The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

The West Pacific Black and White Ball

Saturday, February the Fourth.
... a white tie RP event, celebrating the friendship between TWP & TNP.
Attending nations and guests may post in The West Pacific Embassy according to
this itinerary
(times are in CST):
2-7 PM Arrivals (All attendees and their guests are encouraged to post a description of their
7-7:30 PM Toasts (The Ambassador, TWP Delegate or designee and TNP Delegate or designee post)
7:30-9 PM Dinner (All attendees may post dinner conversation)
9 PM Dancing (All attendees are encouraged to RP dancing and continued

This event is by invitation only.
If you were not invited or are not a guest of one who was invited, please do not post.

All participants are requested to please set the theme in the lower left corner to Winter to set the proper mood.


Standing in the Great Reception Hall of the embassy, about midway between the entrance and the ballroom, with some of the more senior members of my staff, I await my guests. Of course, I've attended many balls before, but this is the first I've ever hosted. It won't be a large group and we've been planning for weeks, but I admit ... I am still nervous. A faux pax isn't going to create an international incident or anything like that ... TWP and TNP are too good of friends for that ... but still, I do want everyone to enjoy the evening.
Ah, my first guests are just arriving now... quickly sends up a prayer and hopes he looks confident.
My carriage rounds about the fountain, then comes to halt before the entrance of the Embassy. A splendidly dressed footman arrives, and opens the door of my vehicle. I step forth, my feet crunching against the gravel pathway to the door, my pleasure at being present rebounding in every step. There, another footman takes my cloak, a long black Victorian work, along with my cane. I stride through the open doors of the foyer, and into the vast Grand Reception Hall of the embassy. I wear a typical gentleman's suit, white tie, of course. My hair, a dark brown, is neatly coiffed. Upon entering the Grand Reception Hall, I quickly glance at the display of beautiful artwork, a truly magnificent collection. I then greet my host, congratulate him, and shake his hand in greeting.

Gestures at a nearby servant for a drink
I see one of my new friends, one of The West Pacific's ambassadors, is the first to arrive. I step forward to greet him.

Ambassador Drall! I'm so glad you could make it. I see you are admiring the embassy's art collection. Please enjoy yourself while we await the other guests.

A liveried footman serves cocktails
Upon arriving, I step out of the limo and quickly straighten the creases in my tuxedo.
Glancing down at my Rolex, I notice that I have arrived fashionably late to the Gala so I step lightly to the entrance.
Before entering I check my reflection in a window. Salt and pepper hair parted slightly on the right side? Check. Cuffs with the diamond links showing past my tux' sleeves? Check.

I enter the room and immediately go to say hello to Halo, our esteemed host, and The Imperial Grand Drall who I see has already gotten a drink.
leaving Ambassador Drall admiring a particularly sumptuous Renoir, I move to greet TWP's Foreign Affairs Minister

Davelands! Great to see you here!

motions for a footman to attend the minister

Please enjoy yourself while I await our other guests ... and nice watch!
A screech is heard outside as a large biodiesel candy apple red Cadillac Eldorado abruptly comes to a stop. A tall sinewy man with shoulder length hair and a large mustache and beard exits the car. He is nearly appropriately dresses with a sharp sports coat and white shirt and tie. However, he is also wearing jeans and Birkenstocks. He goes back to the Cadillac and turns off the loud funky music that was very audible with the black top on the convertible down.

The man puts out his smoke as he approaches the entryway to embassy. As he strolls in he looks around the room for his old friends. Spotting Halo he approaches him with a warm welcome and a firm embrace.
The room takes on a more relaxed atmosphere as TWP's Delegate arrives.
I return his embrace and smile broadly

Badger! Welcome! Davelands and Drall arrived just ahead of you. Please make yourself at home. Our other guests should be arriving any minute.

Two footman scurry to attend the Delegate
I leave a dark purple Bentley and make my way to the doors.

Wearing a dark blue, floor length, sleeveless, gown, 3 inch heels of matching color, an opal necklace with matching earrings, hair down and lightly curled, my greatest hope is not tripping on my way to the door and ruining the illusion of elegance.

Having successfully made it to the door, I look around for people I know and a drink. In whichever order.
The entrance of the elegant and beautiful ... not to mention brilliant and sometimes dangerous ... Minister of Internal Affairs is noted by turned heads throughout the Grand Hall, from staff and guests alike

Neenee! How good of you to come. You look fantastic! Please enjoy the company and a cocktail.

I motion to the nearest footman, but he is already on his way
I leave the magnificent display of paintings upon the wall for a time, and intercept the footman to hand Neenee's drink to her
Oh Halo *gives a hug and then looks around* I would not have missed this. Everything looks wonderful, dear, this is splendid.

*watches Drall smoothly take the drink from the footman to deliver it himself*

What a gentleman, thank you. I'm not sure we've met yet, I feel like I'd remember you if we had.
Casually sipping the famous TNP rum, the Delegate works his way around to everyone. Greeting each of the dignitaries from TWP. He thinks to himself that these are the good days when we can all get together and celebrate as old friends and looking forward to meeting new friends.
Paris entered through the doors wearing an outfit that had taken far too long to come up with in her opinion . She ended up wearing a nice black dress, that hugged her body and short heels. Around her neck hung a small necklace with a rendition of the triforce hanging at the bottom. She look a look in the mirror and fixed her now pink short hair, sweeping it to the side, before walking in and greating halo, pulling him close and wispering "Remind me never to wear anything formal again."
All of a sudden, a giant giraffe in a suit walks in; the first of TNP's guests. Ignoring the stunned faces, [me] thinks to himself, "This is gonna be a great ball."
I smiled

Well, you should dress formally all the time, Paris. You look stunning!
Please enjoy yourself. There are several here who you know well.
Our other guests should be arriving any minute.
A blue Cadillac Escalade stops at wherever the parking area is, after several long minutes looking for it. Vice-Minister of Interior, Prole, sighs to himself as he parks his vehicle carefully. He hops out of the vehicle, sighing to himself. The night before he had explained to his companion that he was going in to something important and they made sure his suit was dry-cleaned. As he closed the door and reflected on this, he wondered if maybe he was overdressed. He looked down at his leather dress shoes and brown socks, before shrugging. It was a good grey suit, the jacket and pants were likely the only outfit he had that actually fit him comfortably without a belt. As he stepped toward the building, he still missed his usual business causal dress, the khakis and polos. The door opened easily enough, so at least that worked as expected. After a few seconds looking around and recognizing people, he stepped over to some wall or somewhere, quietly standing or leaning on something. He was very bad at masking his emotions, and thus was stuck keeping quiet, least his bad mood spread like wildfire. Not used to public events, he moved and tugged on his watch on his left arm, sighing to himself.
Surprised, but not looking so, I walk over to the elegantly attired giraffe

Welcome, Minister! I'm so glad you could join us!

Have you met our Delegate, Badger?

Footman bring in a ladder to serve the Minister
Paris examined her heels again before grumbling something about Converse and grabbing a quick drink.
He stands somewhat close to Paris and softly clears his throat to get her attention, before offering her a few cocktails he is constantly supplied with. He looks at the platter of drinks and then over at her, before staring at the ceiling for a few seconds.

"Comrade" He says "Can you take some of these off my hands?"

(posting as a TWP warrior in this circumstance.)


She was a warhawk, not a princess-- Though she had princess heritage blood in her so she wasn't anything less. She was that hidden Commander of the WPAF, that civilians respected and heard of her name but no one saw. If she came out in public, without her armor or massive war banner, no one would think that it's HER.

As Yuno, ancient Owl witch, no one could stand beside her nor reach her outside of the battlefield. No one has except the Guardians of The West. It was all military that she interacted with.

Yuno snuck into the TNP building masquarading as one of those NPA soldiers (She weaved through the familiar building, faintly recalling her directions from her past patrols of this kingdom, many years ago.)

And here she was, in a hidden room somewhere, a mess. Her first time and she HAD NO DATE No ballroom gown NUTHN and she's still a bloodied mess.
She grabbed a hose and washed herself ENTIRELY and blowdried herself beside one of those strange AC vents. Her pink hair windried, she stripped off her battledress armor, unlocked the metal plates, and opened up a closet. This was Praetor's closet. She snatched up that Black and White gown and chugged it on, and kicked open the drawer and pulled out heels. Sliding them on as she hopped, she grabbed that umbrella that completed her Cosplay+rain-damage-control and opened the door and walked outside, no longer being sneaky.

She looks like she belongs here now.

She walked back outside, a Lolita princess in her young adult years, perhaps at the age of 18, (though she was far older)

Entered the Embassy palace-like room and saw her familiar comrades, the ones she trusted with her life, used her life to protect- entrusted others' lives to protect. BBB, Neenee, Halo, Drall, Davelands- They were either her childhood friends or her closest confidants in all things. Her gaze appeared to soften and she let a smile tug her lips as she stood with them

"Glad we got together in time. As real people, you each give off a homey feel to me," Yuna spoke smoothly. "And it's good that we're sharing it with our allies in times of peace." And Nee, thanks for the genetics ^_^

She shined like she had prepared her gown years in advance.......Yeah, total Royalty cosplay. Yuno grinned. She never did leave behind the armorplates, as the sound of metal skritched underneath her dress- the slightest bell-sound, untraceable without the ears of a battle hardened soldier
Piano-dress, she'd call it <w<


"LUV TNP x TWP!!!" She blurted aloud, but mentally, she wants food <.<

((Also I'm currently eating ramen IRL right now so my posts will be slow...))
Paris looks at her coke and then Prole.
"You do remember I can't drink right?"
I walk over to Halo and warmly greet the tall four-legged Cultural minister. "Greetings Minister! What a pleasure to meet you!"
"Well, I get very unbearable to be around when I am drinking and not with my family." He admits "So can you just take these away and dump them or something? My hands are full."

He looks over at Yuno, who is completely ignoring her Vice-Minister of Interior, since he has two positions. His eyes watch her for a moment, hoping she will recognize her friend, who is burdened with drinks he can't have. Breathing in, he wishes his life wasn't a black hole.
Yuno! You look amazing! I'm so glad you are here!

You must be famished. Dinner will be only a little delayed.

Why don't you have a drink and mingle?
He manages to get the drinks removed from him and the first he looks for is a Sprite, since clearly there is coke products here. Such a drink is found and he sips it, before closing his eyes to mutter a silent prayer that God will allow him to avoid dancing today. He opens his eyes and drinks, looking around, feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey Halo?" He calls out "You've seen my plus one?"
After meeting the cultural minister, I summon one of the footmen to bring me the package in my car. After finishing his TNP rum, the footman reappears with an elegantly wrapped present, with a large pink bow.

With the gift in hand he makes his way over to his trusted confidant and military commander, Yuno. As she enters the room, Yuno looks slightly disheveled but stunning in the dress.

"Welcome to the party, glad to have you here!" he says and gives her the present. He remembers when he had the pink golden gauntlets made for her knowing how much she will love them.
"If it makes you feel better my dates sick"
Paris shrugged. "Im hoping to simply pick one up here"
Takes several drinks off of Prole's hands

Welcome Yuno! You look magnificent! Have one of these cocktails!
He looks over at Paris and then looks ahead, sighing softly.

"Considering how paper-thin I am, I think you already know both likely answers I would give." He rubs his recently shaved chin and misses his beard. "Do you know any of these people?"