Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

Nation in The North Pacific: Federetion of Askrallian
Current World Assembly nation: Federetion of Askrallian
Discord Username (if applicable): †✡Luke Helryn Moon✡†#8755
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military Experience (if any): No experience.
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any): None.
Country: Federative Republic of Brazil.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Kaschovia
Current World Assembly nation: Kaschovia
Discord Username (if applicable): Kasch#1455
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Probably only the 12PM operations as it would be 5PM in my timezone. 5AM is a little out of reach.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Special Forces and Updaters
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA?: Maybe.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: I've done a few dozen operations, ran maybe half a dozen, and got to lieutenant.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Nope.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Estonia-Finland
Current World Assembly nation: Estonia-Finland
Previous Military experience(If any): None
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any): None
RL country: USA (EST)

I, Estonia-Finland, request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
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@WingedHussar I am excited to see you join the NPA, however, you accidentally filled out the wrong application, please fill out this one:

Nation in The North Pacific: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Current World Assembly nation: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join:
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA?
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Estonia-Finland
Current World Assembly nation: Estonia-Finland
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
@WingedHussar, could you please answer the following questions in the application?
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
They are especially important for an applicant to the NPASF. If you don't have discord and don't want to/can't get it, or you cannot attend operations at 12AM or 12PM EST, you should apply for the auxiliary instead. Thanks :)
Nation in The North Pacific: ThePlague
Current World Assembly nation: ThePlague
(caslands during the liberation of England)
Discord Username (if applicable)Plague#3825
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
12PM is more certain due my timezone.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join:NPASF
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:none, just NPA before, I want to join again.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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Nation in The North Pacific: Kinicalvoctraersonit
Current World Assembly nation: Kinicalvoctraersonit
Discord Username (if applicable): Pouwo#5741
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
For now, no. Maybe after 21st of April, I could attend at 12PM
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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@Pouwe accepted, however you might want to switch to Auxiliary if you cannot attend updates (12 am/12 pm EST) because that is when we have all of our operations!!
Nation in The North Pacific: Nordic-British Union
Current World Assembly nation: A41 Centurion Mk III
Discord Username: C. Vickers#0019
Timings: Both 12AM/12PM EST if necessary.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxillary
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA?
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Absolutely none!
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Bluestar Realm

Current World Assembly nation: Bluestar Realm

Discord Username (if applicable): Datejl

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
I am able to attend at 12 AM (12:00 EST) everyday, except Wednesdays (I would be 10-15 minutes late), and I am able at 12 PM (0:00 EST) only if I recieve instructions before 3 PM (15:00 EST)

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you
wish to join: NPASF

Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? I would like to become NPA soldier in active service.

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none in NationStates

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none in NationStates

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Zazumo

Current World Assembly nation: Zaz

Discord Username (if applicable):

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Yes/Any sleep schedule permitting

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you
wish to join: Special Forces

Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? Maybe

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Former NPA Officer

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Lord Apollo

Current World Assembly nation: Sundred

Discord Username (if applicable): Hyperion#1325

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Yes/Any sleep schedule permitting

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you
wish to join: Any

Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: N/A

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Great Xanarcica Empire
Current World Assembly nation: Great Xanarcica Empire
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? Yes, 12PM EST
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: The Auxiliary.
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in TNP: EU Nations
Current WA Nation: EU Nations
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military Experience (if any):
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any):

I, EU Nations, request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to The North Pacific Region, our people and our government.
Nation in TNP: South EA
Current WA Nation: South EA
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military Experience (if any):
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any):

I, South EA, request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to The North Pacific Region, our people and our government.
@EU Nations/South EA glad to see you applied for the NPA, however please use this application form:

Nation in The North Pacific: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Current World Assembly nation: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join:
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA?
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation In TNP: The Federation of Keberuntungan
Current WA nation: The Federation of Keberuntungan
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military experience(If any): None, I just applied as of now.
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any): Does Europeia count?
RL country: Cuba (Eastern Time Zone)

I, Keberuntungan, request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Blue Wolf II
Current World Assembly nation: None Currently
Discord Username: Ebil_Wolfie#6723
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Yes, either times on certain days.
Which branch do you wish to join: NPASF
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: The North Pacific Army (former Rank of General), Lone Wolves United (Former Khan, Current Second Founder), The South Pacific (South Pacific Army General), The West Pacific (1st Lt, Black Sheep Squadron Commanding Officer, West Pacific Liberation Force), and many, many more.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Lone Wolves United (Second Founder, non-military role), Lazarus, Citizen.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Nusantara Indonesian
Current World Assembly nation: Nusantara Indonesian
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military Experience (if any): None
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any): None
RL country: Indonesia

I, Nusantara Indonesian request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Nation in The North Pacific: Anddora
Current World Assembly nation: Anddora
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: The Auxiliary
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? sure
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: I don't have any but I would love to join and learn new things
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: nope

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in TNP: The Supreme Federal Republic of United Countries of Earth
Current WA Nation: The Supreme Federal Republic of United Countries of Earth
Discord Username (if applicable): Nickbbkk#7513
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Yes, at 9:30AM, 12PM and 18PM.
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No.
Previous Military Experience (if any): Regional Guard, Temporary Security Councillor
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any): None
RL country: Brazil

I, United Countries of Earth request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to The North Pacific Region, our people and our government.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Destroedor
Current World Assembly nation: Destroedor
Discord Username (if applicable): Scorch#3404
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Should be available for 12 PM, will be periodically available for 12 AM.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? Sure
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Previously in NPA
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation In TNP: Borno people's republic
Current WA nation: N/A
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military experience(If any): Regional Guard
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any):
RL country: African

I, Flutiestan request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Nation in The North Pacific: Varjo
Current World Assembly nation: Varjo
Discord Username (if applicable): Varjo #9889
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Regularly available for 12PM and periodically available for 12AM
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPSAF
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? Yes
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
@Prisident of borno rejected--there is no nation called "Borno People's Republic." Please specify a nation that actually exists. Is "Borno" your nation?
Also, you used an out-of-date version of the application including an antiquated oath--please reapply with the template in this thread's opening post.

@Varjo--accepted! Welcome to the NPA!
Nation in TNP: ALT Walikaistan
Current WA Nation: N/A
NPA Division: N/A
Previous Military Experience (if any): N/A
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any): N/A
RL country: India

I, ALT Walikaistan request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to The North Pacific Region, our people and our government.
@Wali, please apply using the correct template linked here:
Nation in The North Pacific: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Current World Assembly nation: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join:
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA?
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.