TNP Map Claims Thread

Two New neighbors!
Three if you count the RPed North and South Cronaal!
Speaking of that, here they are. Judging how long the Cold War is the divided Cronaal should last at least 1 to 2 updates. So it should be submitted.

When I have time to do it. I'm down to a single member of the cartography team at the moment (myself) and my RL work schedule means that I can't (well, shouldn't) say, "map will be done x, y, z."

As it is, I have done some work on updating the map already and it should not be too long.

Until then, please be patient. Your claim was accepted - you are on the map.
Updated Claims Map

-snip Faibuaizu claim-
Possibly too big. Maybe half that island... or take the island to the other side of you, now that Hobbsburg has been removed.
Is it too big if I do not take the land that Bluezone currently occupies?
Done. Make sure to rp with it though! :P
Can I have the island under RPI? I don't have access to an image editor right now, but if you want I can get you a map in a few days.
Added, welcome to the map.
As part of the "Great War" RP, Sadakoyama is annexing the island to the west of Cronaal as a site for a hospital/research station.

If that's too much, we'll just take the thumb-shaped portion of the western peninsula on that island.

ETA: Since our name is long and the claim small, the designation "SDKY" should suffice.

Actually, I would like to modify this claim as illustrated on behalf of my new puppet state, Arcadia Bay. It shall be a protectorate of Sadakoyama and a place for refugees and people who fail to meet our stringent immigrations standards.

Done, although I marked that Arcadia was a colony/protectorate of yours rather than giving Sadakoyama the thumb separately.
-snip Callaici claim-
I want the land behind Archregnum and Eumenor please. It should be called Ryccia.
Added, welcome to the map.
I drawn my own claim; you can find it next to Cronaal and above Nessuno

Added to the map.

Above United Llamas, below Axla.
Finally. Added.
I'd like to note that there is a random green circle in the southwestern part of my nation in the current map. Would you mind fixing it for the next update? Conveniently enough, I already updated my claim, so the coastline in that area that was affected can be restored using the claim image.
Two New neighbors!
Three if you count the RPed North and South Cronaal!
Speaking of that, here they are. Judging how long the Cold War is the divided Cronaal should last at least 1 to 2 updates. So it should be submitted.


Added, although I've not recoloured North and South Cronaal separately. If the situation is similar to North and South Korea (and also East/West Germany) then both states regard themselves as the sole legitimate Cronaali state and any land they don't control under foreign occupation.
I noticed there is a little strip of unclaimed land between Callaici and Xentherida. Should probably PM him and get that fixed (I'm personally ok with him having it as the land is on his half of the lake)...

PS: Thanks for finding time in your busy schedule to update it all, looks like the map is filling up nicely.
I noticed there is a little strip of unclaimed land between Callaici and Xentherida. Should probably PM him and get that fixed (I'm personally ok with him having it as the land is on his half of the lake)...

PS: Thanks for finding time in your busy schedule to update it all, looks like the map is filling up nicely.
Nope, not my land. I only claimed up to about halfway on the peninsula, because I expected the person to claim the land above me to take it. I don't particularly need it, so you can take it if you want.
Could leave it as an independent commune tbh.

Actually may have an idea regarding that, will post in the other place later if one of you doesn't want to claim it.
I don't mind taking that little bit of land but the idea of an independent commune sounds interesting... could always do something similar to the Danish Christiania.
Could Tlacopantec claim the following area? I guess I might be able to expand it once the nation grows a little bit? Also, are the blank areas assumed to be uninhabited or are there natives, etc. present?
I'm back from inactivity, (hopefully) for good this time! Could I re-apply for my previous spot (shown in the quote)?
Just thinking you might want to come up with something smaller as this will probably be rejected by the admins as too large. I'm not speaking for them, just mentioning it seems the size of other claims they rejected as too large. You could start with something smaller, and after a while expand into something larger.
Why do you need a colony already?

Edit: Especially as you seem to be expanding into Cronaal somehow?
This is Godvia
If you want to know why I'm claiming this, its because Godvia, from the 'Independent Riots' RP I made a long time ago, I will continue except the Godvian Terrorists get to become an independent, anarchic nation. Can you also put 'Sytarenne' below it, because
Sytarenne and Godvia will have a war, and after it ends Godvia will become part of Sytarenne again and the map returns to normal. Its basically an RP I will make.

Also this one

I want this small piece of land next to Francovania because, for my history, Sytarenne will attempt to colonize nations in the 15th century.
And finally this one

The Jeytholm Isle, I asked for it pretty much long time ago.
Its the small islands next to the islands owned by Andulus
They are just independent nations that are controlled by Sytarenne
So to recap, you will control 4 different pieces of land on the map?
Sytarenne -- Controlling
New South Sytarenne -- Controlling
Godvia -- Originally Sytariot land, so doesn't count
Jeytholm Isle -- I don't want it but its just an extra :P
And btw, if you add them up-together, it only makes up to nations the size of Sadakoyoma
and Eumenor and the Aurora Orb :l
No. That's too much to actually be RPed. Choose one of those to go along with your base claim.
Fine, I'll take New South Sytarenne then. But Godvia is still going to re-unite with Sytarenne so I don't see whats the problem with that.

EDIT: Still, the nations are small. I'm only going to RP Godvia. New South Sytarenne & Jeytholm Isle will be counted as the UKS.

Armed Republic of Sytarenne: Sytarenne
United Kingdom of Sytarenne: New South Sytarenne and Jeytholm Isle. They are not like the UK and are just part of Sytarenne

And it is actually not too much to be RP'ed
Nierr it would be useful if you actually told people their claims were accepted instead of waiting 1 month to find the updates
I posted a map update on the 30th of June.

In the op of this topic it says that the last update on the map was made on 30th of June.

In the op of the map nexus topic is says that the last update on the map was made on the 30th of June.

Perhaps working on some reading comprehension will help you learn some patience.

As it is, your pestering attitude and almost constant changing of claims is making me less and less inclined to accept any expansions, colonisations or additions to your base claim.
I posted a map update on the 30th of June.

In the op of this topic it says that the last update on the map was made on 30th of June.

In the op of the map nexus topic is says that the last update on the map was made on the 30th of June.

Perhaps working on some reading comprehension will help you learn some patience.

As it is, your pestering attitude and almost constant changing of claims is making me less and less inclined to accept any expansions, colonisations or additions to your base claim.
They aren't colonizations they used to be they aren't anymore.
Would you still consider "America" a colonized country even if the British don't control it anymore?
It was an expression to say that we have to wait for the map updates, I only care if you tell the person if they are either accepted or declined.

You do tell if they are declined, but its hard to tell if you are accepted
You know you know if your claims are accepted? When I put them on the map, post the map update here (and in two other places) and quote your claim and tell you it is accepted. That's how people will know.

Look, I really only have one rule about the map. Don't be fooled by the OP of this topic. Rule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are all actually one rule, and so are rules 8-999,999,999.

Don't be a lemon.

This is my Rule 1, my golden rule, the one rule you should not break. Why? Because I really hate lemons. They leave a sour taste in my mouth.

You're being a lemon Sytarenne. I'd advise you stop. The result will leave a sour taste in your mouth too.