Necerierra, that is a likely outcome in such an event.
Today in Kyoki Chudoku's Totalky Sensible Random Ramblings, we have a somewhat unusual topic: molestation.
No, not Gikochinai.
Wait, is this stuff even allowed? Well it doesn't get very far so I'm assuming yes. If not I don't know. Regardless, let's continue my explanation of why I'm even talking about this.
So, in the last couple of days, there have been a few nations that I'm incredibly suspicious are made by the same player. There are several reasons I suspect this:
1. The naming convention of each nation is basically a self-descriptive title.
2. They have the same style of RP, godmodding included, as well as the tendency to post a million seperate posts rather than one medium sized post.
3. They all use clones as an excuse to avoid grisly death when it happens.
4. They all molested Aozora.
Now, to clarify. By "molest" I meant "kiss without permission", not know. It's still enough to make Aozora murder them, though. She considers it to be defilement.
So, if you're on the RMB you already knew all this.
But here's a few considerations, for other suspicious nations. There are two things I'd like to bring up.
Firstly, the nature of these nations. They're all new, some of them deliberately moved to TNP, and their nature generally involves a single incredibly overpowered character. However, of the ones that have performed the defilement thus far, we have a bit of a convention. You see, I think they may be deliberately targeting Aozora in this manner in terms of character. That sounds strange, but consider:
The Blade Of Destruction: the first of this trend, also called BoD. Intended to be a powerful warrior who enjoys using blades and enjoys torture. Guess who else is powerful, uses a bladed weapon, and enjoys torture?
Master Spree Killer: the second of the trend. Intended to be a powerful serial killer who enjoys watching others suffer, enjoys torture, and enjoys killing people. Guess who else enjoys watching suffering, performing torture, and killing people?
This is the point where we move into speculative rather than probable territory.
Down With Freedom: moved immediately from TWP to TNP, right after Master Spree Killer ceased activity. Currently their last message is asking why I thought those two were the same, after which activity ceased. Immediately afterwards Master Spree Killer came back to say they weren't the same before vanishing again. In what little we know about them, they hate freedom. Guess who else hates freedom?
The Combat Masters: moved immediately from TEP to TNP. Has the same roleplay style indicative of these probable puppets. They seem to act as some sort of elite army group. Guess who else likes military might?
Now some of these are a stretch, I admit. Heaps of people enjoy powerful militaries, for instance. But there are too many coincidences to ignore this in my opinion. Considering the defilement of Aozora twice in a row pretty much, I suspect the same will be attempted again. And that their ultimate goal is trying to accomplish some sort of relationship here. Why do I suspect that? Because I have the sneaking paranoia they are trying to create something which appeals to each of her personality traits until eventually they get the right combination for her not to murder them on the spot.
Now you may be asking "what kind of person is going to go to all that effort for such a pointless reward on a fictional online game?", to which I answer, "I don't know". That's the flaw in my theory, really. I don't know why anyone would bother to go to such lengths purely for that purpose. Could it be I'm just at the wrong place at the wrong time?
Now, here's where I mention a few outliers that I believe may also be puppets (I feel like a conspiracy theorist by this point).
EpicAlphaMan: Supposed friend of BoD. Showed up in TNP around the time BoD got deleted I believe. When first offered my poisoned cookies, stated he already knew what they'd do, even though that had not been specified recently at the time. Has acted as though they are aware of BoD's emotions, and has pretended to be the ghost of BoD once. However my godmodding ignorance barrier prevented anything from happening with that. Also, he said this, and I quote:
oh kyoki he has a crush on you
In clear reference to BoD. Overall highly suspicious, and that quote part is important.
The Dark Restruction: Has a very similar RP style to the above probable puppets, and showed up around the same time as them. Literally their first action was moving to TNP. Suspicious.
Now, note that quote from before. It's concerning. Because if that statement is correct, and since I suspect it's the same person I suspect it is, that basically means somebody is just going to keep making a million puppets and molesting Aozora repeatedly. Note how most of these entered TNP almost immediately. I need further evidence to be certain, but it's possible I may technically have an online stalker now.
Not that I'm worried or anything, because at this rate all that's going to happen is a few names are going to be taken on NS, a few fictional people are going to get murdered by a fictional person, and I get to practise my godmodding ignorance barrier skills.
But still, the possibility is a little disturbing honestly.
Well there you go for my random theory analysis of consistent defilement that's probably overly paranoid edition of Kyoki Chudoku's Totally Sensible Random Ramblings!