Too late. I was tired of the unwarranted harassment from a certain sector of people who hate me for some unknown reason and always feel they must beat up on Poor Ol' Roman every time the opportunity arises.
All anyone had to do is to ask me to endotart or resign. Instead, the usual suspects went at it like bullies, did not give me any real chance to speak and then rushed it to a vote while most people were in bad sleeping.
@Ismud - Why bother fighting? The usual batch of bullies always win no matter what legitimate fight one puts up. If you stand up to bullies, you will get piled on. This is the usual practice in TNP for a number of years and there is no point in putting up a fight because you will be vilified, your character and reputation attacked and the real issue totally ignored because the bullies cannot win if the real issue is really discussed.
The sad part is that the bulles don't have to bully me to do anything that actually benefits the region and not their own personal gain. All they have to do is ask, assign me a task, and I will accomplish it. The only time I will refuse is when it is something detrimental to the region, or taking the fall for their faux pas, or doing something that is ethically wrong on any level. But no one ever thinks to simply ask me. They immediately go to bully ad abuse mode.
As I have said before - forcing me to resign from the SC or recalling me from the SC was an act of monumental proportions. Go to the "Endorse The North Pacific" page and look up my influence, endorsement and other levels. Forcing me out of the SC did damage to the security of the region regardless of what the bullies will not proceed to claim. If the bullies wanted me out of the SC, all they had to do was to ask instead of turning this into a circus with the intent of bullying their next victim. And there will be more victims, rest assured. All you have to do is not bend to their will.
Now carefully watch the responses to this post and you will soon identify the bullies because they probably can't stand the criticism or a threat to their power. This game is about power, but I don't play the power game and that confuses them. And they hate me for it. When I speak the truth, they denigrate me, attack my character and my history. But that is what I want them to do because it exposes them for what they are. Funny how the victim is always portrayed as the aggressor. Think about it.
As it stands now, I will not apply to the SC again despite making all the requirements in excess. I may not even apply if asked (which I will be). But be assured, out of my unfailing loyalty to TNP, I will act as a member of the SC if that should ever be required of me.
Just watch the responses to this. If they are smart, the bullies (whose names will not be mentioned - see what I did there? Ironic reference.

) will not say a thing. If the bullies are stupid, they will attack with all guns a-blazing.