The Assembly:The Parties hereby establish an Assembly on which each shall be represented.
The Assembly shall oversee the activities of the NPTO, and shall have the power to:
- Establish subordinate offices and committees as its members shall think proper.
- Elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Commander-in-chief of the Peacekeeping Forces, and holders of any other office which it shall think proper to create.
- The Assembly shall have the power to remove the holders of any offices within the NPTO by a vote of two-thirds of its members.
The Executive:The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Assembly.
The Chairperson shall have the power to set all manner of policy related to the execution of all acts, resolutions, or laws passed by the Assembly.
The Chairperson shall delegate any of his or her power to the Deputy Chairperson at his or her discretion.
In the case of the resignation removal, or other vacancy in the Chairperson's office, the Deputy Chairman shall become Chairman.
Peacekeeping Forces:There shall be group of armed force for peace within the NPTO called the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces.
The Peacekeeping Forces shall composed of teams volunteered by the Parties at their discretion. Each team shall be led by a commander subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief.
All operations of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be approved by the Chairperson before they shall be executed.
The Assembly has the power to cancel any operation of the Peacekeeping Forces.
Applications:Nations wishing to join NPTO shall submit an application to the Chairperson who shall have the power to deny or reject it. If the Chairperson, shall reject said application, the applicant nation may be admitted by a vote of three-fifths of the Assembly.
Ratification:This Treaty shall be ratified by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Guslantis, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.
The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of Syrixia, Eumenor, Tronkandal, Malvad, Trinster, Plembobria, the Republican Pacific Isles, and Guslantis have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.
Rough Draft of Charter:Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization
Signed <DD-MM-YYYY> at NPTO HQ in Augustus Town, GU
Our nations, gathered here on this <date the Charter is signed> day in [April] come together to ratify the charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization or NPTO. NPTO shall represent peace through its actions and declarations, and shall be charged with the duty of maintaining peace between its member nations. All member nations of NPTO pledge to never engage in conflict with any other members of NPTO, protect the other member nations in their time of need, and to only use our armies for the good of the other member nations. We will break the barriers between governmental types and work together; our organization will not be the battle ground between dictatorships and democracies, but instead, it will be the shield of peace surrounding its member nations that we shall protect.
Article One: The Flag
The following flag shall be established as the official flag of the North Pacific Treaty Organization. It shall be raised above the flags of the member nations at NPTO HQ and shall never be used in association with actions of violence or actions of the Peacekeeping Forces.
The flag's central symbol, a silhouette of Nelly, symbolizes the goal of peace and security established by this charter and by the founding member nations. The ellipse and the cross symbolize the fortitude and willpower of the organization, and its will to never give into war. The blue and white also symbolize peace and tranquility of the organization.
The flag should only be used in a ratio of 1.3:1, or 320 pixels:240 pixels
Article Two: Nelly
The mascot of NPTO shall be the dove, with the nickname being Nelly. Any graphic having appearance of Nelly or NPTO material will be asked by the organization to cease-and-desist.
She will be a symbol of peace and willpower, and shall be used as a momentum to propel the organization into the future like a dove uses its wings.
Article Three: NPTO HQ
The primary headquarters of NPTO shall be located in the port city of Augustus Town, Guslantis. Its building shall be maintained by Guslant teams in association with the member organizations. The headquarters shall be referred to as North Pacific Treaty Organization Headquarters, or NPTO HQ.
The address of the headquarters is as follows:
1 Nelly Avenue
Augustus Town, GU 43768
Additional sub-offices will be established per assembly law.
Article Four: Application
Nations wishing to join NPTO shall submit an application to the Chairperson who shall have the power to deny or reject it. If the Chairperson, shall reject said application, the applicant nation may be admitted by a vote of three-fifths of the Assembly.
Article Five: The Assembly
The Parties hereby establish an Assembly on which each shall be represented.
The Assembly shall oversee the activities of the NPTO, and shall have the power to:
Article Six: The Executive
- Establish subordinate offices and committees as its members shall think proper.
- Elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces, and holders of any other office which it shall think proper to create.
- The Assembly shall have the power to remove the holders of any offices within the NPTO by a vote of two-thirds of its members
The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Assembly.
The Chairperson shall have the power to set all manner of policy related to the execution of all acts, resolutions, or laws passed by the Assembly.
The Chairman shall be elected by the Assembly for four months.
The Chairperson shall delegate any of his or her power to the Deputy Chairperson at his or her discretion.
In the case of the resignation, removal, or other vacancy in the Chairperson's office, the Deputy Chairman shall become Chairman.
Article Seven: NPTO Peacekeeping Forces
There shall be group of armed force for peace within the NPTO called the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces.
The Peacekeeping Forces shall composed of teams volunteered by the Parties at their discretion. Each team shall be led by a commander subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be elected by the Assembly for four months.
All operations of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be approved by the Peace Council before they shall be executed.
The Assembly has the power to cancel any operation of the Peacekeeping Forces.
The Peacekeeping Forces shall only be used in sovereign territory on the request of said territory's government.
The Peacekeeping Forces shall not be used to invade sovereign territory unless the Peace Council be presented with evidence of compelling interest to do so. In such a hearing, the government to be invaded shall have the right to debate such evidence. The Peace Council shall then decide if the aforementioned evidence evinces compelling interest for an invasion.
Article Eight: Peace Council
Article Nine: Ratification
This Treaty shall be ratified by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Guslantis, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.
The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of Syrixia, Eumenor, Tronkandal, Malvad, Trinster, Plembobria, the Republican Pacific Isles, and Guslantis have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.
Article Nine: Amendments
Amendments to this Charter may be ratified with a two-thirds majority vote by the Assembly.
The treaty should not contain the format of the application, it simply expresses how the application is to be processed. Charters of international organizations never include the actual application format. (Mainly because applying to join an international organization IRL is a much more complex process that takes years. There really is no standardized form. The form is really for more OOC clerical purposes.)Syrixia:Also, I'd like to edit the applications part of the charter concerning the format of application. If we just had a closed application thread lying around it would be rather dumb and would be a blot on the organization's clean structuring. Plus, it looks good, and it works, and we can edit it to fit the Charter. What could go wrong? (Note: that was not sarcastic)
"Nations wishing to join NPTO shall submit an application to the Chairperson" does not mean that the application is PM'd. There can be a thread for that purpose. Perhaps the existing thread could be re-opened or a new one could be made.Syrixia:Perhaps, but I see no reason to. It is much more efficient than a private message to the Chair as then the Deputy Chair can review the applications as well, and the NPTO's current members can converse about it.
Lol, that is exactly what I'm requesting. The application thread is rather nice and can be edited if needed. We should re-open it upon ratification and we should add it to the charter.plembobria:"Nations wishing to join NPTO shall submit an application to the Chairperson" does not mean that the application is PM'd. There can be a thread for that purpose. Perhaps the existing thread could be re-opened or a new one could be made.Syrixia:Perhaps, but I see no reason to. It is much more efficient than a private message to the Chair as then the Deputy Chair can review the applications as well, and the NPTO's current members can converse about it.
Okay, can you write what you want the flag specifications to say? I could spend twice the time trying to figure out what you want it to say, while you could get it right the first time.Syrixia:I disagree with the specificities of the regulations concerning the NPTO flag. I think we should broaden it to a simple "Do not use this flag unless authorized by NPTO officials or else you will receive a notice of cease and desist." Also, don't forget to apply the same rules to the seals.
Concerning the location of NPTO HQ, I think North Pacific Treaty Organization Avenue is too boring. How about Nelly Avenue, named after our oh so brilliantly named mascot? Seriously, who came up with that name? I want to give them a medal or something.
Also, I'd like to edit the applications part of the charter concerning the format of application. If we just had a closed application thread lying around it would be rather dumb and would be a blot on the organization's clean structuring. Plus, it looks good, and it works, and we can edit it to fit the Charter. What could go wrong? (Note: that was not sarcastic)
I will get that back up when we ratify the charter. As for flag specifications, they need to be kept. We don't want a distorted flag, now do we?Syrixia:I think, as Yoda said, size matters not. The flag should be able to be used in any size as long as it is used with proper authorization from NPTO authorities.
Also, I think we should bring back the application thread. We talked about this earlier but you're here now. I think if we edit it to fit the charter (if it needs editing) we can make the thread work. Besides, it looks nice![]()
I agree.midtkandal:I think it should be specified in Article seven that NPTO-forces will only be deployed on the request or consent of the nation in question to prevent a loophole to utilize the NPTOPF as an invasion-force
I disagree. If there are human rights breaches and other atrocities by a certain government, we want the freedom to send in peacekeeping forces to protect the people of that country, while the nation itself would object.plembobria:I agree.midtkandal:I think it should be specified in Article seven that NPTO-forces will only be deployed on the request or consent of the nation in question to prevent a loophole to utilize the NPTOPF as an invasion-force
The Peacekeeping Forces shall only be used in sovereign territory on the request of said territory's government.
The Peacekeeping Forces shall not be used to invade sovereign territory unless the Assembly be presented with evidence of compelling interest to do so. In such a hearing, the government to be invaded shall have the right to debate such evidence. The Assembly shall then decide if the aforementioned evidence evinces compelling interest for an invasion.
That would constitute compelling interest. I'm sure the Assembly would vote for that.Syrixia:I disagree with this; and here's why. Say a country is in a civil war. The government is tyrannical, corrupt and evil and the rebels stand for freedom, justice and democracy. Would we need to ask the government to help bring its destruction? That would be dumb.
I suggest a clause is made making such situations and other similar ones an exception.
This.The Spokesman of Eumenor:I think the first line of that clause is BS. Get rid of it.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:I think the first line of that clause is BS. Get rid of it.
The second clause allows the Assembly to overrule the first. I said that already. Read the text.Syrixia:This.The Spokesman of Eumenor:I think the first line of that clause is BS. Get rid of it.
Stop doing that. No one is forgetting anything. These things take time. IRL they take months -- even years.Syrixia:Bumping for the same reason as the previous bump.
Seriously, we need to get this done. Like, before next week if possible, which it should be.
There is no Bootsie, only a delegate from Guslantis whose identity is clearly defined. This is an IC organization, we represent IC character negotiating an IC treaty. Our OOC lives do not matter. Do not respond to this. Drop the issue.The Spokesman of Eumenor:OK, I realise that this does not have any relevance to the Charter, but I feel it is of the utmost importance to the Treaty Organisation.
I call for a suspension on all writing of this charter and an immediate vote of no confidence on Bootsie, our chair... person after intrigue surrounding... their identity. I feel it would be prudent to pause for a minute while we discover exactly what is true and what is lies concerning the information Bootsie has given us. I am uncomfortable in having a chairperson who is surrounded by scandal and intrigue as Bootsie is.
My apologies to Bootsie and to those who believe I am threadjacking but this is a real problem facing our organisation and I may motion shortly to depose our chairperson depending on their answer.
^This.plembobria:There is no Bootsie, only a delegate from Guslantis whose identity is clearly defined. This is an IC organization, we represent IC character negotiating an IC treaty. Our OOC lives do not matter. Do not respond to this. Drop the issue.OK, I realise that this does not have any relevance to the Charter, but I feel it is of the utmost importance to the Treaty Organisation.
I call for a suspension on all writing of this charter and an immediate vote of no confidence on Bootsie, our chair... person after intrigue surrounding... their identity. I feel it would be prudent to pause for a minute while we discover exactly what is true and what is lies concerning the information Bootsie has given us. I am uncomfortable in having a chairperson who is surrounded by scandal and intrigue as Bootsie is.
My apologies to Bootsie and to those who believe I am threadjacking but this is a real problem facing our organisation and I may motion shortly to depose our chairperson depending on their answer.
Security Council of NPTO? Hmm...made for the founding nations, perhaps?plembobria:I'd like to further add that IRL it is illegal for a nation, or UN peacekeeping forces to invade another sovereign nation without approval of the UN Security Council. The clause I have written reflects that.
No, just the Assembly.Bootsie:Security Council of NPTO? Hmm...made for the founding nations, perhaps?plembobria:I'd like to further add that IRL it is illegal for a nation, or UN peacekeeping forces to invade another sovereign nation without approval of the UN Security Council. The clause I have written reflects that.
Plembobria's proposal for an amendment:The Peacekeeping Forces shall not be used to invade sovereign territory unless the Assembly be presented with evidence of compelling interest to do so. In such a hearing, the government to be invaded shall have the right to debate such evidence. The Assembly shall then decide if the aforementioned evidence evinces compelling interest for an invasion.
These two things are what we have on the table right now. One is about NPTOPF and the other is about executive succession.Tronkandal (following discussions on the matter):I think that if the Chairman is not able to follow up on their duty, for any of the reasons listed by Syrixia, the deputy chairman should take over and a new deputy should be elected ASAP.
I think we should still talk about the above items, if we haven't already.Syrixia:Powers of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman
Formal NPTO Policies