Take Two


Legal nerd
TNP Nation
The title might be misleading as I cannot remember if I have made more than one thread in his subforum. Honestly it doesn’t matter, lol. I might as well just make this thread regardless.

I am Dino. I used to be involved with TNP’s government quite some time ago. I was mostly active in 2018-2019, so most people who joined TNP during the pandemic might not know who I am. Those who were around for then should know I was quite immature and erratic to say the least.

Many will know that my activity collapsed during early 2020, and that was due to a mixture of dealing with school and also myself losing interest in NationStates. Why I lost interest in NS mostly has to stem from the fact that I have both became more apolitical and also I’m ashamed of my past. There’s no need for me to sugarcoat my past — any look in my past posts would just justify my level of immaturity.

Regardless, I thought I might as well re-apply for citizenship, since I CTE’d over the summer as I’ve been very busy IRL. Personally I doubt I’ll ever be able to become fully active in NS again, or if I do it won’t be for a long time. I’m still very busy irl as I was in early 2020 and there’s no incentive for me to be as active anymore.

But hey! I thought I might as well return for the next 2 weeks or so and from there do my usual rare appearances to check up on everyone. :P Might as well fill out the introduction:

Nickname(s)?: Just Dino. I have other ones but they’re not relevant to NS and/or I have just abandoned the old ones.
Main Nation?: Dinoium as always.
RL Country?: I come from the United States of America in real-life.
Favourite Colour(s)?: Green is my favorite color.
Do you use Discord? Yes but not on my old account. I chose to voluntarily disable it as I want to move on from my past immature self. I have a new account, although I won’t be joining any NS-related discord servers (for now at the very minimum) on that account since I’m still getting used to this new account that I moved to back in June.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Contrary to my old beliefs, I’m not sure I’d consider myself much conservative (or at least not the branch of conservatism that I subscribed to in 2018-2019). I consider myself mostly apolitical nowadays and dislike having an ideological handle. If I had to consider myself anything, however, I’d say a minarchist. I have grown to be more moderate than I used to be, and I don’t believe in any fringe theories that I used to endorse. I’d say I’m more of an independent than anything nowadays as well (although that’s not really an ideology, lol).
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I used to do both, but my interest in Roleplay died in 2019. I still enjoy forum games, however. Just I don’t log onto the forums much nowadays so I’m not active in those anymore either.
That’s pretty much all I wanted to say. For obvious reasons, I’m not going apply to or run for any government offices unless I do have a genuine interest in NS again and am able to show signs of consistent activity. Nevertheless you’ll see me voting in elections again and RA votes every blue moon. Cheers!
~ Dino
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I already replied to Tring on the RMB a few days ago, so I thought I’d obly write this belated reply for Fiji.
Hello! Welcome back.
Fiji! I heard about your recent departures. :( It’s truly saddening. While I’ll admit I was eye-balling the MoComms position in late 2018, you did something I could’ve never. You are arguably one of the most influential communications ministers in our history, if not the most impactful. I do miss working with you, despite my inactivity near the end of my deputy ministership, haha. I hope all is well for you, though! :D