- TNP Nation
- Castle in Confidence
- Discord
- .wonderess

Eras Society of Honorable Nations
Greetings good nations of Eras. It is my pleasure as leader of The Sutherland Federation to call out to you humble leaders and selfless servants of your people. I know that the history good and bad that has occurred in Eras has brought to power leaders who will only what is best for their people while also bringing forth those who have caused suffering and unnecessary torment because of their own selfishness and tyranny. Today, I wish to proclaim to the world Sutherland's dedication to virtuous governance on behalf of the people. Power, influence, and political gain hold no place in the stately halls of the Core General or in the office of the Arc-Wonderess. I know that there are other rulers who feel just the same about their role within their nation's own government. I, therefore, call you to join me in founding the Eras Society of Honorable Nations. It is my vision as Arc-Wonderess of my own nation to stand for peace, competent leadership in the Eras community, and fair treatment of each nation by one another. If these ideals are held by you the leaders of Eras, then I invite you to come forth and join this society. The purpose of this society of honorable nations is to provide an institute where conflicts plaguing Eras can be discussed in a similar way that a supreme court may in a democratic country. The leaders that make up the society shall weigh in on the issues of our time and take a stand. In the end, a ruling shall be put forward for all of Eras to see with the assenters and dissenters of an issue writing an opinion. Note that this society does not have the authority to tell another country what to do. This is a body that uses reason and leadership experience to form an intelligent opinion regarding the world stage. It is my hope that this society gains a reputation of upstanding and helpful opinions on issues that are pressing in Eras today. Hereafter shall be the establishing document of this honorable society.
Constitution of ESHN:On the Establishment of the Eras Society of Honorable Nations
I. Any national leader seeking to enter their nation into this society must be approved by a majority of existing members.
II. The existing members are to take into account the military history, tenure of the nation's leader, and overall behavior of the nation in regard to other nations into account.
III. Once this society contains four fully confirmed members, all other candidates following the fourth admission must first be registered as an observer of the society for one week. This waiting period serves to give existing members time to research the candidate nation and also ensures that the candidate is committed to the cause of the society.
IV. Any nation may apply for observer status. This will allow nations to be a part of society
conversation without having the ability to be a part of the formal opinions of the society. A nation wishing to become an observer would require a simple majority vote amongst member states to achieve observer status.
V. Any national leader that is rejected membership must be given a reason to their rejection which must show concern for some aspect of the leader's governance and an existing conflict with the core values of the Society of Honorable Nations.
I. At least two members of the society must motion for a Societal Observation.
II. A Societal Observation is the formal procedure of presenting a conflict of Eras before the whole societal body.
III. The Chancellor of the Society shall present the issue of the observation before the body where informal discussion shall commence and continue for an unfixed amount of time.
IV. The Chancellor may end the informal period once fruitful discussion has ceased for 24 hours. At this time, each nation shall choose a point of view to represent in regard to the conflict.
V. It is important to note that these points of view may be more than simply for one side or against one side.
VI. Once a majority of leaders within the society have made an informed decision, one leader at the least from each position is to write a formal opinion.
VII. Nations who share a point of view may collaboratively form an opinion.
VIII. Each group has one week to submit an opinion to the Chancellor who then shall compile them into a single report and present it to the leaders of Eras.
IX. In order for a member to be removed, a majority of members must vote to remove the person in question with each voter stating their reason for voting for or against the removal.
X. The Chancellor has the authority to dismiss a vote on a removal if the reason is deemed irrelevant.
I. The first Chancellor shall be the founding nation of the Society.
II. The Chancellor shall serve for three months with the first day of the third month being the first day of voting.
III. Any member may announce their intent to campaign for Chancellor though members may only vote for any other member besides themselves.
IV. The Chancellor shall name a secretary of election for the purpose of keeping track of vote count.
V. Voting shall last for three days after the voting is open.
VI. There shall be a runoff election between the two top vote receiving candidates if one candidate does not obtain a majority of votes beginning on the day that the first election ended and lasting for three more days.
V. The Chancellor has the right to name a Secretary for each continent of Eras and two advisors for Eras overall. The first advisor shall be the paramount authority of international relations. The second advisor shall be the paramount authority on interior matters of the nations of Eras.
VI. The Chancellor may dismiss and name new secretaries and advisors as the Chancellor sees fit. The Chancellor may also leave an office vacant if it is desired.
I. A member of the society shall be granted the ability to use the chain of the society on their own national seal or personal arms after their third ruling on a Societal Observation.
II. As soon as a nation is admitted to the society, their national arms or an adaptation thereof shall be added to the societal standard. The nation shall be allowed one charge for a crest above the main escutcheon.
Amending the Establishing Document
I. An amendment to this document which includes changing a clause or adding one forthwith shall be presented before the society like a Societal Observation. However, nations must vote yes or no to the proposed change. A simple majority is required for the change to pass.
II. In the case of a tie in any vote, the Chancellor shall act as the tie breaking vote.
III. The sitting Chancellor shall be the chief records keeper of the society and the keeper of this document for amendment and rulings of law within the society.
Amended: 2-18-2019
The Sutherland Federation excitedly founds this new society in the hope that it may provide direction and advice no matter what Eras faces. We look forward to others joining us in this endeavor! May integrity and truth be with you.
Arc-Wonderess of the Sutherland Federation
Current Member States of the Society
The Sutherland Federation (Chancellor)
The Vallish Confederation
The Imperial Goyanean Federation
The Crowned Republic of Highton
Norsian People's Commonwealth
The Vallish Confederation
The Imperial Goyanean Federation
The Crowned Republic of Highton
Norsian People's Commonwealth
The Democratic Districts of Midir
The Republic of Cojedes
The Republic of Cojedes

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