Tusacwyan Confederacy Embassy Programme (Applications)




As provided through the Mawat on Exterior Commerce IV, the Tusacwyan Confederacy is accepting applications for the establishment of permanent diplomatic missions in foreign or outlander nations. Foreign delegations are encouraged to make an application to establish diplomatic relations. The appropriate application format can be found below.

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[SIZE=6][B][FONT=times new roman]YOUR NATION NAME[/FONT][/B][/size][/center]

[SIZE=5][FONT=times new roman]Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? [B]Yes/No[/B]
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? [B]Yes/No[/B]

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. [b]Exports[/b]
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. [b]Imports[/b]

What is the capital city of your nation? [B]Your Capital City[/B]
Who is your current head of government? [B]Your Head of Gov't[/B]
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? [b]Yes/No[/b]
What is the population of your nation? [B]Your Population[/B]
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? [B]Your Gov't System[/B]

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? [B]Yes/No[/B]

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway including present military conflicts. [B]Information[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4](Applications may be elaborated over discord)[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Second Arcanstotskan Republic

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer.

  • Food (Agri-foods, finished food products, and fish)
  • Oil
  • Furs
  • Ores & Metals
  • Logging products

What is the capital city of your nation? Siloyev
Who is your current head of government? Prime Minister Anton Yanovich Tsvetayev
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 54.3 Million
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Federal semi-presidential constitutional republic
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. The Second Arcanstotskan Republic is currently engaged in an armed military conflict against a rebellious province. West Vaasa - the rebellious province in question - is in close proximity to the Tusacaway though does not border the nation directly.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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Kingdom of Prydania

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Furs, ores, metals, oil, produced food products
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Electric cars, manufactured goods, coal

What is the capital city of your nation? Býkonsviði
Who is your current head of government? Prime Minister Magnus Brandt
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 18,564,497
What is the nature of your nation's governance?
Constitutional Monarchy
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Our two peoples have history dating back to what our historical records refer to as "The Troubled Voyages of 1088."
Additionally the Kingdom of Prydania has recently emerged from a civil war that engulfed our Realm for fifteen years. It ended three and a half years ago.
His Majesty's government is keen to establish mutually beneficial relationships with its neighbours as well as reconnect with those peoples whom we have history with.
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The Empire of Aydin

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Bison Pelts

What is the capital city of your nation? Antalya
Who is your current head of government? Grand Sultan Osmanek I
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 75,000,393
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Absolute Monarchy
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. N/A

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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The SECOND ARCANSTOTSKAN REPUBLIC's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The SECOND ARCANSTOTSKAN REPUBLIC's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

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The KINGDOM OF PRYDANIA's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The KINGDOM OF PRYDANIA's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

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The EMPIRE OF AYDIN's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The EMPIRE OF AYDIN's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

@Greater Ale Permars
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The Imperial Goyanean Federation

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Imports may be those that market forces decide are beneficial to be imported from the Tusacaway. Specifically, luxury pelts and leather products, oils, and other specialty goods will be more explicitly sought.
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Motor vehicles, computerized machinery, general electronics, precision apparatus (medical, optical, technical, etc), heavy industry (Ships, oil rigs, etc.), basic metals, chemical goods, pharmaceuticals, aircraft, and transportation equipment (trains and trams).

What is the capital city of your nation? Gojannesstad
Who is your current head of government? High Chancellor Jon Norberg
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 133,688,018
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary federal republic
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. As is customary for us, the Goyanean government will seek to procure a property in the capital for the Tusacwyan embassy and diplomatic compound. We request that specific desires about what type of building is to be purchased be made known to the Vice Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Ken Lorge.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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The Most Serene State of Predice

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Raw materials, various minerals and metals, timber, uranium, agricultural products, pelts, leather products.
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Weaponry, aircraft, industrial machinery, food products, alcohol, tobacco products, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications equipment.

What is the capital city of your nation? Antofagosta
Who is your current head of government? Gonfaloniere Alessandro Emmanuele Gorganzolo
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 56,133,673
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Predice and the Tusacaway have a long history of fruitful bilateral trade. It is our wish to return, to continue our friendship, as equals.
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The Islands of Faltsu

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Specialty furs, leather goods, and various raw materials and minerals such as uranium (for civilian use).
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Agricultural equipment, vehicles, various machine tools and parts, green energy equipment, military weapons and equipment, various aircraft (mainly smaller), foodstuffs, and tobacco and alcohol products.

What is the capital city of your nation? Denburg
Who is your current head of government? King Xel Den
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 1,500,000
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Absolute Monarchy with a Parliament
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Trade between our nations would be beneficial to both of our economies, and Faltsu is always willing to help in others' times of need just as they were helped in theirs.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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Kingdom of Saintonge

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Raw Materials, Timber, Ore, Precious Metals, Petroleum, Seafood
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Unique Food and Beverage Specialties (including macarons, cheese, meats, chocolate, and wine), Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment, Electronic Goods, Household Appliances, Motor Vehicles including consumer cars and agricultural (tractors) and construction equipment, Luxury Goods, Beauty Products, Specialised Machinery and Ball Bearings, Financial Products, Computer Hardware and Software

What is the capital city of your nation? Saintes
Who is your current head of government? Prime Minister Anne-Douceline Courseaux
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 133.5 million
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. The Kingdom of Saintonge would be very much interested in establishing a physical embassy in the capital city of Tusacwyan Confederacy, and we would appreciate any assistance with this regard. These would be our principal staff for our proposed embassy:

Ambassador: Marie-Jolanthe Margaine
Agricultural Attaché: Joseph-Archambault Treilhard
Commercial Attaché: Lucille Bourret-Lesterpt
Cultural Attaché: Geraldine-Iseult Rucart
Economic Attaché: Alexandre-Isaac Gueffroy de Chaudordy
Military Attaché: Lt. Timothée-Baudry Poirier, ARtS

Thank you very much for your consideration and we hope that this would be the start of a new phase of a fruitful relationship between our great nations.

Marcelline Tréhet
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Saintonge

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The IMPERIAL GOYANEAN FEDERATION's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The IMPERIAL GOYANEAN FEDERATION's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

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The MOST SERENE STATE OF PREDICE's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The MOST SERENE STATE OF PREDICE's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

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The ISLANDS OF FALTSU's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The ISLANDS OF FALTSU's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

@Waupun Island

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The KINGDOM OF SAINTONGE's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The KINGDOM OF SAINTONGE's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

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Republic of Lorbank[/center]

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. mercury, silver, coffee, caoutchouch, banana, plumbum, oil/gas
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. wheat, maize, salt, sunflower, pork, beef

What is the capital city of your nation? Lisledo
Who is your current head of government? Leslie Burves (President)
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 11,7 million
What is the nature of your nation's governance? Presidential Republic
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Please apply for an embassy in my country here: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7430727/3#post-10378711

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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The REPUBLIC OF LORBANK's application to establish diplomatic relations has been DENIED.
The REPUBLIC OF LORBANK's application to engage in bilateral trade has been DENIED.

(You did not provide a national flag, and I'm unsure of your identity, please reach out to me over on discord before applying.)

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The Mintorian Realm

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Food, gems and other precious medals, coffee, textiles, raw materials

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Automobiles and other vehicles, machinery and electronic products, telecommunications equipment, information and communications technology, furniture, kitchen appliances, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, precision machinery, heavy machinery, aircraft, metals, chemicals, weapons and military equipment

What is the capital city of your nation? Glaienbeck

Who is your current head of government? Chancellor Wilhelm Städtler

Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 120,375,000

What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Unitary parliamentary executive constitutional monarchy

Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. His Imperial Majesty’s Government is eager to establish relations with the Tusacaway, and is looking forward to commence trading between our two countries.

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The MINTORIAN REALM's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The MINTORIAN REALM's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

@John Doe Smith

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The Commonwealth of Yalkan

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Lumber
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Motorcyles, Ferroalloys, Wool, Excavation Equipment, High Grade Explosives, Furniture

What is the capital city of your nation? Zeta
Who is your current head of government? Darren Neville
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 8,901,063
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Constitutional Monarchy
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? Yes

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. The Commonwealth is eager to promote trade and cultural exchange between our nations. The world beckons.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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The COMMONWEALTH OF YALKAN's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The COMMONWEALTH OF YALKAN's application to engage in bilateral trade has been DENIED.

(The Tusacaway is unwilling to exchange goods with countries that endorse the whaling industry; however, Yalkan is free to enjoy bilateral relations with the Tusacaway)

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Tyranny of Korova

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? No
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Imports
If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Exports

What is the capital city of your nation? Korovka
Who is your current head of government? Arthur Tatarov
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? 19,189,200
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Absolute Monarchy
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? Yes

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Korova is in a transitionary period of total rule under the monarch, this is a temporary state of affairs until the nation's first election in the following year.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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The TYRANNY OF KOROVA's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.

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The Greater Ilian Coaliton of the Eastern Leagues of Itrea and Icetio and the Western Regent-Kingdom of Taveris and Isalia

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes

Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer.

  • Uranium (Entirely for use in Ilia's Civilian Power Grid and Research)
  • Oil (Primarily for use in Plastics)

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation.
  • Heavy Machinery (Sustainable Mining Development, Modern Ships)
  • Infrastructure Technologies (Green Energy, Telecommunications)
  • Finished Agricultural Products (Spirits [Wines, Whiskeys, Beers], Barely Products)

What is the capital city of your nation? City of Ilia, INT*, ITC**
Who is y
our current head of government? Alfred Irenia, Premier of the Coalition
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No

What is the population of your nation? ~141,315,000
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)?

  • Nationally; Confederated Constituent States
    • League of Itrea; Parliamentary Democratic Republic
    • League of Icetio; Parliamentary Democratic Republic
    • Kingdom of Taveris and Isalia; Crowned Democratic Republic
Does your nation's economy involve whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway.

  • There are 4 commonly used names names for the whole of the Coalition.
    • The Greater Ilian Coalition of the Eastern Leagues of Itrea and Icetio and the Western Regent-Kingdoms of Taveris and Isalia; The Current Official Long Form Name.
    • The IlioTaveris Coalition; The Current Official Short Form Name.
    • Ilia-Taveris; Common Colloquial.
    • The Coalition; Common Colloquial.
  • People from Ilia-Taveris are generally referred to as the Demonym of their Constituent State (Itrea, Icetio and Taveris)
    • The accepted default when not known is "Coalitionare".
  • Ilia-Taveris is a nation with four nationally recognized religious organizations each of which constitute between 10-35% of the population.
    • ITC Paganist Council [CPC]
    • League of Courantist (Dacellan Communion) [CL]
    • IlioMeceanist Confederation [IMC]
    • Dyellic Launtists Association [DLA]
  • Ilia-Taveris is a nation with 6 Major Ethnic Groups. The Largest being the Ilio-Gothic, Iteri People (est. 41.9M); The Smallest being the Pameric, Isaliac People (est. 9.8M).
    • The other 4 being the Icetian (Ilio-Gothic), Taveric (Pameric), Dyelan (Ilio-Andren), Nerellic (Pamero-Careen)
  • Ilia-Taveris has an extremely diversified political scene with 17 Recognized Political Parties in the National Legislature.
  • The Current Royal Family of Taveris is the House of Kelira-Aukus-Isalia, which has held the throne since 1515 after being installed by Republican Forces following the Unification War.
    • Current Monarch, Thalia XI Kelira; Current Heir, Ferdinand ves Kelira
      • Ferinand, who has taken the title of Crown Princess, is Thalia's Nephew through his late mother, Catherine.
* - INT = Ilian National Territory. The organized lands currently directedly overseen, owned, or granted to Coalition Government by Itrea, Icetio and Taveris.
** - ITC = IlioTaveric Coalition. Shortened Official Name of Ilia-Taveris.
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@Lord Lore
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The United Kingdom Under Ulstome

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Exports - vehicles and parts, machinery, animal products, electronics
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Imports - mined materials, metals, agricultural products

What is the capital city of your nation? Krimielstein
Who is your current head of government? Harold von Vannestein
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? Your Population
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? constitutional monarchy

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Ulstome is keen to develop its relationship with Tusacaway and grow the level of trade between the two nations.

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Union Chorum Mitreas

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Textiles, Metalworks, Hand Manufactured Goods
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Wood / Oil

What is the capital city of your nation? Miter
Who is your current head of government? Servant High Devon Medgel
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? 42,258,377
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Federal Republic with semi autonomous territories

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Chorum Mitreas is significantly driven by its humanitarian relationship to the people who have sought asylum within its borders. Nations who aid in its mission to maintain cordial relations with those refuge peoples, and a strong continuation of aid to them will be quickly liked. Nations who are quick to destroy the human ecologies of their own nation or other nations will be quickly denounced and seen as hostile.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes/No Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes/No Yes, but some form of hard currency is preferred

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Exports
Various kinds of Ore
Consumer goods

If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Imports
Agricultural products

What is the capital city of your nation? Your Capital City Regunalia City
Who is your current head of government? Your Head of Gov't King Leonidas Thornton
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? Yes/No No
What is the population of your nation? Your Population ~83 million
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Your Gov't System Constitutional Monarchy

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? Yes/No No, outlawed by Regunalian royal law via Royal Decree by King Leonidas

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. Information

If a physical diplomatic mission is to be established, a herald shall be appointed as soon as is possible to appoint such an official

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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The UNITED KINGDOM UNDER ULSTOME's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The UNITED KINGDOM UNDER ULSTOME's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

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The UNION CHORUM MITREAS's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The UNION CHORUM MITREAS's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.


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The GRAND KINGDOM OF REGUNALIA's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The GRAND KINGDOM OF REGUNALIA's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.


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Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Precious metals, agricultural products and foodstuffs, luxury goods, computer hardware and software, oil, thorium, et al.
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Raw materials such as agricultural products, timber, metals, et al.; as well as pelts and other unique Tusacwyan products.

What is the capital city of your nation? Pataliputra
Who is your current head of government? State Curator Rahul Sahab
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? 75,767,440
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Semiconstitutional parliamentary monarchy

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. The Empire welcomes the Tusacaway to the world stage. We hold great respect for the Tusacwyan people and culture and look forward to pursuing a fruitful friendship between our states. In addition to what has been specified above, we are willing to provide cutting-edge telecommunications technology to the Tusacaway as well as assistance in erecting telecommunications infrastructure, both as/where needed, if needed.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)

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The SYRIXIAN EMPIRE's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The SYRIXIAN EMPIRE's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.


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The Kingdom of Lanorth

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Computer-related technology, vehicles, gems and other precious metals, oil and other mineral fuels, electrical machinery and pharmaceuticals.
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Wood, food products, mainly fish, metals, weaponry, aircraft, alcohol and tobacco products and finally, pelts.

What is the capital city of your nation? Constantine
Who is your current head of government? Prime Minister John Lascelles
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? 179,662,050
What is the nature of your nation's governance? Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. His late Majesty, King Frederick, has personally expressed his interest in the culture of the Tusacaway, and has urged the Government to pursue diplomatic and trade relations, which they are more than willing to do. King Leopold III expresses the same views. We hope Lanorth and the Tusacaway will develop and maintain positive diplomatic and trade relations.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Heavy metals, refined goods, weapons and weapons tech, R&D
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Food products

What is the capital city of your nation? Suavidicum
Who is your current head of government? Consul Gaius Antony Marcus
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? 125,126,804
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Constitutional Monarchy

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway. The Imperium would like to welcome Tusacaway onto the worlds stage, and would like to share the riches of Auroria with them.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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The IMPERIAL REALM OF LANORTH's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The IMPERIAL REALM OF LANORTH's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.


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The IMPERIUM SUAVIDICI's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The IMPERIUM SUAVIDICI's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.


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The Republic of Mondari

Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Pharmaceuticals, Energy Equipment (Solar, Wind, Nuclear), Weaponry, Automotive Parts, Automobiles, Refined Metals
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Food, Raw metals, Minerals, Lumber

What is the capital city of your nation?
Who is your current head of government? Bernard Roman
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? 142,894,168
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Constitutional Representative Republic

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway.
Mondari would like to welcome Tusacaway onto the world stage. We want every nation that is starting to modernize to have the support of as many nations as possible to prevent imperialism from falling on their nation.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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The DEMOCRATIC DISTRICTS OF MIDIR's application to establish diplomatic relations has been APPROVED.
The DEMOCRATIC DISTRICTS OF MIDIR's application to engage in bilateral trade has been APPROVED.

OOC Notice: Approved by @Felis, co-RPer for UFI.


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Do you wish to establish mutual diplomatic missions? Yes
Do you wish to engage in bilateral trade? Yes

If yes, please list foreign commodities that the Tusacaway could potentially import from your nation. Machinery, cement, electronics, chemicals and plastics, food and wood, stone and glass, textiles and furniture, rubber
If yes, please list desired or sought imports that the Tusacaway could potentially offer. Petroleum products, capital and intermediate goods, raw materials for clothing and shoe industries, consumer goods, automobiles

What is the capital city of your nation? Salurong (executive and legislative), Tanpusqo (judicial)
Who is your current head of government? Nifa Nakashad
Does your delegation represent a government-in-exile? No
What is the population of your nation? 83,048,269
What is the nature of your nation's governance (e.g. constitutional monarchy)? Federal semi-presidential parliamentary republic

Does your nation's economy incorporate whaling as an industry? No

Please list all additional information which could be pertinent in considering the establishing mutual embassies with the Tusacaway including present military conflicts. The United Federation is not involved in any ongoing military conflict. Instead, it has completed humanitarian work towards efforts for world peace. Recently, it has received 600,000 refugees from Korova between 2011-2018.

(Applications may be elaborated over discord)
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