
St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
So after two weeks of discussions and feedback and input from both forum and RMB roleplayers, it's time to sum up. We made some decisions and we're going to take a good long look at suggestions made for others, and coming out of the Convention I feel like we're in a better place than we were two weeks ago.

I'm going to run through the various topics very quickly:
  • With regards to a physical map of Eras, we decided that leaving topographical geography was best decided between individual nations and groups of nations, and if we wanted to do a physical map we would have to take this into account;
  • We spoke about trust nations and decided they should be used for historically important nations and for those who are taking absences from RP, much like they are used now.
  • On the subject of time zones, we spoke about the time constraints on the cartographers and why a time zone map would be fairly simple in nature, but it is something we would look at doing.
  • YRKidding brought up NPC Nations and the idea of using them for Real Life concepts we have in our RP was mooted. Together with the discussion on the Off-Map Concept we have some more interesting discussions to have in the future.
  • Zeek brought up Sports events and provided what is the first in-depth guide to Sports RP in Eras, as well as pointing us towards useful resources on the main NS site.
  • Syrixia revived a previous discussion over space and Eras' solar system and with input from Ceretis and others we may define just what is out there in the future.
  • We spoke about Language groups and Sodium provided some basic language trees, with more to come in the future, greatly expanding our written resources on this subject.
  • We had a frank discussion on fantasy and realism and where we think the limit is, and we will all go forward perhaps with a greater understanding of that.
  • We also spoke about RP Administration and what emerged out of those discussions is that The Sanada Clan will lead the RMB RP Moderation team, fulfilling a similar role to what I play on this forum, building their own team to help RMB RP thrive. We also addressed some concerns that were brought up about the RP Staff and will continue to address them in the future.

Two topics I haven't mentioned are the ones on Continent and Ocean names. These two topics have caused a good amount of discussion and we are very close to finalising this subjects, I feel. These two will continue past the end of the Convention, and will be moved to the Lounge.

I've enjoyed the last two weeks and whilst its gotten heated at times either here or on the RP Discord server, I feel like we have contributed a lot to how our RP communities conduct themselves and carry out RP. There's some things still to resolve and going forward I'm eager to work with all stakeholders in order to achieve that.

I'd like to thank the Culture Ministry, and the Minister especially, the RP Staff and everyone from the RMB and the forum who has been involved in this process.