Admin Requests


Is there a private forum within the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs accessible only to the Minister and Deputy Ministers? If so, could I please be given access to it? If not, not worries.

Is there a private forum within the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs accessible only to the Minister and Deputy Ministers? If so, could I please be given access to it? If not, not worries.
I removed and readded your masking, check your subform again, if nothing new then no
Hello! Hope this post receives you well
I've been a GA for a bit now and I only recently noticed I have not been masked with the Gameside Advocate role.
So I'm here to request to get the masking

Thank you and have a great day!
Let me know if the Minister needs to make this request, but my Deputy Minister masking needs to be removed as per my resignation from the executive.
COuld i get an admin check on myself. (idk how this works @Sil Dorsett told me to do this.
Fail, because you have multiple accounts.

You did not follow my instructions. I told you to wait until you got citizenship, which requires your multiple accounts issue to be resolved first, and then we can deal with your IP address issue.
I noticed Lord Dominator is missing from the government registry as an Election Commissioner. Could this be rectified? Thanks!

Also need to unmask Comfed, Koopa and mask Jinkies. Many thanks