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- Freg#0420

Promotion Of Recycling
Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses - Mild
Proposed by: Greifenburg | Onsite Topic
The World Assembly,
Recognizing that improved manufacturing processes often lead to an increased waste production due to cheaper products indirectly promoting a use and throwaway culture;
Understanding that technological limitations and economical concerns can lead to reservations regarding waste reduction programs;
Troubled, however, that many waste products contain materials that require significant amounts of time to decompose or are of toxic nature;
Concerned that unregulated accumulation of refuse inevitably leads to negative environmental effects due to contamination of water, air and soil and thus poses a danger for sapient species, animals and ecosystems;
Further concerned that uncontrolled increases of waste squanders valuable, rare and energy-intensive resources;
Thus believing that a reduction of waste would benefit all nations and their inhabitants;
1. Defines for the purpose of this resolution:
a) "Recyclable waste material" as a waste material, item or object that can be reprocessed into materials fit for manufacturing;
b) "Recycling" as a process in which a recyclable waste material is converted into a state that is reusable for production;
c) "Salvageable object" as a complex waste product that can, due to disassembly, yield recyclable materials;
d) "Salvaging" as a process in which a salvageable object is disassambled into recyclable waste materials;
2. Mandates:
a) the introduction of recycling and salvaging as a means of waste reduction in all member nations in accordance to their technological and economical capabilities, unless such is already introduced and active;
b) the implementation of an easily accessible system for the collection of recyclable materials and salvageable objects in said nations, unless such is already in place;
3. Requires its member nations to encourage participation in recycling and salvaging, and the usage of through recycling recovered materials with the means of legislation, incentives or penalization;
4. Clarifies that this resolution does neither prevent nor discrourage the implementation of other waste reduction methods before or after recycling takes place.
5. Encourages its member nations to support the research of new recycling and waste reduction techniques to further reduce waste production.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
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