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Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Recognizing that since the start ofSuvmia’s international involvement in July 2017 with the founding of The United Nations of CASA, the nation has been focused on the betterment of the international community, even to such an extreme where they ignore their own nation in favor of focusing on others,
Celebrating Suvmia’s founding of The Ascendancy Federation (TAF) in January of 2018, creating the opportunity, one possibly unknown to the smaller communities in the fringes of the world, to garner more influence in international politics by uniting under a single organization, albeit far less renowned; TAF was a precursor to other multi-regional organizations such as The United Region Alliance (URA),
Highlighting Sumvia’s help in the creation of The United Ascendancy (TUA), a region founded byPrincepterra a proxy of
Suvmia, and
Urrangslan, in 2019 the regions in TAF were on the verge of collapse due to an inactivity crisis, a multitude of nations were leaving or ceasing to exist ravishing the regional governments and communities, Suvmia’s assistance was paramount in stopping this by gathering these collapsing communities and giving them a larger, more stable, active, new region,
Further highlighting Suvmia’s roles as the first Minister of Foreign Affairs and second President of The United Ascendancy in 2019-2020, laying the foundation of foreign affairs in the region, by co-authoring the constitution, authoring the Embassy Policy, and spearheading recruitment efforts for the region to grow from only a few nations to just under 100,
Acknowledging Suvmia’s guidance in assisting new nations navigate the international political sphere, most notably World Assembly author and The Democratic Republic DelegateOrca and Narwhal, and other former members of the TUA’s government and URA’s Alliance Cabinet such as
Adachi, and
Noting that even though The Ascendancy Federation and The United Ascendancy are now defunct, Suvmia’s actions do not go unnoticed, during these three years Suvmia has greatly impacted the nations that were in these organizations, helping teach and bring new nations together, these nations now continue to benefit other regions and the world as a whole,
Lauding Suvmia’s two terms as President of The United Regions Alliance, where they overhauled the bureaucratic system by organizing URA information through an impressive system of interconnected dispatches, authoring several pieces of foundational legislation, including the first, and current URA constitution, without such structuring URA would not be one of the largest multiregional organizations in the world that it is today, with an impressive total of 27 member regions and 2800+ nations,
Further Lauding Suvmia’s assistance as President of URA in helping URA founderEllenburg establish relations with The North Pacific (TNP) and The West Pacific, Suvmia took the lead with TNP talks co-authoring the Memorandum of Understanding between TNP and URA and assisting in the creation of the URA Halloween Festival and Anniversary Festival,
Astonished that even though Suvmia’s assistance was considered crucial by URA founder Ellenburg, by establishing international communication, furthering URA’s international presence, and establishing URA’s community as a whole, that Suvmia would later decline any involvement or just praise in an interview, taking themselves out of the limelight and ceding all credit to Ellenburg to ensure the passage of SC #352: Commend Ellenburg,
Confident that Suvmia’s actions in region-building, mentoring fellow nations, and international relations are worthy of praise and commendation by this august council,
Hereby CommendsSuvmia.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
"Commend Suvmia" has passed 10,076 votes (80.2%) to 2,483 (19.8%).
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