[SC - PASSED] Commend Maowi

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Maowi
Category: Commendation | Target: Maowi
Proposed by: Hulldom, Co-authored by: Orca and Narwhal and Mancheseva City | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing public service and the World Assembly as avenues for contribution to the multiverse for nations, and that first and foremost among these bureaucrats who lack recognition in the wider community is Maowi;

Admiring Maowi's service to Europeia through their diligent and well enumerated recruitment efforts, serving as Minister of Recruitment following the untimely departure of the Minister while Maowi was in a position to answer the call to serve, and creating a tournament for members of the region based on their recruitment activities, thus bolstering Europeia's recruiting prowess;

Celebrating Maowi’s stellar leadership of the Ministry of Communications, where they reintroduced the column system of organising articles, fostered long-term success, and produced an impressive number of articles, including ones popularising the World Assembly;

Recalling fondly that their service revolutionized the World Assembly Affairs Ministry in Europeia during their tenures in office through:
  1. Their reinvention of the World Assembly 101 program with Imperium Anglorum, which brought information on the conduct of the World Assembly to interested members of the multiversal community,
  2. Their mentorship of several future World Assembly Affairs Ministers such as Ouardeheya, Mancheseva City, and Pland Adanna, ensuring the program could continue at a high level of excellence following their departure, and
  3. Their introduction of discussions of World Assembly resolutions within the ministry, thus improving the degree of awareness about the World Assembly among interested parties in the region;
Saluting the efforts of Maowi in the WA as led by Dr. Feargal Yurilevich and the Maowese delegation, as they have contributed immensely to the conduct of international law through such resolutions as:
  1. GA #457: Defending The Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities, which protected the right of same gender partnerships to marry, established the principle of non-discrimination under the law on the basis of gender or sexuality, and affirmed the right of the citizens of member states to identify with whatever gender they so choose,
  2. GA #489: Ethical Treatment of Animals in Research, which ensured that animal experimentation was drastically reduced in member states and that the last vestiges of this practice were as humane as possible,
  3. GA #537: Right to Assemble, which continued to ensure that citizens of member states maintained the right to peaceful protest;
Acknowledging too that the many-sided genius of Maowi further extends to assisting other nations with their own endeavors in the World Assembly, demonstrated by Maowi's invaluable assistance with and co-authorship of:
  1. SC #341: Commend King HEM which honoured the founder of Europeia, recognizing their service to it, The Land of Kings and Emperors, and The South Pacific,
  2. SC #349: Commend Marrabuk which recognized a lauded figure in the history of the East Pacific, noting their contributions to that region's Government and Foreign Affairs and in countering the coup of Fedele; and
Appreciating Maowi's contributions to South Pacific (SP) wherein they successfully led the Mission to the World Assembly, collecting data on SP's votes in the World Assembly and performing tasks critical to ensuring that region members were informed consumers of and voters on the World Assembly's resolutions by disseminating, and providing an informed opinion on, proposals to national leaders in that region;

Believing that Maowi's contributions to Sky Haven are also significant, such as their service as an Octarchon, assisting the founder in the initial proceedings of the community, and later service as Majordomo, or the Chief Executive, in Sky Haven's first Government; and

Noting that while the motto of the Maowese may be "Lethargy, Languor, and Laziness!", they have embodied none of these and that as a result, they are a people which all nations would be better off emulating;

Hereby Commends Maowi.

Co-authored by Orca and Narwhal and Mancheseva City.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]6[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

"Commend Maowi" has passed 11,170 votes (90.9%) to 1,124 (9.1%).
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This proposal aims to commend Maowi for their notable contributions to the world at large through their regional leadership and their legislation and help within the World Assembly community. They have served in several important roles in large regions, and have authored six World Assembly resolutions and co-authored four more.

Without a doubt, Maowi is among the most worthy nominees for a commendation out there. They have contributed significantly to NationStates in several fashions, and it would certainly be lacking in some areas without their presence. They have been a champion of high-quality World Assembly resolutions since they initially joined it, having passed a number of the more recognizable and well-written resolutions themselves, and have given incredible feedback during their time. They also have been a leader in Europeia, leading impressive terms that have had long-standing impacts on the region, as well as having leadership positions in other regions such as South Pacific and Sky Haven. Where a nominee is so clearly worthy, the only other determining factor in our vote is how well-written the proposal is, and this proposal handles the recognition of such a prominent figure with tact and grace. It is a well-written author for a nominee who has gone above and beyond in deserving it. For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Maowi".

Our Recommendation Dispatch--please Upvote!
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Present. I don't know the backstory
This proposal contains adequate detail about Maowi's work in Europeia, odd jobs in a couple of other regions, and contributions to the World Assembly. How can you read all of that and then claim that you "don't know the backstory?"
This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being marked illegal or withdrawn on the request of my co-authors, this proposal will proceed to a vote at next Thursday's Minor Update.
This proposal contains adequate detail about Maowi's work in Europeia, odd jobs in a couple of other regions, and contributions to the World Assembly. How can you read all of that and then claim that you "don't know the backstory?"
lol this happens all the time

Strong For (Non-WA).
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