Crilalia votes for independence 51% to 49%


Crilalia votes for independence 51% to 49%


Supporters of the Independence Movement cheer as the results are announced.

In a stunning result, the Province of Crilalia has voted to declare independence from the Kingdom of Plembobria. The exact result was 1,056,079 votes for to 1,014,664 against. The President of the province, Lloyd Harding, has announced that a Declaration of Independence will be forthcoming. "I am pleased by this result, I'd like to thank the people of our soon-to-be great nation for allowing me to be the one to oversee this process."

Crilalian nationalism has existed throughout the province's entire history, but never has it come this close to securing victory. Marge Clooney, professor of political science at the University of Flithendale comments, "there is a greater degree lately of political dissatisfaction among many of the working people throughout Plembobria, but especially among the workers in the natural gas and oil industry, which is vital to the provincial economy. They feel left out by the bipartisan pursuance of alternative energy sources, so this is a natural opportunity to vent their frustration at the elites in Rethel."

A response from the Government is yet to be released, but spectators believe it is very unlikely the government will honor a declaration of independence, since it already announced it would fight the referendum in Court.
Kavkazia will not recognize Ciralia as it may inspire more separatists into declaring independence. We refuse to recognize this government unless the official Plembobrian government sanctions independence.
A Statement from the Prydanian Government on Events in Crilalia:

The Kingdom of Prydania respects the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity of the Kingdom of Plembobria. We trust the Kingdom of Plembobria to resolve this as an internal issue.

Harold Daaé
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Prydania​
We, the people of the Commonwealth of Berkowitzia, hereby recognize Ciralia as a fully independent nation and will respect its national sovereignty. We hope that this road to becoming a nation will go smothely.

Sincerely, Jennifer Wolfe, Elected Representative of the Commonwealth of Berkowitzia.​
To the people of Crilalia and others it may concern:
When I hear about stories like this, it reminds me of Demescia’s humble beginnings. We started out as a cluster of colonies, cultures and ethnicities. Ultimately, despite the fortune the colonies brought, their respective empires had to let go and let them flourish on their own. Impossible, it seemed, that the Gotes, Syrixians, Guslants, and Ceretans could get along. But look where we are today: spanning the entire island, full with vernacular, benign with all abroad. All of this was because empires let go.

Your future is bright. ‘Twill be hard to detach at first (you may even have to fight), but don’t lose hope. We won’t be your guardian in conflict but we will do all we can to keep the dream alive, because independence is a beautiful thing.

Sincerely, Ito Okeke; Demescian Delegate Premier

P.S.: And yes, if you're wondering, we do consider you a legitimate state.
Official Statement of Kyoki Chudoku

Kyoki Chudoku is a nation that greatly values order, unity, and loyalty. It is therefore disheartening to hear of another nation suffering from the rebellious intent of those desiring their independence. For years now, we have fought our own war against insurgents who promote disorder, dissent, and destruction. To allow such a thing to come to pass in the nation of Plembobria would be unfortunate.

Even with foreign support we suspect a single state will be unable to sustain itself in the international community as anything more than a point of contention and a dying hope for those who wish to make it their home. Plembobria has not acknowledged this attempt at seccesion, and nor should the international community. To promote disorder and assist in inciting revolution in this nation would be a disgraceful action for a nation that prides itself on integrity.

To give in to dissent is to lose the war against it. It is the fond hope of the Chudokuren government to one day extinguish the disarray that threatens our world. Today, however, the greatest we may accomplish is to support the rightful administrators of this territory and refuse to support treason against them. Even the territory itself was barely able to gain a majority to support it. Such a nation as one founded upon a foundation of such division is surely unlikely to bring anything but suffering for its residents.

To summarise, Kyoki Chudoku is against the Crilalian independence movement. We sincerely hope that the Plembobrian government may resolve this dispute effectively, and do not seek to interfere in its affairs. We will, however, be taking an interest in the development of the situation.

May order triumph over chaos.

Kazumi Hirayai,
Head of Foreign Affairs

It is difficult to strike the balance between national sovereignty and self-determination, two aspects of internal affairs possessing equal importance. While allowing a territory to break away from its superior government would encourage other like-minded territories to do the same, threatening national boundaries and governance, we must also consider that a government inflicting unjust laws upon a people without care for the plight of said people only serves to strike anger among the regional populace and provoke them into rebellion. This is a balance that all nations must consider.

That being said, I do not currently recognize the Province of Crilalia as its own independent and sovereign nation, though I recognize that my sister and the Prime Minister have the right to disagree. Unfortunately, they have not yet made their final stance on independence known. However, I can say that we all agree to demand that the Kingdom of Plembobria negotiate in good faith a resolution to the province's grievances and do what is right for the Crilalian people, regardless of the potential detriment to the Plembobrian government's standing in the affected region.


To the Consular staff of Demescia and Berkowitzia

Your excellencies,

I'm sure you are aware of your governments' response to the internal issue of our provinces' polices with respect to the sovereign Crown Government of Plembobria.

In response to this insult, you are ordered to reduce the total diplomatic staff at both your embassies to 40 each within 28 days. Failure to comply will result in your entire staff, including your ambassadors, being deported to their respective countries.


Rudolph Stein, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dear Lloyd harding and people of Crilalia,

On behalf of the citizens of Tommatito I will acknowledge your independents. It is a message for all who are oppressed to rise against those who suppress them. As a nation that values freedom we wish to provide our aid. It is our goal to be on good terms with all nations, but we will fight if people are being oppressed. We hope you accept us as a friend and ally.

Thomas Nelson prime councilmen of Tommatito
To the Kingdom of Plembobria

We will NOT be removing our ambassadorial staff. If any attempted deportations of our officers and staff is carried out, or the government does anything to the newly independent Ciralia, it will be met with harsh sanctions.

Sincerely, Jennifer Wolfe, Elected Representative of the Commonwealth of Berkowitzia
Official Statement from the Federal Government of Oriplate​

The Federal Government does not recognize such declaration of independence and we will continue to refuse it unless the Plembobrian Government sanctions otherwise. Our only legal interlocutors in Plembobria are the members of the country's Government and we will not interfere with what happens within their borders.

We also acknowledge that this declaration is an internal Plembobrian issue. Oriplate hopes that all parts involved in the diplomatic conflict will use the remaining possibilities for dialogue and de-escalation. The Oriplatean Government supports a peaceful solution to the issue.

Signed by: Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sebastian Lutti, Minister of Foreign Affairs​
Official Statement from the Norsian Commonwealth​

The House of commons and Her Grace, Queen Alycia herself officially state recognition of Crilalia as its own independent state. Norsians Trien and Norsian both have fought for their rights to self independence and the right to choose, and we see Crilalia as no different. if the Crilalians feel the state of Plemboria no longer works for them and they must break away to be happy again then they have the right to break the shackles that bind them to it. The people rule the state the state does not rule them. The fact that they call for independence at all means that the Plembobrian state has failed them utterly as the Norsian state once did its own.

We acknowledge this as an internal Plembobrian issue and will not get involved. But do note if it escalates to violence we will take every measure possible to make the state of Plembobria regret the snuffing of rights.

Signed: Sabine Vidal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Norsian Commonwealth
The Crowned Republic of Highton will not formally recognize the sovereignty of Crilalia unless
I. The Kingdom of Plembobria recognizes Crilalia or
II. The Kingdom of Plembobria breaks diplomatic ties with the Crowned Republic of Highton.

Antonio Fernández
Secretary of International Affairs
International Center, Highton City, NH
Miedzymorzean Response:

On behalf of the Miedzymorzean Government

The Socialist Republic of Miedzymorze will recognize the new nation of Ciralia as independent from the Kingdom of Plembobria. We believe that the region should be able to break away from this bur?uazyjny (bourgeois) monarchy and free itself from the oppression of the Plembobrians. We wish you good luck on your path of independence, and we will aid you through it.


????? ?????????????
Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)
Wis?a, Miedzymorze



A Declaration of Independence

Of the Commonwealth of Crilalia

On behalf of the People of the Commonwealth of Crilalia, in the name of human rights and self-determination,

The Commonwealth precedes the Kingdom of Plembobria. We fought for our own rights and secured our freedom from the nobility without the assistance of outside forces, establishing a self-sufficient republic.

For two-hundred years the Royalists have ignored the wishes of our Commonwealth, foisting their capitalist and feudal policies upon us without our consent.

Since the establishment of the Constitution four years ago nothing has changed. The politicians represent not their constituencies but the interests of wealth and power.

WE THEREFORE DECREE That the Commonwealth is an INDEPENDENT STATE from the Plembobrian Kingdom, and as such the House of Assembly maintains the exclusive sovereign authority to make laws for this INDEPENDENT STATE.

WE REQUEST the recognition of the the independence of this state from all the nations of the world.

WE DEMAND that the authorities of the Plembobrian Crown allow this state to peacefully transition from autonomous province to Independent Socialist Republic.


The Thirteenth of May Two Thousand and Eighteen, by the House of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Plembobria, and the President of the Commonwealth.
From The Empire of Ruskaland,
The Empire of Ruskaland, officially recognizes Crilalia, due to, how Ruskaland views that nation as a potential ally. Ruskaland wishes to establish a embassy if possible, and possibly aid the people there to help them win independence if needed.

Written by Ruskatin I.

An Act

Repealing (in part) the Crilalia Act (1802) and amending the Devolution Act (1948), in order to remove the autonomy of the Province and reorganize its government along the lines of the other Provinces

We, King Timothy III of Plembobria, with the advice and consent of the Commons of Plembobria in Parliament assembled, and with the advice of our most loyal Executive Council, do hereby decree the following:-

§1. Repeal of the Crilalia Act

§§1. The Crilalia Act (1802) is hereby repealed.

§2. Addition of Crilalia to the terms of the Devolution Act (1948)

§§1. "Crilalia" is appended to Chapter 1 §1 of the Devolution Act (1948).

§§2. "Crilalia" is removed from Chapter 1 §2

§3. General Provisions

§§1. His Majesty may be Order in Council make any rules necessary and proper for the conversion of the province of Crilalia, including the suspension of the current government.

Approved in Parliament and granted Royal Assent by His Majesty April 13th 2018.


Order #145214

Dissolution of the Commonwealth Government of Crilalia

Pursuant to Section 3, Subsection 1 of the Crilalian Reorganization Act, and in response to the illegal and unconstitutional declaration of independence issue by the House of Assembly, the government of Crilalia is henceforth dissolved.


Message to the Governments of Ruskaland, Miedzymorzea, the Norsian Commonwealth, and Tommatito

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs orders you to reduce your diplomatic and consular staff to 40 persons each within 28 days from the issue of this order, or your entire staff will deported to their respective countries.
Official Statement from the Norsian Commonwealth

Norsia has witnessed the Plembobrian government snuff out a recognized and therefore internationally legitimate state who has declared independence from an oppressive power, for nothing more than the furthering of Plembobrian Imperialist Ambition and the seizing of "its lands."

As a result, the Norsian Commonwealth hereby no longer recognizes the Kingdom of Plembobria as a free state but as an illegitimate oppressive regime and an invading power of another free nation.
Therefore, Norsia hereby DENOUNCES and vilifies the Plembobrian government, closing any and all ability to trade present and future. and closes its water to Plembobrian ships, any ships violating Norsian waters will be seized and crews arrested. its citizens may no longer enter Norsia without OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC SEALS.

On top of this, our staff will stay the full deadline. in this time we will accept any and all asylum requests from Crilalians, and accept asylum of Plembobrians wishing to escape the regime in general after reasonable checks. Attempts to displace, hinder or otherwise threaten our staff in any way before the deadline expires will result in a declaration of War.
do not speak unless required, do not body block, do not touch, stay at least 20 feet away at all times from our staff unless required.

Signed: Sabine Vidal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Norsian Commonwealth
As promised, all exported goods to Plembobria will now have a tarif increase of 15%, and the exporting of Textiles, Technology, Lumber, and Precious Minerals will be banned. The only way these sanctions will be lifted, is if the Crilalian governments is restored and released as a fully independent nation.

Sincerely, Hunter Lentia, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sent on behalf of Jennifer Wolfe, Elected Representative of the Commonwealth of Berkowitzia

Statement from the Landesdag of the Imperial Goyanean Federation.

The Goyanean government recognizes the right of the Plembobrian government to revoke and/or change all territorial autonomy as it pleases, as is allowed within the constitution of Plembobria. The Goyanean Realm will refuse to recognize the independence and legitimacy of Crilalia. We support and offer a helping hand to the Plembobrian government in responding to any attempts to undermine the legitimate government of the Kingdom. Do not hesitate to contact us if our help is desired.

The Landesdag of Goyanes

This statement has been approved by the Stortinget and Riksdag as a bilateral statement of both houses. Compliant to the Bilateral Statements Act (1907).
Miedzymorzean Response:

On behalf of the Miedzymorzean Government

Miedzymorze fully condemns the Kingdom of Plembobria's actions, and will not follow the aforementioned demands set forth by the Plembobrian government. Miedzymorzean ambassadorial staff will remain in Plembobria for the 28 days. Along with this, Miedzymorze also puts a complete and total shutdown on all non-ambassadorial Plembobrian citizens from entering Miedzymorze. All Plembobrian citizens currently within the nation will be deported to Plembobria. Plembobrian sea vessels are also banned from entering Miedzymorzean waters.


????? ?????????????
Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)
Wis?a, Miedzymorze

Consilium de Rebus Externis
Vox Imperatori Vox Senatus Vox Populi

The Empire recognizes the inviolable sovereignty of the Kingdom of Plembobria, and its right to self preservation. The Empire does not recognize Crilalia as a legitimate state, and condemns the rebel government's flagrant violations in the face of law and good order within the Kingdom of Plembobria. For the sake of that region, and for all Eras, we hope for a swift and peaceable reunification.

Praefectus Peregrinus
Stephen Walwood
From the Office of Foreign Relations and Trade in The D.D.M

We in the D.D.M do not recognize Crilalia as a sovereign nation. That being said, we hope that this dispute does not escalate into violence. We believe that Plembobria falling into a civil war, whether it be from it being started internally, or be it from a foreign power causing this dispute to escalate. If this dispute does escalate into a civil war however, The D.D.M is prepared to aid the official Plembobrian Government entirely to ensure the re-uinification of the Nation of Plembobria; be it food, water, money, or weaponry.
Regardless, The D.D.M wishes this be solved quickly and internally.

Cedric Asher

Secretary of Foreign Relations and Trade

Last edited:
14 April 2018

The Cimmerian Prime Minister sends a letter to the Plembobrian government in response to the situation within.


To the Government of Plembobria,

The Imperial Cimmerian Government recognizes the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Plembobria, as well as its right to change or revoke autonomy to its territories/regions as they see fit. Considering this, the Imperial Federation of Cimmeria will not recognize the Province of Crilalia as an legitimate sovereign state. We wish that the Plembobrian Government will be able to handle this situation a internal matter.


The Right Honourable
Wilhelm Staedtler
Prime Minister of the Imperial Federation of Cimmeria
Upon new orders, We have expanded the list of sanctions to include a ban on all Clothing production entering the country. On top of what was previously listed, all citizens of Plembobria wishing to enter the country, must have Visas, and all diplomatic staff must undergo an extensive backround check.

That is all.

Signed, Jennifer Wolfe, Elected Representative of Berkowitzia
A Statement:
In Response to the Crilalia Conflict

It is with great sadness and concern that the Sutherland Federation and her people see such division and detrimental short term action on both sides of the current conflict. Sutherland

deeply understands the will and need of creating an independence for a people who wish to better themselves and the world as one concordant people. However, the economic nature of this crisis calls for a

strengthening of dialogue between the Kingdom of Plembobria and the Commonwealth of Crilalia. We extend our nation, a neutral ground, to aid in furthering such a dialogue before actions from both sides become

severely regrettable and irreversible. Sutherland shall not act in the interest or at the behest of either side. However, we will assist in any way necessary to preserve peace and foster compromise. May both entities find

a way forward that serves the betterment of all. This we pray for and continually hope for. We will only what is best for both entities.

In faith and patience,


Arc-Wonderess of the Sutherland Federation
All people of Crilalia will be accepted in Tommatito. We are extremely frustrated and concerned with the recent events and hope that it will change for the better. We will still recognize and aid Crilalia in any way.

-Thomas Nelson
Statement from the government of the Commonwealth of Thenaca:

"It has come to our attention that a major situation has developed in the Kingdom of Plembobria. And there have already been mixed reactions from the international community on the subject of the the Plembobrian province Crilalia, who boldly declared themselves an independent state from their motherland.

And while some may find the fight for self-autonomy and political freedom to be an attractive cause, we cannot condone the unlawful way the wayward province has gone about it. We plead with the leaders of Crilalia to drop this unnecessary act and find a more legal approach to the idea of greater political rights. But we overall plead with both sides to find compromise and peacefully discuss the idea of greater autonomy without the need of intentionally damaging the current legitimate political system, or the need for force.

We pray that blood will not be spilled over this heated debate. But if it comes to blows, we will be ready to assist with the injured to prevent this from spiraling into a humanitarian crisis."

Signed by,
Albert Langley, Minister of Foreign Affairs
David Drake, Prime Minister
Amara Drake, Prime Advisor,
And the concerned people of the Commonwealth of Thenaca
High Chief Tsubo Tsango paced around the stage as he spoke to the crowd on numerous topics, both domestic and international, in what had become a weekly question and answer session, with questions split between the live crowd and those watching online. More Naizerris got their news from internet than television and with subsidised mobile phone purchases, the internet was just becoming open to the people of the Marä for the first time.

One commentator asked Tsubo Tsango to comment on the Crilalia situation, and the President looked off stage briefly before launching into what could only be described as an attack on Plembobria and those supporting them.

"It is dörököngö-ndo! Of the worst kind. The Plembobrians commit dörököngö-ndo against their own Marä. It is pure kïön on the part of a wahöngö. But who would be surprised by the actions of the pupuzaraginä at this point? They have never acted with sepela. There is no sepela to them. I hope the Marä of Crilalia fîngi their wahöngö.

What is kpêne is the list of Marä and others lining up to support the Plembobrians. These states, both Marä and pupuzaraginä, are wandindïä. We in Naizerre have suffered the results of dörököngö-ndo. The nzïngö committed by the pupuzaraginä. Our people kângö. We know what dörököngö-ndo involves.

So do the Prydanians having been a colony of the Gojan wahöngö-ködörö. So do does Lozinak, who suffered under the Imperium. As well as being wandinïä it seems the leaders of Sutherland are also bübä. Their situation is closely comparable to Crilalia and so by their actions they tikîsa their ködörö-îtä. It is kamënë.

Whilst others pray that blood not be spilt, whilst they hope for a swift and peaceable reunification, we bërëngö the zâbolo. The Marä of Naizerre will recognise the independence of Crilalia and offers this fledgling Marä our support. We shall open our markets and our resources to you should you need it. You need only ask."

Tsubo Tsango paused for a moment. "And to the pupuzaraginä, the leaders of the Marä of Plembobria, I ask that you remove you ambassador, their staff and your embassy from this Marä. We have no need of wahöngö-ködörö, so I tell you once and once only: Sigigi!"
dörököngö-ndo - imperialism
kïön - egotism
wahöngö - oppressor
pupuzaraginä - air-gangster
sepela - honor
fîngi - overthrow
kpêne - amazing
wandindïä - hypocrites
nzïngö - robbery
kângö - enslaved
wahöngö-ködörö - imperialists
bübä - morons
tikîsa - betray
ködörö-îtä - brother country
kamënë - shameful
bërëngö - deny
zâbolo - devil
sigigi - begone

Ruling of the High Court of the Kingdom of Plembobria

On the matter of The Crown Government (as led by The Rt. Hon. Sydney Briggs, represented by the The Hon. Martin Alistair) versus The House of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Crilalia (as led by Speaker Thomas Fields, President Lloyd Harding, represented by Ali Olan, Esq.)

Written by justice Earl Rooney

Joined by justices Handel, Stevens, Palmer, and Phillips

The High Court was addressed with the legality of the question of whether or not the House of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Crilalia (hereinafter referred to as the "Assembly") had the authority under the Crilalia Act (1802, Amd. 1947, 1985, 2007, 2014) to hold a non-binding referendum on the secession of the Province from the Kingdom, with the expectation of the promulgation of a declaration of independence should the referendum succeed. The court had not issued a ruling on this matter before the approval of the Crilalia Reoorganization Act (2018) (hereinafter referred to as the "CRA") which repealed the Crilalia Act and subjecting the Provinces to the provisions of the Devolution Act (1948 Amd. 1975, 2003) which deals with the management of the other non-autonomous provinces, rendering this question moot. Therefore, the court makes no ruling on this matter

During the deliberations of this Court the Assembly approved a declaration of independence from the Kingdom of Plembobria, and in response the Parliament approved the CRA, and the Privy Council issued order Order #145214 dissolving the House of Assembly as authorized in the CRA.

The Court is asked to review the legality of the CRA and Order #145214 as well as the Declaration of Independence of the Commonwealth of Plembobria.

In addition, the Attorney-General has request Warrants of Arrest on charges of Sedition for Mr. Harding, Mr. Fields, and the members of the House of Assembly who voted in favor of the declaration, per Section Chapter I, Section 17 of the Criminal Code Act (1800, Amd. 1803, 1821, 1822, 1845, 1893, 1904, 1921, 1935, 1963, 1987, 1998, 2004, 2010, 2017)

The Court has deliberated and finds:-

The Constitution Edict (2014, amd. 2015) makes no mention of a process of secession, references the power of the King in Parliament to "To devolve powers among the several Provinces" (Chapter II, S1, SSa, viii.).

The Act of Settlement refers to Crilalia as a "Dominion" of the Crown in the first and second articles, thus subjecting it to the legal authority of the King and the King in Parliament per the Constitution Edict.

Therefore absolute authority over the dominions, made provinces by the Act lies in the Crown. The crown has repudiated the declaration of independence, thus it cannot be held legal. The House of Assembly has not the authority to abrogate the Act of Settlement without the agreement of its other parties.

Per al-Salam v. Roberts (1972), violation of the scope of a legislative body's authority cannot be held to be criminal, however the abuse of power is possible in public function, and public function can be used for criminal purposes. (Merkowicz v. Feebler, 1985) We find the definition of sedition in the Criminal Code to have been potentially met by the actions of President Harding and Assemby members Maria Tonkincotty, Michael Gabbard, and Richard Hossam. The Court will issue warrants of arrest on charges of sedition for these individuals and denies all others.

Let it therefore be known:-

No Province, autonomous or otherwise has the authority to unilaterally declare independence.

The legislative sponsorship and promulgation of any instrument to perform the aforesaid is sedition.


Statement from the Negusa Regarding Plembobria

On behalf of Emperor Menelik II, praise be to his name, I present the following statement from His most Royal Highness.

Funkadelia stands firmly with the people of Plembobria in their struggle against illegitimate separatist forces within their nation. The authority of Plembobrian control over the Crilalia region cannot be questioned, especially not by a cabal of known trouble makers who would see the subversion of their home nation for their own geopolitical purposes. Truly, we wish the Kingdom of Plembobria a swift resolution to this matter. The unity of a nation is one of the most important factors in the harmonious operation of government over a land. Nobody gains from further strife in the world, and we trust that the government of Plembobria will do what is necessary to keep this peace.

MNST. Kofi Belaye
Funkadelia Foreign Ministry

???? ???? ??? ????
Foreign and Diplomatic Office
Pelagis, Myroria


The following statement is made on behalf of Her Majesty Upon the Auspicious Throne of the Spirits and Ancestors, Sedera Fendrina Quarrovth:

In light of the cordial relationship between our two nations, the Kingdom of Plembobria and the All-House Union of Myroria, and in light of our long history as allies and friends, the Sedera sees fit to declare Her Majesty's support against Crilialian secessionists and troublemakers. Plembobria, like every nation, was forged in the blood of her forefathers and patriots. The contract binding Plembobria together as a kingdom was signed in that blood, and trying to break such a contract is as futile as trying to raise the dead.

We wish the Kingdom a speedy recovery from this legislative chest-beating from the so-called "Commonwealth of Crilalia". The Foreign and Diplomatic Office, in consultation with national, provincial, and local police departments, promises that none of these secessionists will find safe haven in the All-House Union and, if caught here, will be returned swiftly to their homeland of Plembobria to face justice.

Morvene Novrovth, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Party for Modernization, Thanelen


from: P, Thanelen Office
to: Maruven Ashumanitrith, Deputy Chair, Pelagis Office


Several members of our Party here in Thanelen of Crilalian descent say they believe they are being watched. I have also heard reports from agents that search terms relating to Plembobria and Crilalia have been heavily censored. If the Pelagis office can send anything they know about the situation over here we would like to pass it on. We have heard nothing since the government released their statement and numerous members and associates of our Party are getting antsy. Please keep this confidential.

Party for Modernization, Pelagis


from: Maruven Ashumanitrith, Deputy Chair, Pelagis Office
to: P, Thanelen Office


Our office knows little more than you but we'll pass on what we have. Send my best wishes to your Crilalian members and associates. Expect a package in the next day. The government has increasingly little tolerance for any liberalization movements overseas.


A Statement supporting the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Plembobria

Media Release
16 April 2018

The Kingdom of McMasterdonia declares its unwavering support to the Kingdom of Plembobria in light of the unjust secessionist attempts by the so-called "Commonwealth of Crilalia". The Kingdom of McMasterdonia stands in solidarity with the Kingdom of Plembobria as it enforces it's legal and constitutional rights to sovereignty and territorial integrity against this illegitimate action that poses an existential threat to national unity across Eras.

We commend the honourable nations of Eras, who respect the sovereignty of their fellow nations and uphold the rule of law, constitutionalism, and territorial integrity. The Kingdom of Prydania, Kyoki Chudoku, The Principality of Sil Dorsett, The Federal Government of Oriplate, The Crowned Republic of Highton, The Imperial Goyean Federation, The Empire of Lozinak, The Imperial Federation of Cimmeria, Commonwealth of Thenaca, The Empire of Funkadelia and All The Houses of Myroria have demonstrated sound judgement and strong resolve to uphold these constitutional principles and to preserve the Kingdom of Plemobria's unity and sovereignty into the future.

We condemn the actions of The Empire of Ruskaland, The Commonwealth of Norsia and The Socialist Republic of Miedzymorze for their unwarranted violation of the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Plembobria that is motivated by an imperialist agenda of destabilisation in the region. Their reckless disregard for the rule of law, constitutionalism, and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Plembobria demonstrates an unsound and disgraceful lack of understanding of the cultural, legal, and humanitarian issues on display in this matter between the Kingdom of Plembobria and Crilalia. Their precipitous action risks a widespread and unnecessary escalation of the conflict, and will only encourage internal strife and the insurgents within the Kingdom of Plembobria. Through their impetuous actions today, the aforementioned nations have unwittingly served as agents of chaos. The terrorists behind this illegal secessionist movement shall seek the sponsorship of terrorists within the borders of these named nations to supply and fund their armed warfare against the legitimate and legal government of the Kingdom of Plembobria.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the wanton disregard for the norms of international diplomacy and diplomatic and consular law by The Commonwealth of Berkowitzia. A host nation is well within it's rights to expel Embassy or Consular staff when the presence of such staff is deemed inconsistent with the public welfare of the host nation. In the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, this power is retained by the Sovereign of McMasterdonia; who has the inherent constitutional right to declare foreign diplomatic personnel to be persona non grata and to expel them forcibly from the Kingdom of McMasterdonia. The exercise of this right is consistent with international law and legal norms. Due to the disrespect for these international principles, the Kingdom of McMasterdonia declares that The Commonwealth of Berkowitzia must reduce it's diplomatic staff in the Kingdom of McMasterdonia to 25 within 7 days.

Sophia Strauzenburg, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Media Enquiries
Minister's Office: +698 7881 6548

We can not afford to lose diplomatic ties with the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, and it would be suicidal to do anything that would harm them. Therefore would would like to lessen our restrictions on citizens and diplomatic staff from Plembobria entering the country, and would like to loosen all bans of imports on the nation. The tarif increase will also be lessened to 10% to further prevent further diplomatic problems.

That is all.

Sincerely, Elected Representative Jennifer Wolfe on behalf of the common people of Berkowitzia.

TO: All Whom it May Concern
SUBJECT: Crilalia

To whom it may concern:

The Syrixian Empire firmly believes in the right to territorial integrity and the rule of law. The declaration of independence issued by the Commonwealth of Crilalia is a flagrant breach of that rule of law, and has, in addition, been ruled as illegal by the High Court of the Kingdom of Plembobria.

Furthermore, 1,056,079 Crilalians voted for a declaration of independence to 1,014,664 against, clearly indicating that the declaration of independence issued by the Crilalian government does not speak for the whole of the Crilalian people, thus only strengthening the obvious and correct notion of its illegitimacy.

The Empire does not recognize the independence of the Commonwealth of Crilalia. More than ever, it is necessary to establish and/or re-establish legality as a basis for dialogue and to guarantee the freedoms and rights of all Crilalian citizens, but instead the Crilalian government has chosen an unlawful, volatile, and ruinous path.

The Empire recognizes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Plembobria, and commends all those nations who have shared in the respect for the aforementioned territorial integrity and rule of law. We also commend the Plembobrian government's constitutional measures to keep Plembobria strong and united.

Rahul Khanna
Secretary of State of the Syrixian Empire

A Statement from the South Fallsian Foreign Affairs Ministry
The South Fallsian Government recognizes the sovereignty of Plembobria. While Critalia has voted for independence, we shall not allow secession in any sovereign nation, otherwise they lose their borders, and integrity. What is a nation, without its borders? It is just a loose confederation of states. If we allow Critalia to secede from Plembobria, then separatism willl run wild across the world. Setting an example is a duty of The South Falls, and of all other nations.

While the Commonwealth of Critalia wants sovereignty for itself, it cannot have it. About half of Critalians voted for independene, by no means a whole. They do not even overwhelmingly support their own independence. While other nations may criticize anti-Critalian governments, saying that they are 'undemocratic' and 'uncaring', that is not true. Decisions that go down to 40,000 people, nothing in the way of a voting bloc, are redone in The South Falls. Decisions as big as this one must be made by a large majority of United Critalians, but this has not been seen through.

Therefore, the South Falls is Against Critalian Independence, for the aforementioned reasons, and hopes that all nations will follow the example of those nations that have decided to put Plembobrian sovereignty over a 51% untermajority.
Diplomatic Memo; Coalition of Ilia-Taveris:
From: Office of Foreign Director; Julean el Trecht
Subject: Situation in the Crilalia Region

The Directorate of Foreign Relations of the Coalition, with consultation from the Senatorial Committee on Foreign Relations has come to the following decision.

The Ilian People have a long standing tradition for a conclusive majority being a minimum of 55%. The vote that has taken place in the Kingdom has failed to reach a level on either side to be considered the will of the people of the Crilalian Region. It is therefor the Opinion of the Coalition of Ilia & Taveris that we can not support any state that tries to secede on such a flimsy pretense.

Though it would betray our morals, as a Republic and as a Democracy to not condemn the arrest warrants that have been issued by the Kingdom for every Regional Politician in Crilalia that has voted on something that was not ruled to be illegal until after their vote. This is a clear overreach of the Plembobrian Government and is on the border of creating an Ex Post Facto Law to judge political rivals as retribution.

We implore the Plembobrian Government to withdraw these charges against the Crialian Parliamentarians and to reinstate the Crilalian Regional Authorities. To crush those weaker then you under your heel will do nothing but lose any and all morality on the issues we face.

~Julean el Trecht, Director of Foreign Affiars; Coalition of Ilia-Taveris.
???????????? ????? ???? ??????? | Government Approved Press Release:
Official Press Release, Government of the Stan Yera

In Light Of recent events surrounding the controversial referendum and subsequent secession of the Province Crilalia from the state of Plembobria, the Stan Yera feels it is necessary to voice the stance of its people and government. Crilalia, as any people, should not be denied their voice by some stronger imperialist power -- the precedents set by long years of this world's shared history should be more than satisfactory proof of this necessity. Should a sense of independence and frustration with their previous overseers, that of the government of Plembobria, stem from a valid source it is only right that they should make this known to both their overseer and the world at large.

But, with that clear statement being said, it is noted in this situation that Crilalia has stepped outside clearly provided boundaries for voicing its concerns, thus violating the mutual contract between its people and its government, both provincial and federal. To rein them in before they perform far more regrettable actions than simply voicing the concerns of their livelihoods, it is essential to exert a measure of control in order to prevent the unfortunate eventuality of civil war.

To the Stan Yera, it is clear that both governments, as representatives of the peoples of Crilalia and Plembobria as a whole, should come to one table and reach one agreement, each voicing their grievances with the events that have fostered this current situation. Should this agreement officially separate the two groups, then that is acceptable. But should the government of Plembobria demonstrate to all that it is capable of handling the grievances set forth by Crilalia as reason for its secession to both Crilalia and Eras as a whole, and the two rejoin as one union, that is acceptable as well.
Public announcement directed to the government of Plembobria

Acknowledging the possible legal issues with the independents of Crilalia, it is to our belief that it is a fundamental right for people to secede from an oppressive government. The people are unhappy and voted to leave and make a new nation of their own to fulfill their values.

The oppression and restrictions on the people is illegal in Tommatito and outright imoral. We wish for Plembobria to let the people of Crilalia secede if that is what they want. You should not be able to restrict people's rights and needs.

We do not want violence for that will be causing more harm then necessary. The nation of Tommatito opens its gates to all that want support and freedom. We hold onto our rights and fight if necessary.