[GA - PASSED] Supporting People with Disabilities

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Supporting People with Disabilities
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Free Las Pinas , Co-authored by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Noting the importance of accessible infrastructure - particularly in the spheres of health, education, and communications - in allowing people with disabilities to effectively exercise their rights,

Concerned that, in addition to ableism, many people with disabilities regularly face discrimination and disadvantage on other grounds (such as race, sex, age, and - for most - low income), and

Recognising that - while legislation alone cannot serve to completely eradicate discrimination - an internationally recognized disability code to remedy the social disadvantages of people with disabilities and promote their equal participation in all spheres of life would be of at least some benefit in achieving that goal:

  1. Defines “people with disabilities” to be those that have a physical or mental impairment which, within their own, their guardian’s, or their doctor’s jurisdiction, has a detrimental or consequential effect on their capabilities to execute day-to-day activities;
  2. Requires member states to:
    1. Ensure that people with disabilities, within their jurisdiction, can conveniently access assistive technologies, housing programs, and mental health support services, relevant to their disability;
    2. Provide, in law and in practice, that no qualified applicants for any job receive worse terms and conditions, incentives, or allowances in their employment due to being disabled;
    3. Guarantee, to all people with disabilities, the right to all available, and relevant details regarding their personal medical condition; granted it is within their doctor’s capacity to provide such information;
    4. Refrain from the detainment, whether in medical facilities or otherwise, of people with disabilities, excluding the legitimate punishment of crimes and where it can be proven that the disabled person is a danger to others;
  3. Encourages member states to:
    1. Establish systems of special education for those with visual, hearing, or intellectual disabilities;
    2. Uphold a positive and inclusive stance on disability, particularly in mainstream media, schools, and workplaces;
    3. Utilise and conduct research to allow products and facilities to be used by anyone without the need for significant reworks and modifications; and
  4. Reaffirms the right to not be discriminated on the grounds of disability.

Co-authored by Tinhampton
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]24[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]0[/TD][/TR]

"Supporting People with Disabilities" has passed 13,400 (82.8%) to 2,781 (17.2%).
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"Supporting People With Disabilities" is a resolution that seeks to establish legal protections for disabled persons, as well as to ensure that their civil liberties are preserved.

The resolution covers various legal protections and enshrines crucial civil liberties in a comprehensive manner, and also provides excellent reasoning for the mandate that it enforces upon member states. Such protections and guarantees provide economic benefits in addition to the primary effect on the societal and governmental treatment of disabled persons, as such improvements to their quality of life allow disabled persons to contribute to the economy in a much more effective manner; thus negating any costs incurred in providing the aforementioned protections and guarantees. In addition, the effect of this legislation would extend beyond improving the quality of life of disabled persons; as such measures have the potential to inspire better treatment of other disenfranchised groups.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly resolution at-vote, "Supporting People With Disabilities".
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I note that bullet points 1(5-7) and 2(4-6) contain no content, when those bullet points are not actually present in the submitted proposal. Phantom code? :P

Ineligible to vote but will try to answer as many concerns as possible, if any.
I note that bullet points 1(5-7) and 2(4-6) contain no content, when those bullet points are not actually present in the submitted proposal. Phantom code? :P

Ineligible to vote but will try to answer as many concerns as possible, if any.
I did this on my phone at 2 AM. I will take what I can get. [Will obviously address this though.]
For. Really, why would this prpopsal have a "Against" button? lmao

This particular proposal is done well, and as such, deserves to pass. However one can disagree in principle, or there can be legislation of this manner done poorly... There are a myriad of reasons that otherwise benign or good-natured GA proposals would be voted down. Don't vote for something because of a flowery or far-reaching goal set, even if it appeals to you on a personal level. Use a critical eye for this kind of stuff. Just my two cents from a veteran :)
As of 11:01 AM EST, this proposal has received the necessary votes to make quorum. It will proceed to a vote after "Whistleblower Protection Act" which means it should take the floor at Saturday's minor if my math is correct.
I do wish that proposals would stop using language of modern critical theory in framing its proposals, but once again the good of the proposal outweighs my dislike for the language. Not everything has to be framed in terms of expressing rights or the oppressed / oppressor dichotomy. We can treat people with disabilities correctly and enshrine that protection in law simply because of their inherent dignity as a human being. Regardless:

Against. (2)(1) may be too expensive for developing nations.
A simple reading of this clause will reveal that member states need only "ensure... convenient[...] access" to the relevant "assistive technologies, housing programs, and mental health support services" for their inhabitants with disabilities. Such facilitation is not "too expensive for developing nations."
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