I won't support this list as is. Plembobria's placement is baffling to me. GBM and McMasterdonia have both vacated their seat and rejoined at some point. Ravenclaw is a recent addition to the SC and should be placed near the bottom. They should be lower on the list as per the Constitution:
5. The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession by a majority vote. The line of succession must always include the Vice Delegate and all current Security Council members, and must always place the Vice Delegate first. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be automatically added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be automatically removed from the line of succession.
tl;dr.. this list stinks. Experience, endorsement count, and activity are not deciding factors in the LoS. Re-arrange the list according to the constitutional guidelines, and I will gladly support it.
That article quite clearly states that the Regional Assembly may establish the line of succession by majority vote.
Once this line of succession has been set, any new members are placed at the bottom. That is the default way of determining the order of SC members on the line of succesion. That is not the only rule, nor does it outline the only factors that may be considered. This has been the case ever since we got frustrated with needing to pass a new line of succession whenever someone was admitted (I believe).
The RA may consider any other factor in establishing the line of succession. It is completely illogical to suggest that experience, endorsement count, and activity are not deciding factors. They most certainly are and they most certainly have been in essentially every line of succession passed in recent memory. It is not simply by order of admission to the SC. To suggest otherwise is simply incorrect.
It would be idiotic to have an inactive member of the SC as the highest in the l.o.s. Just as it would be moronic to have someone with the lowest endorsement count, or the lowest level of experience. The constitution is flexible enough for us to consider in other factors in our line of succession. The article gives the RA the flexibility to change the line of succession to make it more suitable.
Vice Delegate, while I understand that Plemboria has dutifully served this region faithfully for some reasons, it escapes me why he is placed ahead in the line of sucession ahead of former Delegates McMasterdonia and SillyString, incumbent Delegate Lord Ravenclaw and former Vice Delegates Romanoffia and Myroria as well as yourself, the incumbent Vice Delegate of the North Pacific.
No offence to Plemboria intended but surely the individuals I have listed above are more suitable to serving as Acting Delegate if the situation requires?
Well, I believe it makes sense for Ravenclaw and Bootsie to be around the middle or towards the lower end of the scale while they are Delegate/Vice Delegate. Otherwise the line of succession potentially would read Lord Ravenclaw, Bootsie, Lord Ravenclaw, Bootsie. So even if hypothetically Bootsie and Ravenclaw were recalled, they could be the acting Delegate/Vice Delegate
Plembobria has the highest endorsements and is unquestionably the most active member of the Security Council, that and the SC trusts him to discharge his duty should be he called upon to do so.
tl;dr.. this list stinks. Experience, endorsement count, and activity are not deciding factors in the LoS. Re-arrange the list according to the constitutional guidelines, and I will gladly support it.
The line of succession is meant to be a security measure. If someone needs to step into the delegacy; experience, endocount, and activity are the things we need from such a person.
This list is a perfect ranking.
If the constitution cannot fit to this simple pragmatic logic it
must be amended.
Quite right, however as I said above the constitution can do exactly this, as it has done since this section was in place. The RA is not obligated to only adopt a default line of succession based on order of admission as seems to be suggested earlier, it can amend the line of succession to reflect currernt endorsement levels, current activity, and the trustworthiness of members.