Type with your Eyes Closed!

endbringers and harbniongers and soveriegens, oh mt?

That one wasn't so bad, it is recognizable!
What is the asymptotic equation?

It seems the harder the sentence, the easier it is for me to type it with my eyes shut. Have fun with this one, kids.
It seems the harder the sentence, the easier it is for me to type it with my eyes shiut/ Have fun with this one kids.

Anyone heard of Charisma Quest over on Spacebattles?
clearly you are messing out. It is good practice. If you want to write a lot at university when you are studying, you will need to learn the art of being able to type properly without looking.
I love weriting many articles in the Northern Lights.

Dammit spelt writing wrong :(
I need to spammore qwuickly. If I sacrificer a goat, then maybe more people will spam with me.

Clearlty, I need o improve my typing.
I just have to not look at my keyboard, where I am is not a place U sgoyyld have my eyes closed, people woyld look at me weird.

I feel like typing with my eyes closed is a lot better then not looking at the keyboard.
DO you think that I am good at eating pizza?

If only the o was a lower case then I would have gotten it all right...