[SC - Passed] Commend Greater Dienstad

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Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Commend Greater Dienstad
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Greater Dienstad
Proposed by: Kozmix | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

RECOGNIZING Greater Dienstad as one of the most active regions in NationStates involved in and encouraging involvement in multiple arenas of national and international interactions, including historical events, social media, political alliances, war, diplomacy, trade and the fight against terrorism;

UNDERSTANDING that Greater Dienstad serves as a distinguished region for coaching nations in the fields of diplomatic conduct, scientific advancement, policy negotiation, international affairs and treaty development, and allowing nations to create and stand by their own moral and cultural roots and bases;

APPRECIATING Greater Dienstad's efforts as a whole in assisting nations and regions in developing insight and innovation, notably with the works of Mokastana, Lamoni (commended by SC Resolution #100), The Macabees (commended by SC Resolution #237), and Ghant, among others;

FURTHER APPRECIATING the learning environment that Greater Dienstad have upheld and maintained through various guides, a helpful atmosphere and supportive mentors;

AWARE of the region's efforts to mentor new nations in the above mentioned subjects creatively, such as the recent Greater Dienstad Expo I and the collaborated cultural exchange of The North Pacific and Greater Dienstad, as well as their periodic global recognition of excellence in the fields of technological advancement, diplomacy, resolution of conflict and so on, which has been awarded to only four nations thus far since 2014;

APPLAUDING the painstaking efforts taken by the nations of Greater Dienstad when they hosted the NS World Fair's fourth edition (NSWF #4), participated in by over 30 regions, more than 150 nations and the efforts of the region in the NSWF #4 in saving Christmas and the fostering of international unity in making sure that everyone had presents under their trees without fear or delay;

COMMEMORATING the region's resilience, determination and grit after the devastating War of Golden Succession, which was among the largest uprisings witnessed in history, and noting that the region handled the aftermath of this War in the most stable and restorative way possible, not to mention the lengths to which the region supports free trade and democratization of demonstrably harmful autocratic regimes, seen in the effects of the Great Dienstadi Battle;

FURTHER COMMEMORATING the region's legacy is of perseverance in the face of disaster, demonstrated by their revival from inactivity after the region was raided;

NOTING that even after such gruesome wars, Greater Dienstad chose to be barrier free and allow new nations to settle in and contribute to the region, making it one of the most accepting, welcoming and open communities;

CONVINCED that Greater Dienstad's almost 13 year long history of promoting a better diplomatic and mentoring environment, and their expertise in the above mentioned subjects without imposing a personal agenda upon them, is deserving of a commendation;

HEREBY commends Greater Dienstad.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

Greater Dienstad is a stalwart of the NationStates roleplay community, fostering exceptional roleplay collaborations with various regions and hosting a variety of events, including our own ‘The North Pacific-Greater Dienstad Roleplay and Cultural Exchange’ held recently. Seeing the proposed commendation as a well deserved reward for Greater Dienstad's years of activity and service in the community, we urge you to vote for Commend Greater Dienstad.
this seems to have more going for it than some recent commendation proposals.

I am not sure about "one of the greatest uprisings in history". Hyperbole muchly?

But I am in favour.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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