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- Freg#0420

Standards For International Road Freight
Category: Free Trade | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: The New Sicilian State | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:The World Assembly,
Acknowledging the important role of road freight transport in the flow of goods from manufacturers to the consumers,
Seeking to more effectively streamline the flow of goods from transporters to consumers,
I. Defines, for the purpose of this legislation,
II. Mandates that foreign transporters communicate with domestic national services ahead of the transporter vehicle's departure to clarify logistical details including, but not limited to, the contents of the cargo being transported and the intended route,
- "international cargo transport vehicle" as a cargo-transporting vehicle that crosses an international border into a WA member nation,
- “transporter” as a legal entity that transports goods from one establishment to another,
- “waybill” as an official document filled out by the transporters, a copy of which must accompany the cargo aboard the transporting vehicle, to be presented to authorities upon request; designating the full contents, specific destination, and intended route of a single transport vehicle,
III. Requires member states to have operational points of entry for transport vehicles except in events of the closing of borders due to compelling purposes,
IV. Requires member states to charge a one-time fee on each transport vehicle for its passage through their territory, a charge that can account for, for example, any anticipated toll fees, applicable fees for road maintenance as well as for the environmental impact of cargo traffic,
V. Allows member states to impose a considerably higher payment for routes that transverse environmentally sensitive areas,
VI. Mandates that member states use fair and reasonable judgement in the calculation of the fees, allowing different payment categories for different kinds of vehicles, but not for different nations of origin,
VII. Requires that member states provide upon request, a complete list of all the components of the one-time fee,
VIII. Mandates that international cargo transport vehicles are still expected to follow domestic traffic laws,
IX. Does not restrict member states' ability to search all transport vehicles at the border to ensure compliance with national laws involving contraband goods,
X. Grants special exception to international cargo transport vehicles from stops including, but not limited to, road tolls and province checkpoints except when ordered to stop by law enforcement,
XI. Clarifies that while these standards apply to international cargo transport vehicles carrying potentially hazardous materials and/or live animals, these standards do not address the procedure in which such cargo should be handled by the transporter or those at foreign points of entry.
Coauthored by Araraukar
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!