[SC - PASSED] Advancement of Anti-Fascist Action

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Advancement of Anti-Fascist Action
Category: Declaration
Proposed by: Cormactopia Prime | Onsite Topic

The Security Council:

Defining, for the purposes of this resolution, a fascist region as any region that identifies as fascist or engages in the promotion of fascism, or willfully harbors fascist residents and permits them to promote fascism within the region or abroad;

Asserting that fascism is abhorrent by its very nature and should be granted no safe haven, given its utter contempt for civil rights and fueling of violent oppression based on race, ethnicity, and other immutable characteristics of identity;

Maintaining that fascist regions pose a universal and grave threat to the Security Council's mission to spread interregional peace and goodwill;

Praising prior interregional efforts to combat fascism, notably including multi-regional Antifa military operations and the Civil Defence Siren's outreach initiative regarding the dangers of residing in fascist regions;

Reaffirming the World Assembly's commitment to opposing the spread of fascism, as expressed in numerous resolutions previously passed by the Security Council to impose sanctions against various fascist regions;

Hereby declares the following guidelines to advance anti-fascist action throughout the world:

Article I. Regional Participation

No region should grant safe haven to fascist residents.

Any resident or member discovered to be fascist should be expelled from a region and barred from its communication infrastructure immediately upon discovery.

Should a region be unable to expel a fascist resident, the region should take all reasonable action to suppress that resident's use of regional communication infrastructure, taking special care to suppress promotion of fascist ideology.

Article II. Diplomatic Sanctions

No region should maintain diplomatic or cultural relations of any kind with a fascist region.

No World Assembly Delegate should approve or vote for any World Assembly proposal that would directly and primarily benefit a fascist nation or region.

No World Assembly Delegate should approve or vote for any World Assembly proposal submitted by a fascist nation or any nation residing in a fascist region, sponsored by a fascist region, or otherwise corrupted by the tenets of fascism.

Every World Assembly Delegate is encouraged to approve and vote for Security Council proposals to impose sanctions against fascist regions, provided such proposals do not grant disproportionate attention to the region in question.

Article III. Military Intervention

Regions are exhorted to participate in ad hoc or standing military coalitions for the defense of other regions against fascist military aggression, and for military interventions against fascist regions, putting aside disagreements or conflicts between participating regions.

To the extent practicable, military intervention against a fascist region should endeavor to place the region permanently under the control of coalition forces to prevent the region from ever again serving as safe haven for fascists or a platform for the promotion of fascism.

No region should provide military assistance to a fascist region in its invasion of another region, provide defense to a fascist region against military intervention, or permit a fascist region to assist in its military operations.

Article IV. Interregional Cooperation

To the extent applicable, interregional and non-regional organizations should adhere to the guidelines for regions declared by this resolution, and the guidelines herein applied to fascist regions are equally applicable to fascist interregional and non-regional organizations.

Regions and organizations are urged to impose proportionate diplomatic, military, or other sanctions against regions and organizations that willfully disregard these guidelines.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]14[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]0[/TD][/TR]

“Advancement of Anti-Fascist Action” has passed by a vote of 10,589 (84.5%) to 1.936 (15.5%).
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For - while I am mildly irritated at Cormac's stance on the GA as of late in response to Sanc's proposal, this is something that really needs to be passed. I feel as though it is a perfect choice for first declaration passed.
On the one hand, it’s Cormac. On the other hand, anti-fascism machine go brrrrrrr. For [Non-WA].
As of 11:06 AM EDT, this proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Cormactopia Prime’s Declaration will be the first in that category’s history to proceed to a vote at Monday’s Major Update.
For. While I have reservations about binding WA delegates (or anyone) on how they can vote, and preventing "relations of any kind" with fascist states/regions being somewhat impractical, I support the rest of it and, as it is non-binding, it has my vote.
For. I will follow TNP policy which is against fascism.
Unfortunately, the vote doesn’t count as this cleared the floor by the time you voted.

“Advancement of Anti-Fascist Action” has passed by a vote of 10,589 (84.5%) to 1.936 (15.5%).
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