[SC - Passed] Condemn United World Order (RP)

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Not Just For Breakfast


Condemn United World Order
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: United World Order
Proposed by: The Macabees | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,

NOTING that United World Order, also known as the Fourth Reich and the Ordenite Reich, is a totalitarian state built on the Nazi ideology.

HIGHLIGHTING United World Order's use of mass forced labor based on ideological and racial grounds in Krasnova. Despite a shortlived ejection of United World Order from the country, slavery has been re-instated since Krasnova's reoccupation by the Reich. An estimated 100-200 million Krasnovans are currently held as forced laborers.

DISMAYED with the practice of imprisoning in concentration camps and executing enemies on political, racial, and ideological grounds on the United World Order mainland. There are an estimated 20–30 million Ordenites living in concentration camps on the mainland, apart from another 70–100 million living as forced labor. Furthermore, an average of 10,000 political prisoners are executed each year.

SHOCKED by United World Order's crimes against humanity and mass murder in South Panooly and Krasnova, including,

  • The death of 45 million indigenous Plánol people during the Ordenite occupation of South Panooly and the War of Panooly Reunification.

  • 50-100 million Krasnovan deaths as part of an ongoing systemic program of racial and ideological cleansing.
KNOWING United World Order's allegiance to and aid of The Kraven Corporation, noted as a threat to the international order by the World Assembly under SCR #61 "Condemn the Kraven Corporation" in 2011. Such activities include,

  • Supporting The Kraven Reich's inhumane occupations of several innocent states in Gholgoth, including large swaths of Jagada and Vetalia.

  • Allowing any death ship belonging to The Kraven Reich to dock at its ports in Greater Dienstad.
AGHAST at the butchering of thousands of defenseless prisoners of war after an escape attempt from Stalag 487B during the Second Krasnovan War.

APALLED by the illegal arrest and perpetual imprisonment of foreign ambassadorial staff, including the staffs of Varessa and Osea 767 after the First Krasnovan War. Furthermore, these prisoners have not received trials or been the subject of due process.

STUNNED by the forced removal of 700 million Scythians from their historic homeland in the Ordenite province of Deutsche Scythia, a humanitarian crisis abated only by the subsidized settlement of the majority of Scythian refugees by The Macabees, commended by the World Assembly under SCR #237 "Commend The Macabees" in 2017.

CONCLUDING that United World Order represents the opposite of international peace, stability, and order, all tenets nurtured and protected by the World Assembly.

HEREBY condemns United World Order.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
This is a Roleplay condemnation, and since they aren’t that common, some explanation: A condemnation of this nature is designed to acknowledge both the outstanding roleplay of the nominee, as well as their contributions to the community while out of character. The form the nomination takes, either condemnation or commendation, will often be determined by the role. In the case of United World Order, the role is one of an insidious and villainous nation (in character) guilty of numerous atrocities and crimes against humanity. This condemnation is an extension of that roleplay, and an acknowledgement from their peers of outstanding dedication and commitment to their character. Out of character, UWO is an accomplished RPer with a history of high-quality roleplay for over 5 years. Respected in the community, UWO has always been approachable and willing to help new RPers with advice and feedback, and, has been an upstanding member of our allies Greater Dienstad for some time.

For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
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For. UWO is an excellent RPer and member of our allies, Greater Dienstad.
Noting that this is a Roleplay Condemnation, and that the RP community is in wide support of both the nominee, and this proposal.

Precisely the kind of nation that should receive this form of condemnation.
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