Release: Issue XXI


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation
[img][/img][big][big][big][big]Judicial Election March 2018[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[right][i]by Lozinak, Deputy Minister
edited by Owenstacey, Citizen[/i][/right]
March 1st, 2018 marked the beginning of a new TNP judicial election cycle. Whilst more than 15 candidates were nominated, only five. Zyvetskistaahn, Clean Land, BMWSurfer, Scorch, and Lord Lore all put themselves forward for the position of Justice of the North Pacific. 

On the 5th of March, campaigning began in earnest. 


Justice Zyvetskistaahn ran for their fourth term under the apt battle cry "YET MORE MONTHS" citing his extensive experience on the court. Zyvetskistaahn also cited that his time as Speaker of the Regional Assembly helped him develop a deeper understanding of the law. Zyvetskistaahn's main goals for the term were to increase ease of use by establishing set templates for everything from Criminal Indictments, to requests for review. When questioned by Siwale on whether or not the court should be striving to meet the seven day goal present in the current law, Zyvetskistaahn responded that he did not mind having a soft deadline, as a ruling in such time is possible, but reminded us that it is in no one's interest for the court to rush decisions. Zyvetskistaahn's final question came from Deropia regarding their opinion on maximum/minimum sentencing. Zyvetskistaahn responded that they are not in favor of minimum sentencing as to them "...the harm caused by arbitrary mercy is, broadly, lesser than the harm caused by arbitrarily lengthy punishment..." Zyvetskistaahn was however in favor of maximum sentencing, as it prevents the court from setting unreasonable punishments. Zyvetskistaahn's full campaign can be found [url=]here[/url].


Justice Scorch also stood for re-election to his second term. Scorch admitted that most of the tasks of the court fall to the Chief justice, but he points out that he was still involved in discussions ranging from rule changes, to the creation of templates. As further evidence for his ability, Scorch cited his government career stretching back to 2016. Scorch also faced the same two questions from Siwale and Deropia. In regards to setting theoretical goals for the court, Scorch was in support of the clause stating the court should strive for seven-day decisions. Scorch believed that having a baseline is helpful for the court, and there is past precedent for the court ruling within that amount of time. In regards to question of maximum/minimum sentencing, Scorch was in favor of both, viewing them both as useful tools for the court. Scorch's full campaign can be found [url=]here[/url].

[color=#9300C4][b][u]Lord Lore[/u][/b][/color]

Lord Lore entered the election with a strong a resume. Citing a career in NS spanning over three years, as well as a long list of positions he has held, ranging from Minister of Justice in the region of Nevthronia, to Minister of Culture in the North Pacific. Lore also discussed his extensive work in the role play community. Lore stated that over the years he has written and analysed negotiations and laws while engaging in RP, and that this has given him an interesting perspectives on the interpretations of future laws. Lore also faced a different question from Siwale. Siwale asked Lore why he was running for public office after a two-year gap, to which Lore responded that he had been acting as a civil servant, but had a further "public service itch." Lore faced the same question from Deropia as the other candidates. Lore was not in favor of minimum/maximum sentencing, as he felt such rules hamper the court. He was however open to further dialogue on the matter. Lord Lore's full campaign can be found [url=]here[/url].


BMWSurfer was a fresh face in the election, running for his first ever public office. Despite only having a year in NS, BMW is able to cite an admirable career in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, where he has reviewed countless proposals of varying severity in the GA and SC. BMW's primary goal for the term was to uphold the integrity of the courts. Siwale's question to BMW was simply what made him wish to run for Justice. BMW responded that he wished to further serve the region ,and he felt the courts were the place for him to do that. When asked about minimum/maximum sentencing he responded that he in favor of maximum sentences as a means of maintaining fairness, but had no strong opinion on minimum sentencing. BMWSurfer's full campaign can be found [url=]here[/url].

[color=#9300C4][b][u]Clean Land[/u][/b][/color]

Clean Land ran a simple campaign stating that he would have the time needed to rule on court matters quickly. Additionally stating that he would also have time to re-read other relevant court rulings before coming to conclusions. He continued his theme of court timeliness by saying he would also have no issue pointing out when other Justices are not meeting reasonable time standards. When asked about the issue of minimum/maximum sentencing, Clean Land felt that the rules regarding the two should be more defined as the current vagueness of the court leaves room for abuse. Clean Land also stated that he would have no personal goals as a Justice in order to remain fully unbiased. Clean Land's full campaign can be found [url=]here[/url]. 

The election for Justice concluded on the 11th March with the election of Zyvetskistaahn, Scorch, and Lord Lore with 47, 45 and 33 votes respectively.[hr]
[img][/img] [big][big][big][big]RA Relieved After Tumbleweeds Disappear [/big][/big][/big][/big]
[right][i]by BMWSurfer, Deputy Minister
edited by Siwale, Vice Delegate[/i][/right]
The Regional Assembly came back from an impressive silence this month with the introduction of two new bills, the reemergence of one bill, and the introduction of three Security Council applications:[list=1][*] [b][url=]Citizenship Oath Amendment[/url][/b] 
[i]Status: Passed[/i]
This amendment slightly alters the citizenship oath to remove the current roleplay aspect. Individuals will no longer be required to take the citizenship oath as the leader of their nation. This bill was passed on March 31st by the Regional Assembly with 19 Ayes, 9 Nays, and 1 Abstain.

[*] [b][url=]Vacancy Bill[/url][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
The Vacancy Bill tweaks the definition of a government office vacancy. If passed, all government officials will vacate their office if they fail to log into the forum within two weeks, regardless of whether or not prior notice was given.

[*] [b][url=]Reforming the Penal Code[/url][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
The discussion for this bill is centered around changes to the penal code for clarity, in addition to adding sentence guidelines. Several drafts were created and discussed.

[*] [b][url=]Sil Dorsett's Security Council Application[/url][/b]
[i]Status: Passed[/i]
[url=]Sil Dorsett[/url] was nominated for a seat on the Security Council by a unanimous vote among the current members of the Council. Besides exceeding the influence and endorsement required to serve on Council, Sil has been an active member of The North Pacific community for about a year and a half. He has served in a number of capacities such as Minister and Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, Roleplay Moderator, and Temporary Hearing Officer. The motion to admit Sil Dorsett was passed on March 30th by the Regional Assembly with 30 Ayes, 2 Nays, and 4 Abstains.

[*] [b][url=]Lord Lore's Security Council Application[/url][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
[url=]Lord Lore[/url] was also nominated for a seat on the Security Council by a unanimous vote among the current members of the Council. He has been involved in The North Pacific community for over 3 years and has held a number of positions such as Associate Justice, Roleplay Moderator, Minister and Deputy Minister of Culture, and Minister of Entertainment.

[*][b][url=]Gladio's Security Council Application[/url][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
[url=]Gladio[/url], the current Delegate and former Minister of Defense, is the third applicant this month to be nominated for a seat on the Security Council. The current members of the Council just recently concluded their vote which resulted in unanimous approval for this applicant.
[/list]As we head in April, we hope to see this level of Regional Assembly activity continue. Especially as we gear up for the General Elections in May.[hr]
[img][/img] [big][big][big][big]World Assembly Affairs Digest March 2018[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[right][i]by Deropia, Minister of World Assembly Affairs[/i][/right]
Minister: [nation]Deropia[/nation]
Deputy Minister: [nation]Kranostav[/nation]
Deputy Minister: [nation]Veniyerris[/nation]
Deputy Minister: [nation]Stoskavanya[/nation]

From the Minister's desk:

With the end of March comes a new edition of The Northern Lights and with it, another World Assembly Digest. The Ministry has had quite the month, with the launch of the new sponsorship program, we saw the successful passage of our first sponsored resolution! Congratulations are due to Stoskavanya on the passage of their first WA resolution as well as for their appointment as our third Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs! We also saw a rise in Security Council proposals this month, which has kept our staffers busy with resolution analysis.
[center][title][color=green]General Assembly[/color][/center][/title]
[center][i]Improving the world, one resolution at a time.[/i]
[/center][quote][center]Proposal:[url=] [b]Protection of Biomedical Research[/b][/url]
Status: [color=green][b]Passed[/b][/color]
Delegates Vote: [color=green][b]For[/b][/color]
Forum Vote: For:[color=Green][b] 9[/b][/color] Against:[color=red] [b]3[/b][/color] Abstain: [color=blue][b]0[/b][/color]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [color=green][b]592[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]39[/b][/color] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]41.48%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [color=green][b]15,039[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]4,595[/b][/color]
Recommendation: Protection of Biomedical Research seeks to reinstate rules previously repealed in the GA. The proposal has been modified to reflect concerns put forth by WA members.

The relatively mild proposal seeks to ensure a standard of ethics and scientific rigor in biomedical experiments within the World Assembly. It ensures that member states engage only in research where the well-being and ethical treatment of the subjects are prioritized, but in a manner which makes additional testing on both human and lab animal tests possible. More importantly, the proposal preempts future attempts to block biomedical research in the name of religious or moral objections, ensuring that WA members can engage in research in the best interests of their populations.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommended voting for the resolution.
[quote][center]Proposal: [url=][b]Protecting Minority Languages[/b][/url]
Status: [color=green][b]Passed[/b][/color]
Delegates Vote: [color=green][b]For[/b][/color]
Forum Vote: For:[color=Green][b] 11[/b][/color] Against:[color=red] [b]1[/b][/color] Abstain: [color=blue][b]0[/b][/color]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [color=green][b]548[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]89[/b][/color] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]41.41%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [color=green][b]16,679[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]3,619[/b][/color]
[/center]In examining Protecting Minority Languages the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has found that this proposal contains a common sense set of mandates to help protect the existence of minority languages, without infringing on a nations right to have its own official language, and a committee that helps protect this. For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommended a vote for this proposal.

[quote][center]Proposal: [b]Protecting Freshwater from Manufacturing Bill[/b]
Status: [color=red][b]Defeated[/b][/color]
Delegates Vote: [color=red][b]Against[/b][/color]
Forum Vote: For:[color=Green][b] 1[/b][/color] Against:[color=red] [b]9[/b][/color] Abstain: [color=blue][b]2[/b][/color]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [color=green][b]461[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]154[/b][/color] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]40.48%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [color=green][b]8,314[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]11,215[/b][/color]
Recommendation: This proposal attempts to address concerns that freshwater that is safe for drinking is becoming increasingly scarce. However, this proposal appears to be poorly written, with overly complicated definitions and vague language. Additionally, the proposal forgets the variety of WA member states, and uses fixed measures of time, both of which make the proposal more difficult to follow for member states. This ministry believes that the proposal has great potential, and that if the issues outlined here were addressed, there would be more support for it.
It is for these reasons that the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommended a vote Against the proposal.
[center][title][color=green]Security Council[/color][/center][/title]
[center][i]Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.[/i]
[/center][quote][center]Proposal: [url=][b]Liberate Nazi Europia[/b][/url]
Status: [color=Green][b]Passed[/b][/color]
Delegates Vote: [color=green][b]For[/b][/color]
Forum Vote: For:[color=Green][b] 1[/b][/color] Against:[color=red] [b]7[/b][/color] Abstain: [color=blue][b]1[/b][/color]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [color=green][b]506[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]91[/b][/color] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]38.34%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [color=green][b]15,329[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]3,546[/b][/color]
Recommendation: Like the previous liberation that was before the Security Council, this proposal targets a Nazi region in an attempt to make it vulnerable to refounding should the current founder cease to exist or be deleted by NationStates moderators. The Ministry would note however, that the proposal is poorly written and lacks the quality usually expected of World Assembly resolutions. That being said, the statement made by this proposal is clear and provides the community with a way to strike back against those who hold such hateful and bigoted ideologies. 

For these reasons, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
[quote][center]Proposal: [url=][b]Liberate The East Pacific[/b][/url]
Status: [color=green][b]Passed[/b][/color]
Delegates Vote: [color=red][b]Against[/b][/color]
Forum Vote: For:[color=Green][b] 4[/b][/color] Against:[color=red] [b]12[/b][/color] Abstain: [color=blue][b]1[/b][/color]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [color=green][b]369[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]241[/b][/color] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]39.02%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [color=green][b]14,347[/b][/color] Against: [color=red][b]4,182[/b][/color][/center]

Recommendation: Liberate The East Pacific, though well written, would have been better submitted as a condemnation. Liberations remove delegate imposed passwords from a region, however, since The East Pacific is a Game Created Region, a password cannot be imposed, thus making this liberation essentially pointless. 

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.[/quote]
[img][/img] [big][big][big][big]The Spotlight #11: Interview with MoWAA Deropia[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[right][i]by Kaschovia and Deropia, Communications and World Assembly Affairs[/i][/right]
[quote][color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: Welcome to the 11th edition of the Spotlight, Deropia! It's good to have you!

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: Thank you, Kasch! It's great to be here.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: To start off as we usually do here at the Spotlight, please, in as much detail as you think is necessary, tell us, who are you?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: Who am I? Well, let's see. I started playing NationStates about 4 years ago. I'm pretty sure I spawned in The North Pacific, but like many newbies, I tried to strike it out into the UCRs very early on. I've spent the better part of my time on NS as the last and longest serving Delegate of a small UCR by the name of Arcanum before it disbanded and spent some time lurking around the GA forum. When Arcanum ceased to exist, I moved back to The North Pacific because the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs had caught my attention and I was interested in joining. So, In September of last year, I moved my main nation back to where it had originated and joined WA Affairs under Sil Dorsett. I think I spent about 2 months working under Sil, Tlomz, and Fawkes before Sil offered me the position of Deputy Minister of WA Affairs, being appointed to the position in late November to early December. It was around this time that I took my first crack at running for elected office in TNP in the Attorney General Special Election. Though I didn't win, I can honestly say it was an exhilarating experience, taking questions from potential voters and watching the votes come in over the course of the 5 day voting period. I was fortunate enough to be appointed one of Goyanes' Deputy Attorneys General and have served in that capacity since then. Recently I was appointed Minister of World Assembly Affairs in Gladio's cabinet, trying to run the Ministry to the standard set by my predecessors, while trying to make the position my own.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: And how are you liking being Minister of World Assembly Affairs this term so far? Is it easy, hard, or somewhere in between?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: I'm actually really enjoying myself so far this term! I'm working with a great staff who really gets along with one another, so even during our downtime we're able to have a good time. As for how hard it is? The truth is, I've been fortunate enough to have chosen a pair of excellent, hardworking Deputy Ministers in Tlomz and BMWSurfer, they've made things a whole lot easier than I imagine things would be if I didn't have them.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: What have you brought to the table as Minister of World Assembly Affairs that others in your position have not?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: Well, I've only served under one previous Minister of World Assembly Affairs, so I don't have a lot to compare myself to. I'd have to say it's that I view World Assembly Affairs not only as about issuing recommendations, but the development and assistance of TNPs potential authors. Be it through assisting with drafting, or helping their proposals reach quorum and pass.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: Of course. It's good to know you don't take a narrow view of the work the ministry does or should be doing. How well is the term going for your ministry so far? Has anyone stood out particularly that has been doing a lot of great work?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: In terms of World Assembly activity, I'd have to say we're doing fairly well, I've been pleased that we've been able to get our Information for Voters telegrams out, usually within minutes of a proposal reaching the voting floor. I'm also optimistic about the success of our new proposal sponsorship program, which received two applicants within days of being announced. As for my staff? I've been impressed with Stoskavanya's dedication to the ministry, they've been one of my most active staff members this term. Of course, I can't give my Deputies enough credit either, their skilful IFV authorship and hard work have ensured we've been able to keep our telegram launches on time.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: The ministry does seem to be doing a lot of very good work! But what do you believe the ministry could do better?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: I'd honestly like to see more of the staff active, not only in the ministry chat, but also on the General Assembly and Security Council forums. One of my goals for this term was increasing the level of activity we had gameside and having more of an impact on proposals before they reach the queue for approvals.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: Why do you believe there are issues with overall staff activity? What do you think the cause of this inactivity is?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: Well, I've been looking over the roster quite a bit recently and I've noticed that despite having 18 staff members, only about 5 or so are active beyond posting a vote on the forums, which is the right of every resident with World Assembly membership and not a duty of the World Assembly Affairs Executive Staff. I suppose that the length of time between proposals going to vote might have an effect on activity.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: Interesting. What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being Minister of World Assembly Affairs?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: I'd have to say my favorite thing about being Minister of World Assembly Affairs is the communicating with new WA members in the North Pacific that telegram me with questions ranging anywhere from how to join the ministry and the NPA, to proposal writing tips. As for my least favorite? I really can't say I dislike any part of the job, really.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: What have you learned during your experience as Minister of World Assembly Affairs so far?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: Great question! I've learned quite a bit in my time as a Minister, too much to list it all here. But I will say my most important lesson is that sometimes it's better to be late on delivering an IFV and ensure that it accurately reflects the opinion of the ministry as opposed to rushing to get the IFV delivered and later realizing that a mistake was made. I've also learned how to run an effective WA campaign, and the importance of selectively targeting delegates during the voting phase instead of the general delegate campaign that would be used during the approval phase.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: Let's move onto some questions not related to your work as MoWAA. In NationStates, who is your role model? Who is your NS idol?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: My role model? I'd have to say that my role models are Pallaith and Sil Dorsett, I've learned so much from both of them since coming to TNP, I can't thank them enough for the guidance they've given me. As for my idol? I'd have to sat it would be the prolific General Assembly authors Seperatist Peoples and Imperium Anglorium, it really is awe inspiring how many proposals they have been able to pass. I mean, it's hard enough to get one on the books, let the 17 (I think) that IA has been able to pass.

[color=#008080][b]Kasch[/b][/color]: If you were Delegate, what would your dream cabinet be?

[color=#4AD07A][b]Deropia[/b][/color]: My dream cabinet? Let's see...for WA Affairs I'd have to go with Pallaith or Sil Dorsett, for Foreign Affairs would be Lord Ravenclaw, Home Affairs would be Brendog, McMasterdonia for Culture, Defense would have to be Gladio or Malphe and Communications would have to be Kasch.[/quote][hr]
[img][/img] [big][big][big][big]NPA Bulletin for March 2018[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[right][i]by Malphe, Minister of Defence[/i][/right]

[b][center]Minister of Defense: Malphe 
Deputy Minister(s) of Defense: Lozinak, Zazumo[/center][/b]


[i]The NPA is in the hands of a small rodent. Rest easy and peacefully.[/i][/center][hr]
The NPA began March quiet and sleepy, being still deployed in The Backbone of Fascism. People's rifles were used as cricket bats or clubs, depending on whether they picked beer or whiskey as their beverage of choice. After nine days of disappointment in the cold, snowy weather the order came through to return to HC Metalurg; those that didn't leave immediately were booted out unceremoniously by EPSA Officers, tired of their regular Flemingovian Mass keeping them awake at night. That and the constant loud bickering in the officer's lounge concerning highly sensitive subjects that nobody is treating as highly sensitive subjects.

No time was wasted, once the last of the Auxillary had arrived at the NPA's HQ, in getting the slowly sobering soldiers moving again. On the tenth a joint operation with the SPSF (South Pacific Special Forces) was conducted, the organization of which resembled a Raccoon and a Rat arguing about spreadsheets (mainly because it was a Raccoon and a Rat arguing about spreadsheets). In this operation there were three teams, the first of which was lead by NPA MoD Malphe and two others lead by SPSF soldiers; it was noted that the SPSF was detagging more targets than the NPA by far, hence Malphe began to adopt SPSF techniques in his own detagging operations at home. So far he's detagging about half as many per update, which he has decided is fantastic progress that he will not build upon because he can't be bothered detagging 30 targets in one sitting. Nosir.

On the next day Deropia- then NPA Sergeant- took his officer test and succeeded with flying colours. Quite literally flying colours in fact, Malphe had painted the tank shells rainbow because he thought it looked funny. Deropia, as per tradition (It was really twelve years old), was then promoted to the rank of Lieutenant because if the NPA Officers don't outnumber the NPA Soldiers, you're doing it wrong. 

A little after that, on the thirteenth, an anti-fascist operation with the United Kingdom was undertaken; UK and TNP soldiers stormed the fascist region of Silverkeep in a heroic charge in which the UK point began smashing furniture in an enraged rage. The victorious soldiers then left before the founder realized that his favourite chair was in pieces, with hammer and sickles crudely carved onto the legs so we could collect extra salt after the operation ended.

On the sixteenth and seventeenth the NPA, now a little tired and sipping unreasonably expensive imported SPIT at their leisure, went about two training operations lead by new and fairly new officers Deropia and BMWSurfer. After these, now even more tired, the NPA was herded by their Rodent overlord into another joint detag operation with the SPSF, the organization of which was largely nonexistent. Nonetheless, the operation went smoothly and Malphe's team hit a few more targets than last time, now with a 100% success rate.  

Malphe now, out of the kindness of his own heart and by no means because DST prevented him from attending minor updates, allowed the NPA a break from operations for five days before throwing them back into detagging by the twenty second. Now reinvigorated and contemplating getting drunk again, the NPA seemed entirely peaceful.

As it happened, higher in the ranks a raid on the fascist region The Great Fascist Legion was being planned; to cut a long story short, the entire operation was one big collision. The Red Fleet and the MT Army- both anti-fascist organizations- were pretending to be fascists in the region so they could get enough influence to refound it later on. TNP and Euro&Co saw this fascist region with supposedly 20 native fascist endorsements on the delegate and began planning to raid and hold it. Turns out the other Pacifics were thinking the exact same thing, on the exact same update.

It was noted by Malphe that there was going to be a collision, so still not knowing about the covert anti-fascist operation at work in the region, the two operations between the Pacifics and TNP&Co were merged into a bigger operation. The jump was successful, and only sometime afterwards did a group of burly ushanka wearing men inform the occupying forces that they just crashed an anti-fascist operation with another anti-fascist operation. They all ended up making up and living in peace and harmony, beating fascists over their heads with large sticks. Shortly afterwards Zazumo- longtime NPAer and good morning meister- was appointed as Malphe's second Deputy Minister of Defense. 

After several days of rampant rum drinking and vainly waiting for border control powers, the order came through to withdraw from the Great Fascist Legion. The order came as a delight to many soldiers with the notable exception of Malphe, who wasn't much a fan of post OP paperwork. That post OP paperwork, do note, also includes writing this article. I give up. Operation over. We all lived happily ever after. Done. Now I'm getting some ice cream.

11/03/2018 - Deropia promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant.
13/03/2018 - Stoskavanya1 promoted from Private to Private First Class. 
17/03/2018 - The South Falls is promoted from Private to Private First Class.
22/03/2018 - Darcania is promoted from Major to Colonel. 
27/03/2018 - Zazumo appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.


[table=6,March Operations]Date[c]Update[c]Type[c]Region[c]Success Rate[c]Participating NPA Soldiers[s][c]10/03/2018[c]Minor[c]Joint Detag[c]Katsuragi
Nations of Reason
Cuisine Region
Grand Italy
Horizon Islands
States of Green Marsh
Confederation of Capitalist Association
The League of Powers
The Brostevskian Archipelago
The Liberal Democracy of Science fiction[c]92.3%[c]Malphe - Lead
Kasch[s][c]11/03/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag, Officer Test[c]The New Socialist Union 
Warzone Vacation Resort 
Deropia - Lead
Tlomz[/s][c]13/03/2018[c]Minor[c]Joint Tag Raid[c]Silverkeep[c]100%[c]Malphe
In the name of Rothbard
The Confederation of Welsh Democracies
Fox Coalition
Deropia - Lead
Coalition of Empires and Rejected States
The Federal Republics
The CRHS Nation
American Foundation for Meme Preservatio[c]60%[c]BMWSurfer - Lead
[s][c]17/03/2018[c]Minor[c]Joint Detag[c]The Region for All
Eastern Nexus Planes
United Planetary Council
The Sanguine
The Germanic Imperial Alliances
Unitarian Union
Free Nations of Mobocracy
Kool Kids
Republic of the Trinity Council
The United Republic of Democrats
The Greater Imperial Realm[c]100%[c]Malphe - Lead
The South Falls
Kasch[/s][c]22/03/2018[c]Minor[c]Detag[c]Just a Region
Mao Zedong Fanfic
East Asires[c]75%[c]Zazumo - Lead
The Capsules
Monastery of Peace
Karaz Ankor
Fox News Lineup
Asta Fan Club
United Federations
Lions of Liberty
The Peaceful Union of Anexoria
New Drudgof
Gothiscandza[c]100%[c]Malphe - Lead
Zazumo[/s][c]24/03/2018[c]Major[c]Detag[c]The Ezraltonian Region of World Affairs
Central Guam
Union of Soverign Nations
The 10th Crusade
Imperium of Man
New Leftist Union
Liberty Alliance[c]100%[c]Zazumo - Lead
Stoskavanya[/s][c]24/03/2018 - 31/03/2018[c]Minor[c]Anti-Fascist Joint Hold[c]The Great Fascist Legion[c]100%[c]Malphe 
The South Falls
[center][size=3][u][b]The Northern Lights[/b][/u][b]:[/b] [i]Beauty in Truth[/i]

Publisher: Gladio II :: Executive Editor: Kaschovia 

[i]The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.[/i]

[b][center][url=]Index of issues[/url][/center][/b][/size]
Those who are ambassadors to regions that have Zetaboards forums will find it much easier to post this issue and anyone who needs to post it on an Invision or Proboards board will just have to see what they can do. Come to me if you have any further questions.

Posted in Force and Social Liberal Union. As SLU uses Proboards, I've modified the code; others may use it if they wish.

[div align="center"][img style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/div]
[img style="max-width:100%;" src=""][big][big][big][big]Judicial Election March 2018[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[div align="right"][i]by Lozinak, Deputy Minister
edited by Owenstacey, Citizen[/i][/div]
March 1st, 2018 marked the beginning of a new TNP judicial election cycle. Whilst more than 15 candidates were nominated, only five. Zyvetskistaahn, Clean Land, BMWSurfer, Scorch, and Lord Lore all put themselves forward for the position of Justice of the North Pacific. 

On the 5th of March, campaigning began in earnest. 

[font color="#9300C4"][u][b]Zyvetskistaahn[/b][/u][/font]

Justice Zyvetskistaahn ran for their fourth term under the apt battle cry "YET MORE MONTHS" citing his extensive experience on the court. Zyvetskistaahn also cited that his time as Speaker of the Regional Assembly helped him develop a deeper understanding of the law. Zyvetskistaahn's main goals for the term were to increase ease of use by establishing set templates for everything from Criminal Indictments, to requests for review. When questioned by Siwale on whether or not the court should be striving to meet the seven day goal present in the current law, Zyvetskistaahn responded that he did not mind having a soft deadline, as a ruling in such time is possible, but reminded us that it is in no one's interest for the court to rush decisions. Zyvetskistaahn's final question came from Deropia regarding their opinion on maximum/minimum sentencing. Zyvetskistaahn responded that they are not in favor of minimum sentencing as to them "...the harm caused by arbitrary mercy is, broadly, lesser than the harm caused by arbitrarily lengthy punishment..." Zyvetskistaahn was however in favor of maximum sentencing, as it prevents the court from setting unreasonable punishments. Zyvetskistaahn's full campaign can be found [a href=""]here[/a].

[font color="#9300C4"][b][u]Scorch[/u][/b][/font]

Justice Scorch also stood for re-election to his second term. Scorch admitted that most of the tasks of the court fall to the Chief justice, but he points out that he was still involved in discussions ranging from rule changes, to the creation of templates. As further evidence for his ability, Scorch cited his government career stretching back to 2016. Scorch also faced the same two questions from Siwale and Deropia. In regards to setting theoretical goals for the court, Scorch was in support of the clause stating the court should strive for seven-day decisions. Scorch believed that having a baseline is helpful for the court, and there is past precedent for the court ruling within that amount of time. In regards to question of maximum/minimum sentencing, Scorch was in favor of both, viewing them both as useful tools for the court. Scorch's full campaign can be found [a href=""]here[/a].

[font color="#9300C4"][b][u]Lord Lore[/u][/b][/font]

Lord Lore entered the election with a strong a resume. Citing a career in NS spanning over three years, as well as a long list of positions he has held, ranging from Minister of Justice in the region of Nevthronia, to Minister of Culture in the North Pacific. Lore also discussed his extensive work in the role play community. Lore stated that over the years he has written and analysed negotiations and laws while engaging in RP, and that this has given him an interesting perspectives on the interpretations of future laws. Lore also faced a different question from Siwale. Siwale asked Lore why he was running for public office after a two-year gap, to which Lore responded that he had been acting as a civil servant, but had a further "public service itch." Lore faced the same question from Deropia as the other candidates. Lore was not in favor of minimum/maximum sentencing, as he felt such rules hamper the court. He was however open to further dialogue on the matter. Lord Lore's full campaign can be found [a href=""]here[/a].

[font color="#9300C4"][b][u]BMWSurfer[/u][/b][/font]

BMWSurfer was a fresh face in the election, running for his first ever public office. Despite only having a year in NS, BMW is able to cite an admirable career in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, where he has reviewed countless proposals of varying severity in the GA and SC. BMW's primary goal for the term was to uphold the integrity of the courts. Siwale's question to BMW was simply what made him wish to run for Justice. BMW responded that he wished to further serve the region ,and he felt the courts were the place for him to do that. When asked about minimum/maximum sentencing he responded that he in favor of maximum sentences as a means of maintaining fairness, but had no strong opinion on minimum sentencing. BMWSurfer's full campaign can be found [a href=""]here[/a].

[font color="#9300C4"][b][u]Clean Land[/u][/b][/font]

Clean Land ran a simple campaign stating that he would have the time needed to rule on court matters quickly. Additionally stating that he would also have time to re-read other relevant court rulings before coming to conclusions. He continued his theme of court timeliness by saying he would also have no issue pointing out when other Justices are not meeting reasonable time standards. When asked about the issue of minimum/maximum sentencing, Clean Land felt that the rules regarding the two should be more defined as the current vagueness of the court leaves room for abuse. Clean Land also stated that he would have no personal goals as a Justice in order to remain fully unbiased. Clean Land's full campaign can be found [a href=""]here[/a]. 

The election for Justice concluded on the 11th March with the election of Zyvetskistaahn, Scorch, and Lord Lore with 47, 45 and 33 votes respectively.[hr]
[img src="" style="max-width:100%;"] [big][big][big][big]RA Relieved After Tumbleweeds Disappear [/big][/big][/big][/big]
[div align="right"][i]by BMWSurfer, Deputy Minister
edited by Siwale, Vice Delegate[/i][/div]
The Regional Assembly came back from an impressive silence this month with the introduction of two new bills, the reemergence of one bill, and the introduction of three Security Council applications:[ul][b][a href=""]Citizenship Oath Amendment[/a][/b] 
[i]Status: Passed[/i]
This amendment slightly alters the citizenship oath to remove the current roleplay aspect. Individuals will no longer be required to take the citizenship oath as the leader of their nation. This bill was passed on March 31st by the Regional Assembly with 19 Ayes, 9 Nays, and 1 Abstain.

[b][a href=""]Vacancy Bill[/a][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
The Vacancy Bill tweaks the definition of a government office vacancy. If passed, all government officials will vacate their office if they fail to log into the forum within two weeks, regardless of whether or not prior notice was given.

[b][a href=""]Reforming the Penal Code[/a][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
The discussion for this bill is centered around changes to the penal code for clarity, in addition to adding sentence guidelines. Several drafts were created and discussed.

[b][a href=""]Sil Dorsett's Security Council Application[/a][/b]
[i]Status: Passed[/i]
[a href=""]Sil Dorsett[/a] was nominated for a seat on the Security Council by a unanimous vote among the current members of the Council. Besides exceeding the influence and endorsement required to serve on Council, Sil has been an active member of The North Pacific community for about a year and a half. He has served in a number of capacities such as Minister and Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, Roleplay Moderator, and Temporary Hearing Officer. The motion to admit Sil Dorsett was passed on March 30th by the Regional Assembly with 30 Ayes, 2 Nays, and 4 Abstains.

[b][a href=""]Lord Lore's Security Council Application[/a][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
[a href=""]Lord Lore[/a] was also nominated for a seat on the Security Council by a unanimous vote among the current members of the Council. He has been involved in The North Pacific community for over 3 years and has held a number of positions such as Associate Justice, Roleplay Moderator, Minister and Deputy Minister of Culture, and Minister of Entertainment.

[b][a href=""]Gladio's Security Council Application[/a][/b]
[i]Status: Under Discussion[/i]
[a href=""]Gladio[/a], the current Delegate and former Minister of Defense, is the third applicant this month to be nominated for a seat on the Security Council. The current members of the Council just recently concluded their vote which resulted in unanimous approval for this applicant.
[/ul]As we head in April, we hope to see this level of Regional Assembly activity continue. Especially as we gear up for the General Elections in May.[hr]
[img style="max-width:100%;" src=""] [big][big][big][big]World Assembly Affairs Digest March 2018[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[div align="right"][i]by Deropia, Minister of World Assembly Affairs[/i][/div]
Minister: Deropia
Deputy Minister: Kranostav
Deputy Minister: Veniyerris
Deputy Minister: Stoskavanya

From the Minister's desk:

With the end of March comes a new edition of The Northern Lights and with it, another World Assembly Digest. The Ministry has had quite the month, with the launch of the new sponsorship program, we saw the successful passage of our first sponsored resolution! Congratulations are due to Stoskavanya on the passage of their first WA resolution as well as for their appointment as our third Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs! We also saw a rise in Security Council proposals this month, which has kept our staffers busy with resolution analysis.

[div align="center"][img style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/div]
[div align="center"][font color="green"]General Assembly[/font][/div]
[div align="center"][i]Improving the world, one resolution at a time.[/i]
[/div][quote][div align="center"]Proposal:[a href=""] [b]Protection of Biomedical Research[/b][/a]
Status: [font color="green"][b]Passed[/b][/font]
Delegates Vote: [font color="green"][b]For[/b][/font]
Forum Vote: For:[font color="Green"][b] 9[/b][/font] Against:[font color="red"] [b]3[/b][/font] Abstain: [font color="blue"][b]0[/b][/font]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [font color="green"][b]592[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]39[/b][/font] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]41.48%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [font color="green"][b]15,039[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]4,595[/b][/font]
Recommendation: Protection of Biomedical Research seeks to reinstate rules previously repealed in the GA. The proposal has been modified to reflect concerns put forth by WA members.

The relatively mild proposal seeks to ensure a standard of ethics and scientific rigor in biomedical experiments within the World Assembly. It ensures that member states engage only in research where the well-being and ethical treatment of the subjects are prioritized, but in a manner which makes additional testing on both human and lab animal tests possible. More importantly, the proposal preempts future attempts to block biomedical research in the name of religious or moral objections, ensuring that WA members can engage in research in the best interests of their populations.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommended voting for the resolution.
[quote][div align="center"]Proposal: [a href=""][b]Protecting Minority Languages[/b][/a]
Status: [font color="green"][b]Passed[/b][/font]
Delegates Vote: [font color="green"][b]For[/b][/font]
Forum Vote: For:[font color="Green"][b] 11[/b][/font] Against:[font color="red"] [b]1[/b][/font] Abstain: [font color="blue"][b]0[/b][/font]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [font color="green"][b]548[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]89[/b][/font] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]41.41%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [font color="green"][b]16,679[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]3,619[/b][/font]
[/div]In examining Protecting Minority Languages the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has found that this proposal contains a common sense set of mandates to help protect the existence of minority languages, without infringing on a nations right to have its own official language, and a committee that helps protect this. For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommended a vote for this proposal.

[quote][div align="center"]Proposal: [b]Protecting Freshwater from Manufacturing Bill[/b]
Status: [font color="red"][b]Defeated[/b][/font]
Delegates Vote: [font color="red"][b]Against[/b][/font]
Forum Vote: For:[font color="Green"][b] 1[/b][/font] Against:[font color="red"] [b]9[/b][/font] Abstain: [font color="blue"][b]2[/b][/font]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [font color="green"][b]461[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]154[/b][/font] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]40.48%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [font color="green"][b]8,314[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]11,215[/b][/font]
Recommendation: This proposal attempts to address concerns that freshwater that is safe for drinking is becoming increasingly scarce. However, this proposal appears to be poorly written, with overly complicated definitions and vague language. Additionally, the proposal forgets the variety of WA member states, and uses fixed measures of time, both of which make the proposal more difficult to follow for member states. This ministry believes that the proposal has great potential, and that if the issues outlined here were addressed, there would be more support for it.
It is for these reasons that the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommended a vote Against the proposal.
[div align="center"][img src="" style="max-width:100%;"][/div]
[div align="center"][font color="green"]Security Council[/font][/div]
[div align="center"][i]Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.[/i]
[/div][quote][div align="center"]Proposal: [a href=""][b]Liberate Nazi Europia[/b][/a]
Status: [font color="Green"][b]Passed[/b][/font]
Delegates Vote: [font color="green"][b]For[/b][/font]
Forum Vote: For:[font color="Green"][b] 1[/b][/font] Against:[font color="red"] [b]7[/b][/font] Abstain: [font color="blue"][b]1[/b][/font]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [font color="green"][b]506[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]91[/b][/font] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]38.34%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [font color="green"][b]15,329[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]3,546[/b][/font]
Recommendation: Like the previous liberation that was before the Security Council, this proposal targets a Nazi region in an attempt to make it vulnerable to refounding should the current founder cease to exist or be deleted by NationStates moderators. The Ministry would note however, that the proposal is poorly written and lacks the quality usually expected of World Assembly resolutions. That being said, the statement made by this proposal is clear and provides the community with a way to strike back against those who hold such hateful and bigoted ideologies. 

For these reasons, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
[quote][div align="center"]Proposal: [a href=""][b]Liberate The East Pacific[/b][/a]
Status: [font color="green"][b]Passed[/b][/font]
Delegates Vote: [font color="red"][b]Against[/b][/font]
Forum Vote: For:[font color="Green"][b] 4[/b][/font] Against:[font color="red"] [b]12[/b][/font] Abstain: [font color="blue"][b]1[/b][/font]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [font color="green"][b]369[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]241[/b][/font] Percentage of WA nations voting: [b]39.02%[/b]
Final Vote (World): For: [font color="green"][b]14,347[/b][/font] Against: [font color="red"][b]4,182[/b][/font][/div]

Recommendation: Liberate The East Pacific, though well written, would have been better submitted as a condemnation. Liberations remove delegate imposed passwords from a region, however, since The East Pacific is a Game Created Region, a password cannot be imposed, thus making this liberation essentially pointless. 

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.[/quote]
[img style="max-width:100%;" src=""] [big][big][big][big]The Spotlight #11: Interview with MoWAA Deropia[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[div align="right"][i]by Kaschovia and Deropia, Communications and World Assembly Affairs[/i][/div]
[quote][font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: Welcome to the 11th edition of the Spotlight, Deropia! It's good to have you!

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: Thank you, Kasch! It's great to be here.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: To start off as we usually do here at the Spotlight, please, in as much detail as you think is necessary, tell us, who are you?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: Who am I? Well, let's see. I started playing NationStates about 4 years ago. I'm pretty sure I spawned in The North Pacific, but like many newbies, I tried to strike it out into the UCRs very early on. I've spent the better part of my time on NS as the last and longest serving Delegate of a small UCR by the name of Arcanum before it disbanded and spent some time lurking around the GA forum. When Arcanum ceased to exist, I moved back to The North Pacific because the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs had caught my attention and I was interested in joining. So, In September of last year, I moved my main nation back to where it had originated and joined WA Affairs under Sil Dorsett. I think I spent about 2 months working under Sil, Tlomz, and Fawkes before Sil offered me the position of Deputy Minister of WA Affairs, being appointed to the position in late November to early December. It was around this time that I took my first crack at running for elected office in TNP in the Attorney General Special Election. Though I didn't win, I can honestly say it was an exhilarating experience, taking questions from potential voters and watching the votes come in over the course of the 5 day voting period. I was fortunate enough to be appointed one of Goyanes' Deputy Attorneys General and have served in that capacity since then. Recently I was appointed Minister of World Assembly Affairs in Gladio's cabinet, trying to run the Ministry to the standard set by my predecessors, while trying to make the position my own.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: And how are you liking being Minister of World Assembly Affairs this term so far? Is it easy, hard, or somewhere in between?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: I'm actually really enjoying myself so far this term! I'm working with a great staff who really gets along with one another, so even during our downtime we're able to have a good time. As for how hard it is? The truth is, I've been fortunate enough to have chosen a pair of excellent, hardworking Deputy Ministers in Tlomz and BMWSurfer, they've made things a whole lot easier than I imagine things would be if I didn't have them.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: What have you brought to the table as Minister of World Assembly Affairs that others in your position have not?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: Well, I've only served under one previous Minister of World Assembly Affairs, so I don't have a lot to compare myself to. I'd have to say it's that I view World Assembly Affairs not only as about issuing recommendations, but the development and assistance of TNPs potential authors. Be it through assisting with drafting, or helping their proposals reach quorum and pass.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: Of course. It's good to know you don't take a narrow view of the work the ministry does or should be doing. How well is the term going for your ministry so far? Has anyone stood out particularly that has been doing a lot of great work?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: In terms of World Assembly activity, I'd have to say we're doing fairly well, I've been pleased that we've been able to get our Information for Voters telegrams out, usually within minutes of a proposal reaching the voting floor. I'm also optimistic about the success of our new proposal sponsorship program, which received two applicants within days of being announced. As for my staff? I've been impressed with Stoskavanya's dedication to the ministry, they've been one of my most active staff members this term. Of course, I can't give my Deputies enough credit either, their skilful IFV authorship and hard work have ensured we've been able to keep our telegram launches on time.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: The ministry does seem to be doing a lot of very good work! But what do you believe the ministry could do better?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: I'd honestly like to see more of the staff active, not only in the ministry chat, but also on the General Assembly and Security Council forums. One of my goals for this term was increasing the level of activity we had gameside and having more of an impact on proposals before they reach the queue for approvals.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: Why do you believe there are issues with overall staff activity? What do you think the cause of this inactivity is?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: Well, I've been looking over the roster quite a bit recently and I've noticed that despite having 18 staff members, only about 5 or so are active beyond posting a vote on the forums, which is the right of every resident with World Assembly membership and not a duty of the World Assembly Affairs Executive Staff. I suppose that the length of time between proposals going to vote might have an effect on activity.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: Interesting. What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being Minister of World Assembly Affairs?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: I'd have to say my favorite thing about being Minister of World Assembly Affairs is the communicating with new WA members in the North Pacific that telegram me with questions ranging anywhere from how to join the ministry and the NPA, to proposal writing tips. As for my least favorite? I really can't say I dislike any part of the job, really.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: What have you learned during your experience as Minister of World Assembly Affairs so far?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: Great question! I've learned quite a bit in my time as a Minister, too much to list it all here. But I will say my most important lesson is that sometimes it's better to be late on delivering an IFV and ensure that it accurately reflects the opinion of the ministry as opposed to rushing to get the IFV delivered and later realizing that a mistake was made. I've also learned how to run an effective WA campaign, and the importance of selectively targeting delegates during the voting phase instead of the general delegate campaign that would be used during the approval phase.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: Let's move onto some questions not related to your work as MoWAA. In NationStates, who is your role model? Who is your NS idol?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: My role model? I'd have to say that my role models are Pallaith and Sil Dorsett, I've learned so much from both of them since coming to TNP, I can't thank them enough for the guidance they've given me. As for my idol? I'd have to sat it would be the prolific General Assembly authors Seperatist Peoples and Imperium Anglorium, it really is awe inspiring how many proposals they have been able to pass. I mean, it's hard enough to get one on the books, let the 17 (I think) that IA has been able to pass.

[font color="#008080"][b]Kasch[/b][/font]: If you were Delegate, what would your dream cabinet be?

[font color="#4AD07A"][b]Deropia[/b][/font]: My dream cabinet? Let's see...for WA Affairs I'd have to go with Pallaith or Sil Dorsett, for Foreign Affairs would be Lord Ravenclaw, Home Affairs would be Brendog, McMasterdonia for Culture, Defense would have to be Gladio or Malphe and Communications would have to be Kasch.[/quote][hr]
[img style="max-width:100%;" src=""] [big][big][big][big]NPA Bulletin for March 2018[/big][/big][/big][/big]
[div align="right"][i]by Malphe, Minister of Defence[/i][/div]

[b][div align="center"]Minister of Defense: Malphe 
Deputy Minister(s) of Defense: Lozinak, Zazumo[/div][/b]

[div align="center"][img style="max-width:100%;" src=""]

[i]The NPA is in the hands of a small rodent. Rest easy and peacefully.[/i][/div][hr]
The NPA began March quiet and sleepy, being still deployed in The Backbone of Fascism. People's rifles were used as cricket bats or clubs, depending on whether they picked beer or whiskey as their beverage of choice. After nine days of disappointment in the cold, snowy weather the order came through to return to HC Metalurg; those that didn't leave immediately were booted out unceremoniously by EPSA Officers, tired of their regular Flemingovian Mass keeping them awake at night. That and the constant loud bickering in the officer's lounge concerning highly sensitive subjects that nobody is treating as highly sensitive subjects.

No time was wasted, once the last of the Auxillary had arrived at the NPA's HQ, in getting the slowly sobering soldiers moving again. On the tenth a joint operation with the SPSF (South Pacific Special Forces) was conducted, the organization of which resembled a Raccoon and a Rat arguing about spreadsheets (mainly because it was a Raccoon and a Rat arguing about spreadsheets). In this operation there were three teams, the first of which was lead by NPA MoD Malphe and two others lead by SPSF soldiers; it was noted that the SPSF was detagging more targets than the NPA by far, hence Malphe began to adopt SPSF techniques in his own detagging operations at home. So far he's detagging about half as many per update, which he has decided is fantastic progress that he will not build upon because he can't be bothered detagging 30 targets in one sitting. Nosir.

On the next day Deropia- then NPA Sergeant- took his officer test and succeeded with flying colours. Quite literally flying colours in fact, Malphe had painted the tank shells rainbow because he thought it looked funny. Deropia, as per tradition (It was really twelve years old), was then promoted to the rank of Lieutenant because if the NPA Officers don't outnumber the NPA Soldiers, you're doing it wrong. 

A little after that, on the thirteenth, an anti-fascist operation with the United Kingdom was undertaken; UK and TNP soldiers stormed the fascist region of Silverkeep in a heroic charge in which the UK point began smashing furniture in an enraged rage. The victorious soldiers then left before the founder realized that his favourite chair was in pieces, with hammer and sickles crudely carved onto the legs so we could collect extra salt after the operation ended.

On the sixteenth and seventeenth the NPA, now a little tired and sipping unreasonably expensive imported SPIT at their leisure, went about two training operations lead by new and fairly new officers Deropia and BMWSurfer. After these, now even more tired, the NPA was herded by their Rodent overlord into another joint detag operation with the SPSF, the organization of which was largely nonexistent. Nonetheless, the operation went smoothly and Malphe's team hit a few more targets than last time, now with a 100% success rate. 

Malphe now, out of the kindness of his own heart and by no means because DST prevented him from attending minor updates, allowed the NPA a break from operations for five days before throwing them back into detagging by the twenty second. Now reinvigorated and contemplating getting drunk again, the NPA seemed entirely peaceful.

As it happened, higher in the ranks a raid on the fascist region The Great Fascist Legion was being planned; to cut a long story short, the entire operation was one big collision. The Red Fleet and the MT Army- both anti-fascist organizations- were pretending to be fascists in the region so they could get enough influence to refound it later on. TNP and Euro&Co saw this fascist region with supposedly 20 native fascist endorsements on the delegate and began planning to raid and hold it. Turns out the other Pacifics were thinking the exact same thing, on the exact same update.

It was noted by Malphe that there was going to be a collision, so still not knowing about the covert anti-fascist operation at work in the region, the two operations between the Pacifics and TNP&Co were merged into a bigger operation. The jump was successful, and only sometime afterwards did a group of burly ushanka wearing men inform the occupying forces that they just crashed an anti-fascist operation with another anti-fascist operation. They all ended up making up and living in peace and harmony, beating fascists over their heads with large sticks. Shortly afterwards Zazumo- longtime NPAer and good morning meister- was appointed as Malphe's second Deputy Minister of Defense. 

After several days of rampant rum drinking and vainly waiting for border control powers, the order came through to withdraw from the Great Fascist Legion. The order came as a delight to many soldiers with the notable exception of Malphe, who wasn't much a fan of post OP paperwork. That post OP paperwork, do note, also includes writing this article. I give up. Operation over. We all lived happily ever after. Done. Now I'm getting some ice cream.

11/03/2018 - Deropia promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant.
13/03/2018 - Stoskavanya1 promoted from Private to Private First Class. 
17/03/2018 - The South Falls is promoted from Private to Private First Class.
22/03/2018 - Darcania is promoted from Major to Colonel. 
27/03/2018 - Zazumo appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.


[b][div align="center"]March Operations[/div][/b][table][tbody][tr][th]Date[/th][th]Update[/th][th]Type[/th][th]Region[/th][th]Success Rate[/th][th]Participating NPA Soldiers[/th][/tr][tr][td]10/03/2018[/td][td]Minor[/td][td]Joint Detag[/td][td]Katsuragi
Nations of Reason
Cuisine Region
Grand Italy
Horizon Islands
States of Green Marsh
Confederation of Capitalist Association
The League of Powers
The Brostevskian Archipelago
The Liberal Democracy of Science fiction[/td][td]92.3%[/td][td]Malphe - Lead
Kasch[/td][/tr][tr][td]11/03/2018[/td][td]Minor[/td][td]Detag, Officer Test[/td][td]The New Socialist Union 
Warzone Vacation Resort 
Deropia - Lead
Tlomz[/td][/tr][tr][td]13/03/2018[/td][td]Minor[/td][td]Joint Tag Raid[/td][td]Silverkeep[/td][td]100%[/td][td]Malphe
In the name of Rothbard
The Confederation of Welsh Democracies
Fox Coalition
Deropia - Lead
Coalition of Empires and Rejected States
The Federal Republics
The CRHS Nation
American Foundation for Meme Preservatio[/td][td]60%[/td][td]BMWSurfer - Lead
[/td][/tr][tr][td]17/03/2018[/td][td]Minor[/td][td]Joint Detag[/td][td]The Region for All
Eastern Nexus Planes
United Planetary Council
The Sanguine
The Germanic Imperial Alliances
Unitarian Union
Free Nations of Mobocracy
Kool Kids
Republic of the Trinity Council
The United Republic of Democrats
The Greater Imperial Realm[/td][td]100%[/td][td]Malphe - Lead
The South Falls
Kasch[/td][/tr][tr][td]22/03/2018[/td][td]Minor[/td][td]Detag[/td][td]Just a Region
Mao Zedong Fanfic
East Asires[/td][td]75%[/td][td]Zazumo - Lead
The Capsules
Monastery of Peace
Karaz Ankor
Fox News Lineup
Asta Fan Club
United Federations
Lions of Liberty
The Peaceful Union of Anexoria
New Drudgof
Gothiscandza[/td][td]100%[/td][td]Malphe - Lead
Zazumo[/td][/tr][tr][td]24/03/2018[/td][td]Major[/td][td]Detag[/td][td]The Ezraltonian Region of World Affairs
Central Guam
Union of Soverign Nations
The 10th Crusade
Imperium of Man
New Leftist Union
Liberty Alliance[/td][td]100%[/td][td]Zazumo - Lead
Stoskavanya[/td][/tr][tr][td]24/03/2018 - 31/03/2018[/td][td]Minor[/td][td]Anti-Fascist Joint Hold[/td][td]The Great Fascist Legion[/td][td]100%[/td][td]Malphe 
The South Falls
[div align="center"][font size="3"][u][b]The Northern Lights[/b][/u][b]:[/b] [i]Beauty in Truth[/i]

Publisher: Gladio II :: Executive Editor: Kaschovia 

[i]The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.[/i]

[b][div align="center"][a href=""]Index of issues[/a][/div][/b][/font][/div]
Posted in Stargate. Have not delivered it to Forest since I have been fired :(
It will not let me access the existing code. I did not originally insert a code but formatted it through the interface to do so. Therefore, I have to code to post I am sorry to say.