[SC - Failed] Commend Auralia

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Commend Auralia
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Auralia
Proposed by: United Massachusetts | Onsite Topic
Recalling that this august council ought to award recognition to only the most accomplished nations, especially those who have significantly advanced global peace and goodwill in a number of different contexts,

Submitting that after years of service in a variety of contexts, Auralia has cleared this highest bar and soared beyond it,

Amazed that Auralia and its subsidiary, Railana, have together authored an astounding twenty-three General Assembly resolutions, including, but not limited to:

  1. Minimum Standard of Living Act, which compels member nations to provide a minimum standard of living to citizens thereof, a significant advance for the cause of social justice,

  2. Convention on Internet Neutrality, which established the strong net neutrality protections that prevent corporate censorship of the internet,

  3. WA Development Foundation, which created an organization of the same namesake to oversee research and action in regards to socioeconomic development of impoverished nations,

  4. Convention on Foreign Political Corruption,which prevented nations from bribing or otherwise corrupting foreign officials,

  5. Ban on Statutory Limitations for Heinous Crimes, which compelled member nations to to bring the worst criminals to justice,
Noting that among these twenty resolutions are eight repeals of fundamentally flawed legislation, such as:

  1. Repeal "Internet Net Neutrality Act", which repealed a resolution that, on top of its hideous title, prohibited standard practices in the provision of internet service,

  2. Repeal "The General Patent Charter", which repealed a far too vague resolution governing patent law,
Lauding Auralia's development of countless tools, such as NS AutoTelegram, a platform used to facilitate international communication, and NSLogin, a tool used to assist member nations in controlling their more rowdy subsidiaries,

Appreciating their intellectual contributions to these nation-states, through the authorship of such essays as "Realism in the General Assembly", which provided a strong case for the repeal of GAR #2 and the subsequent establishment of alternative, more realistic legislation,

Praising their dedicated service in numerous regions, both in The East Pacific as a World Assembly advisor and their home region of Catholic,

Disapproving of Auralia’s attempt to self-commend, an unfortunate lapse in judgement from their particularly upright delegation for which they have since apologized and repented profusely,

Believing, therefore, that one mistake ought not to drown out the real achievements of an incredibly worthy nominee,

This most mighty and august Security Council, invoking the power of its name with the advice and consent of the Delegates and member-nations thereof, and by the authority of the same, hereby commends Auralia.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
Regardless of the number of resolutions they've authored and how far removed we are from their attempted self-commend, I'm not sure we should be commending a nation that has dedicated itself to the persecution of women seeking abortions. That they failed does not negate the damage they attempted to do.
IC: Against. Considering the deeds of the subject, we do not believe that this nation is a nation that is worth a commend resolution.
Against, Per standing policy

EDIT: For the record, I would still be against this if even if i didnt have said policy
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There’s a few reasons being given out—usually one at a time—for why we shouldn’t be opposing this resolution from that only one mistake was made to other individuals commended having done worse. While I recognize that in certain cases, nations may be opposing this commendation for a singular reason, there are multiple reasons for opposition to this resolution, at least in my case and potentially in others.

The majority of this proposal focuses on the nominee’s contributions to the General Assembly, accordingly, their behaviour in the General Assembly as a whole should be judged. Auralia has a history of non-compliance with GA resolutions, yet we are supposed to be commeding them for writing resolutions? How are we even supposed to know if they are following those same laws?

I am by no means an expert on the GA, however it was stated in the thread, non-compliance with human rights resolutions. Can someone reconcile this for me with the resolution stating Auralia “significantly advanced global peace and goodwill in a number of different contexts”? I find it hard to puzzle together given their non-compliance (and should I mention there is no elaboration on how Auralia advanced goodwill in a number of different contexts?).

The rebuttal to this is that it is roleplaying and it is more realistic. Once again, I am no expert on roleplaying, so I will sum up a previous post made by our very own Prydania in the same thread. Essentially, there is a line between IC and OOC. Auralia does not do so since his IC views are reflective of his OOC views and there is a lack of purpose to his non-compliance.

Before someone points out commendations for others were given out despite their non-compliance, the SC evolves, standards change over time. Compare the quality of the first SC resolutions to those written today. We should be judging this proposal on its merits and not saying “Well, this resolution was passed despite the nominee doing the same thing so this one should too”. We should be judging this proposal on its merits and its merits alone.

You will notice there is one small line in the proposal towards the end talking about a previous mistake. For those unaware, Auralia previously set up an alternative identity, WA multied, and submitted a commendation for themselves (I will note here that WA multiing is the only one against NS rules, self-commendations however are viewed quite poorly). Now, this has been minimized to a single mistake, ignoring that it was over the course of several days that this deceit took place, from needing to draft the resolution, edit it, and then submit it.

The nominee has since apologized for it, however, their immediate reaction after their deceit was uncovered was unshameful.

This is the major reason most people have for not supporting the resolution; given how he broke the rules and for what purpose he did it for.

This is not the only time Auralia did suspicious activities with a puppet. Another one of his resolutions was discarded at vote for attempting to represent a group which is not permissible under NS rules. I should note there was not even a group involved, I have seen a few accounts stating it was Auralia acting alone while Auralia stated there was another individual involved (GR). The nation that he used had an official looking flag and name, potentially giving the idea to voters that it was an official repeal or something of that sort.

All of this plays into showing that Auralia has a messy history in the GA where it seems he attempts to play by his own rules where possible, this is shown by continual non-compliance which blends OOC and IC and attempting to multi for a self-commendation.

The resolution does commend Auralia for two additional points which I would like to address.

First, it commends Auralia for developing tools used for puppet nation maintenance and API TGs, I should note that there are other tools which exist and do the same function. Additionally, it is an exaggeration to say that Auralia has developed “countless” tools. Really, countless? I find that hard to believe and would like more evidence of the “countless”ness of his tools.

Lastly, it commends Auralia for contributions to “numerous” regions yet only names TEP and Catholic. In those regions, it does not say what contributions it is that Auralia makes, only lists a title in TEP. There is definitely a lack of substance here that could be elaborated on.

I should note that in previous cases, I have not seen supporters of this resolution offer rebuttals to some of the criticism of the nominee, for example, Prydania’s post on non-compliance.
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Though it is unlikely to change any minds in this discussion, I shall be supporting this resolution.
The targeted nation has acted tirelessly to better both the housekeeping aspect and the general culture of the world assembly, adopting a view that supports the world assembly having minimal involvement in member states, as it pertains to more controvercial topics.
The attempted self-commend, though regrettable, was a long while in the past and I do not believe for one moment that it should damage the chances of somebody who is clearly a deserving beneficiary of a commendation.

Not sure if this was meant to be a vote, but it is invalid as your nation is not WA
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He is only interested in GA laws when they don't conflict with his personal religion. So basically what he did was take advantage by writing some resolutions that happened to comply with his personal "moral laws" and then goes on to declare all other resolutions that don't jive with his "moral laws" as invalid. <sarcasm> Wow, the biggest GA Loyalist I have ever seen in history!</Sarcasm>
Against. Even if you don't think the self-commend is a big deal anymore, we should not be supporting a commendation for someone who has been pushing such an extremist agenda in the GA for years.
The Youssathian Ambassador pushes for the notion of abstinence with regards to the SCR #285: Commend Auralia.

Given his considerable contributions and his questionable history during his time serving in the GA, it is foolish to simply just disregard everything he has ever worked for and contributed to simply because "he made a grave mistake years ago". Yes, crimes are still crimes of great offences, but time has shown that he has refrained from conducting such acts recently and has shown decent progress in his contributions towards the WA community.

Whether his resolutions are effective or that he is trying to push an extremist agenda in the WA is a subjective issue. Yes, he did self-commend himself and shown no remorse for his acts, but I am very certain that his deeds in the WA (along with the passed GA resolution history) are clear as day that he is still a valued member of the WA who has made way more significant contributions than anyone of us ever had. Needless to say, his crimes will still be noted, and we should play a role of non-interventionism on such a divisive figure from the past few years.

As such, I will be withdrawing my vote of 'against' in the SCR and will be urging everyone to do the same.

Dispatch: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1239150
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