Trillium Compact

The votes were tallied and once the results were finalized, Katrín addressed the High Council. "With a vote of 4 Yay, 0 Nay, and 1 Abstain, the Trillium Compact Forces are hereby deployed to the Vestrugat with Elihai ben Itai coordinating all efforts. Unless there are further comments, concerns, or questions I bring this discussion to a close."
From the Office of Hubert Bennett, Premier of the Commonwealth of Callise
February 14, 2023

To the Representatives of the Trillium Compact:

Following a vote by the National Convention of the Commonwealth of Callise, the people of Callise have opted to fully withdraw from the Trillium Compact. The people of Callise, who seek nothing less than harmony in international affairs, can no longer conscience membership in an organization with which they find no political agreement. Moreover, the people of Callise cannot tolerate membership in an organization which includes Goyanes, a nation which has already postured militarily against them in order to subvert their sovereignty, and Iraelia, a nation which continues to subjugate the people of Shaiva and denies them self-governance. The Commonwealth of Callise looks forward to fostering cooperation with members of the Trillium Compact on an individual basis, and to a speedy resolution to any controversy our withdrawal may elicit.

Hubert Bennett
Premier of the Commonwealth of Callise