Crown Conflict OOC


Just putting this out there for new people who are thinking of joining the thread. I'll keep this updated. This is based on what I've seen, so if something's not right, let me know on Discord.

Also, please don't quote this post. When I update the chart, the old ones get deleted.

Red Cross: Humanitarian Aid offered (Arrows up/down indicate relative strength)
"No" symbol: Condemnation. (Color matches nation being condemned.)
Star: Commendation/Support. (Color matches nation being commended or supported)
Caution ! symbol: Active combat zone
Popcorn: Popcorn. Just watching.
Sil Dorsett:
Snip (SD: removed outdated chart)
this is absolutely beautiful

the only thing that I'd change is just that it's Nebulan anarchists, not the Radical League going into Cogoria. The Radical League supports the Cogorian government but only politically, but the anarchists are against both monarchists and government in Cogoria.

but this chart tho
I love the chart Sil Dorsett, always remember to keep it updated.

Notice : inorder to avoid unnecessary post, the treaty between scallendovia and cimmerien will be discuss on discord or PM.
Sil Dorsett:
Snip (SD: removed outdated chart)
For clarification, Lands of Anarchy is not gonna be neutral for the whole conflict (actually submitted application for PANA a while ago.) Also, I only ever condemned Cimmeria and Cogoria in-rp. Otherwise, great list!
Mystery Player:
For clarification, Lands of Anarchy is not gonna be neutral for the whole conflict (actually submitted application for PANA a while ago.)
You would be accepted to PACA if you changed your numbers to something far more realistic. That's the only issue I have with you joining PACA.
Mystery Player:
For clarification, Lands of Anarchy is not gonna be neutral for the whole conflict (actually submitted application for PANA a while ago.)
You would be accepted to PACA if you changed your numbers to something far more realistic. That's the only issue I have with you joining PACA.
Downsized it to 12 ships (including patrol) a while ago actually.
Sil Dorsett:
I feel disadvantaged by having to work a 9 to 5 job. You guys have so much fun during the day.
i feel disadvantaged by the fact that people expect me to be productive at school

Old chart is now the peak of the war and will be preserved. This is now the current situation.
Send corrections, plz.
B e a utiful.

Now add in the Xentheridan terrorist group, NAU, who is trying to elongate the war between Cogoria and Scallendovia. However, they are disguised as Scallendovian troops.