10,076 votes (80.2%) to 2,483 (19.8%).
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