ARCHIVED: Nebulan Expansion

"Sir, the gas attacks are failing."
"We'll flame them out!"

Nebulan soldiers commandeered supplies of flammable gas. City methane lines were redirected, propane tanks from hardware stores were taken with promises of reimbursement, oxyacetylene welders were stripped of the canisters of flammable gas.

Nebulan soldiers broke down one of the barriers to the sewers and dispersed the canisters and tanks throughout the tunnel, breaking the tanks to release the gas. Fans were set up to disperse the gas throughout the sewers.

Once the gases were sufficiently dispersed, an incendiary detonator was placed in the tunnels.


The flammable gas was yet another gas attack. The gas dispersed in the vast tunnel system; the Nebulans could not cover the entire system. Where it did managed to gather enough mass to light up, platforms and railways looked like infernos. Worst of all, upon lighting up the gas, the fire blew back at the Nebulan soldiers. The flames in the constricted underground stations sought an opening in the air and got it. Flames bit at any unlucky chap near enough to the subway station. Flames shot through cracks in the streets and sewers, engulfing Nebulan tanks.

The Galactan troops left the city, bringing their dead with them. The Galactans knew sewage tunnels and abandoned subway tunnels that led to the outskirts of the city and to other areas the Nebulans did not know. Soon, the Galactans were in the suburbs, then in the countryside. Then the rebels were gone like the wind.
Nebulan soldiers began turning their efforts to rebuilding while helicopters flew recon missions to find the rebels.
Images of the destroyed government buildings, the burnt skeletons of tanks, and the bodies of Nebulans -- "mountains and mountains," as Heidi Rhein had yearned for -- were published all across Rhuvish news, making its way across the ocean to Kannexan media as well. Buildings with whole sides collapsed barely stood. Concrete rubble piles buried Nebulans and Galactans alike. The Rhuvish cheered the Nebulan defeat. "Hoch lebe die Galakten!" came to the toast.
"Rhuvanland has crossed the line," the Emperator announced in a televised speech today. "They have intentionally supported terrorists, who have killed thousands of soldiers and civilians, and openly celebrated the deaths of these innocents.
"In response to these shocking actions," he continued, "a Nebulan fleet of forty warships has been sent to blockade Rhuvanland. No ships will get into or out of the country without the express permission of the admiral himself.
"I realize that many nations may consider condemning our actions, especially Syrixia and Kannex, to which I respond that we are simply trying to prove to Rhuvanland the point that they cannot take such actions against us. In addition, I remind the leadership of Syrixia and Kannex that they were the ones to condemn any and all terrorism, and indeed to go so far as to declare a "War on Terror", and that to support Rhuvanland, an active and open supporter of terrorist activity in Galacta, is hypocrisy, pure and simple. I realize also that you will point out that we supplied arms to the Republican Guard. That has ended with the condemnation of their terrorist actions. The situation in Rhuvanland is drastically different and we hope that you will see it that way.
"Thank you for your time."
"To be honest, I find it funny," said the Minister of Defense, Auel Vist, on a talk show the next afternoon, "that the Emperator would call us hypocrites, when the Liberation Front fighting against them are the ones trying to free a place whose people have the right to their own sovereignty from a blatantly evil and manipulative empire. And now this evil empire is blockading a country that had the courage to stand up and help the valiant Galactans against their Nebulan oppressors. This just goes to show that Nebula is just like a whiney baby. When it doesn't get what it wants, it cries and whines and even hits until it does. And now, it's doing all three."

Meanwhile, in Rhuvanland, celebrations rang across the nation following the news of the Nebulan defeat, and the Rhuvish laughed at the press conference the Emperator gave. While they had different opinions and preferences concerning the subject of the Galactan War of Independence, the Democrats and Conservatives were truly one, one people against the Nebulan Empire. However, they did not know what was to come. A small trading boat with native Rhuvish fruits and meats was just about to set sail, bound for the city of Blue Havens, Eumenor. The crew did not pay attention to the Nebulan threats on the press conference, and started the motor.

The boat continued to move across the waters, coming closer and closer to the Nebulan ships without a care. That's when words started coming through the little boat's microphone, from one of the Nebulan ships...
"Halt immediately!"
The crew of the ship looked around, startled.
"What was that?" one asked.
"This is Nebulan blockade command. You have encroached on the blockade imposed by the naval forces of The Watching Nebula. This is your sole warning. Continue on your current path and you will be fired upon!"
Then, the Captain, Heinz Schmidt, said firmly, "Thanks for the warning, but we'll be going on our way now. We've got goods to deliver. Bye." The communication was then cut.

As the ship continued to sail on, onlookers started to watch this bold vessel, in both fear and excitement at what would happen next.
The bridge of the command ship was in an uproar. The admiral was arguing with the ship's captain over whether or not to fire on the trading ship. Finally, the admiral called up High Command.

"Sir, we're having a bit of an issue."
"What is it?"
"There's a ship challenging the blockade."
"What kind?"
"Small trade ship, so far as I can tell."
"Shoot it."
"But sir, there might be consequences."
"You have my assurance that our superiors have carefully considered the consequences of firing on vessels of this type. We cannot fail to enforce the blockade on a vessel just because they happen to be small and harmless. You have warned them of the possibility of attack?"
"Then they have been fairly forewarned." The commander on the other end hung up.

The admiral turned to the captain. "We have been ordered to enforce the blockade."
The captain nodded, turning to a lower officer. "Lieutenant, tell the gunners to prepare to fire on the smaller ship."

The huge turrets slowly rotated to target the small trade ship, which increased speed as the captain realized that the Nebulans were serious. The trade ship quickly darted between the command ship and another battleship. "Hold fire until there's no chance of collateral damage," ordered the admiral.

The trade ship reached the open sea. Its crew breathed a sigh of relief, even as the massive guns spat fire and the shells blew the ship to pieces.
The ship was torn apart bit by bit. Everyone on it died. The meat and fruit products were strewn across the water, going soggy. All that farming and processing wasted thanks to Nebulan arrogance. Those same arrogant soldiers had also now killed innocent Rhuvish citizens. That was it. Nebula had crossed the line. The following day, the Chancellor issued this statement on Fluttr:
Following the Nebulan response, it was done. The Nebulans had refused to try for peace and gave in to their hatred and their arrogance. And due to this, Rhuvanland decided to follow its promise and stand up to the Nebulans. Rhuvish forces began to mobilize. They did not hold a candle to those of Nebula, but they sure as hell were going to try.
[Since this has gotten away from what the thread actually was supposed to be about, I'm starting a new one.]