[GA, Failed] Freedom of Religion [Complete]


Just a blob chasing cars
TNP Nation
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: States of Glory WA Office
Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

NOTING that many inhabitants of member states have strong and often deep religious convictions,

CONVINCED that individuals have a universal right to their own religious beliefs,

CONCERNED that, in some member states, this right is threatened by the actions of the government or the prevailing cultural or religious practices,

ACKNOWLEDGING that there may be a compelling public interest to restrict this right under certain circumstances, such as the health and safety of others,

WISHING to remain neutral regarding the accuracy of religious beliefs,


DEFINES a religious belief, for the purposes of this resolution, as an ideology or any part of an ideology that dictates behaviours, practices and morals on its believers for the purposes of spiritual enlightenment,

DEFINES a religious ritual, for the purposes of this resolution, as an act that is performed on the basis that such an act is required or encouraged by an individual's religious belief,

DEFINES a request, for the purposes of present and future international legislation and of putting an end to frivolous arguments, as an optional, non-mandatory and non-binding recommendation,

CLARIFIES that Clause Eight is non-mandatory,

AFFIRMS the right of all individuals within the World Assembly's jurisdiction to hold a religious belief,

REQUIRES member states to refrain from criminalising religious rituals that do not otherwise break national or international laws,

CLARIFIES that the below clause is non-mandatory,

REQUESTS member states, notwithstanding Clause Six, to refrain from criminalising religious rituals that otherwise break national laws, unless such rituals:

a) cause harm to other individuals,

b) cause undue suffering to non-sapient living beings,

c) cause damage to the property of other individuals or organisations without their consent, or

d) contradict extant WA legislation,

CLARIFIES that the above clause is non-mandatory,

CLARIFIES further that religious belief shall not constitute a legal defence, aggravation or extenuating circumstance in any situation other than the allowances that a member state willingly chooses to grant under Clause Eight,

FORBIDS member states from discriminating against individuals purely on the basis of their religious belief without a reasonable and compelling justification that abides by the principles laid out in the preamble and by prior unrepealed legislation,

DECLARES that the World Assembly shall make no statement on the validity of religious beliefs or the lack thereof,

REITERATES that Clause Eight is non-mandatory.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

Ministry of World Assembly Affairs Voting Recommendation
This resolution calls for the right, within the jurisdiction of the WA, to maintain a religious belief, while requiring Member States to refrain from criminalizing religious practices that do not violate existing laws. However, the concept and freedoms that are being protected in this resolution have already been affirmed in other resolutions such as GAR#2 (Rights and Duties of WA States), GAR#30 (Freedom of Expression) and GAR#35 (The Charter of Civil Rights). Moreover, the fact that the content and scope of clause eight is not defined, since it is indicated as non-mandatory on multiple occasions, is contradictory and worrying.

Religious freedom is certainly an important factor in strengthening the unity of a nation, provided that acts such as mistreatment, elitism, hostility, rejection, persecution, exploitation, among others, are condemned. In that sense, The Charter of Civil Rights stipulates that violence or intimidation towards any person will be a civil matter and a crime in all Member States, while the apparent lack of clarity of this resolution could contradict this principle.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against this resolution.

Contradicts and duplicates clauses multiple times. It is terribly written and I hope that a better resolution can be drafted and proposed that will more efficiently protect the right to and freedom of belief in a religion.

Based on my quick review, I am astonished at how contradictory this resolution seems to be. This, coupled with the fact that the multiple reiterated statements about clause eight have honestly annoyed me.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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