flemingovia:thank you, he was 88, suffered badly from dementia and had been very ill for some time, so his death was anticipated. It does not make it less of a sadness, but it makes it easier to accept.
My only Nation left in TNP is now Ehlnar, that's also my WA nation at the moment.Crushing Our Enemies:The following members of the RA have no nation of record in The North Pacific [...]
I've updated you on the RA list, but in the interest of good record-keeping, would you mind posting that in this thread as well?Lennart:My only Nation left in TNP is now Ehlnar, that's also my WA nation at the moment.Crushing Our Enemies:The following members of the RA have no nation of record in The North Pacific [...]
of course, thank you!Crushing Our Enemies:I've updated you on the RA list, but in the interest of good record-keeping, would you mind posting that in this thread as well?Lennart:My only Nation left in TNP is now Ehlnar, that's also my WA nation at the moment.Crushing Our Enemies:The following members of the RA have no nation of record in The North Pacific [...]
Legal Code Chapter 6:4. Applicants must swear an oath, as follows:Code:[nation]TNP Nation[/nation] [nation]WA Nation[/nation]
I, [forum user name], leader of The North Pacific nation of (your TNP nation's name), pledge loyalty to the region, to abide by its laws, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may immediately lose my voting privileges, permanently. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for membership in the Regional Assembly of the North Pacific.
Legal Code Chapter 6:Section 6.2: RA WA Verification and Confidentiality Act
11. The Speaker will designate a person who is not involved in any military operations to be the registrar of confidential puppets.
12. Assembly members with a World Assembly nation must inform the registrar of any nation of theirs which may attain World Assembly membership before it does so.
13. Unless granted permission otherwise by the Assembly member in question, if the registrar is informed of possible future World Assembly nations the registrar will keep that information in confidence and will not share it with anyone on pain of a minimum three months ban from the region unless the registrar observes such a nation waging war against the North Pacific.
14. The registrar will not inform their successor of confidential potential World Assembly nations; they may only report which Assembly Members have submitted such lists.
I'll note that you're on the list of people that I couldn't find an official declaration from...madjack:I'm glad I'm don't have a mobile WA at the moment, because I'd be losing my voting rights.
To clarify, I do not have to power to unilaterally remove voting privileges for Oath violations. I will, however, be promptly requesting indictments from the AG's office for members found to be non-compliant with 6.2 after the deadline.Crushing Our Enemies:On February 10th, at 03:00 GMT, any members who are not in compliance with the above may be subject to the permanent removal of their RA voting privileges for violating their oath.
A telegram will go out to every member of the RA in due course.punk d:I'd ask the Speaker to please send a telegram to all nations requesting their compliance with Section 6.2 prior to bringing forth any such requests to this office on or about Feb. 10th.
Because there was no registrar for ages, my office would need to demonstrate people clearly and intentionally ignored this statute.