State of the Regional Assembly Report: January - March 2021


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

State of the Regional Assembly: 11 March 2021


Over the course of the past two months (January - March 2021), the Regional Assembly has experienced a plethora of activity in the form of many newly-started discussion threads, Election Commissioner confirmation votes, Security Councilor appointment/confirmation votes, new acts being introduced and debated upon, an amendment to the Line of Succession, and more.

As I promised would be the case during my campaign, and as I reminded each of you of in my subsequent announcements (one regarding my most recent appointment of an additional Deputy Speaker), this will be the first of two State of the Regional Assembly reports to be released from my Office this term.

Statistics on Citizenship

To begin, it's been said that citizenship retention and overall RA activity are but other key indicators of our region's health and the health of our democracy. Here in the Speaker's Office, we firmly believe this to be true and that's why we began collecting data on the number of applications, number of new citizens, number of nations lost, a running +/- balance of WA nations gained or lost, the number of WA nations lost due to a lack of posting or CTEing, number of WA nations moved, and much more.

Screenshot (15).jpg

What the above information tells us is that we've processed one-hundred and thirty (130) new applications for citizenship as an Office since the term began, and of those 130 applications we've seen ninety-one (91) of them result in a nation being granted citizenship (70% of applicants gain citizenship on applying). Additionally, we've also gained seventy-two (+72) nations with membership to the World Assembly (accounting for losses) since recording the WA status (or lack thereof) on new nations applying and former citizens losing citizenship.

Moreover, it seems that most nations lose citizenship due to a lack of posting rather than from ceasing to exist or from moving. A differential of twenty-four (24) is observed when comparing the number of nations lost due to a lack of posting to the number of nation lost from ceasing to exist, and when CTEd nations are combined with the number of moved nations that differential only lowers to eighteen (18).

All and all, our WA nation growth bodes well for the future and number of nations lost due to moves, surrenders, CTEs, or failing to post pales in comparison. I am happy to report that we will continue to record our every action on a publicly-viewable tab of the Citizen/Resident registry spreadsheet, as it's become routine for us and is a valuable way to promote transparency in our actions.

New Citizens

Next up...

During the month of January, since I took my seat as Speaker on the eleventh, my Office has had the privilege of welcoming twenty-one (21) new citizens into the North Pacific, and, by extension, to the Regional Assembly. With a retention rate of 75%, the following nations remain citizens of the North to this day:(Not included: Brutinia Sandalist, Japanese Greater Asian Sphere [CTE], Latverin, Lubeo [Posting], New Ashling, Project Antifa, Savaska [Posting], and Whroo [CTE]; who all lost citizenship at various times before the giving of this report)

Welcome to the Regional Assembly, everyone! We're glad that you've decided to stay with us! : )

During the month of February, well after the aforementioned "Statistics on Citizenship" sheet was introduced, my Office was pleased to welcome fifty-five (55) new citizens into the North Pacific, and, by extension, to the Regional Assembly. With a retention rate of 90.16% for the month, the following nations remain as valued citizens to this day:






Calvas Island



El Imperio del Leon



Greater Nabeul

Impel Down


Kor Finland



Millius Prime

Nieuw England

Ooferian card storage



Technocratic-european Countries



... and an ever-increasing amount!
(Not included: Guslantis [CTE], Kanerland, Lezernia, Mônica, Sidoneia, and United states of unicat [CTE]; who all lost citizenship at various times before the giving of this report)

Welcome to the Regional Assembly, newcomers! We're glad to have you here! \o/

Discussion Threads

Since the beginning of the term, twelve (12) discussion/debate threads have been started by members of the Regional Assembly. In descending order from most recent to least recent:

Ban Hate from TNP Act (Started by Comfed on 1 March 2021 | Status: Ongoing
Changes to the Line of Succession (Started by Cretox State on 21 February 2021 | Status: Went to Vote on 7 March 2021)
The CARS Act (Started by Cretox State on 21 February 2021 | Status: Ongoing
Criminal Code Update Act (Started by Peeps on 12 February 2021 | Status: Dropped
Dreadton's Security Council Application (Started by Cretox State on 9 February 2021 | Status: Went to Vote on 14 February 2021)
Confirmation of Westinor and Peeps as Election Commissioners (Started by Robespierre on 7 February 2021 | Status: Went to Vote on 16 February)
Executive Officer of Justice Act (Started by Comfed on 7 February 2021 | Status: Dropped
Confirmation of Fregerson as Election Commissioner (Started by Robespierre on 5 February 2021 | Status: Went to Vote on 16 February 2021)
NPA Doctrine Simplification Act (Started by Lady Raven Wing on 3 February 2021 | Status: Dropped
TlomzKrano's Security Council Application (Started by Cretox State on 31 January 2021 | Status: Went to Vote on 8 February 2021)
NPA Flexibility Act (Started by Peeps on 29 January 2021 | Status: Dropped
Citizenship Application Amendment Act (Started by Peeps on 20 January 2021 | Status: Dropped

Concluded Votes

In descending order from most recent to least recent, a recap...

The following vote was held during the month of mid-March on an amendment pertinent to Article 5 Clause 5 of the Constitution of the North Pacific:

5. The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession by a majority vote. The line of succession must always include the Vice Delegate and all current Security Council members, and must always place the Vice Delegate first. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be automatically added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be automatically removed from the line of succession.

[CLOSED] Amendment to the Line of Succession (Vote yet to be announced during a 4 day voting period that ended on 11 March 2021)*

Vote ended today at 3:10PM PST/5:10PM CST/6:10PM EST

The following votes were held during the month of mid-to-late February on appointments pertinent to Chapter 4, Section 4.3 Clause 11 of the Legal Code of the North Pacific:

11. The Election Commission consists of at least five, but no more than nine citizens appointed by the Delegate and confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.

[CLOSED] Confirmation of Peeps as Election Commissioner (Motion passed on a vote of 23 Ayes | 0 Nays | 4 Abstention during a 5 day voting period that ended on 21 February 2021)
[CLOSED] Confirmation of Westinor as Election Commissioner (Motion passed on a vote of 27 Ayes | 0 Nays | 2 Abstentions during a 5 day voting period that ended on 21 February 2021)
[CLOSED] Confirmation of Fregerson as Election Commissioner (Motion passed on a vote of 32 Ayes | 0 Nays | 1 Abstention during a 5 day voting period that ended on 21 February 2021)

The following votes were held during the month(s) of late-January to mid-February on confirmations and an appointment pertinent to Article 5 Clause 2 of the Constitution of the North Pacific:

2. Once an application has been submitted, the Security Council may nominate that applicant by a majority vote. The Regional Assembly may confirm a nominated applicant by a majority vote. If the Security Council does not nominate an applicant or does not act on them within thirty days, the Regional Assembly may appoint the applicant by a two-thirds majority vote.

[CLOSED] Dreadton’s Security Council Application (Motion passed on a vote of 36 Ayes | 1 Nay | 4 Abstentions during a 5 day voting period that ended on 19 February 2021)
[CLOSED] TlomzKrano’s Security Council Application (Motion passed on a vote of 27 Ayes | 2 Nays | 5 Abstentions during a 5 day voting period that ended on 13 February 2021)
[CLOSED] Appointment of Rocketdog to the Security Council (Motion passed on a vote of 39 Ayes | 7 Nays | 3 Abstentions during a 7 day voting period that ended on 3 February 2021)

A Closing & Thoughts Thus Far

Finally, I'd like to take the time to thank each of my Deputy Speakers for the exemplary effort that they put forth each and every day to make this office great. Had it not been for them and their work, we wouldn't have been able to satisfy my campaign objective of performing checks on citizenship and residency every day of the term thus far (with the exception of three instances) and we wouldn't be running like a well-oiled machine with a mere two more months to go until May. My appreciation goes out to them and to the citizenry that we seek to serve.

Thank you for joining me for this State of the Regional Assembly report!

In service,

Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Speaker of the Regional Assembly

Dreadton (Dreadton)
Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly

Bobberino (Bobberino)
Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly

Peeps (TNPeeps)
Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly

Kastonvia (Kastonvia)
Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly

lol2639 (Lol2639)
Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly

East Isles (East Isles)
Deputy Speaker of the Regional Assembly
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