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Commend The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
Category: Commendation | Nominee: The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
Proposed by: The Unified Missourtama States | Onsite Topic
RecognizingThe Holy Principality of Saint Mark (also referenced in this commendation as 'Saint Mark') as a leader in many aspects of the world,
Remembering Saint Mark’s Service as a Regional Officer in:
- Osiris, as the longest serving Priest of Osiris, presiding as a judge over judiciary cases and one who helped craft its judicial accords, to establish the court system,
- Albion, by creating its religion, including its sacred texts, holidays, clergy and ceremonies , and contributing heavily to the culture within the region as the Archbishop of the Church of Jormunr, and as an adviser to the King,
- The Sasquatch Republic, as a founding member and the Dean of the Cathedral of Saint Agatha the Squatcher, helping to create the Sasquatch culture of the region,
- Karma, as a founding member and Sage, protecting and guiding new nations in the region,
- The East Pacific, as an Arbiter in the judicial system,
Also realizing Saint Mark has influenced many other Nations by serving as a leader in the feeder region, The West Pacific:
- Serving as Delegate of The West Pacific, and during their time as Delegate,
- Introducing the new Imperial culture,
- Amending the Manners of Governance of the West,
- Negotiating the treaty of Fuhuo with Lazarus,
- Being the driving force behind the Détente between The South Pacific and the West,
- Working diligently behind the scenes to encourage internal reforms in The Pacific, while helping some of the regions involved in the conflict to reach accord and,
- By responding to events both internal and external in a thoughtful, reasoned way, sought to bolster The West Pacific’s reputation as a serious, fair, active region,
- Serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of The West Pacific, and during their time as Minister negotiating the Chol Covenant between The West Pacific and Lazarus, and writing the original Guide for Diplomatic Interactions, outlining the duties and expected behavior of diplomats,
- Serving as the first Speaker of The Hall of Nations of The West Pacific, and during their time as Speaker wrote The Etiquette of The Hall of Nations, its operating procedures,
- Serving as a Guardian of the West, protecting the region from coups,
Observing Saint Mark’s contributions to NationStates Today and their assistance in forming the News Partnership Framework which established the governance and goals of the NSToday organization which now stands as the World’s largest news organization,
Appreciating how Saint Mark spearheaded the POP Accord, which created a safe environment for all, striving to prevent sexual endangerment of children, Signed and agreed upon by The East Pacific, South Pacific, The West Pacific, Lazarus, Balder, Osiris, Lands End, Pacifica, Ragerian Imperium, Krillin, and The Sasquatch Republic,
Seeking to commemorate the contributions and goodwill ofThe Holy Principality of Saint Mark,
Hereby commendsThe Holy Principality of Saint Mark.
Co-authored byTeralyon.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
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