And Then There Were None


the sentient Ry Bread, at your service!
The object of the game is simple... There are a group of 100 people on an island. You can kill or chase away one to five people at a time. What you have to is list how many people on the island you've gotten rid of, and how you got rid of them.. but there's a catch. Each person who posts must post a list of 1 to 4 random items that the next poster must choose from, and you can only kill or chase them away with one or more of the items that the person above you posted. At the end of your post, you must type "and then there were...." With the number of people left alive at the end of your spree filling in the dots.

example post: "I chase 3 people off the island with my tank. I leave behind a shoelace, a pizza box, a pair of scissors and a pack of gum.... And then there were 97."

Let's begin.

I chase three people off the island with my rabid bunny. I leave behind a pair of scissors, an airplane, a pet monkey and a rubber duck. And then there were 97...
I chase two people off the island with a pet monkey. I leave behind a piece of paper, a safety knife, Zazumo, and a piece of wood. And then there were 95...
I chase 3 people off the island with a Zazumo. I leave behind an Aerilia, Marcus, and Nessie. And then there were 92...