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Repeal: "Commend Imperium Anglorum"
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #223
Proposed by: Jocospor | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:Security Council Resolution #223 “Commend Imperium Anglorum” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Acknowledging that Imperium Anglorum (herein “I.A.”), as outlined by SCR#223, has headed Europe’s World Assembly (herein “WA”) Delegacy and authored near thirty WA resolutions;
Calling into question, in fact, the very sincerity of I.A.’s WA operations, which, though lauded by SCR#223, have of late caused mass controversy and disharmony among member nations of this WA;
Disappointed that I.A. outwardly uses its reputation and power amongst the international community to further its own interests;
Noting that, for example, I.A., along with a collective of other WA Delegates, consciously instigates and perpetuates the lemming effect during WA votes; that is, dishonourably dumping a large number of votes at the onset of the ballot, creating a majority for member nations to align with;
Frustrated that some of I.A.’s more recent General Assembly resolutions, such as and GAR#443 and GAR#452, are, put simply, seemingly incomprehensible to the vast majority of member nations;
Equally annoyed that I.A. would disrespect this WA by proposing vague, quasi-sarcastic resolutions such as "Debtor Voting Rights" (which is, at the time of this condemnation's writing, at vote);
Convinced I.A. adopts an air of superiority when dealing with nations it does not consider to be worth its time;
Furthermore, alarmed that SCR#223 would falsify the import of the legislation I.A. repealed to mislead this WA:
Appalled that I.A. would seek to undermine both the democratic process and fellow authors in such a deceptive fashion;
- GAR#329 did not “[permit] national sub-groups to disregard and neglect nationwide laws”;
- GAR#350 did not “[stop] the World Assembly from passing any laws;” and
- GAR#396 did not “[slow] down the Internet;”
Hereby repeals: SCR#223 “CommendImperium Anglorum.”
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!