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Attack in Küfendach

Militia groups arrest Achmar Abdözel last night following a bomb explosion in the centre of Küfendachstad. 3 are confirmed to be dead and 10 severely injured. Abdözel has been sent to a local Küfendach prison for 2 months until his court date which will decide if he is to get 5 years of hard labour in Föderalreichgefangnis (extreme maximum security prison) and/or any farther punishments.

Küfendach Provincial Governor, Karl Flochter, was quoted saying after the attacks, “This has been one of the worst attacks on this level that has ever came to us and we will not take this lightly!”

More details may become available
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"Good evening!
The time is currently 9:57 pm. My name is Jonathan Gawisen and you are currently watching the Ulstome National News Network as we cover the Final Results of this General election.
Earlier today the last of the polling stations closed and the final votes are feeding into the totals that you can see on your screens as we speak, so far it looks as if this election will have a higher turn out than most of our election have done in the past.Now for those of you that haven't been paying attention to the Election so far or are to young to have an interest in politics yet, here are the 4 political parties that were running for the national government:
  • Conservatives
  • Labour
  • Liberal
  • Social Democrats
These 4 political parties are competing for the 710 constituencies across our great nation, each constituency holds one seat in the Ulstome National Parliament. Each of our constituencies on average contains 154 thousand people, including those not eligible to vote.
Now a majority in the Parliament is required for the Fíorscoth to invite the largest party leader to form a Government, or in the event that no single party has a majority, a coalition government will be required to be formed. To hold a Majority 366 seats in Parliament are required for a majority government to be formed.
Such a government was formed in the last election between the Liberals and Conservative Party when the conservatives won 324 seats and in order to form a majority government, they formed a coalition with the Liberals to have a total of 389 seat. How that coalition has impacted both parties in this election is anyone's guess but we are predicting a decrease in the Liberal Parties number of seats and that after a successful term the Conservatives will gain in their number of seats.

We have just received word that all the votes are in and the winners of each constituency have been declared! The largest party in Parliament will be....... The Conservatives lead by Sir George Roberts
The Conservatives have won a majority of 378 seats in parliament to form a Majority Government!
  • Conservatives - 378 seats - an increase of 54 seats
  • Labour - 257 seats - a decrease of 51 seats
  • Liberals - 57 seats - a decrease of 8 seats
  • Social Democrats - 18 seats - an increase of 5 seats
  • 7nTUI5E
Thank you for following us on this journey that has been this General election, we will be sontinuing our reporting on it tomorrow when our Fíorscoth Ulfar von Falkenstein invites George Roberts to the Palace to take the position of Ceannaire na Mais.
Thank you for watching and goodnight!"

Landesdag issues condemnation against Ninhundland for use of labor camps as punishment for certain crimes
by Johan Lieberstein
The Landesdag has issued a scathing condemnation of the Ninhundish government and judicial system for allowing the use of labor camps, as was highlighted by the recent arrest of Achmar Abdözel, in which it was stated by the state media outlet that there is a possibility of "five years of hard labor in [extreme maximum security prison]" or possible worse punishment. The condemnation passed both houses of the Landesdag fairly quickly, and was given assent by the Grand Emperor shortly afterwards.

It is expected that sanctions are also going to be placed within the week as members of the government deliberate on the severity and extent of the possible sanctions. Prime Minister Jon Norberg stated that "it is crucial that we let Ninhundland know what is acceptable to maintain any sort of credibility on the world stage, because they obviously don't seem to get it." Opposition members part of both the Sentrum Party and the remnants of the Liberal Democrats both agreed with Norberg and the general sentiment regarding the condemnations and possible sanctions.

Included below is the complete condemnation:

Landesdag of the Imperial Goyanean Federation

The Landesdag of Goyanes convened,

Aware that Ninhundland has been operating high labor camps for those convicted of certain crimes, and that there is a possibility of even harsher punishment, according to various news reports,

Convinced that the Ninhundish judicial system is knowingly sentencing people to this fate,

Finding that the only way to help resolve this heinous issue is to gather international support against it,

Recommending that sanctions be imposed, and other nations follow our lead,

Hereby condemns The Federal Republic of Ninhundland.


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This is RAP

"The Predicean Parliament convened earlier today to respond to Ninhundland's labour camps. The Parliament passed a condemnation 266-4.
The Government released a statement."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Predice
It has come to the Government's attention that the Federal Republic of Ninhundland operates Labour camps.

Predice follows the lead of Goyanes, placing sanctions on the Federal Republic of Ninhundland, and condemns it.

"Breaking news coming from Adonai-Jireh. Prime Minister Agastya Yamesh joined his Goyanean counterpart Jon Norberg in condemning the Federal Republic of Ninhundland regarding Achmar Abdözel. Foreign Minister Noach Eshel had this to say...

'Hard labour camps are outdated institutions that have no place in the modern world. Governments that expect to be dealt with in good faith first must prove they are worthy of that good faith. We cannot in good conscience allow the Ninhundish government to sentence Mr. Abdözel to a barbaric totalitarian punishment without speaking up. The Prime Minister's condemnation is working through the Knesset HaGdola, and is expected to be signed by State President Kadish.'

...relations between Iraelia and Ninhunland remain strained after former Ninhundish Prime Minister Dominik Huhrmann made disparaging remarks regarding those of Canaanitic ancestry."

"And now onto sports..."
Ruskan True News:
Ruskan True News:
With news of a attack in Ninhundland, and how the judicial system possibly allowed a outdated and unneeded punishment for Abdözel spreading throughout the Socialist Republic of Ruskaland, the Workers Council of Ruskaland has quickly voted in favor for a bill, that was both written and requested by Denisov Tarasovich, to condemn the Federal Republic of Ninhundland, and sanctions be imposed onto Ninhundland.
As thus, the Socialist Republic of Ruskaland has hereby officially condemn Ninhundland, and has placed sanctions onto the nation.
More info may be released soon.
Now, to discuss the weather.....
Reconsidering the Punishment

After receiving condemnations from Goyanes and Predice, the Federal Government stepped in to have a closer look at the situation.

As you know we are currently dealing with a big incident, in fact the biggest attack this year. However the governments of Goyanes and Predice have criticized our use of labour camps as a legitimate punishment. Because of this we have to take into consideration the severity of the crime, all the punishments available including the death penalty, and how using this form of punishment might affect our reputation and credibility on the world stage. Community service which includes forced labour is already a part of the Ninhundish Legal System, however the punishment that is being considered for Achmar Abdözel is far beyond normal and is being criticized by many within the government as going to far.

The Ninhundish Ministry of Justice

Whether or not Mr. Abdözel has been sentenced or not, 5 years of hard labour is ridiculous. While maximum security prisons have used labour on certain criminals never has it ever been 5 years. This punishment is far more than the usual prison work or community service and has already received condemnation from Goyanes, Predice, and most recently Irealia. Sure the tragedy is awful but if we use hard labour as a viable option as a punishment on Mr. Abdözel’s court day what does that say about us? Does it really make us much better?

Der Regiering der Föderal Republik vun Ninhündland

The Government of the Federal Republic of Ninhundland
October 22nd, 2018

Good morning. Today, the rioters in Fort Sean have been officially dispersed by the local police, RSM, and assisting forces sent by fellow Bergum Pact members. Her Majesty, the Empress, has stated her thanks to these nations for their respective help. The clean up of downtown Fort Sean lead us to the total number of casualties. A total of 139 dead, 45 of those police and military, the remaining 94 being rioters or civilians. There are also hundreds more wounded on both sides by the fighting, and several million dollars in damages to the infrastructure of the city.

Once again, a thank you to the officers and military personnel who assisted against this mindless violence.

The Kanadian government has refused to speak on the matters of Ninhundland and their labour camps.


To whom it may concern:

Barely a day ago, the Ninhundish government announced it was considering sentencing one Achmar Abdözel to five years of forced labor in a Ninhundish prison camp. Though it shocked and appalled HM Government, it remains yet another example of recent disgusting and disgraceful behavior by officials within the government of the Federal Republic of Ninhundland, something nations across the globe are well familiar with.

Therefore, HM Government did not deem it worthy of a response, seeing how it is clear that absolutely nothing has changed since the resignation of Dominik Huhrmann. However, following the recent response from the Ninhundish Justice Ministry, which utterly lacks substance and any shred of logic, HM Government has, unfortunately, been compelled to speak on the matter.

It is the solid belief of HM the Emperor and HM Government that, as previously stated, nothing has changed for the better within the Government of Ninhundland whatsoever. Brent Fauchern is essentially Dominik Huhrmann with a new name. His government has argued that forced labor is fully legal under Ninhundish law, and through this argument, is relying on this concept to justify its actions, which completely misses the point of the situation.

Meanwhile, a separate response penned by the whole government rather than specifically by the Justice Ministry has itself argued that the solution is to simply lower the sentence. Nowhere in either response does any organ of the Government of Ninhundland apologize for the use of forced labor, an outdated, disgusting, and sadistic practice with no place in a modern, decent world.

Authorized by a majority vote of HM Congress and assent from HM the Emperor I hereby declare the following:

1. Sanctions will be placed on Prime Minister Brent Fauchern and the Ninhundish Minister of Justice until one or both deliver a detailed statement of apology for their actions.
2. Sanctions will be placed on the Federal Republic of Ninhundland until further notice.
3. The Empire strongly urges all Commonwealth Realms and Member States as well as other Imperial allies to follow its lead and the lead of Goyanes, Predice, Iraelia, and Ruskaland in condemning the Federal Republic of Ninhundland.

We take no joy in these condemnatory actions. It was the sincere hope of the Empire that the Government of Ninhundland would act with civility and decency within and amongst the international community, and that the premiership of Dominik Huhrmann was a one-off incident of incompetence in governance that would not be repeated.

However, unfortunately, as Brent Fauchern has shown the world, the Federal Republic of Ninhundland is more than ready and willing to grievously err again.

Rahul Khanna
Secretary of State of the Syrixian Empire
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Starting in a week, the National Congress of Sienen will open for elections, and we honestly do not know how the elections will go. Disputes between Far-Right parties and Leftist parties are troubling the region. Here in the Siene National News (SNN), we have thrown a poll to the public. Here are the results blown up to the proportion of the Congress:

Siene National Communist Party (SNCP) 25 seats (43.85%)
Siene Rheugati Party (SRP) 14 seats (24.56%)
Siene Farmer's Party (SFP) 14 seats (24.56%)
Siene Nationalist Worker's Party (SNWP) 4 seats (7.01%)
National Farmer's Rights Party (NFRP) 1 seat (1.5%)
Lakeland Party (LP) 1 seat (1.5%)
Liberty Party of Jaqua (JLP) 0 seats (<1%)
Constitutionalist Reform Party of Jaqua (JCRP) 0 seats (<1%)

Attached below is a map showing the leanings.

(NOTE: This will be continued in a roleplay thread

Prime Minister's Fourth Child Arrives

Prime Minister Madeline Ellison and husband Will Bowers welcomed their fourth child to the family today.

Melissa Anne Bowers was safely delivered at 1:22 AM on Oct. 28th, 2018. She weighed approximately 3100 grams. Both the Prime Minister and her child are doing well.

In addition to the families of the parents, high ranking members of the government, including Princesses Claidie and Alice as well as Chamber of Law Speaker Isaac Castellan, were informed and delighted of the news, wishing their congratulations to the family.

The occasion also marks the second time the Prime Minister has given birth while in elected government service, having delivered her third child Charlotte while a member of the legislature.

Miss Ellison is expected to take between six and twelve weeks maternity leave, during which time Speaker Castellan assumes the role of Acting Prime Minister. The Chamber will vote for an Acting Speaker to cover Castellan's position on Monday.
Berkowitzian Parliament Elections

Today, the final votes from the Berkowitzian National Senate Elections have concluded and the results are in.
Berkowitzia First has managed to grab 98 seats, while the Social Party managed to grab 63. The Conservative Group managed to claim 49 seats. The Liberal Party has taken 21, while the Workers' Socialist Union has taken only 7.

Tribekistan Forms Friagara Pact

Earlier today, Tribekistanian lawmakers have created The Friagara Pact which will help member nations with mutual protection and economical support.​
Ruskan True News:

With the news of the "formation" of the Friagara Pact spreading into Ruskaland, The President of Ruskaland, Denisov Tarasovich, has stated, with the Council of Workers of Ruskaland support, that the Socialist Republic of Ruskaland will not recognize the pact. Stating, that the pact goes against Ruskan interests, and is unneeded.
As well as this, the Socialist Republic of Ruskaland has stated, that they do not recognize the existence of the Friagara Pact, Ninhundland, and Tribekistan.
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Chairman Dubov announces decentralization

Earlier today Chairman Dubov joined by Queen Alycia, announced to the nation that the nations rebuilding efforts will drastically decentralize away from government control and look towards independent Syndicates and private businesses to promote Norsia's regrowth. Stating that businesses companies and Syndicates large and small will be vetted and chosen to receive government bonds aimed towards rebuilding.

These Bonds will be given to businesses, companies and Syndicates under the stipulations that they complete certain tasks and goals under deadline or not aimed towards the process of rebuilding the nation.
One such company that has already benefited from this new program is Světlá bástya távközkace, or LightTower Telecommunications (T.C) for translation. another goal of these bonds is to promote growth and expansion in the recipients, adding new value to the greatly undervalued Jule.

Allowing businesses companies and syndicates this room to take deep breaths also allows the government to focus more towards important government matters rather than macro and micromanaging independent entities and focus on things such as military and HRI operations. It will also redouble efforts on the modernization and continued reform of the Governments own apparatus.


Jean Vulluy is now wanted by the BNSI and Interior police after an intense engagement in Lenefels that left several dead and main street, Lenefels in absolute hysteria after a firefight between his insurgents and Norsian peacekeeping officers. Vulluy is an ex member of the SilverGuard and is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Jean Vulluy
Age: 52
height: 5'8
hair: grey
Eye color: brown
last seen wearing SilverGuard fatigues

He is wanted for the following crimes
Detention of armed vehicle
advocating overthrow of government
Murder of eight government officers
Three counts of Murder 2nd degree
1 count of 1st degree murder

any and all tips on his or his insurgents current whereabouts and activities can be reported to your local police station
or by calling 599-532-6262​
The Ninhundish Government responds to the statements made by Ruskaland!

To whom this may concern,
After hearing the Ruskan President, Denisov Tarasovich talk about the formation of the new Friagara Pact, we would like to wonder why the Friagara Pact goes against Ruskan interests and why it’s any of the President’s business. The Socialist Republic of Ruskaland is not a member of the pact so therefore the country should be unaffected. Whether or not you choose to recognize the pact is up to you as the Government of Ninhundland could care less. However the remarks made after regarding the recognition of the Ninhundland have been questioning. Besides does the existence of the Friagara Pact really matter to you?

Ninhündisch Autlanderverhaldingeneindracht
Ninhundish Foreign Affairs Ministry

Polykor releases new flagship cell phone, the Model 10.
by: Jorgen Heilege | Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Polykor has just released their new flagship smartphone, the Model 10, which is based off of last year's 9010, to the general public today. It went on sale at major Goyanean and international retailers for a price of ∆6500 (650 NSD) for the 64 gigabyte storage option. The 128 gigabyte option will be released next week, but the phone comes with expandable storage, so it's not much of a problem.

The phone maintains the trademark Polykor keyboard, which also doubles as a trackpad, dual 12 megapixel cameras, a 7 megapixel forward-facing camera, 8 gigabytes of RAM, and a 4.5-inch retina display. The phone also debuts Polykor's new P12 processor, which has faster clock speeds and is supposedly more efficient than last year's P11 chip.

The Model 10 will come in black and silver, but a budget model of the phone the Model 10X, which goes on sale next month, will feature more vibrant colors, such as blue, red, and gold.

Our initial tests were pleasing, to say the least. Polykor really hyped up their keyboard as the best they've made yet, and it sure lives up to that claim. I didn't want to stop typing. The keys have a nice solid click to them, and typing is accurate and fast. The predictive typing system is also probably the best on the market at the moment, with easy integration with the trackpad that's built into they keys.

The cameras were excellent. The dual camera system is definitely the way to go, and while the 4.5-inch screen isn't very large, you can zoom in, and keep on zooming in, and the photo looks great. Colors come out really nicely, and it also performs well in low light.

The phone has a nice, hefty feel, with great build quality. The textured backside of the handset also feels great to the touch. The Model 10 also keeps in tradition and places the fingerprint scanner in the spacebar, making it an easily accessible place to just scan your thumb and start working.

Overall, the phone is an excellent package for the price. The quality is great, the phone is fast, it has a great battery life and camera, and for the price, it's hard to beat. I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Wildlife Rescue And Rehab Announces Major Overhaul
Par: Arnaud Georges

The Friant Wildlife Rehab Centre (FWRC) announced the start of a major project today to overhaul and upgrade their facilities. The renowned animal rescue centre founded by Amelle Friant in 1993 has worked relentlessly on the east coast of Archlancer Island at their location outside the city of Sérurier. Friant worked with the provincial government to pioneer wildlife rehabilitation permits and regulation and is respected throughout Meterra for her contributions to the field.

The FWRC set the goal last year to build a new nursery and hospital building to better accommodate the specialized needs of certain animals as well as the increasing volume of injured and sick animals they receive yearly, which has risen to 600 animals in the busiest months. After considerable donations from the public, the provincial government announced last month that they were approving a grant application that would meet the remaining required funds. Ground was broken today as the process begins.

"We're beyond excited," said Friant, "this project continues to be my proudest achievement and to be able to expand upon it is nothing short of a dream come true. It will hugely benefit wildlife in our region and our education efforts."

by Vikram Mehta in Pataliputra
October 26, 1999


An Imperial cargo plane landing in Lusovo, capital of Norsia.

LUSOVO – HM Government has responded to a general call for aid from Norsia earlier this week, spurred by their oncoming November blizzard season, for which the Norsians, still reeling from civil war, remain unprepared. According to the mass communiqué delivered by the Norsian government, industry is at an all-time low while homelessness is at an all-time high. Farmlands and cities have not recovered nearly as quick as expected either.

Following a brief back-and-forth between governments, the Empire has begun to ship increased aid packages to the country. These packages in the form of food, winter clothing, heat sources, medicine, medical supplies, trained medical personnel, repair equipment and engineers, EOD to help clear dangerous ordinance, and other materiel. Personnel and packages will be arriving in Lusovo before heading out to various Norsian cities and their surrounding regions. These cities include Senheberg, Nece, Mestovsky, Lenefels and Henebruck.

This comes barely a week after another recent Norsian deal, wherein Norsia finalized the purchase of Imperial bonds to assist their recovery, similar to the purpose of these increased aid shipments. When asked why the Empire has lent commitment after commitment to Norsia during Curator's Questions earlier today, the State Curator replied, "This government is committed to stability in Craviter. When order on the continent is preserved, everyone benefits, including Imperial citizens."

The State Curator further commented, "The best way we can ensure that stability is by helping everybody we can, and through that not only do we accomplish that goal but we gain new friends as well." The State Curator also commented on other nations' recent actions in Craviterean politics, saying, "We are not the only ones that are pursuing the ideal of peace in Craviter- the Malorians and Calliseans, too, have taken steps to rebuild the continent, and we fully support their efforts."

Earlier this year, Maloria and Callise founded the Bergum Pact and the Phoenix Strait Free Trade Organization respectively, which the State Curatoe had referred to. Meanwhile, IBC reached out to the Golden Palace for comment. A spokesperson for the Palace simply stated, "The decision taken by His Majesty's Government has the full support of the Crown. His Majesty believes that stability and peace in Craviter will bring nothing but benefits to Imperial citizens, markets, and alliances, and to those of other Craviterean nations as well."

Translation by Sucheta Sharma
October 26, 1999

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The Ch'iqtaymayu Chatter
November 5th,2018
Rain Rain Go Away​

The rain now enters its sixth consecutive day, with forecasts predicting a wishful end to this seemingly unending storm by tomorrow morning. There has been reports of flooding near norther St. Osage along the Missona and Minori rivers as well as other flood plain towns that spot the banks of the two major rivers. Governor Gharig commented on the storm yesterday;"As a kid growing up not to far from the Missona, we had our years of flooding too. My wishes and hopes go to those affected by the storm. I have kept in contact with the state weather services, who have given me constant updates on the storm. We will be sending aid to many in need once this blows over, and I ask of my equals, everyone, to lend a helping hand too. Some of the best ways to help are through food drives, sand bagging, and even providing shelter for friends and family affected." With that said, those in the Chatter office are proud to also announce that as a collective we have provided over 600 items of canned goods and other supplies for those in need. With the rain gone tomorrow, we will have another update on the status of the towns most affected by the storm.

The current list of towns in Ch'iqtaymayu that have been heavily (1+ meter rise) impacted are:
  • Dutch Lake
  • Vandaveer
  • Intimayu
  • Greensville
  • Blue Ridge
  • Corpusburg
  • Clearwater
  • Llacta
  • Suniyuyu
  • Lake St. Osage
  • Arrow Point
7th November 2018, Wednesday

The Highway Corporation Of Krevt along with Aura Infrastructure Ltd. Have together laid the Foundation stone of Electron - East Electron Expressway. The Expressway will be 12 laned with Proper health and food services at an interval of 5km.
Prime Minister Makhael Chirkozki inaugrated the project at 6:45 P.M IST.
The Expressway is expected to be completed within a span of 8 months.

The Government is going to launch its web portal on 7th December 2018 on the account of National Servicemen Day. The portal will showcase all of the current projects undergoing and upcoming policies of govt. An Official Map Of Krevt will also be unveiled that day so that tourists do not have to buy any Krevti map from the stores.

Our Broadcasting Company will also launch a website on 7th Dec 2018. So stay tuned!
Three-year plan.

Chairman Danitski Bron, leader of Rossev declares a three-year plan to advance Rossevian technology stating, "In order to defend ourselves from possible enemies we must be more powerful!"

Because of this, funding will be increased to the CSD (Confederate Science Department) and Rossevian Military.

Civilians are worried about civil departments under the government's wing that funding will be decreased drastically narrowing their abilities.

Published by Aaron Kensivy, Chief Publisher of INA.
A Subsidiary of Krevti Broadcasting Company Ltd.

8th November 2018, Wednesday

-author David McCooper

While inaugurating The Electron's Largest Automobile Manufacturing Plant at 7:50PM IST, An attempt of assassination of Prime Minister Makhael Chirkozki happened. Fortunately The Special Secret Guards caught the assassin and is currently kept at high supervision cell at South Electron. The accused person stated "I believe in what keeps the country united must be my passion. I planned to assassinate this bl**dy b**tard just of fact that he was not inaugrating an useless peace of sh** but actually he was giving a rise to a series of events that might bring down this nation's dignity just because this b**ch"

The Krevti Imperial Police has kept him under custody for next 24hrs for further interrogation and then will be guillotined in public at Electron Square.
Today in Lupagrad, the Politburo released an official statement in relation to the ongoing Battle of Oktobergrad. "Following the heroic efforts and sacrifice of the 12th Guards Pioneer Battalion, the battle for Oktobergrad has been won." This follows the release of details concerning the harrowing 21 day operation taking place deep beneath ground, far under the ruins of the city's reactor complex. The entire Guards Pioneers deployed to the city engaged in an operation to secure the super heated remains of the reactor fuel currently resting by in the regional water table. Images of a vast concrete structure erected around the errant fuel have been released along with the casualty reports surrounding the operation.
the next stage of the operations in the Oktobergrad Military District are being dubbed Battlefield Clearance operations. The extent of these operations are yet to be seen but will focus on fully excavating the "sarcophagus" structure as it has been dubbed by the troops, invoking images of childhood monster stories of ageless creatures killing all upon their emergence. other aspects will be to expand the body recovery efforts towards the city centre now that the devastated evacuation routes have been declared cleared of all remains, and with radioactive dust suppression by the 3rd Support Airwing.
However these operations will proceed without the 12th Guards Pioneer Battalion as in recognition of their efforts and sacrifice to date the 12th is being disbanded and reformed as the seed unit of the new Oktobergrad Guards Pioneer Regiment, specialising in NRBC and urban operations. The units being attached to fill out the regiment are being drawn from the newly expanded IV Corps engineering elements. making the Oktobergrad Guards Pioneer Regiment the only Engineering unit to be regimental strength.
Though as further reward for their service their will be no resting on their laurels for the OGPR as mobilisation orders have already been drafted for operations abroad.

Following months of deliberation, the deadlock within the Politburo was broken today by joint intervention by Chairmen Zhukov and Rokotov. As such orders have been drafted for the deployment of support elements and relief supplies to the Comrades of Norsia who have seen their nation devastated by the conflict that has raged in their lands for the last number of years. Chairman Zhukov personally praised the Norsian leaders for embracing the brotherhood of all peoples, and incorporating the ideals of equality and freedom defended by those of the Syndicalist belief, within the national-centric doctrine stemming from the history of their royal family.
The units earmarked for the deployment are the newly instituted Oktobergrad Guards Pioneer Regiment, the 56th Sapper Battalion, 256th Sapper Battalion, 139th Transport Battalion, 2nd Air Support Wing and the Special Training Construction Battalion no.400 and Company A of the 9th Military Police Battalion. These forces are to be personally led by Chairman Catherine Rokotov who will be accompanied by the 42 Rifle Regiment. The total of troops being deployed comes to 7,500 personnel with accompanying material assets, who will be charged with tasks by the Norsian government and military with supporting the National Reconstruction efforts in which they are engaged.
-This Post is on the RP date of November 2, 2018-
BREAKING: Modergen terrorist Heidi Kallstrom Executed
GRK Newsdesk -- Gorlingstad, Nyhett, Goyanes -- Nov. 2, 2018

The infamous Modergen bomber Heidi Kallstrom was executed this morning in the first execution in over 10 years. She was hung at 9:05 AM with over 100 people in attendance, mostly relatives of the victims. The removal of the moratorium was done by an Imperial Decree in October, officially restoring the death penalty in Goyanes.

A family member of a victim present at the execution said that "it provided us with a great sense of closure to finally know that the last of the terrorists is dead." While the execution is highly controversial, a poll conducted last week suggested around 60% of Goyaneans supported the return of the death penalty.

More information will be added as the story progresses.
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Winter Storm Advisory Frankthorfer Zeitkrant
9 November, 2018

It has finally come! Earlier this morning as a cold low pressure system blew in 3cm of snow was measured at Frankthorf Eiselmann Airport at 0930. While most parts of the city have only seen a couple centremetres, this could be the beginning of a much bigger system as north-easternly winds get stronger.

Gränzeburg for example has received almost 10cm over a 2 week period with much of the province along with northern Küfendach have sub zero temperatures for the past couple weeks. The storm is expected to grow and move westward mixing wth a low pressure system from the Naesser creating a potential first snowstorm of the year in Frankthorf and surrounding areas.

Weather warnings have been issued out as up to 10cm of snow could fall by next week as temperatures drop below the freezing mark at night. Weather statements are updated daily as we get more information on the strength and movement of these two upcoming low pressure ridge systems.

For those who are planning to fly into Frankthorf make sure to check for any possible flight delays, however no travel delays are in effect yet as roads, metro lines, and Nin Bahn services are moving along just fine.
Ruskan True News:

Later today, the Minister of Economics has released a official announcement that they will be reforming the Ruskan market and economy for the purpose to, "..End the massive Ruskan debt that was dropped onto the Socialist Republic by the Kingdom of Ruskaland." The process of this reformation is yet to be released to the public. However, the Minister of Economics has requested in his announcement that the neighbors of Ruskaland to help the nation to get out of its massive debt.
On the next topic of the day, a small protest began in the Talinisian Oblast state, who wished for the return of the Tolischerian monarch that ruled Tolischerland from the era of the kingdom, to the end of the republic in the Fifth Ruskan-Tolischerian War. The President of Ruskaland, Denisov Tarasovich, has responded by sending a small amount of soldiers from the Ruskan Army to put down the protests. More news will be released soon.
Arrandal News Network

Her Majesty, King Jadzia III, has signed a law passed by the Waiczyn to replace the national currency (the solvran), with the Malorian Draak.

The solvran has continued to drop in value inspite of the government attempts to strengthen it. Without a strong currency, the nation’s reform programs have been unable to get off the ground as faith in the nation’s currency is at an all time low.

Under the plan, both currencies will be in circulation, but in practice the draak will be used for all but the smallest purchases.

The country's central bank will no longer print solvran notes or issue debt denominated in the currency. Only coins will still be minted in the local currency.

Correspondents say the adoption of the draak is a last ditch attempt to revive Arrandal’s economy, which is in severe difficulty because of currency devaluation, spiralling inflation and a banking crisis all stemming from the 3rd Vampiric Rebellion.

Only time will tell if this policy will help the nation’s financial crisis.
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From the Mondic Government
Upon hearing how Ruskaland is using the military to put down protestors, we in the Mondic government advise that Mondic citizens refrain from traveling to the Socialist Republic of Ruskaland for the time being as the Mondic government cannot guarantee the safety of Mondic citizens that enter Ruskaland.
Preston Milton
President of the RM

Anthony Brooks
Secretary of Foreign Relations and Trade
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Libertarians, Liberals Rise while Royals and Recht fall

"Say hello to the four-party system!" proclaims Libertarian Party leader Gari Jones just past midnight: his party has surpassed Highton's oldest surviving party, the Royalist Party, in seats for the first time. In the previous election, the Libertarians only had three seats, but this time secured 23. Most of the new Libertarian seats won AV elections against incumbent conservatives. The two parties remain closely allied and will form a bipartisan coalition as the combined total between the two parties increased by five. Die Recht, the right-wing party who had held one kingmaker seat in the previous election, have been voted out as Otto Heidl shockingly lost his seat in Hightonia. Conservative challenger Yaka Hünte noted in the final days of his campaign that Die Recht's role in the government was holding Highton back on the international stage, with the Herald reporting that Speaker Vard would consider dropping Die Recht from a coalition even if it was necessary and potentially seek a temporary cross-aisle agreement with the Liberals in case of another tie. This did not happen, the traditional coalition secured 55 seats (safely enough for a majority. The Royal Party was the big loser this time around, losing 10 of it's 18 district seats mostly to the Liberals. The oldest party in Highton has dropped to the fourth biggest party in Highton and could become a minor party if the current trends continue. In other news, the Green and Socialist Parties each won one seat, with the Green Party winning back Cocoland's 2nd after having lost it in 2016. The win of the Socialist party in one NH district is also somewhat misleading, as it was a member of the Liberal Party unhappy with the libertarian direction of the party who ran for reelection under the Socialist Party out of protest (Vran Coin). As expected, the national seats went the same way, as traditionally the 12 non-voting members remained a 6-3-3 split for the traditional big parties, although the next elections may see this change. James Vard will remain speaker after this election.

The Ministry of National Defence of The Kingdom of Predice has announced a replacement programme for the CS-8 MBT citing the tank's weak performance and its underpowered power plant. Their main requirements are: replacement of the rifled 120mm gun, a new power plant, new computer systems, and better armour. The Royal Army wants up to 300 of these new tanks. The CS-8s are to be moved into the reserve. This comes as a part of the Defence Review.

Cooperation Between Andrennian and Predicean Ministries of Defense

Recently, the Predicean Ministry of Defense announced it's replacement program for in it's own terms, it's weakly preforming CS-8 main battle tank. Seeing an opportunity for cooperation the Andrennian Ministry of Defense reached out to them with a favorable offer and subsequently the Predicean MoD accepted- Soon, NG-OA will be assisting the Predicean Royal Army and their MoD as a whole with the creation of a brand new tank. Andrennian officials hope this will help usher in a sense of international friendship among Andrennians and as a result help break the recently isolated political landscape of Andrenne. The story will be updated as this newfound cooperation continues.

The Most Serene Kingdom of Svalland, Right Under Our Noses

Most Andrennians are oblivious to the fact that right in our very own nation there is another, tiny, state- The micronation known as the Kingdom of Svalland.

Enter Daniel Yyldvarsson, a native and resident of 42 years of the province of Ensa. As a young man he was always interested in history, specifically in his own family's history. One day he noticed something peculiar upon rediscovering his grandfather's will- A piece of land had been inherited by Daniel without him noticing. He had likely been too young to realize what it was at the time but now that he was a grown man he investigated the piece of land. It was only a small log cabin out in the wilderness of Ensa, but further investigation into the land and it's surroundings proved it had quite a history.

Not only did he discover runestones but after hiring a team to do an excavation on the site, an entire viking crypt was discovered on the property! As it was legally on Daniel's property, it was legally his crypt, and he attempted to bring the heritage of the site to life. He declared his property the sovereign Kingdom of Svalland and since then has been dedicated to recreating a miniature viking kingdom with himself as the Jarl- Jarl Dvald Yyldvarjan to be specific. Although it's not officially recognized, that's perfectly okay with Daniel and his family, who simply want to bring the experience of a viking kingdom to life, with a modern twist of course.
From the Mondic Broadcasting Company
The Mondic House of Representatives has proposed a bill that would prevent the Mondic Government from acquiring nuclear weaponry in the future, thereby restricting any nuclear research into only being used for energy and other non-combative uses. The bill, known as the Mondic Non-Nuclear Proliferation Bill, or MNPB will need to pass in the House, Senate, and be approved by President Milton to become law. The House will be voting on the MNPB this week.

From the Mondic Broadcasting Company
The Mondic House of Representatives has passed the proposed MNPB by a vote of 342-57. The Senate is planning on voting on the MNPB tomorrow. If the MNPB goes into law then it will be one of the most revolutionary bills passed by Congress recently.

From the Mondic Broadcasting Company
After a rapid debate, the Senate has passed the MNPB by an extremely slim margin of 72-18. The MNPB will go to President Milton soon for him to decide if he wants to approve or veto the bill.

From the Mondic Broadcasting Company
Today, the 28th of November, President Preston Milton has officially signed the Mondic Non-Nuclear Proliferation Bill, or MNPB into law.
The MNPB will enter into law December 25th, this is one of the most revolutionary bills that has come out of this administration.
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There is no need for three posts in quick succession when they are that short. I have merged them together for the sake of keeping the thread as clean as possible. Please try to keep related content in a single post in the future. Thank you.
28th November, 2018, Wednesday

Electron: A recent study conducted by scientists of Krevti Institute of Genetic Sciences concluded that, the Krevtis might have an origin from Syrixia. During Syrixia's colonial era the big businessmen of that time are said to be ancestors of Present Day Krevtis!
Further studies are being conducted as to see what other features did the ancestors had in common with Krevtis.


The Government Of Krevt has launched its under development Portal to the people. The Portal is easy to access and will contain the major policies that are undertaken by Govt. Till date. Govt. Has collaborated with KBC(Krevti Broadcasting Service) because It will also contain the day-to-day happenings within and outside Krevt.
The Link is Open for People


The Profits of Aura Corporation Ltd. Were the highest During Great Sunday Deal , which offered it's most of the major products at half costs. The Prime Minister , on Sunday said "If I were to say who has made life easy of the people and armymen, I would say it's AURA CORPORATION"​
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More than 6000 female workers of Aura Defense have organized strike for next 2 days as during production of the company's new commercial plane, the Aura AR-32 aircraft, 12 female workers were raped and blackmailed in the Aircraft's Lounge cabin.
The accused male workers have been claiming that the allegations are false, further investigation is being carried out by Krevti Institute of Genetic Sciences that'll take reports of the female workers' womb and the DNA will help reach the actual criminal.

Fluttr us your views with #JusticeFromExploitation
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The Kingdom of Malta_Comino_Gozo yesterday welcomed the World Cup Trophy to its shores on its final leg of its journey around The North Pacific. Sadly the weather wasn't as bright as usual but the Malta Comino Gozoans sure kept their spirits high as they welcomed the first international football trophy to grace there beautiful kingdom.

The World Cup trophy traveled to the Palace of Malta Comino Gozo where it was met by Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca the Queen of the country. On behalf of King Joseph Muscat and herself she was delighted to witness the trophy landing on its shores for the first time and hoped it would return again soon as she put it " We may be nicknamed the minnows, but never underestimate the underdogs!"

Thousands of football fans turned out to grab a picture and selfie as well as famous Malta Comino Gozoan singer Ira Losco, for this amazing occasion. Free drinks where provided by the host nations themselves to everyone who could make it to the Palace.

Malta Comino Gozo have been drawn into Group H of the competition and will face its first game on December 4th against Krevt .

1 Treshmania

2 Malta Comino Gozo

3 Krevt

4 Lotion Empire

The Royal family and nation wish all the best of luck to their team!

Video highlights of the event are below.

Ray Borg: The minnow master daring his Kingdom to dream of World Cup finals.


He fled the Bigtopian army in the dead of night, went to Maxtopia against his embassy's advice and had an armed escort to training .

But Malta_Comino_Gozo head coach Ray Borg has never had a challenge quite like this.

"We only have a pool of 84 players to choose from to play against teams like the Highton Islands or Krevt," Borg, who was appointed in October on a two-year deal, told MCG Sport.

"And most of the local-based players are semi-professional. We have a guy who's a property agent, some work in telecoms and another owns a cafe."

Not that the scale of the challenge intimidates Borg - or limits his ambitions.

The man who makes minnows rise
Malta is the ninth national head coach position held by the coach, who at 44 already has two decades' coaching experience. Since injury ended his playing career, he has criss-crossed the North Pacific working with several clubs.

Borg has managed several international teams in a peripatetic coaching career
But it is at international level, that Borg has forged a reputation for guiding footballing minnows to surprise results against more illustrious opponents.

In his first international role, with Gleshland, local media nicknamed him 'The Saint' after the Brave Warriors rose 34 places up the TNP rankings.

He oversaw one of the most famous results in their recent history - a win against a star-studded Siwale.

Yet even for someone used to having the odds stacked against him, Borg has his work cut out with Malta Comino Gozo.

'A tougher job than King'

The North Pacific archipelago nation is ranked 80th in the Region. The team has won 20 matches in five years, three of them friendlies.

Borg's squad contains only one foreign based player Hypriot André Schembrie in their starting XI.

The hunt for players sees Borg and his assistant, 'Lazu' watching any competitive football match they can across Malta's three islands, hoping to uncover a diamond in the rough of the local leagues.

"Last week we saw seven games in three days," Lazu, a well-known former Malta Comino Gozoan player and coach, said.

"I've been with the federation for 12 years and I've always said one thing - being head coach of the national team of Malta Comino Gozo is a harder job than being King."

Borg, whose remit includes youth development coach education, says the Kingdom is working hard to develop players. He cites a football academy opened in 2012 where promising youngsters train three times a week. The under-21 team also picked up a record 11 points in their qualifiers for last summer's North Pacific Championship.

Borg is into his 20th year working as a coach.

Borg has faced unusual challenges throughout his nomadic career.

After turning around Gleshlands fortunes

Two months later, in June 2016, he took a three-month role with Maxtopia and found deteriorating security in the country.

"We had armed escorts to training. I never walked on the streets I was only in the hotel, the federation or the stadium," Borg said.

Inspiration from Lololand

Lololand qualified for the 2017 World Cup after beating Ufitland 2-0 last October - in terms of population they are the smallest nation to qualify.

For TNP's smallest football nations, the World Cup qualifiers offered inspiration.

Lololand's whose population of about 340,000, followed an impressive Regional Championships by topping their group and becoming the smallest nation ever to qualify for the finals.

Lololand, in particular, have shown other small countries it is possible to punch above your weight, population-wise.

"I think this [2018] World Cup will be experimental for us. I hope we can win it!

"And I believe if we can make this development of changing style, developing young players, professionalising our own league and getting more players abroad, then we maybe host the World Cup next year too.


"Some people say why don't you coach [more] clubs … but I have one big dream and that's to win the World Cup," he said.

"People judge sometimes but I worked with federations that were limited financially and couldn't afford a long-term commitment," Borg, who lives on Malta's second largest island Gozo with his wife and 17-month-old daughter, added.

"MCG were looking for a long-term commitment to build and change something in their football.

"I think a lot of people are very convinced about my quality as a coach - now I have to show them that I can build something and prove we are not the underdogs in this cup."