Type with your Eyes Closed!

Your have to write soemthing more than that :P

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its tiny wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. But the bee flies anyway.

The reason I didn't type the whole thing is because I did what I could from memory.
That actually went sutoisingly well

There will be a massive unspellable thing coming up by me after this sentence.
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease

(Have Fun :yes: )
I couldnt remember tje letter but I know what it is.

The finish line was there but I couldn't make it!
I'm acing basically every one of these.

Try not to screw Wimbledon up or it's off to the chopping block with you.
I didn;t scre it up, just hit backspave too much.

I guess that's alright, I'm happy with it.