[FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

Update Date: 02/24/20

- The Yviiri are better then the Siezons. This is an unbiased, totally fair opinion.
- This is the first map of 2020 to have additions, removals, and changes all in one update.

- Akida Tetrarchy
- United Republic of Moebius
- Kingdom of Kaizuniviel
- Reynan Republic

- The Leviathan (see: Changes)
- Cartographer Society (Player left TNP(?))
- Outer Rim Confederacy (Player was banned)
- Scientific Coalition of Atsal (will revert this change depending on response from player, unsure of status)
- Alpha Asteria (inactive in Inaius)

- United Depths of Thalassa -> NPC, Size Reduced.
- Leviathan removed due to rewriting of Leviathan and null canon of former lore.
I'd like to claim a 200 star volume section for The Entelechy in the southern section of sector 15/16. Roughly spherical/circular that is contiguous with, but does not include, Jenovah. I'd like it to go off the map on the south side, but to include Jenovah within its area (Holdac has given their permission for this.) Jenovah should be well within the northern region, but the claim is not to be centered on it.
I'll have to leave y'all to draw it for me.

Thank you in advance.

Edited to add clarity.

Edit 2: Inaius - The Entelechy https://imgur.com/a/M7OB1G4
Something like this, if you would. Perhaps a bit more circular and irregular in detail. The tools that I have on hand are crude.
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I would like to request the addition of the Kuthea Commune

thank you (:
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This claim would be named New Arem, after the survivors of the war with Kaloria
(Permission from Pry was given)
I would like to claim this territory; The Lucedeian Hegemony

Thank you for your time.

EDIT: Instead of "Lucedeian Hegemony" name it "Noxcedeian Hegemony"

Thanks again
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Negative, I have the map. Good luck sir.
(Imgur/Imgur Blank)
Update Date: 08/17/20

- Gnesi
- Noxcedeian Hegemony
- Technocracy of Accipitridia
- New Arem
- Kuthea Commune
- Hanikomski Order
- Entelechy

- Clan Barrnary (Inactive in TNP since March)

- The Arcaniues Confederacy/The Android Collective (Player was found to be alting... Didn't actually get banned but left the Discord and hasn't posted since)
- The Vederation of Planets (You said it yourself, you don't know what Inaius is- and seeing as how you've made no effort to learn since that post I'm not going to accept your claim. If you want to apply for a map claim again once you've learned what Inaius actually is, you can do so.)

- Yviiri Syndicate -> Renamed to Yviiri Combine, given very small expansion (about 10 systems) to make borders look better/more realistic.
Hello, I would like to change my claim. Please remove Asteron from the map and instead if I could have this spot for The Maelstrom.

Hello! Could the United Confederation of Sovereignties be changed to the Sekari Empire? Thank you in advance!
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I would like to relocate the Noxcedeian Hegemony to this sector.

Thank you for your time
If possible, could the Kuthea Commune be renamed to the Kuthea Communes? As I flesh out the government, I realized that I want the whole thing to be made up of multiple smaller communes, as opposed to being one large commune.

tyvm <3
Time is an illusion. Mapping doubly so.
Update Date: 08/17/20

- Republica Guilleana
- Mathanore Space
- Karask Hegemony
- Centrinican Federation
- Trikruediya
- Cult of Salak-Tol
- The Maelstrom

- Wild Space (User banned from Inaius.)
- Laeg (No name provided, user banned from TNPRP.)
- Asteron (User request.)

- Kuthea Commune -> Renamed to Kuthea Communes
- United Confederation of Sovereignties -> Renamed to the Sekari Empire
- Noxcedeian Hegemony moved to Sector 002.

- Huge thanks to Esplandia for making this update for us.
- I would like to apologize for the great amount of time between updates. I have been very busy with school and am currently on hiatus.
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In the hopes of becoming more active in Inaius, I'd like to change my space nation-state's name to "Cethenia".
If it's not too much trouble, if a cartographer could draw out a claim for me consisting of about 60 systems round about the top left of Sector 015, that would be glorious, name of the Farsithian Forge Masters
UPDATED: 06/09/2021

After enjoying Spaceball memes, I've decided to stake an Inaius claim. The name of this space nation is "United Stars of the Galaxy."

Edit: Updated claim for slightly larger territory.

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What?! A map update? At this time of year? At this time of day? Localized entirely within this thread?

- Nova Terran Confederation
- Farsithian Masters
- United Stars of the Galaxy

- Aparicia (last forum post in 2019)
- Aurora (no RP post since claiming in 2019)
- Vant (last forum post Dec 2020)
- Trafolgar (last post May 2020)
- Reynan (left TNP)
- Nixian (no RP post after claim in Apr 2020)
- Entelechy (no RP post after claim in Jul 2020)
- Accipitridia (no forum posts since Aug 2020)
- Jenovah (no RP post since Jun 2020)
- Trikruediya (left TNP)
- Noxcedian (no RP post since Aug 2020)
- Centrinican (no forum activity since Nov 2020)
- Karask (no RP post since Nov 2020)
- Mathanore (no RP post after claim in Nov 2020)
- Guilleana (no RP post after claim in Nov 2020)
- Hanikomski (no forum post since Jul 2020)

- Renamed Kingdom of Kaizuniviel to Cethenia

- Bobob-tia's Claim (no name on claim and no posts since making claim in April)

- Thanks to Andy for letting me do this update.
- This was a big one for removals but it was certainly needed. There were a lot of inactive and also people who were never active. The map looks a lot cleaner now.