Alrighty, here it is. 825x825, same ratio as the map, which is 1536x1536 (1-1) as of that update.Lord Lore:Yet another Map Update.
Added: Archegnum, Tlacopantec, Great Brigantia, Olumia, Germanigsberg, Yayness and New England West.
Removed: Stuzemstazem.
Note: Archegnum - New England West made a claim on the western island of your claim more then 7 days before your return and reclaim so I was you lost it. Xentherida - I will only edit the map if I am given an image to the same scale as the map. NO stretching and NO compressing. I am not going to spend the better part of day attempting to stretch or shrink an image to get it onto the map.
Now that... is extremely annoying. Perhaps bordering on infuriating. But it's a roleplaying site, so I won't go that far.Lord Lore:Yet another Map Update.
Note: Archegnum - New England West made a claim on the western island of your claim more then 7 days before your return and reclaim so you lost it.
ThanksNierr:Cool, no problems with that Arch.![]()
Thanks mi'lord LoreLord Lore:Lore's Map update #19
Added Dumont
Removed Alunya, Alainn, New England West, Stuv Oz
Edited Archegnum
- Alunya was removed by a decision by the cartography team, for abandoning TNP (the nation that the claim is based on was moved out and more then 5 days without logging into the forums).
- New England West agreed to end their claim to restore Archegnum's claim.
- Ceretis expansions have to be RPe.
- Xentherida since you did not follow directions, I took some artistic license with your expansion.
I took the courtesy of making this vectorized version:Morheim:Is there anyway of getting a reasonably zoomed in view of Morheim. I'm not great with maps but for my own sanity I'd like to place my major cities etc so to help me with my RP for the nation and if I zoom in and screen cap it everyything seems too blurry. If its not possible thats fine I'll persevere.
No you did not follow my instructions. I said NO COMPRESSION AND NO STRETCHING. You stretched the image to hell and back. If you want EXACTLY then I said follow those two simple things. If thats not followed then the Cartography Team takes artistic liberty.Xentherida:No offence, but I kinda wanted the be up to Dumont's border, hence why he made it there. Could that please be done like I repeatedly asked? Many thanks.
Also, I protest. You wanted it in the same ratio as the map- which I repeatedly state is 1-1. As you could see in my edit, the image was 1-1. Please acknowledge what I say. Sorry if I'm harsh, but I'm actually getting quite annoyed...
And finally, even if my post wasn't up to proper standards, you can clearly see in Dumont's claim where my border was meant to go. And since you accepted his claim- which obviously must be in the proper aspect ratio- would you be ever so kind as to add my land up to that border? Have a nice day!
90% of what you just claimed was just claimed by Yeraennus two posts upscukey1:Hi there. I would like to claim land for The Empire Of The Big Apple. The land is just bordering the ocean side/the north-west side of Trinster. It is to the east of Eumenor, and hosts the mouth of a river. I would also hope to expand the river, which is highlighted in red, as compared to the blue water and neon green land. Both areas are highlighted in green, though I don't care what color the land is in the real map. Thanks!
My Land Claim
Im getting rid of the slightly off gold colour.Dumont210:Can you change my color from purple to yellow?