[GA - Passed] Agricultural Invasive Species Act [Complete]


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Agricultural Invasive Species Act
Category: Advancement of Industry | Area of Effect: Protective Tariffs
Proposed by: The Wallenburgian World Assembly Offices | Onsite Topic

Recognizing agriculture as the most fundamental industry of most member states,

Alarmed at the harms of invasive species of pathogens, weeds, and animals on agriculture and those employed in agriculture,

The World Assembly hereby,

Defines, for the purposes of this resolution, "invasive species" as non-native species of non-sapient life that, upon introduction into or nearby the agricultural ecosystems of a member state, significantly imperil the health or productivity of those agricultural ecosystems,

Establishes minimum standards that regulate trade in order to avoid transference of invasive species,

Requires member states to employ nondestructive customs procedures or screenings in accordance with previous World Assembly legislation and otherwise of their choice on all goods entering or exiting national jurisdiction, to the extent that tests for invasive species on sampled goods guarantee a power of 80%,

Mandates fines on goods that are found contaminated with species invasive to the area of the goods' destination and do not undergo effective decontamination procedures,

Prohibits the transportation of live organisms of invasive species or goods contaminated with invasive species without sufficient measures to guarantee containment during transport, to or through areas where they pose a threat to agricultural ecosystems,

Urges the imposition of tariffs on goods known to frequently harbor invasive species in response to nations that fail to adequately inspect outgoing shipping for such infestations,

Continues to prohibit the use of invasive species against agricultural resources as an economic or military weapon,

Urges member states to research the possibility of various species becoming invasive, especially toward agricultural ecosystems, and to communicate any knowledge of invasive species to other states and the World Assembly Science Program,

Establishes the Agricultural Invasive Species Removal Service, and charges it with assisting, upon member states' request, in the removal or destruction of invasive species,

Provides for the use of selective pesticides and herbicides, and means to capture or kill invasive fauna, to eliminate populations of invasive species causing harm to agricultural ecosystems, within the limitations of already existing World Assembly law and national law,

Limits the Agricultural Invasive Species Removal Service to the use of methods that do not cause undue damage to the immediate or surrounding environment.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
The Agricultural Invasive Species Act is a well meaning, however inherently flawed proposal. This proposal seeks to prevent the harm caused by the accidental introduction of non-native species into the environment. However, the Ministry would note that the proposal makes no provision for goods that are contaminated in transit, mandating that fines be imposed even though were previously uncontaminated. Furthering this concern is the fact that the resolution makes no indication of who should be fined.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.
I am concerned with the definition of sapient and how it could be abused based on current definition and past precedence.

Cautionary, yet Against

I was originally for this, it showed real promise after being improved from its last iteration. But after reading the definition of sapient, I realized that this is hard to enforce, therefore pointless. Would be open to switching if my concerns could be quelled.
In theory, a worthwhile piece of legislation.

I suspect the use of 'non-sapient', in this context, was meant to ensure that the potential law wouldn't be wrongly extended by unscrupulous nations to encompass certain humans within their definition of 'invasive species'. I agree that in doing so, the author has inadvertently left a large grey area for other sapient, non-human species, to slip through the cracks.

One other issue: The legislation places the burden of responsibility on exporting nations, to ensure that goods that may be considered invasive in territories through which they pass, are contained. What it doesn't do is consider the possibility that innocuous goods, initially shipped in compliance, can become contaminated in transit. International transport often relies on multiple, sub-contracted shippers to get goods to destination.
EG: If a nation sent a shipment of umbrellas that contained no invasive species, and those goods were loaded with other shipments, from other nations, onto a third-party ship, contamination could occur then. In that scenario, the legislation would hold the nation of origin unfairly responsible, and subject to fine, even though the were in compliance with the law at time of export, and the contamination occurred through no fault of their own.

I have a few problems with this legislation; among them is the fact that it is written in such a way that it could be misinterpreted and it seems rather hard to enforce.

Mandates both a fine and tariff be placed on goods involving the potential importation of invasive species, but doesn't specify who is to pay these fines nor how these tariffs will be calculated, making its utility in the proposal ambiguous.

In general, though, I am under the opinion that if a nation determines that an invasive species is truly a threat to their agricultural ecosystem, they would have incentive enough to employ their own screening practices. I see little substantial reason why international guidance is necessary.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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