Clarissa Sabot rose from her chair to address her fellow representatives present at the table. “I thank you for that observation, Robert. While Mondari is only an observer in the ESHN, its membership still signals a modicum of support for Sutherland, even if only slight, i hope we can agree on that. On that note, I will have to echo what my fellow representative has brought up, the seeming turn of this organization from a neutral party to one that seems to be used as a political tool to force the Sutherland government’s agenda. I will make it clear that while Mondari appreciates this society and the members therein, if it becomes a tool to force one nation’s political stances, we will not stay a member of this, as we will not be pushed around by an organization that is supposed to have no power over external nations. Now, while the direct opinion of the society may not seem to have any power in itself, with members that hold such political influence on the world stage, such as Goyanes and to a smaller extent, Norsia, if said members put their political pressure behind said opinions, they can influence actions of other nations even outside the society. However, I hope it does not come to this, but if it does then we have made our plan of action known. Thank you.”