Rate the Person above yous Flag!

5/10, because keeps rating my flag 10/10 and also because my clown is soon going to chow down on the sloth.

[That was almost a 1/10, but I changed it because the sloth is starting to grow on me like a motile fungus.]
Since I already rated your flag and haven't changed my mind, I'm going to rate your avatar instead.

There will be 3 judges involved and each will express an opinion.

Judge 1: 10/10, because it contains her favourite colour.
[Commentary: Judge 1 is from Britain.]

Judge 2: 6/10, because it's too cute.
[Commentary: Judge 2 is a jerk due to once being on a reality show, cancelled after 2 1/2 episodes.]

Judge 3: G/10, because Aerilia likes strawberries and crowns, as I do.
[Commentary: Judge 3, like Isimud, is an idiot and can't follow the simple rules of a spam game .]
7.5/10: because the crest is too small for me to see the details.

8.5/10: because you actually do have a crest, unlike certain nameless others that may or may not be present currently.

9/10: because it contains a golden lion.

Overall an 8.33333333333333333.../10.
9.62 I like the 2-headed aspect, as well as what is, obviously, a reference to the famed Golden Apple of Discord. After all, what else could it be? Just a simple golden apple?
8.85/10: deceptively simple, yet appealing (Don't embarass me by telling me if it's a stock flag. Thank you.)

7.21/10: Ach! Ripple!

Overall: 8.03/10. Not bad.

Edit: I still owe you the answer to a question, artiza.
Sullivan's Theorem: In flag reviewing situations, the integer five (5) is directly proportional to the integer seven (7). Note: this is not applicable in any other scenario.
7.6/10: like the new (?) flag.
Kill that deviant meme before it propagates any further.

@Duke Valdr: I have no idea what you're talking about. I made the flag myself, with the exception of the modified raven silhouette that I liberated from elsewhere.
I do, however, disavow any knowledge of the background's possible RL provenance.