The Second Great War


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Heidi Rhein was worried. The Rhuvish elections were coming up, and while Rhein had stabilized the country, she failed to make it a regional power as the people had hoped. Now, they were beginning to clamor for a system that utilized the planning and strategy of the left while maintaining the spirit and power of the right. This was a danger to Heidi's conservatives. Should this movement continue to gain steam, it could outnumber the CDCP; the Conservative Democratic Christian Party, which was the current ruling government. The worst part was that Rhuvanland would not have another civil war. The country was too weak, and both the CDCP and the National Sonacist Party, or NSP, knew this.

After the Rhuvish War, the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland stabilized. The country regained its national identity, but the National Sonacists felt that the country was abandoning Rhuvanland's old identity in favor of an average-joe unitary parliamentary democracy. This was the rightist element of National Sonacism. Even worse, Rhuvanland was getting closer and closer to the Kannexan Empire, which had just erupted into racist tensions against Flemingovianism due to the attacks in Manhatt. While the National Sonacist movement and the Conservatives agreed that the attacks were atrocious and both lent their hearts out to Kannex, the National Sonacists came to the conclusion that if Rhuvanland continued to idolize Kannex, it would become this racist too.

While the CDCP did not condemn or commend the racism in Kannex, the NSP only condemned it, calling the Kannexans "hateful and evil", and stating that "the Flemingovians who are terrorists are only a minority of the Flemingovian faithful." The National Sonacist Party leader, Friedrich Ulrich, commented "the Kannexan people must fight terrorism, yes, but not by fighting 100% of the Flemingovians. Only the 1% that are bad eggs must be fought. The rest are now victims of a vicious, evil, disgusting hate that appalls the National Sonacist Party. The Party believes firmly that such a country, whose people are uneducated in the obvious truth and know only hate, is a country our people cannot and must not work with, for if we do such hate may spill into our borders." This was the NSP's leftist element.

Heidi knew this well, and that was why she was worried, more than the fact that she had no chance in the elections if things continued the way they were. The Rhuvish were beginning to lean toward the left, and wanted to distance themselves from Kannex. From the East. From Christ. Rhein could only hope, and work hard. She worked overtime, and doubled her duties as Chancellor. She increased all governmental activity, especially her own, as mentioned before. She wanted to appear to the Rhuvish as a hard-working conservative, one they could trust as their leader. But the National Sonacists saw this as a weak leader trying to appeal to them by trying to expand the government, a hallmark of left-wing politics. And they stayed resolute. The elections were on November 24, 2015; and things were looking worse and worse for Rhein. Many political pundits predicted that Rhuvanland would become a National Sonacist state imminently.
The elections had come. The fate of the country was now in the hands of the public. It all came down to this, and Heidi knew it was probably all over.

Vote Above! Poll Started.

EDIT: The National Sonacist Party is supposed to win, but I do want to see: 1) What people think, and 2) the percentages, or at least close ones, so I can say that in the vote results, which come sometime tomorrow or the day after.

Message from the Rhuvish Parliament
Nachricht aus dem Rhuvisches Bundestag

Subject: Election Results

The election commission has assembled and we hereby release the following results, attesting they are true and correct.

National Sonacist Party: 68.3% (GOVERNMENT)
Conservative Democratic Christian Party: 25% (OPPOSITION)
Liberal Equality Party: 6.7%
Ulrich was now in power. Setting out to enact his policies, he made more state companies for various departments and enlarged them. He also opened the option of government cooperation to many Rhuvish private companies, which he allowed to exist regardless of their decision. Most CEOs, however, obliged to the government's proposition. As Rhuvanland got richer, Ulrich made the army larger, nearly doubling its size. Lands to the west and the north were conquered by the Volksmiliz Rhuvanlands, Rhuvanland's rebranded armed forces. New cities were under construction, and the Rhuvish culture was pressed upon the country harder. Dunorion was renamed to Althafen, meaning Old Port; and Alzenstadt was renamed to Neuenberg, meaning New Mountain.

Neuenberg was to be the greatest city in Rhuvanland, while Dunorion was not to improve nearly as well. This, Ulrich hoped, would show the world the New Sonacist Order of Rhuvanland was rising, and how it was doing good for the nation. And truly, it was. Rhuvanland suddenly became a marvel of engineering and its military was gaining power. Rhuvish cars dotted the dealerships, and new farmlands were raised. The NSP gained even more support from the Rhuvish public; and thousands went to the factories to work. Meanwhile, Ulrich was being praised as the man who brought Rhuvanland out of its weakness. The phrase "Heil Ulrich!" became popular, and people began to call him der Führer und Republikskanzler.
"It is Heresy pure and simple!" roared Malacath Caln, the High-Priest of Crescentmaw roared "They flaunt a symbol of evil like a prize! The Sun King..." "Lord Caln you will calm yourself this instant!" the Lady of the moon ordered, her kindly voice suddenly backed by by Sebt's calm tone "My Lord Caln, the sun wheel is not merely a symbol for our people, however it's inversion into a Black Sun is indeed unsettling..." before the enraged priest continued to foam "My Lord Khan, these Rhuvish heretics must be dealt with." but once again the Lady spoke out "They know not the meaning of the symbol Caln, mother would not see blood spilt over ignorance." but even this would not dissuade him "The people of Wolfsea know... they demand a crusade..." "Wrong, a few extremists do." the Khan interjected waving his hand as if to dismiss the priest. Caln snarled "Your duty is to protecting Wolfsea from mortal enemies, mine is to protect it..." "From a dead god! I will not send any wolvesh soldiers to take lives in your honourless excuse for a crusade Archpriest!" Sebt roared, his own temper barely holding before he sat again "The Lady has given me her assurance that the Templars will be forbidden from leaving the Holy Monastery, Brother-Captain Naeth has sworn to abide by this order, go back to the temple and consider carefully what your next words shall be..." the Khan glared. Caln looked ot the Lady but her own look and the slight shifting of the Sorores guarding her made it clear he was beaten. With a curt bow he left, leaving Wolfsea's Governmental and Spiritual leaders to themselves.

The Lady smiled and softly dismissed the two Sorores, she knew that Jahla, her bodyguard, would not leave her side "It is still troubling, my lord, that these Rhuvish should use such a symbol..." "Agreed, I shall issue a statement of warning but still, we shall have to keep our eyes on them. " the Khan sighed, handing the statement for the Lady to read. After a quick read she nodded, giving her blessing "My Lord Khan, you have yet to bring little Serena to the Holy Monastery, I trust you shall do so soon." lifting the mood at the thought of the naming ceremony, Sebt nodded "Aye, soon my Lady." prompting the young woman to leave, sebt sighed and sent the dispatch.

From Sebt II, Khan of Wolfsea to Mr Friedrich Ulrich, current Chancellor of Rhuvanland.

Ordinarily I would be writing this missive to offer my congratulations and, indeed, I do so gladly however it is with regret that I must withdraw any and all relations between our nations in light of your adopting of the Black Sun sigil.
To: Imperial Military Khanate of Wolfsea
From: Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland

We are sorry to hear of your decision. However; why would you think the Sonacist Federal Republic would try to offend you? Symbols mean different things to different people; shouldn't that be respected? The symbol on our flag, the way we see it, is a stylized gear; nothing to do with the Sun whatsoever. It symbolizes the power and effectiveness of the Sonacist state.
To Whom It May Concern:

The Realm has already released a communiqué on the election and hope that you do not take the message sent lightly. The Realm is very influential, and we will not have radical actions in place in the southern quarter of the region.


Archduchess Abigail Hutchinson
To: United Realm of Guslantis and Portmantea
From: Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland

We are quite alarmed that the United Realm would use its influence to throw around threats like that, especially when we have no intention of invading anyone. Not only are your suspicions highly offensive, but they also prove our case. Eastern nations think they can get whatever they want by throwing around their influence. Does the United Realm want to be part of the problem or part of the solution? The Sonacist Federal Republic would wholeheartedly welcome the latter.

What is also highly offensive, however, is your belief that you can make threats because you helped give Rhuvanland "sovereignty". You were only one of many nations that did so, so do not go around making threats against us as if you were the only one. Under the old Federal Republic, Rhuvanland was weak and easily controllable. No one helped us obtain real sovereignty until the recent elections.

Once more, we reiterate our statement that if the United Realm chooses to be part of the solution instead of the problem at hand with the world, the Sonacist Federal Republic would welcome it with open arms; as it would be a step in the right direction for this flawed world: a world of corruption, hatred, and rivalry. The United Realm has always been a champion of peace. It would be very admirable, and would go down in the annals of history, should the United Realm decide to assist us in our campaign to right all the wrongs of the world. And if such a decision is made, the world will be on the right path.

We must tell the world that corruption, hate, and rivalry only increases the evil present in the world. Such evil must end.
The Nebulan government congratulates the National Sonacist party on their ability to hire a skilled propaganda corps and recommends that, if healthcare is indeed government funded and operated, all voters be given a free psychological test, to ensure that they have not taken leave of their senses.
Such an insult is to be expected from a nation who enslaves its people and whose very existence is a red terror.
A major Nebulan news agency has announced that any news concerning the Nazo party in Rhuvanland can now be found in the "Entertainment" section.
Das Aussenministerium of the Kannexan Reich has announced a streamlined process for Rhuvish nationals wishing to obtain work visas or residence in Kannex. This has been made attractive especially by the new taxes and an environment in Rhuvanland increasingly hostile to investment and entrepreneurship. The offer has attracted a significant number of applicants within the first two days of its announcement. The deal has attracted Rhuvish business owners and entrepreneurs wishing to move their assets overseas, especially to Kannexan banks. Notably a number of famous wealthy Rhuvishmen have moved to Kannex during or after the Nazo takeover. Yet despite the announcement, the Kannexan Innenministerium has, in secret, ensured steps to combat the possible infiltration of Nazo spies through background checks and surveillance.
(OOC: Yah, Kannex, what you're doing is bordering on godmodding. It's Syrixia's country until it's blown to smithereens, and then it's no one's country)

Sphan K'ter and the Sovereign Socialist Nation of the Stank of Yeraennus would like to formally congratulate the Government on their policies opening the way to a more understanding and educated populace, but warns that many practices enacted are rather worrisome to the international community.
Official Message from His Majesty's Government of the Syrixian Empire:
His Magnificence's Government
Official Message from the Syrixian Empire
His Magnificence's Government is concerned by the expansion of the newly christened "Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland" as well as its rapid militarization. This is a new obstacle to peace on Eras that must be watched closely and dealt with if need be. The actions of the National Sonacist regime in Rhuvanland border on imperialism spurred by propaganda and an insane lust for power. Rhuvanland was already on the steady path to improvement it was before, and now this new regime and its actions are only delaying it, as the Nazos bend Rhuvanland to their ideals and brainwash the Rhuvish people.

The 'Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland' has reached the borders of Tajis in their expansion, and nearly doubled the size of their country. They have seen to building new factories, increasing industrial output, and increasing agriculture; which seems good until one realizes they have also been infringing on previously vacant lands and increasingly tightening their grip on their own people. Do the Nazos not know of the concept of civil rights and personal liberties? All men and women are created by Prajapati, God, Flemingovia, etc. in a state of equality. (NOTE: religious interpretations differ but the point still stands.) All human babies are just that; human babies; upon their delivery. They all become adult humans over the course of their lives.

Thus, it remains tantamount, if all men and women are created equal, that they have basic civil rights and personal liberties. And yet, the Nazos disregard this, and instead are bending the Rhuvish people to their will. This is absolutely against what we believe to be moral and just; and we will thusly be watching the Rhuvish situation closely. Thus, we hereby declare that should Rhuvanland attack any other nation maliciously in any way, such an action will be unequivocally condemned by the Empire. We urge the Rhuvish people to consider our message and consider what the Nazo government is really doing. We urge them to beyond the propaganda and discover the true Rhuvanland; and the true souls of the Rhuvish people. Rhuvanland, if it is to improve, must do so through peace, prosperity and cooperation; not forced industrial improvement and military expansion. This is where the Nazos fail to understand things, so it is up to the people of Rhuvanland to do so themselves.
"What's the status of the Rhuvanland situation?"
"Most nations are worried."
"Good. We can use that. Any of our old allies expressing opinions?"
"Wolfsea has a nearly religious objection to the party symbol. Guslantis has expressed no opinion but we suspect that they are against the Nazos as well.
Friedrich Ulrich sat amongst his cabinet. Einhard Schödl, his Minister of Punishment, had requested Ulrich call a meeting of the Nazo Party cabinet. There they sat; Ulrich, der Führer und Republikskanzler; Schödl, the Minister of Punishment; as well as Johann Dauzen, Hans Felten, Adolf Wennstein, and

From the office of His Majesty Sherwin IV, King of Esplandia, Duke of Valdonia, Count of Rathburg, Count of Karthied, Count of Altarham, to the Leaders of the Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland.

I address your nation on behalf of not just Esplandia, but also our brother's, the peoples of Tajis, with great concern about the aggressiveness by which you have seized lands beyond your borders, ignoring the sovereignty of the peoples inhabiting those lands, as if you were blessed with a divine claim.

Now for the first time in thirty years the armies of Esplandia must take up the sacred duty of defending the lands of our brethren from this threat of conquest, and make no mistake, we know this to be a threat. Even should your leaders assure us that you have no intentions of bringing war to us, we know these promises are only temporary, to be cast aside at the earliest opportunity.

Your government has fallen to a authoritarian and fascist dogma that will bring only war and senseless destruction on you and the region. Call it what you wish, but sonacism is fascism with a new face.

Tajis and Esplandia denounce your nation, and will seek to cut ties until such a time when the Rhuvish people throw off the tyranny of sonacism.

OOC: Sherwin's throwing down about this. Ha ha.
"HERESY! Heresy is the enemy! and our enemies are HERETICS!" Malacath Caln roared, the Great Temple echoing with his words "By Mother Marwolaeth, the 8 dead gods and the seven forges I call the Rhuvish sunworshippers a scourge upon this world and we few here are the ones who must do Great Marwolaeth's work and bring honourless death to these wretches!"

the video paused, Goltah stared in silence at the news report, already he had heard whispers that more and more Wolvesh were agreeing with Caln, at least as far as going to war was concerned. He shook his head sadly "Insane bastard verger..." sighing heavily, the liberation of Guslantis had stirred a sense of outrage in the Wolvesh people, to them Vega should have been executed on the spot by the Khan, instead he had returned from the war with the bare minimum needed to retain honour and, while the more elite troops were unfazed, some of the civil corps troops were feeling a sense of fear that the Khan was unwilling to commit to fighting because he was unblooded and, truth be told, Goltah feared it may be true. The idea of Sebt being let loose on the Rhuvish in such a state was unthinkable, sparing Vega and refusing to allow reconstructive surgery on his eye, even Andrea had said he felt different, as though he was restless. Goltah looked to the guard at his side "Tell the Khan I must speak with him..."

"Sebt... people are restless... they think... they think you're unblooded." Goltah sighed, Sebt smiled slightly, amused by the idea "I know Goltah..." the Khan stood from his desk and walked slowly across the room "Caln is stirring up such rumours I take it?" "No, but he isn't helping..." then with a hand upon his student's shoulder "We've all noticed it... This refusal to go to war with the Rhuvish is not just about it's debatable honour..." prompting the Khan to nod "I had pictured us taking back Pigletville... defeating Vega and finally being seen as trustworthy by other nations... in spite of their assertations I still believe they don't trust us. In saving Guslantis we would prove beyond doubt that we had given up conquest and could be depended upon to be this region's shield and... in truth it would strengthen our bonds with a valued ally also." the Khan walked over to the viewscreen showing the regional map "We conquered the region through other nations, our mercenaries fought in nearly every conflict in the past 800 years, discounting our isolation period. Instead of keeping peace we're now policing tyrants, it... wasn't what I had in mind." but Goltah just smiled "I think... if you ask any Guslant what they think of the Wolvesh, of you, they'll see us as you hoped. Of all the commanders who was it who stood at Alicia Burns' side in that office." he grinned "Anyway... I've heard other rumours... a lot of the youngsters actually find the eyepatch quite sexy... you seen Fluttr lately?" showing Sebt a fair few accounts from across the region had joined a hastag regarding his new look "Look, eventually we will have to fight them. Just... reassure people." Golta smiled as Sebt went to make a declaration.

"People of Wolfsea and of the North Pacific, as you are aware the situation in Rhuvanland is concerning many in our region. I have already issued a warning to Rhuvish Chancellor. Effective immediately the Khanate is to be in an advanced state of preparedness for war, if you chose to name yourself as one of High Priest Caln's Crusaders then remember... Marwolaeth demands our honour but desires our devotion, remember which is more important..."
(OOC: Oh good, we're back! I'll be posting tomorrow. How I've missed the RP subforum!)
"How goes the silent mobilization?"
"So far we've gotten a small fleet to Port Florrantia. Our shipyards should be able to finish another fleet's worth of ships soon. The only problem is recruitment."
"We'll worry about that later."
"At this point we await only Syrixian permission to position forces at Shei Ren."
"Get it."


The Nebulan Unified Navy humbly requests permission to position a fleet of fifteen ships at the Shei Ren Military Center.

The Nebulan military hereby has the permission of the Imperial Syrixian Government to position the specific 15-ship fleet at the Shei Ren Military Center.

(OOC: If you haven't already, download the font Koch Fette Deutsche Schrift, so you can see the message properly. All Rhuvish communiques will use this font.)
Nachricht aus dem Außenministerium der Sonazistische Bundesrepublik Rhuvanland:

Neueste Handlungen sprechen viel über die völlige Verderbtheit der Welt, und die komplette Primitivität ihrer Völker. Die Esplander und die Tagesener haben die Beziehungen unserer Republik zu schneiden, und noch schlimmer, so, die so genannte Gefüge unserer Gesellschaft und unserer Gesellschaft selbst, dass einer faschistischen Diktatur. Diese Narren, die alte Garde, in ihrer Angst, in ihre alten, überholten Weise klammern, kündigen wir aus Eifersucht und Terror.

Sie sind die wahren Bösen; wollen gegen den Fortschritt und Ordnung stehen und abgeschnitten Diplomatie auf, wie wir uns entscheiden, unsere Nation laufen. Völlig idiotisch! Dann kommt die Angelegenheit an den Wulfen, die jetzt fast alle wegen ihrer barbarischen religiösen Institutionen zu mobilisieren sind. Haben sie ernsthaft wollen, Krieg gegen unsere Republik wegen der Schwarz Zahnrad-Symbol, die unsere Nation und unser Volk definiert erklären?

Die Wulfen haben auf die höchste Stufe der Barbarei abstammen. Welche Art von Kriegsgrund ist, was sie nennen? Manchmal gibt es Schwachsinn in der Welt, aber wir müssen über solche, die um uns herum liegt steigen. Jedoch gibt es eine Grenze. Sollte einer dieser drei Nationen letztlich entscheiden, den Krieg auf unserer eigenen Nation zu erklären, wird dies als barbarisch und unprovozierten Angriff, der nur die Zauber wird Schicksal für die Aggressoren es zu begehen, die beide von der Republik und von anderswo zu sehen.
Recent acts speak plenty about the utter corruption of the world, and the complete primitivity of its peoples. The Esplandians and the Tajisians have cut off relations from our Republic, and even worse so, called the very fabric of our society and our society itself that of a fascist dictatorship. These fools, the old guard, in their anxiety to cling to their old, outdated ways, denounce us out of jealousy and terror. They are the true evil; wishing to stand against progress and order and cut off diplomacy based on how we decide to run our nation. Utterly idiotic!

Then, the matter comes to the Wolvesh, who are now practically mobilizing all because of their barbaric religious institutions. Do they seriously want to declare war on our Republic because of the Black Gear symbol that defines our nation and our people? The Wolvesh have descended to the ultimate level of barbarism. What kind of a casus belli is that which they cite? Sometimes, there is idiocy in the world, but we must rise above such that lies around us.

However, there is a limit. Should any of these three nations ultimately decide to declare war on our own nation, this will be seen as a barbaric and unprovoked attack which will only spell doom for the aggressors committing it, both from the Republic and from elsewhere.

Sanya was trying, futilely, to finish up the lesson plan she was working on for the online course she was teaching next month. Little Olya, the principle difficulty, was sitting in her lap, making a game of trying to stick her chubby little fingers in Sanya's mouth every time she began dictating to the computer. Reading back the last sentence, the computer had typed "From this, we can see that verb tenses argaalllbgle..."

She gave up, standing and lifting her child high in the air in the same motion, making the little girl squeal with delight. "Oh no, you woke up the monster!" She swung the girl around, then brought her giggling face up to her mouth and covered her cheek with slobbery kisses, saying "Nom nom nom."

She stopped; Oliver was reading from a tablet, looking worried.

"What's up, Ol?"

"Oh, this new group in Rhuvenland. Looks like that place is headed for trouble again."

Sanya knew it wasn't Rhuvenland itself that Oliver cared about, but a single family; two little boys in particular. "I know what you want to happen, Ol, but it's not possible. We tested them when we went to visit during Octoberfest. They don't qualify, they won't ever qualify."

"I know, and I know why we can't make exceptions. I just hope they will be okay."

"We can't force their people to follow our ways, any more than we can allow the unfit to join us. They've got to purge their flaws for themselves, and they are going to keep on suffering until they do. However much that hurts us to watch."
(OOC: Syrixia, take some goddamn German lessons.)

The Kannexan Reich opposes any talk of unprovoked military action against Rhuvanland. "We must not allow emotion to blind us. Any violation of Rhuvish national sovereignty will lead to grave consequences." Kannex has continued to accept Rhuvish emigrants and capital transfers. The Westsee Fleet of the Kaiserliche Marine has been mobilized.
"The Syrixians have given us permission to move a fleet to Shei Ren."
"Excellent. Is it on its way yet?"
"It sailed an hour ago from the Kalinins."
"Wonderful. Once it arrives I want as many submarines as we have available down there to scout Rhuvish waters. I want them to avoid detection."
"Yes, sir."
Sebt stood in the Crucible, waiting to be patched in to the Nebulan communications network, he knew the Nebulans were preparing for war against the Rhuvish. He knew that if war proved necessary he would have to coordinate properly. He had yet to talk with the new Imperator, he stood, impatient at having to wait. He still had to try to contact the Kannexians and Esplandians over their plans.
Light poured from the windows of the Chancellor's Residence to the vast green garden below. The residence was a large manor, neoclassical, at the edge of the Kannexan imperial capital, Weiterburg. The first kaiser had built his capital around his sprawling palace downtown. The Chancellery was an afterthought and sat on the periphery of the city. But since the democratization of '68, this suburban manor had governed the daily affairs of the Reich.

The Chancellor's office was lit. Chancellor Jörg Henneburg sat at his grand mahogany desk, his back to the window. Aides and ministers sat or stood in front of him. Some rushed around; others sat and crossed their legs and regarded the Chancellor. Most held papers of some sort, reports and articles. As they saw Henneburg with the phone to his ear, their footsteps lightened. The old chancellor nodded, a silent affirmation, and then hung up. "Where the hell is the NPTO on this?"

"The NPTO are not in session, Herr Chancellor," a young suited woman responded hurriedly.

"We didn't let Rhuvanland be invaded last time. We cannot allow them to invade now," voiced the Aussenminister Attenburg.

"Get me Syrixia," Henneburg ordered.
Sebt checked the link and allowed the holographic display to change, showing the Imperator as he stood in his now-customary stance, ramrod straight, arms behind his back "Imperator Antlerio, I have heard you have mobilised your fleet... I'm correct in assuming that you are intending more than a show of strength for the Rhuvish..." He asked, his tone changing briefly to a more jovial one to ease the tension. This was his first dealing with Antlerio and, when confronted with a monocularly challenged warrior most people tended to feel tense.
"Nebula has no intent of allowing the unchecked growth of a far-right power anywhere in the world- and certainly not in Rhuvanland, a nation whose citizens do not remember my predecessor kindly. If we feel that the Rhuvish represent a threat to our interests, we will attempt to remove the threat diplomatically if possible. If not...we will be ready."
At Mid-afternoon, the Emperor was sitting at the Desk of Enrilth, alone, in his private quarters signing State documents and reading through State Reports. Corruption was invading the ranks of his government to the highest of levels. His Chancellor was worried, and with good reason. With elections looming, and the government graft yet to produce a single head to show, fears of a Liberal Socialist Party victory was all everyone could talk about. In the meantime, there were rumours - just rumours - that there is a living descendant of the Theon Family. If the rumour is true, his Crown could be at risk.

He broke from his intense reading, sitting back and placing his hand on his mouth, in thought. As he did so the phone rang. He picked it up and listened as the Foreign Secretary's delivered her concerning briefing on the situation in Rhuvanland.

" I see. And is the Chancellor aware of this? "

"He's already been informed of the situation by the AOC and he wants to know what you think. "

"Exactly what can we do? We are not in the NPTO, nor do we have any relations with the nations involved. I think it be best to just monitor the situation and above all, protect our interests. "

"The Chancellor thinks we should oppose them and this new government. He concerned that such a far-right party, in these times, could spell disaster"

"That would be breaking our isolationism?"

"Yes it would, but perhaps it time to warrant it. We need something sir. The people need something so the Imperial Unionist may win re-election and prevent the Liberal Socialist from taking control of the Chamber."

"Well then. Im not sure about opposing quite yet however, I would like the Foreign Ministry to issue a recommendation that all our citizens there return home. Understood Madame Secretary?"

"Yes your Majesty."

He placed the phone down and rose from his desk, moving towards the large castle windows. From there he looked down upon his people from his fortress. The Luthadelian Citadel, ancient stronghold of the Imperial Hydron Family at the very heart of his Nation, and the second largest castle, that sits alone upon Alexanders Hold, surrounded by the Noble Wood. This is where he grew up as a child, as every heir has done, learning and awaiting for the time the Crown rests on their head. It was from this Castle, Emperor Alexander laid down the law and began the line of Hydron. But despite is grandeur and historic significance, it was little in comparison to the new Imperial Residence in Titanium; the Crucible. A true representation of the Empire strength and power.

"Perhaps it time to put that strength and power to use. Perhaps it's time to end our era of isolation."
The RES Alistair Montgomery rocked in the turbulent winter sea. Rain pattered the deck of the cruiser as it worked its way westward towards the port at Eborum.

Count Baelag Gent, who had spent time on ships before, could still feel a knot tying in his stomach from the rising and falling. They had been out to sea, picking up their important passengers, and we're now headed home. It was important their passengers didn't arrive by regular channels.

The passenger, Rycho Anaukshai, twin brother to Tajin President Reynard Anaukshai, was a slim, tanned man, will red-black hair, and a beard trimmed to a fine point. He wore a stripped suit with a bright undershirt and a silk scarf in place of a tie. He sat facing Baelag on the opposite of a oak desk.

For the last twenty minutes they had been discussing Sherwin's letter to the Rhuvish government.

'Personally I think it's a bit premature,' Rhycho stated. 'If it's an attempt to goad the Rhuvish into attacking then it will only make Tajis and Esplandia look to be the instigators.'

'I doubt that is the King's intentions,' Baelag assured the other man.

'The King's intentions or not, my brother has made himself look the aggressor. Good for his image at home, but internationally...' Rhycho shrugged. 'Why would Sherwin act so aggressively, and so quickly after his coronation?'

Baelag, who Rycho would know was one of the Esplandian King's most trusted agents, did not know the full story himself. Sherwin was no warmonger, and generally a more diplomatic man, and yet Baelag also felt his actions to be rash. 'We must trust the King's judgement,' was the only answer the count could give.

'Well perhaps he'll have an answer for me when I arrive,' Rycho answered. This meeting was to discuss what strategy the two nations would take over the next couple months. 'Has he contacted any other nations around the region yet? My brother doesn't want to open talks until we know Sherwin's intentions.'

'That will be something else you'll have to discuss with the King,' Baelag answered.
As Rhuvish investors and entrepreneurs continue to flow into Kannex, analysts are beginning to suspect signs of damage on the Rhuvish economy beginning to grow. Threats of war, compounded with the Rhuvish regime's heavy-handed style of economic management, have made Rhuvanland particularly unattractive for investment. Kannexan businesses have been forced to drastically scale back operations in Rhuvanland since the Nazo takeover; business with Shei Ren and Syrixia meanwhile has boomed.

The Kannexan political scene is split. Among Chancellor Jörg Henneburg's Democrats, many have voiced their doubts about Henneburg's do-nothing policy. Henneburg has raised his voice against any "violation of Rhuvish national sovereignty," a stance hearkening back to the days of the Great War when Kannex supported the Rhuvish government against foreign-backed left-wing enemies. But otherwise, Henneburg has been content to stay put. The decidedly anti-Kannexan tone of Rhuvish Nazo rhetoric has complicated things further; Kannex would like to support an independent Rhuvanland, but the Rhuvish are making that difficult.
Sebt nodded as he listened to Antlerio's response, he sighed heavily "The second and fourth fleets are both ready to sail to Rhuvanland along with the 14th legion... The 4th and 17th are almost ready." He paused "Imperator Antlerio, it is not my desire to go to war either but I cannot see any way around it. I will discuss arrangements with General Akerman about reinforcing the Guslant border and launching a counterattack. It will take skill to persuade other neighbouring states to agree to such a plan but I'm confident I can do so with the Esplandians and the Guslants... I trust I can leave you to the others? I shall contact Akerman immediately. Good luck Imperator." He sent the relevant tactical data of his scheme "I'll have you holding whilst I talk to Akerman." Using the hotlink straight to Akerman, he knew it would be best to discuss this with her first. Subconsciously he smartened his hair, something about Guslant women got to him and, whilst having mistresses was not taboo, he was still a dedicated husband. Still, no reason to look shabby, he waited patiently to speak to Akerman.
It was already dark when the unmarked car transporting Rhycho Anaukshai, his aid, and Count Baelag Gent pulled through a back gate of the large stone fortress known as the Dragon's Eye. The car entered a tunnel beneath the outer keep, which used to be an extensive network of dungeons. Now it was a large garage for Esplandian officials. The garage was empty this late.

The car pulled up before a service lift and the occupants climbed out. They rose two stories up to the Blind Passage, a windowless walkway extending from the outer keep to the central keep of the complex. Once within the central keep, Count Baelag lead his guest into a well furnished conference room. The room, like the Blind Passage, had no windows. Awaiting them was the King and his Royal Council.

Rhycho had never met the King before. He had seen him plenty of times, but had never talked to him. His brother had warned him that he was a serious and stern man, but the king was laughing at something that had been said just before they entered. When he saw them arrive, the king stood up and greeted Rycho excitedly.

'Ah, Monsieur Anaukshai, I'm glad to see you. I feared the rain would delay you.' The king came forward and clasped him up in a firm hug. The Kings smile was not forced nor fake.

'Thank you, your highness.'

'All Tajins are welcome in Esplandia. Your brother is doing well, yes? Come we have much to discuss and not enough time to cover it all satisfactory.'

Everyone sat down, and the King introduced his council. Rycho knew all their names and positions. There was also one extra person present. The King's younger brother Raymond. Other than him, Rycho had already known who would be here. After the introduction Rycho was given the floor to speak.

'Your condemnation of Rhuvanland has stirred up a hornets nest, your Majesty,' Rycho said.

The King nodded. 'I warned your brother it would. He wanted me to go before the Landesgraad and have them draft a formal denunciation. As it is, I don't think the national community will appreciate the distinction of the condemnation coming from my office.'

'This was my brother's idea?'

'Yes, but if I hadn't seen the benefits I would never have written the damn thing.'

Rycho was a bit upset his brother hadn't mentioned that the letter was his idea. His brother was like a smaller dog acting tough around the neighborhood only because he was backed up by a bigger dog. 'What benefit did you see from this?'

'There are forces already moving against Rhuvanland. Now we have become a name on their lips. For a small country far west of the big powers, we had the guts to be the first to articulate or intentions.'

'Do you intend to attack Rhuvanland?'

'Not openly. The Landesgraad would never support such measures unless Tajis is directly attacked. I would have to agree with them too. A war is not in our best interests, nor has Rhuvanland given us any reason to do so.'

'Than what is your plan? A condemnation is an aggressive political move.'

'I intend to support whatever initiative the region decides on, but it is my intention to suggest heavy sanctions against Rhuvanland. When the Rhuvish people see the worlds reaction they will throw of their government and elect a new one that is not so far leaning.'

Sherwin watched the sun rise through his office window. It had been a long night. He could tell that Rycho was not behind the King's plan. Rycho represented a serious amount of power in Tajis, maybe more than his brother. If he moved against Esplandian intervention he could seriously destabilize the region.

Still, he knew Rycho to be loyal to his brother. That was why Sherwin had agreed to this secret meeting. Sherwin had been a young man when the Talamnic War had been fought. He had seen the cost to his Kingdom. Like his grandfather, Edwin II, he had no intentions of letting Tajis fall to an extremist power. Tajis remained Esplandia's staunchest friend, and biggest trade partner in the region.

He heard his secretary come in and get ready for the day. He called him into the office.

'I need you to send a wire to the leaders of Syrixia, Nebula, Wolfsea, and Gustlantis. It's important that we know what their intentions are. Also, send for Alphius and Baelag.'
As war was seeming essentially inevitable if not already occurring at this point, Mingchuria, the ancient isolationist Queendom, began to suddenly fear the threat of invasion, with it becoming a more apparent issue. The senate itself even became divided upon the issue of what to do. Many of the people wished to simply ignore the issue and wait for it be resolved on it's own while others wanted to take more direct action. The primary debate however, was within the senate. Many senators argued both for and against joining military action against the war, simply embargoing Rhuvanland from all Mingchurian trade, or of course simply taking absolutely no action whatsoever.

Much of the government did not want to attack the newly assembled regime unprovoked, however, but to get around this some Senators such as Cao Qui Hao actually did suggest creating a false incident to bring Mingchuria into war with Rhuvanland. Most of senate shot down these ideas however, especially Consul Doan Qui Khan, the head of the senate.

The debate on what action to take would ultimately last for months until Doan Qui Khan was able to get the senate to agree on an unanimous decision on what action the Queendom's Senate was willing to take. The decision then went to the Queen for executive approval. Once all of that was said and done, the following message was sent to the government of Rhuvanland as quickly as possible:

To whomever it may concern:

We, the Government of the Queendom of Mingchuria, recognize your nation's right to rule as it wishes, though we do not agree with your regime as we view it as fascist. To maintain peace within our nation, we have come to the agreement of embargoing all trade from and to Rhuvanland. We also do not wish to bring Mingchuria into war against a fellow North Pacific nation, but if it shall come down to that the Mingchurian army will not back down from the challenge. We send this message of embargo to you with all due respect and dignity.

- The Senate & Queen of Mingchuria​

At the same time, while hoping to maintain a position of neutrality within the brewing conflict, Mingchuria's naval ships are ordered to begin routine daily patrols around the coast while Rhuvanland remains a regional risk.

The Queen herself also issued this personal statement regarding Rhuvanland:

"While it is every government's right and duty to keep order within it's nation, Rhuvanland has completely disregarded many basic human rights, freedoms, and is clearly a threat to many nations, possibly including Mingchuria. At the same time, I do not wish for this to come to war, but Mingchuria's armed forces shall be prepared should that situation come about. In the meantime and in order to maintain peace for the time being, I have agreed with the senate's idea of a mass embargo of all trade to and from Rhuvanland. Let it be known that I personally have little respect for the regime that the Sonacists have created in Rhuvanland. I personally support the King of Esplandia in condemning the current government of Rhuvanland, though I will refrain from officially saying if I will do the same at this time."
- Queen Quyen of Mingchuria​
Inside the Alerentia Building, Scottsfield was using the huge GusNet monitor to analyze the training results of the newest Guslant troops. "He's promising," she said, dragging the recruit's picture across the screen to a box. Suddenly, the screen changed to the communications tab. "Priority message from Khan Sebt II of Wolfsea to General Emily Akerman," said Ayuda. "Emily! Come see this!", Nancy yelled. "Is it one of those stupid cat videos that Alicia makes? We can totally see her hands controlling her annoying fat cat," responded Akerman as her footsteps began to get louder.

"No, it's from Sebt," responded Nancy, as Akerman entered the room. "Who?", asked Akerman, forgetting names once again. "Voice detected. Two humans present. Checking clearance...both are in the Guslantis Armed Forces...checking complete. Transmission begin," said Ayuda. "Damn bot," yelled Akerman as the lights dimmed and Sebt was shown on the monitor.
It was late at night. The Golden Palace was dark, but a feast was still in progress. The major officials of the government had gathered at the palace before the Emperor to discuss and eat. Rhuvanland was on everyone's minds, but none more so than the Prime Minister, Rohit Kumar. The Emperor did not have governing power anymore; his sole reason for having his lavish lifestyle was simply that of the government trying to uphold the ancient Imperial traditions. However, he was active in the government, performing ceremonies and issuing speeches of recommendation to the Parliament, as well as leading the nation in its various holidays. This made Rohit jealous; and the stress building inside him was only to get more massive. It was at this time of night, after all, that the Syrixians got the call. Kannex. Jörg Henneburg. Rohit knew what it was. Rhuvanland. Rhuvanland was on everyone's minds at the feast, though the actual conversations on it were brief.

"Hello?" said an aide holding the phone as it rang. "Hm? Any senior government official? I see." he paused as the person on the other line spoke. "Yes, the Prime Minister is right here." he said, going over to Rohit. "Phone for you, Mr. Prime Minister!" said the aide, holding the phone in his hand. Handing it to Rohit, who thanked him, the aide went off to tend to another part of the feast. Rohit gulped, and picked up the phone. "Hello, Kannex. This is Prime Minister Rohit Kumar speaking."
Sebt allowed himself a brief smile but with the eye patch it didn't exactly look that friendly in spite of his intentions "General Akerman, General Scottsfield, I fear this is not a social call... We have been monitoring the situation with the Rhuvish... I'm afraid that I have had cause to consider the possibility of an armed conflict. While I have nothing but the utmost respect for your troops I suspect the Rhuvish are, indeed, eyeing their neighbours and, since Guslantis is perhaps our most trusted ally we wish to help reinforce your border." He could already sense the next question "I will grant full command of the 13th legion to you, they will not act unless ordered to and they will not take aggressive action unless I am present." Stopping to await their reply before adding"It is your choice of course but the offer is made."
A letter was sent out to the nations currently against Rhuvanland's aggressions, from Xentherida.

Letter regarding Rhuvish aggression.:
To whom it may concern,

While Xentheridans have, up to this point, been merely observing the situation surrounding the Rhuvish, the tension surrounding the nations involved has increased dramatically. No longer can we sit by and watch the situation unfold, but instead take action.

With this letter, we are officially placing an embargo on any Rhuvish trade ships entering or leaving Xentheridan waters. We would also like to deploy the 4th Xentheridan Naval Fleet to patrol international waters off the coast of Rhuvanland and its continent; these will be merely naval patrols, and are under orders not to harass any passing ships, unless instructed to in a dire situation. We would also like to communicate with the nations currently under pressure from Rhuvanland; Guslantis, Syrixia, Shei Ren, Wolfsea, Tajis, Esplandia and Nebula.

However, while war may seem inevitable, a potential diplomatic summit could be held to resolve any differences held between the opposing parties. Should this situation be able to be resolved through diplomacy, then Xentherida will put as much effort as possible in resolving the crisis with a peaceful solution.

~Xentheridan Prime Minister Adam Reitano
~King Christian III.