Results: May 2021 General Election
The Election Commission has counted the votes in this General Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.
Summary: Robespierre has been elected Delegate. Cretox State has been re-elected Vice Delegate. East Isles has been elected Speaker.
The Election Commission has counted the votes in this General Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.
Summary: Robespierre has been elected Delegate. Cretox State has been re-elected Vice Delegate. East Isles has been elected Speaker.
TNP May 2021 General Election ~ Official Vote Count
This document reflects the official tally of all public and private votes cast in the General Election by legal voters.
Delegate | Valid Ballots: 121
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?
Robespierre 59 51.30% Yes
Nimarya 53 46.09% No
2 and 2 is Fish 3 2.61% No
Abstain 6
Reopen Noms. 12 9.92% Do Not Reopen
Vice Delegate | Valid Ballots: 120
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?
Rom 28 24.56% No
Cretox State 86 75.44% Yes
Abstain 6
Reopen Noms. 13 10.83% Do Not Reopen
Speaker | Valid Ballots: 119
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?
East Isles 67 69.79% Yes
Skaraborg 29 30.21% No
Abstain 23
Reopen Noms. 16 13.44% Do Not Reopen
1. A ballot from Yuno was discarded because they were not a citizen at the time voting started.
2. A ballot from 9003 was discarded due to a court-imposed loss of voting rights, as per The North Pacific vs. 9003.
3. A private ballot, located in Post #105 of the voting thread, was discarded for not including a Ballot ID number. This was challenged by an Election Commissioner, but the challenge was denied based on precedent from the September 2016 General Election where two private ballots were discarded for the same reason. This does not affect the final result.
4. The Vice Delegate and Speaker portions of Liberta's ballot were discarded for not answering RON.
5. The Speaker portion of Korean-Joseon's ballot was discarded for not answering RON.
2. A ballot from 9003 was discarded due to a court-imposed loss of voting rights, as per The North Pacific vs. 9003.
3. A private ballot, located in Post #105 of the voting thread, was discarded for not including a Ballot ID number. This was challenged by an Election Commissioner, but the challenge was denied based on precedent from the September 2016 General Election where two private ballots were discarded for the same reason. This does not affect the final result.
4. The Vice Delegate and Speaker portions of Liberta's ballot were discarded for not answering RON.
5. The Speaker portion of Korean-Joseon's ballot was discarded for not answering RON.
A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.
Election Commissioners: @Sil Dorsett and @Westinor