1. You mentioned themes for TNL going forward. What type of themes do you imagine for TNL?
There’s going to be two issues of TNL over the course of the next term. Each Issue should correspond to the general theme of the focus of the region during the first and then second half of the term. Accordingly, I think the next TNL theme should be about what gives us our regional identity and have some emphasis on work done in HA Ministries to welcome and guide newcomers. The second Issue would focus on Cultural exchanges, and topics relating to them. So if we do the WA Resolution Workshop in that time, I’d expect articles to be more WA themed again, but to focus more on the direction of the WA and room for additional legislation than on how to improve the WA as an institution. Alternatively, the second theme could focus on Issue editing, in which Issue Editors and Authors share their expertise. These ideas for themes are subject to change, however. They will need to be engaging for readers, and be broad enough to allow for some foreign perspective.
2. TNP held an endorsement frenzy within the last year. Will activity be dampened by hosting one so soon again? How will this festival be different than the previous one? Are there opportunities for collaboration with other regions here?
The endorsement frenzy is important because it increases the security and strength of our region. It also gets us to the #1 ranking in the WA Census, which is another cool way to be #1. If done early enough in the term, it could also assist with the delegacy transition. It is possible that activity will be somewhat dampened since the last one - which occurred in mid-December 2018, under Siwale’s administration. However, many of our WA nations are new, and I think there are now additional opportunities to award nations who participate in swapping endorsements. The way I see this event as being different from the previous one is that awards should include not just a badge for increasing individual endorsements, but each level could award a nation an NS Card that corresponds with how many more endorsements they’ve given. Instead of it just being random chance, there’d be certainty that they’d receive a card, which might be very motivating for card enthusiasts. That said, we’d need to make sure that this program would not deplete our card supply, so it would have to be calibrated accordingly.
3. Are there improvements to be made to Foreign Affairs internally?
The Ministry has made some significant strides forward this term in improving internal operations. I think FA should put an emphasis on quick distribution of updates, and higher staff should distribute updates if these steps have not been completed within a week (or so) by the given ambassador. I also think that FA could use more opportunities for newcomers, because people who join FA have to wait for an ambassadorship to open before they can serve. I can think of two options - that we could appoint more than one ambassador to a given region, or that newcomers could serve as assistants to each ambassador. That said, I’m not well enough versed to officially suggest one of these options, and I would be sure to discuss them with the Minister to prevent needless interference in Ministry operations.
4. Does the NPA conduct enough liberations for training purposes?
I’d like to see more operations from the NPA that focus on liberations, as this type of operation is one of the best ways we can defend an ally in need of our support, much like we liberated Stargate recently. While I have confidence in the skill and discipline of NPA members, practice makes perfect, and I don’t think it would do harm to conduct more of this type of operation.
5. Can you name what regions we should be working with for military purposes?
We should work with regions that conduct military operations that align with our regional interests. These regions may include, but are not limited to:
Europeian Republican Navy (ERN)
South Pacific Special Forces (SPSF)
The West Pacific Armed Forces (TWPAF)
Rejected Realms Army (RRA)
Jomsvikings (Balder)
East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA)
6. How do you propose working with Forest on issues keeping in mind their perspective on issue writing?
Issue Authoring is an avenue of NS that we as a region have yet to explore. It’s something that I think has a lot of potential, but that needs to be fostered and encouraged in order to be successful. So while I don’t think an Issue-based event is something we’re ready for as a region, I think Forest can help us foster the right environment for it to get started here. Since Forest has expressed reservations about collective Issue authoring - which should be handled through Got Issues on the forum - their expertise and advice could still be very helpful for us. Instead of a full event, I would suggest showcasing articles by Issue authors in Forest in the second, culturally-focussed Issue of TNL.
7. Do you have any specific ideas utilizing cards?
First off, I am supportive of all ongoing card programs, and believe they should be continued. Specifically, however, as I mentioned above, I think we can use NS Cards to increase the effectiveness of the Endorsement Frenzy event by pairing rarity of cards with different levels of individual endorsement. For instance, we could make it that if you exchange 25 endorsements, you get an uncommon, 50 you get a rare, 75 an ultrarare, 100 an epic, and 125 a legendary. Those levels are just an example of what I mean; ultimately, these levels would need to be calibrated such that TNL does not deplete card reserves. I would be open to other ways of using cards, especially as awards for festivals and other events.