Mad Jack for Delegate

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
So this is a bit weird, innit? Me, standing for delegate? I certainly didn’t expect this to happen even 3 months ago, but it seems like I’ve been granted a second chance. What better way to spend this second chance in the service of my online home for much of the last four and a half years?

A lot has changed since I was last a GCR delegate, way back in 2012 as Pharaoh of Osiris. The game - especially in TNP - is much more technical, with endorsement tools and automated telegrams and the like. I would very much like to learn more of that side, as I’m hopefully soon to start a Computing and IT course in my offline life, and it’s a side of the game I’ve never really been familiar with - as I’m sure the likes of Darcania and Sil Dorsett can attest to, with my ham-fisted attempts to help them run bots in the TNP RP discord!

But the fundamentals are the same. Successful regions - successful GCRs - require security, activity and a little bit of innovation to truly thrive. We have the security down. With the success of the World Assembly Development Program - the greatest single government initiative in any region in all of NS - and our dedicated Security Council, TNP is more secure than it has ever been.

On the activity front, TNP boosts excellent amounts of activity in several areas, with defined communities in Roleplay, on the RMB and on Discord. We can always do better, however.

Many of these platforms tend to break down what each candidate is going to do ministry-by-ministry. I would like to take a different approach. I believe that to make TNP and our ministries more successful, we should be looking at how we can get ministries working closer together to achieve our goals. Integrated government will always be a more attractive concept to me than each ministry operating in isolation.

Let’s start with what I’m terming - in an analogy that is probably going to see more and more contrived as I explain my ideas - as the Sisters - the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, World Assembly Affairs and the Ministry of Defence. TNP has the highest WA vote by some margin, though the advantage has reduced with the rise in endorsements that our ally The East Pacific has. Leveraging our WA vote and influence should be a tool in our diplomatic arsenal, as I argued in my piece here.

Consequences based foreign policy seems to have been lacking in multiple terms, going back some time. I admire the positive steps taken in Siwale’s term - the treaty with Greater Dienstad is a fine achievement - and terms previous to his, but I find that too often TNP has allowed diplomatic crisis and missteps in other regions to go without comment. The revelations about Andrew were seemingly settled without public comment of any kind from Balder and TNP made no comment about the issues in TSP regarding Tim and Escade and their extra-judicial bans. However the actions taken by Siwale and team towards the New Pacific Order are highly commendable, and jumping in on the St Abbaddon operation was a brave move for a TNP that had seemingly forgotten how to use the NPA as a tool of foreign policy.

If elected, I would use our Foreign Affairs ministry to seek out new partners with an interest in the World Assembly, either by sponsoring them for admittance into WALL, or through bilateral agreements with an emphasis on WA co-operation. The East Pacific would be a fine place to start, but there are also user created regions such as Forest with an interest in the WA, and whilst I will always disagree with Right to Life over their approach to the abortion issue, working with some of their authors on other issues should be considered.

Our foreign affairs won’t be entirely WA focused however, and I’d again just like to congratulate Siwale on our treaty with Greater Dienstad, an RP region with a storied history and home to players recognised by the WA such as the commended Lamoni, the recently condemned United World Order and the hopefully soon to be commended Lyras, all accomplished roleplayers. I’d like to build on these foundations, seeking out regions that we normally wouldn’t consider to be obvious choices to partner with. Sports RP regions like Atlantian Oceania could be approached for mutual ties, giving us the opportunity to work with players like the commended Starblaydia, who gave a talk at our RP convention event. Forest is home to a large number of players who pen issues, and if possible I would like to work with them on a program for the TNP University exploring the most important and iconic issues in NationStates.

The third sister, the Ministry of Defence does a lot of good work, with operations at most updates, either on our own or with allies, oftentimes making up the majority of both the pilers and updating WA nations in joint operations - I personally jumped on a recent NPA operation with the SPSF where our ability to bring large numbers of WAs quickly to events was remarked upon by our ally. The MoD would become the third sister by utilising it more frequently in a WA focused foreign policy. WA Blocking - the act of taking regions not to tag or hold, but to remove delegates that are approving a proposal that we don’t wish to reach quorum - is a concept early in its development but has shown interesting results. I think the opposite - taking over regions with delegates that aren’t approving a proposal in order to approve it, without affecting quorum - is possible, but requires more detailed planning.

I outline the potential for the MoD to be the third sister whilst also recognising that ultimately, this potential won’t be realised if both the rank and file members and the high command aren’t interested in the possibility. Military gameplay should be, above all, fun. If people aren’t going to have fun pursuing this kind of military activity, then we shouldn’t pursue it, and that’s something I would have to talk to my Minister of Defence, the High Command and the rank and file about. If they want to back that, excellent, if they don’t, then I’m just as happy for the NPA to continue the fine work that they do currently.

I’ll now talk about the Ministries of Communications, Culture and Home Affairs, that unsurprisingly I’m calling the Brothers. Communications is undergoing a transitional period and I’m interested in seeing what direction the ministry heads. Communications does a good job and I’ve been happy to contribute to the Northern Broadcasting Service when I can. I feel like this can be further utilised in relation to our cultural events. The NBS has commented on events we run but there’s been no real tie in, and going forward I’d love to see event organisers coming to advertise their events via the NBS, and the NBS expanding to further broadcasts and eventually having regular programming, more than once a week.

Culture is the ministry I’m probably most familiar with, and to see it go from a ministry without a minister, with just myself running things, to this multi-departmental, larger and more active organisation is something I am so happy to see. Asta and her events team have made huge progress in how we do events and they are so much better now than a few years ago, where we were the ones going to events, rather than hosting them. McMasterdonia has done a superb job leading the ministry, and the Roleplay event we held earlier this year with Greater Dienstad is a result of his hard work along with a number of others.

I’ll admit to not knowing too much about the work Home Affairs does, and this is a ministry I would need to learn more about before making any decisions on staffing or programs. I would like to say I do have some suggestions that I’d be interested to hear feedback on from those more familiar with the ministry - such as introductory events, where new members can get to know both the government and their regionmates in Q&A or tutorial sessions either here on the forum, on discord or on the RMB - the RMB Q&As have been successful thus far and I’d love to see that expanded. I’d be interested to see Home Affairs work with Culture or Communications to help inform the region - and especially newer members - of our history, the importance of our cultural events and how we got to where we are today - as the largest, most successful and most secure feeder in NationStates.

I spoke earlier of innovation and I think I can find areas where the government of TNP hasn’t had an interest in and could definitely could get involved in. I know my shortcomings and it’s fair to say that I am not very good at drafting legislation. My recently passed Delegate Advisor law - and yes, I will be appointing advisors - relied on final wording provided by Crushing Our Enemies and I thank him for suggesting it. To this end, I would seek to appoint a Regional Assembly Officer, who would represent the government in the RA and push the delegate’s legislative agenda. I still intend on pursuing amendments or laws to help make our elections more competitive, increase transparency and close loopholes with an updated Freedom of Information Act and to also enable the Regional Assembly to hold the executive to greater account, though this last thing can be achieved without the need for legislation.

I know some will or have already bring up my former Delete-on-Site status and my sometimes prickly temperament as potential disqualifying criteria or as something to hold against me. I can only say that I am not the same person who got themselves banned from NationStates. I’ve grown as a person and I think that is evident in how I’ve built the TNP RP community - firstly on the forum and secondly as a guiding hand for the RMB RP Moderation team. I said in my thread announcing my return that TNP RP is the thing I’m most of proud of achieving in NS. I meant it, but I look forward, if given the opportunity, to build on the hard work of previous delegates - of those I admire, like McMasterdonia and Asta - to those who I might’ve disagreed with - like r3n and Plembobria - and those who have recently shown that TNP is still attracting some of the best players in the game to hold the highest of offices - like Siwale and Pallaith - and to help bring TNP into 2019 and beyond stronger, more active and more outward looking than ever.
Not going to say who I support this early but this looks promising. Was going to ask the inevitable question but Dino beat me to it
If you had a choice among any TNPer ever, who would you appoint as your various executive officers? What about current TNP citizens? How would these various choices fit into your platform, and how do you see them working together in your Sisters / Brothers group of Ministries?
(Yeah Dino beat me to the general question but I want more details on it.)

You mention ways that the Sisters could work together, but I don't see a section on how the Brothers could. Do you see ways for those three Ministries to work together? What about Ministries from both groups working together?

What is your opinion on the state of the Gameside Advocates program? What flaws can you see and how would you seek to rectify those flaws? What strengths of this program would you encourage?
What would the duties of the RA officer entail? Would they bring forth updates regarding the Delegate's agenda to the RA at large, or to the Speaker to act upon?
Little bit early but could you possibly think of who you would want in your cabinet if elected?
If you had a choice among any TNPer ever, who would you appoint as your various executive officers? What about current TNP citizens? How would these various choices fit into your platform, and how do you see them working together in your Sisters / Brothers group of Ministries?
(Yeah Dino beat me to the general question but I want more details on it.)
Addressing these together.

I have names for some ministries but not for others. I'd love El Fiji Grande to stay on at communications but if not him then I would probably open up the minister position to applications. Foreign Affairs is probably in the same boat for me. If elected I will likely be asking Tlomz and McMasterdonia to stay on in their current roles.

I need to better understand what Home Affairs does before making any decision on staffing there and I will be looking for the current minister and his deputies to help me make an informed decision on how to proceed going forward.

I will probably be asking Zazumo to stay on as Minister of Defence.
You mention ways that the Sisters could work together, but I don't see a section on how the Brothers could. Do you see ways for those three Ministries to work together? What about Ministries from both groups working together?
I mentioned in my platform that Home Affairs, Culture and Communications could all work together to help people learn about our region's history and I think some kind of program exploring that - possibly through the TNP University - could be put out to the region at large, with the Gameside Advocates and Communications helping to publicise such a program and filter questions back through for others to answer.

Ministries from outside the Brother/Sister divide could most definitely work with each other. If elected, I plan on instituting a wholescale review of what information we send out to the region and to our embassies around NationStates, and that will require input from Communications, Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs, as well as the senior staff, namely, ministers and advisors.

What is your opinion on the state of the Gameside Advocates program? What flaws can you see and how would you seek to rectify those flaws? What strengths of this program would you encourage?
I'll admit I'm not overly familiar with the Gameside Advocates program. I think finding the strengths and weaknesses of it would require a discussion between the GAs and myself, which of course I would happily partake in. I do sometimes hear some lingering complaints about a lack of prompt action against spammers and the like on the RMB and so perhaps we could look at our current roster of GAs and find better coverage for all timezones.
What would the duties of the RA officer entail? Would they bring forth updates regarding the Delegate's agenda to the RA at large, or to the Speaker to act upon?
The Regional Assembly Officer would pursue the delegate's agenda in the RA, proposing laws and taking the lead in drafting the legislation I would like to see passed in my term - namely reform to our voting laws to lower the threshold needed to re-open nominations and an updated Freedom of Information Act to include Discord.
FoIA. Discord. Discuss.
Speaking of. The rise of Discord as the primary - and in many cases only - arena for the running of TNP's government has entirely undermined our FoIA law. Discord is not covered by our laws. It is not mentioned in the Constitution or Legal Code and I think most would agree that largely our laws should only apply to in-game or on-forum actions - else I imagine I would be brought up on charges of violating a citizens freedom of speech every time I handed out a mute!

However, this also has the effect that when classified discussions which would normally have taken place on this forum in the private cabinet subforum take place on Discord, the citizens of the region can't then examine these - whether through an FoI request or through the standard declassification procedure. One only has to look at the declassified cabinet archive to see the effect this has had. 24 topics were declassified in 2016, compared to just 3 over the last 12 months. I do not believe any members of our government have acted inappropriately or in violation of our laws, but without an effective FoI law, we may never know.

I would seek - and will gladly contribute to even if I am not elected - to amend our FoIA to include clauses applying the law to discussions held on the Executive discord server, and perhaps look at removing the onus of declassification off of the delegate, and onto an appointed officer, taking inspiration from how Election Commissioners run our elections.
Our foreign affairs won’t be entirely WA focused however, and I’d again just like to congratulate Siwale on our treaty with Greater Dienstad, an RP region with a storied history and home to players recognised by the WA such as the commended Lamoni, the recently condemned United World Order and the hopefully soon to be commended Lyras, all accomplished roleplayers. I’d like to build on these foundations, seeking out regions that we normally wouldn’t consider to be obvious choices to partner with. Sports RP regions like Atlantian Oceania could be approached for mutual ties, giving us the opportunity to work with players like the commended Starblaydia, who gave a talk at our RP convention event. Forest is home to a large number of players who pen issues, and if possible I would like to work with them on a program for the TNP University exploring the most important and iconic issues in NationStates.

Foreign affairs wise, I think this is my favorite paragraph so far. I believe RP regions have a lot of potential and are trustworthy regions, like Greater Dienstad ^^

And I appreciate that you value the WA Vote. TNP's WA vote can make or break resolutions, so voting early (right during the start of Major Update, or the 10% of cases where a vote goes up at Minor Update) can decide the end outcome of the vote due to lemmings effect, I hope you can pull that off. Good luck! (And seeing your timezone, you can set an alarm) I hope to see this part from you ^^ MJ is good people too, good luck!

You've had the courage to self-reflect on the many years that have passed since you were originally declared DOS. Increasingly people do not see the value in self-reflection, but I do.

I agree that you have learned many lessons from this. Your contributions to the community since then have been innumerable and certainly have gone beyond many others in this community. The simple fact that you had this status successfully overturned is a clear indication of all of this.

Back when I was Delegate, we had a close relationship despite being from different regions. You were an incredibly hard worker. Like others who found their paths in that time, and in that region, you faced significant challenges and difficulties. I am proud that I played some small role in getting people like you and Asta to come to TNP, and find this region to be your new home.

I have read your platform and like what I see. I also considered having a regional assembly type liaison role (when I was delegate) and I will be very interested to see this implemented. Do you have particular priorities (other than FOIA) that you would like to see them focus on?

Will you be stepping back (even further) from RP moderation/administration if elected?

Some general questions I will ask all candidates:

1. Would you be likely to add any new Ministry or merge, close, or rename/reform any existing Ministries?
2. What do you believe is the most important personal quality for a Delegate to have?
3. At times, there has been divisive rhetoric where The North Pacific has been cast into subcategories of communities, often with allegedly holding goals/interests etc that rival and compete with the other groups. This was quite clear in the debate surrounding the citizenship reform. How would you respond to this should it come up again in the next term? What ideas do you have to reinforce the one united community that we have that has existed for so many years?
4. Would you review, amend, repeal, or replace any existing treaty that we currently hold?
5. Which Ministry do you believe you'd find the most difficult to work on? How would you overcome this?
I find the Regional Assembly Officer idea excellent, though I see it has a tint of favoring Executive goals. Nonetheless, I applaud the effort of promoting communication between the Executive and the Regional Assembly.
I have read your platform and like what I see. I also considered having a regional assembly type liaison role (when I was delegate) and I will be very interested to see this implemented. Do you have particular priorities (other than FOIA) that you would like to see them focus on?
As well as potentially lowering the threshold to re-open nominations in an elections, I'd also like to pursue an amendment to our espionage law. Our treaty with Europeia criminalises the act of spying on Europeia, rather than merely prohibiting our government from setting spies on our partner region, as other treaties do. If elected, I intend to pursue such an amendment as to make it an offence for any member of TNP to spy on a treatied ally, even if the spying was undertaken on behalf of another power.

Will you be stepping back (even further) from RP moderation/administration if elected?
I will probably be taking a further step back, and I've considered handing off the lead roleplay moderator role to members of my team.

Some general questions I will ask all candidates:

1. Would you be likely to add any new Ministry or merge, close, or rename/reform any existing Ministries?
2. What do you believe is the most important personal quality for a Delegate to have?
3. At times, there has been divisive rhetoric where The North Pacific has been cast into subcategories of communities, often with allegedly holding goals/interests etc that rival and compete with the other groups. This was quite clear in the debate surrounding the citizenship reform. How would you respond to this should it come up again in the next term? What ideas do you have to reinforce the one united community that we have that has existed for so many years?
4. Would you review, amend, repeal, or replace any existing treaty that we currently hold?
5. Which Ministry do you believe you'd find the most difficult to work on? How would you overcome this?
1. I considered the addition of a cabinet or delegate's office, but I feel like that is unnecessary at this time. I feel like our current slate of Ministries are good for our needs.
2. Being approachable. The easiest way to identify flaws and issues is to be approachable enough that people don't feel concern about bringing problems directly to you, either publicly or privately.
3. I think the citizenship reform damaged our inter-community relations - which is a shame considering that the joint RP event between the forum, RMB and Greater Dienstad RP groups was such a success, and led to much greater understanding and appreciation between forum and RMB RP. I think similar events, going beyond RP in scope, can be excellent ways of improving the relations between groups within our one united community.
4. I considered approaching each of our treaties with the view to adding a line criminalising espionage between members of signatories before settling on the idea I outlined in response to your first question. I think a review of all our existing treaties for potential issues and indeed whether we get any use from them should be undertaken, and if elected I intend for the senior staff to do just that.
5. Home Affairs, undoubtedly. I'm not experienced in that area and so I would need to learn what it did, what programs it ran and what the people running or involved in those programs think of them. If elected, I'll be spending much of my first few days working on this, before making decisions on staffing and programming.
I am curious, what did (do?) you disagree with me about?
I think we've been on opposite sides of various debates that have usually been only secondary to TNP, but I think I opposed some treaties you supported - or vice versa - either way, mostly long forgotten and I have largely excellent memories of your time as delegate.
I find the Regional Assembly Officer idea excellent, though I see it has a tint of favoring Executive goals. Nonetheless, I applaud the effort of promoting communication between the Executive and the Regional Assembly.
That would be the point of the RAO, to pursue the executive's goals in the RA, but thanks. :)
A simple question but a deep one: what do you think, in your opinion, sets you above the other candidates in the race for the Delegacy? What do you think you can bring to the table that the other candidates can't, if there's anything of that sort you can bring?
Best of luck to you. Humongous turnaround from DoS to Delegate.

That aside, among who are your considerations for your Cabinet? Anyone in particular in mind for your RA Officer?
As with many previous Delegates, will you be appointing any advisers? If so who will you choose and why?
A simple question but a deep one: what do you think, in your opinion, sets you above the other candidates in the race for the Delegacy? What do you think you can bring to the table that the other candidates can't, if there's anything of that sort you can bring?
I, more than any of the other serious candidate, am an outsider, as well as being a community builder. It may seem arrogant to say it, but I built TNP RP. That is my work. There was help along the way of course but for the better part of four years, I have led that community to be what I believe is the best GCR RP community and one that's recognised by mainstream RP communities such as Greater Dienstad.
Best of luck to you. Humongous turnaround from DoS to Delegate.

That aside, among who are your considerations for your Cabinet? Anyone in particular in mind for your RA Officer?
I have some considerations for cabinet. I am very keen to keep Tlomz as World Assembly Affairs minister, and I was interested in keeping El Fiji and McMasterdonia on in their positions. I'm aware that may not be possible and so I'm willing to be convinced by an effective pitch, especially with regards to communications.

I'm considering Zazumo or Darcania for Minister of Defence, but FA and Home Affairs are both ministries that I'm undecided on.

As for my Regional Assembly officer, I am yet to approach anyone but there's a number of players I'd like to consider taking the role, namely COE or Asta.
As with many previous Delegates, will you be appointing any advisers? If so who will you choose and why?
I will be appointing advisers.

If elected I plan on appointing Asta, McMasterdonia, Ghost and Bootsie. All are highly accomplished and experienced and I value their input. Advisers and Ministers will be given equal access to the delegate and will make up what I'm terming the senior staff.
I think that you'd be better off as a Minister this term, but, other than that, I like what I see. An advisory role wouldn't be your best move, imo, as it's insufficiently transparent.

Good luck.
I think that you'd be better off as a Minister this term, but, other than that, I like what I see. An advisory role wouldn't be your best move, imo, as it's insufficiently transparent.

Good luck.
What makes you think I'd be better off as a minister? Also I believe I've made advisers sufficiently transparent with my recently passed delegate adviser law, and my plan to update our Freedom of Information law also. :)

Thank you for the well wishes though.
Great to see you running for the Delegacy, MJ!

Good luck :D
Thank you very much Loh, I'm happy to be running.

And in related news, I will be holding a VC AMA in two hours time at midnight GMT/7pm EST. I'll be holding another one tomorrow evening at the same time as well.
What makes you think I'd be better off as a minister? Also I believe I've made advisers sufficiently transparent with my recently passed delegate adviser law, and my plan to update our Freedom of Information law also. :)

Thank you for the well wishes though.

I think you'd make a good Minister of HA. BMWSurfer knew little about the role initially, but picked it up quickly. You'd have access to the HA subfora.

I haven't had time to catch up on what's been happening here over the last few months due to inexplicable absences on my part...or, as Bill told me: "Learn!"
Discord is not covered by our laws. It is not mentioned in the Constitution or Legal Code and I think most would agree that largely our laws should only apply to in-game or on-forum actions - else I imagine I would be brought up on charges of violating a citizens freedom of speech every time I handed out a mute!

However, this also has the effect that when classified discussions which would normally have taken place on this forum in the private cabinet subforum take place on Discord, the citizens of the region can't then examine these - whether through an FoI request or through the standard declassification procedure. One only has to look at the declassified cabinet archive to see the effect this has had. 24 topics were declassified in 2016, compared to just 3 over the last 12 months. I do not believe any members of our government have acted inappropriately or in violation of our laws, but without an effective FoI law, we may never know.

I would seek - and will gladly contribute to even if I am not elected - to amend our FoIA to include clauses applying the law to discussions held on the Executive discord server, and perhaps look at removing the onus of declassification off of the delegate, and onto an appointed officer, taking inspiration from how Election Commissioners run our elections.
I'm curious about your conclusions here. Can you explain more about how you have interpreted the following clauses of FOIA to exclude discord?

34. Private government records which reach one year of age will be relocated to the appropriate Declassified Archive visible to residents.
35. At any time a resident may request the release of any private record from the Government through the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive.
36. The Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive will retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government.

I have some other questions as well.

1) You have been back in NS proper for a few months, after having been declared DOS in 2014. How did participating in TNP as a non-citizen affect your understanding of the region? Has anything changed for you, with respect to your experience of TNP, now that you are a citizen and able to participate more fully?

2) How have you built (or rebuilt) your connections to other regions since having your DOS status cleared? Do you believe there are any lingering FA issues from your prior time in NS that might come up, and if so, how do you plan to address them? If elected delegate, how active do you plan for TNP to be in the NS GP forum? Would you delegate that activity to your FA minister (or another person), or handle it yourself?

3) What are your thoughts on the NPO, and what TNP's stance should be in relation to it? Do you support a declaration of war?

4) Are there any current treaties you would seek to amend or repeal?

5) How do you feel about the balance between forum activity and discord activity? As delegate, would you seek to shift activity from one to the other in any particular area?
I like this campaign and I hope that even if you don't win the winner takes your ideas, especially the "three sisters" stuff into serious consideration.

Best of luck.
I'm curious about your conclusions here. Can you explain more about how you have interpreted the following clauses of FOIA to exclude discord?
I've based my conclusions off of the actions of multiple successive governments. There has not been any declassifications from Discord posted in the Declassified Cabinet Archive. So I'm left with two possibilities - either our FoIA law doesn't apply to Discord and so multiple governments haven't been bound to declassify conversations from those channels, or multiple successive governments have breached our FoI law.

I also came to the conclusion that it doesn't apply to discord because unlike the forum, our discord servers are not mentioned in law.

1) You have been back in NS proper for a few months, after having been declared DOS in 2014. How did participating in TNP as a non-citizen affect your understanding of the region? Has anything changed for you, with respect to your experience of TNP, now that you are a citizen and able to participate more fully?
Being in TNP as a non-citizen provided a very different scope of approaching things. It allowed me to speak often without the filter of how it could affect future election chances, or future ministerial appointment chances and that was refreshingly freeing. I'd like to think in those instances where I spoke as to events that were going on, I provided a commentary that was largely accurate and free of the political anchors that some spoke with.

I think people's reactions to me since coming back is the main thing that's changed. I have a larger voice now, one I am hopefully using to help contribute to TNP in a positive way.

2) How have you built (or rebuilt) your connections to other regions since having your DOS status cleared? Do you believe there are any lingering FA issues from your prior time in NS that might come up, and if so, how do you plan to address them? If elected delegate, how active do you plan for TNP to be in the NS GP forum? Would you delegate that activity to your FA minister (or another person), or handle it yourself?
I've sought to introduce (reintroduce) myself to the gameplay world at large, largely through being active and around in the discords of several gameplay regions, mainly TEP, TWP and TSP, as well as the Gameplay discord server. I chose against making a topic in the gameplay forum announcing my return, mainly so as not to tempt fate. Milograd unfortunately fell into old habits very quickly, and I want to avoid that. I would say I am succeeding thus far.

As for lingering FA issues? I'd like to think I'm coming in with any issues I had with regions at the time wiped from relevance. I might not like Onder but I recognise Balder as an ally of TNP and I'm not going to burn a treaty due to personal disputes. Any treaties we have are bigger than one or two people's disputes, especially ones from more than four years ago. I also recognise however, that some regions may not be so willing to forget past issues. Sanctaria of our ally the International Democratic Union does not like me, and whilst I'm willing and eager to work with IDU and Sanctaria I also recognise the potential for IDU to rethink our treaty and WALL in general if I am elected. There is nothing I can do about that but I can only give my word that any previous issues I had with regions are long forgotten. It is, in my view, a clean slate.

I think I'll be fairly active in the gameplay forum, though official statements will come from a variety of people.

3) What are your thoughts on the NPO, and what TNP's stance should be in relation to it? Do you support a declaration of war?
I think the leaks provided against the NPO indicate that despite Ivan's assurances, the NPO did not largely change after we restored the embassy the last time. I would be very cautious about accepting that they've changed this time. I think as a given, we should wait until East Durthang is in the seat before even thinking about changing our current course.

I do not currently support a declaration of war, nor will I be working with the Anti-Pacific Coalition, following the revelations that Souls sought to subvert, spam and damage our ally The South Pacific.

4) Are there any current treaties you would seek to amend or repeal?
I originally thought that adding a line similar to the one in our Europeia treaty criminalising any espionage by members of our regions against the other, even if it wasn't undertaken on behalf of either of ourselves or our partner, but instead I would like to pursue an amendment to our legal code that achieves the same thing on our end.

5) How do you feel about the balance between forum activity and discord activity? As delegate, would you seek to shift activity from one to the other in any particular area?
I think the shift has gone too far in terms of discord activity and would like to see it move more towards the forum again.
I like this campaign and I hope that even if you don't win the winner takes your ideas, especially the "three sisters" stuff into serious consideration.

Best of luck.
Best of luck, MJ. You have my vote!

Thanks very much guys. :)
The Senior Diplomats have for some time had very little to do and have slowly shrank over time with a lack of new introductions (me and Praetor the most recent introductions and I became a senior diplomat over a year ago when I was first appointed Deputy). If you are elected, would you have any plans to use the experience of the Senior Diplomats and give them a larger role in TNP's foreign policy?

As well as this, there has been a lack of training efforts to help develop the next generation of ambassadors which has led to many newer ambassadors being unsure of their duties and how to carry them out. If you were elected, will you look at anything to improve the training of new ambassadors to keep them interested in the ministry and maintain the high standards that we all want to see of our representatives in other regions.
I think you're an exciting and interesting player but I haven't seen you in a regional position recently. It makes me echo another player who asked why not join a ministry and show some service?
I think you're an exciting and interesting player but I haven't seen you in a regional position recently. It makes me echo another player who asked why not join a ministry and show some service?
I've been in the Culture Ministry for most of the last 5 years, Communications for several months and I joined the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs as soon as I returned. I believe I've shown some service. :)

If anything, I've got more service in TNP's ministries than any of my opponents.
As for lingering FA issues? I'd like to think I'm coming in with any issues I had with regions at the time wiped from relevance. I might not like Onder but I recognise Balder as an ally of TNP and I'm not going to burn a treaty due to personal disputes. Any treaties we have are bigger than one or two people's disputes, especially ones from more than four years ago. I also recognise however, that some regions may not be so willing to forget past issues. Sanctaria of our ally the International Democratic Union does not like me, and whilst I'm willing and eager to work with IDU and Sanctaria I also recognise the potential for IDU to rethink our treaty and WALL in general if I am elected. There is nothing I can do about that but I can only give my word that any previous issues I had with regions are long forgotten. It is, in my view, a clean slate.
I do not currently support a declaration of war, nor will I be working with the Anti-Pacific Coalition, following the revelations that Souls sought to subvert, spam and damage our ally The South Pacific.

Following up on the above: You recently (January 5th) stated in the NSGP Discord server, in a very public manner, that you regret not supporting the 2013 coup attempt against The South Pacific by Milograd et al. It is worth noting that The North Pacific had taken a leading role in opposing that coup, a role that was acknowledged by the leadership of The South Pacific once they regained control of their region.

Here are your exact comments, for context:
[8:12 PM] Notorious Mad Jack: I should've supported milo's tsp coup instead of working against it
[8:12 PM] Notorious Mad Jack: but eh
[8:13 PM] Notorious Mad Jack: regrets and all that

Do you regret making those comments?
I've also stated that multiple times over the past few years in the TNP gen server. I don't regret those comments and I stand by them tbh. That period of time was quite stressful for me due to having to work hard to prevent RPers from joining Milograd's coup and I probably would've have had much more fun if I'd supported it. Considering we allow Mall - who helped perpetrate the coup - citizenship, I'm not seeing that much of an issue with these comments.