Cartographer of The North Pacific

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Current Cartographers:
Lord Lore

Auxiliary Cartographers:
St George (aka Madjack)
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Updated to include Alunya, Ceretis and Bootsie. :)

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Hello all,

Its no secret that for a while the Cartography Staff has largely been myself for going on the last two-three years. And I think its finally time for me start lightening my load and stop crushing myself with so much of the responsibilities of the office (or you know stop being SOOooooo much of a control freak about it all)

As such I want to open up a few spots and bring some people in. If all goes to plan I hope to bring in ~2-3 Main Cartographers and ~3-4 Auxiliary Cartographers so that more frequent small updates can be done and so that side projects within cartography might be attempted (fault lines, basic topography, time zones and etc).

And you might also be wondering "a Carto Staff of upto 9 people isn't that a bit much" its also because I want to create a small group that can function as a sort of "Map Council" to vote on borderline claims and the such, currently this process is a little iffy as it has largely functioned off of what Moderation and Conclave members I can get to weigh in on certain situations and I want

For those wishing to join below is a list of three typical claims that could easily be posted today (note if anyone posts these as actual claims they will be rejected) that I would accept but all require some sort of alteration before actually making it onto the map. Please add these to the full map (using the blank map from the latest update in cartography would be fine), and DM me the full image with all three claims through Discord or through the forum (please don't post them publicly in either the Cartography Sub-Forum or Cartography Channel on the Discord Server to avoid spamming)

~LL, Just a Cartography Madman