The world powers had been embroiled in a decade long war that had left millions dead and no end to the conflict in sight. The reasons for this war are unclear, lost and forgotten to the slow decay of time, and the justifications ultimately irrelevant. What we do know is that the old world ended in a single cataclysmic event, the cause unclear. But the world was changed forever.
On July 2, 2377, a bright flash lit up the sky, lasting only for a few moments, a flash that was seen around the globe, and everything electronic went dead. Televisions went black, phones stopped working, transformers popped and exploded, cars stalled and died, and planes fell out of the sky. The hums and buzzes of an electronic world went completely, and utterly, silent.
But the silence did not last. Following the flash came earthquakes and tsunamis, fires and whirlwinds, destruction on an apocalyptic scale. Over the whole of the earth a dark cloud of ash and soot blocked out the sky until only a pale remnant of the sun’s light could penetrate through.
As the earthquakes and fires subsided, furious electrical storms with high winds scoured what was left of the land. Acid rain fell from the sky killing plant and animal species off in the thousands. A terrible mass extinction event. The earth’s temperature dropped and the northern continents were buried in snow by a new ice age.
Civilization completely collapsed as food supplies dwindled. There was rioting and violence by the desperate and terrified. Starvation, exposure, violence, and catastrophe nearly brought an end to the human race. The world population was devastated, and only the most resourceful and tenacious were able to survive.
Over time the tremors faded, the burnt lands began to flower, and the cold winters receded as a new summer began. The devastation and change brought on by the cataclysm faded, and the scarred lands began to heal. A new age of the world began, rising out of the ashes of the old. And the memory of the cataclysm would not fade, becoming legend and myth, simply known among different peoples as the Great Flash.
— From After the Flash: A History by Liam Neighbors
Behold our shiny new post-apocalyptic setting. Set in the 2500s this is a new Earth ready to be conquered. This new world is called Asheron, a play on the name Acheron (River of Woe), but abbreviated to [Ash]. OOCly only. ICly it’s still good ol’ Terra Firma.

-The Grand Columbian Republic (Esplandia)
-The Union of the Great Lakes (Andrenne)
-New Chinese Republic (Nogori)
-Norman Confederation (Prydania)
-Sierra (Loz)
-Zone 3 (Em)
-New Canada (Sasten)
-The Rhine-Benelux Federation (Zyvun)
-Islandiya (Yalkan)
-Principality of Rio de Jeneiro (Syrixia)
-The Provisional Government of the United States of America (Greater Ale Permars)
-Elysian Covenant (Arc)
-Kingdom of Ceará (Tardine)
-The Northern Confederation (Tim)
-Occitan Domain (Ceretis)
- Terran National State (arc)
- Sai Gon Inquisition (WorldbuildingCoffey)
As with all good things there are some rules.
Claiming and Role-Playing Rules of course. Regular forums rules still apply so I won’t rehash them, but here’s some new ones.
1). The size of an initial claim will be limited to around twenty territories at first (exceptions may be granted) with an option to expand into additional territories after a period of time and activity requirements are met.
2). The map is divided up into territories which may vary in size but are, as far as claiming goes, considered to be a single territorial unit. Some islands and island chains are considered their own territories while others are divided into multiple territories. Smaller islands will be considered a part of the territory they are closest to geographically unless otherwise decided by the God of the Wasteland (that's me).
3). Instead of using your total claim of twenty territories you may choose instead to “purchase” advanced technologies for your nation for a set number of points, with futuristic technologies having a higher territorial point cost. This is to reward those who take smaller initial claims with better technologies. The minimum claim must be one territory. There are three tiers of technologies with values of 1 point each, 3 points each, or 5 points each. The 5 points technology tier are rare and non-replicable techs (meaning they come from before the apocalypse and new one's cannot be built) and there will be strict limits to the numbers of those technologies your nation has on hand.
1 Points: Radar, Radio, Television, Pharmaceuticals, Rocketry, Laser/Plasma weapons, Jets, Hydroponics,
3 Points: Airships, Robots (non-combat), Electric Trains, Cybernetic Implants, Autodoctor (ie robotic surgeon),
5 Points: Power Armor, Fusion Reactor, Supercomputer,
4). Claims will be considered on a first-come first-serve basis. Denied claims will be given a chance to resubmit a modified claim once before the area they are trying to claim once again becomes available to openly claim.
5). All expansions must be approved by the God of the Wasteland first and then RPed. No exceptions. There is no upper limit to how many times you can expand so long as it’s approved and RPed.
6). All tech levels are capped at 1970s type tech level, with 1950s and 1960s tech being more common, with the exception of the advanced techs from rule #3. This setting isn’t so much about technological advancement anyway, but about the post-apocalyptic setting and the issues that could come from that.
7). Colonialism, as defined by nations establishing overseas colonies on distant continents, is banned. Claims controlled overseas by nations would be unfeasible, considering the state of the world. Nations bridging over local bodies of water is okay (ie claiming both Japan and Korea). This no colonialism rule is to avoid power mongering.
8). Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and other objects that could be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction are prohibited from use. All WMD's are to be considered to have been used up before the War unless otherwise agreed upon by the God of the Wasteland.
9). Raider Territories are independent states ruled over by hostile forces. They are NPC's, and as such, the God of the Wasteland has final say on their behavior. They are not neutral, and will attack and raid neighboring territories. Anyone who shares a border with them can jointly worldbuild them (to an extent) and control the actions of their raiding parties. Raider Territories may also be expanded into, with the permission of the God of the Wasteland.
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